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教师知识是一个持续不断地生成和成长的过程。入职前教师形成的"前科学"知识和"生存"知识是教师知识成长的最初阶段,职后生成的教师个人实践性知识是教师知识的核心部分。通过教育叙事、教学反思和行动研究等方式可彰显和升华教师个人实践知识,促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

应用知识管理与挖掘隐性知识   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
21世纪将是知识经济时代 ,机构管理正发生着由对实物的管理向对知识的管理的转变。本文对隐性知识的发掘、管理和知识管理的主要工具——知识管理信息系统进行了浅议 ,提出了教育行业面临知识管理浪潮所应采取的对策  相似文献   

知识增长有两个方面:一是将事物发展的内在规律作为对象来认识而形成的科学知识增长;二是学习者学习这些科学知识而形成的学习者知识增长。笔者将知识内化理论作为研究生知识累积性增长的机制,研究了研究生学习学科知识时在头脑中按逻辑递进方式增长科学知识的现象,得到了研究生知识累积性增长模式;以技术学的一个技术结构模型(主体要素、基础要素、通用要素、相关要素)为基础,研究了博士生学习的知识结构是建立在硕士生的知识结构基础上的结构性增长的现象,得到了研究生知识结构性增长模式,并以两个研究生培养方案为例进行了实证分析。研究生知识的累积性增长模式和研究生知识结构性增长模式是分析研究生教育(培养方案)的科学性的一个基本理论。  相似文献   

文章从知识构建的发展过程入手,对知识构建的涵义、知识构建的条件、知识构建的内容进行分析,并进一步探索知识构建与知识服务的关系,知识构建对知识服务的优化作用。如对知识获取的优化,对知识表达的优化,对知识存储的优化,对知识共享的优化。  相似文献   

城乡教育正逐步从基本均衡迈向优质均衡。在信息化时代,城乡教育不均衡问题的另一种表征形态“新数字鸿沟”逐渐凸显,即呈现出在基础设施设备的“物理鸿沟”尚未弥合之际,人们运用设施设备的“应用鸿沟”进一步加深的局面。教师因运用信息技术方式不同而产生的差异,是城乡教师“新数字鸿沟”的重要表现形式。由此出发,基于教师在教育教学过程中应用信息技术的具体表现,从动机、技能和使用三个层面的鸿沟着眼,结合传播学领域“知沟”理论,侧重乡村教师层面,对城乡教师间数字鸿沟产生的缘由和弥合对策进行探析。  相似文献   

Research into small-group collaboration during middle to late childhood shows that while individual understanding can be promoted through exchanging differing opinions, the joint analyses that groups construct while collaborating play a tangential role. Individuals may or may not accept these constructions depending upon processes of reflection and reconciliation that are triggered through difference and sometimes occur post-group. Recognizing a dearth of research with older participants (together with inconclusive suggestions that collaborative constructions may become more significant with age), the reported study examines the impact of small-group collaboration during adolescence and early adulthood. Forty-six pairs of students aged between 10 and 22 years worked on a computer-presented task that required them to discuss and predict the trajectories objects follow when they fall from stationary or moving carriers. Associations between group dialogue and post-test performance confirmed a key role for differing opinions while collaborative constructions turned out to have little relevance.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of an intensive chemical demonstration workshop on fostering pedagogical content knowledge growth among science teachers identified as novice chemical demonstrators. The two-week summer workshop was designed around four training elements considered important to effective teacher in-servicing: theory, modeling, practice, and feedback. Clinical interviews served to probe various aspects of novice demonstrators' pedagogical content knowledge prior to and after the workshop. The interview protocols were analyzed using the methods of taxonomic, componential, and theme analysis. Differences in pre- and postworkshop clinical interview responses suggested growth in novices' representational and adaptational repertoires for demonstrating fundamental topics in chemistry. This growth was reflected in the increased number of chemical demonstrations and demonstration variations on each of the target chemical concepts that the novice demonstrators discussed after the in-service intervention. Their interview responses also suggested an increased awareness of the complexity of several chemical demonstrations, how these complexities could interfere with learning, and how simplified variations of the chemical demonstrations could promote science concept understanding. The research findings suggest that science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in chemistry can be enhanced through intensive, short-term in-service programs.  相似文献   

汽车是科技发展的产物,因此汽车的结构设 计中就运用了许多的科学知识,那么汽车中有哪 些与初中物理有关的知识呢?下面仅对与初中物 理中的光学有关的知识作一简单的分析: 汽车的车前玻璃、观后镜、车灯、车侧玻璃的 构造都与光学的知识有着一定的联系。 汽车的车前玻璃除大型客车外一般都是上 部向后倾斜的,其原因主要是玻璃上部向后倾斜 后,车内乘客经玻璃反射成的像在车的前上方, 而路上的行人是不可能出现在上方的空中的,这 样就可将车内乘客的像与路上行人分离开来,司  相似文献   

本文通过对《基础教育课程改革纲要》中课程知识合法性的追问发现,国家、专家等角色在本次基础教育课程改革中发生了变化。“国家”角色开始隐退,“专家”由“象征性参与者”向“事实性参与者”过渡,使课程知识合法性的主体发生了变化:课程将不纯粹是“传递统治阶级意识形态,进行阶级关系再生产的工具”;“专家”与“国家”在角色、地位上既有磨合又有争夺,从而也改变了课程知识合法性的过程:课程由社会单方“控制”的中介变为多方“认同”、“妥协”的产物。  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the development of children's intuitive understanding of nonlinear processes. The ability to estimate linear and exponential growth was examined in 7-, 9-, 11-, and 13-year-old children and adults (N=160). Whereas linear growth was judged correctly at all ages, estimations of exponential growth were in line with mathematically correct values only in 13-year-olds and adults. However, 9-year-olds already judged the result of exponential growth as being significantly higher than that of linear growth, and even a remarkable proportion of 7-year-olds showed such discrimination between the two types of functions. Results point to the existence of an early intuitive knowledge about the characteristics of nonlinear growth, long before those functions are taught in school.  相似文献   

实践性知识及职前教师实践性知识的建构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
实践性知识是教师进行教育教学的方法论知识,具有情境性、实践性、机智性和内隐性、缄默性的特点。当前高师院校对职前教师实践性知识的建构还处于十分薄弱环节,为此,高师院校必须重视职前教师实践性知识的建构,注重实习、见习环节,改革课堂教学模式,注重情境教学,引导职前教师在反思和批判中逐步建构实践性知识。  相似文献   

Researchers on teacher education have faced two dilemmas. The first concerns the knowledge base for teachers. Although education coursework provides the potential to transmit formally the knowledge base of the profession, the knowledge base required for teaching has never been systematically defined. The second dilemma concerns the distinction between the coursework and fieldwork in teacher preparation and how experiences in each contribute to knowledge acquisition and growth. Using the model of the components of the knowledge base in teaching emerging from the “Knowledge Growth in a Profession” project at Stanford University, this research looks at the self-reports of knowledge acquisition of six novice teachers during their teacher preparation year. The results suggest that coursework and fieldwork offer distinct opportunities for learning. From the field experiences teachers reported they acquire general pedagogical knowledge including classroom management and organization. They also learn about students' understanding and misunderstanding of their subject matter. From their coursework the novices reported acquiring their conceptions of their subject matter for teaching as well as their sense of pedagogical ideals.  相似文献   

随着世界科技的迅猛发展,知识经济已初露端倪,能否适应以及如何适应知识经济的挑战是当前大学生不容回避的课题.就知识经济不断创新的基本特征和本质要求而言,掌握合理的知识结构和科学的学习方法,培养良好的心理素质与合作精神,确立正确的人生观、价值观无疑是极为重要的.  相似文献   

Ph.D. (University of Montreal). Professor in the Department of Communications at the Université du Québec at Montreal. Former founding director of the Centre de recherche en évaluation sociale des technologies. For some years he has been interested in the popularization of science and in the presentation of science museums. His advice is often sought by different organizations and governmental bodies on scientific culture. Recent publications includeThe rise of environmentalism in museums (1993),Quand la science devient culture [When science becomes culture] (1994) andScience museums for the next century (1995).  相似文献   

This article contributes to the growing social realist literature in the sociology of education. A world systems approach is used to explain the shift to the various forms of localisation, including the emphasis on experience in the curriculum, as a strategy of globalisation that contributes to the decline of universal class consciousness and progressive politics in the contemporary period. Limiting the curriculum to experiential knowledge limits access to a powerful class resource; that of conceptual knowledge required for critical reasoning and political agency. Knowledge that comes from experience limits the knower to that experience. The shift to localised knowledge fixes groups in the working class to a never ending present as schools that use a social constructivist approach to knowledge in the curriculum fail to provide the intellectual tools of conceptual thinking and its medium in advanced literacy that lead to an imagined, yet unknown, future.  相似文献   

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