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If we may attempt a summation of the “progressive” movement as regards character education, we would say that these educators are of the earnest group which is seeking a new discipline for the individual and society. The old control of command and threat of punishment is giving way.

“Europe, like America, is discarding the traditional idea of discipline through coercion or blind obedience, and is looking for a new technique through which children may be helped to become self‐directing personalities using freedom intelligently.” 14 14. Sidonie M. Gruenberg, Progressive Education, Vol. 4, p. 126.

It is not merely a question of interest and of project method. It is a problem of developing a new system of control in place of the old paternalistic and militaristic discipline that finds its last resort in the employment of force. In place of the domination by force, the newer “voice of conscience” says to give every individual a chance to develop an inner control. In place of punishment for those who do not abide by the norm of society, it seeks to substitute diagnosis. Seek first for an understanding of the individual, giving to the genius large leeway in working out! his original ideas, and, to the sub‐normal person, treatment such as the doctor gives to his patient.

“Progressive” educators are, of course, not the only ones contending for this new discipline, but they seemingly have taken the lead in working out a process of education to secure it. In this process the work of the teacher is not minimized but greatly exalted. In this undertaking to produce a more finely integrated person, the teacher must enter as a highly skillful guide and friend. What more “religious” conception of the function of the teacher can be found than this given by a “progressive” educator.

“It is the teacher's business to live with the child, as the refreshing shadow of a great rock in a weary land, as a spring of water for a thirsty soul, as an ever‐present help in time of trouble, as a lamp in the darkness, as a guide to little feet that stumble, and to little hearts that err; as a loving local Providence winning their affection and loyalty.”


在任何学校教育体系中,师资培育是提升教育品质的关键之一。一般而言,师资培育包括教师以及其他相关教育专业人员的职前教育、在校实习以及在职进修三个方面。本文则以教师和学校行政人员的在职进修为重声、,阐明在职进修的方式和主要内容,以此为全体学生提供一个充裕而完整的学习环境。  相似文献   

关于发展高等职业技术教育问题的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等职业技术教育是我国高等教育事业的重要组成部分。高职教育在现实中要得到广大考生和家长的青睐 ,必须首先以市场为导向 ,调整专业结构 ,按需培养 ,办出特色。其次 ,以经济建设为中心 ,培养高素质的复合型人才 ,达到一专多能。再次 ,大胆探索 ,勇于实践 ,进一步完善办学机制 ,构筑中高职衔接的教育“立交桥” ,用改革的办法解决改革中出现的新问题  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Character education is a specific approach to morals or values education, which is consistently linked with citizenship education. But how is it possible for a heterogeneous society that disagrees about basic values to reach a consensus on what constitutes character education? This article explores how character education has returned to the agenda of British education policy, having been largely neglected since the 1960s in response to unsatisfactory attempts at character education going back to the nineteenth century. Between 1979 and 1997 Conservative governments attempted to reverse a perceived decline in moral standards, established State control of the schools curriculum, imposed on State schools the duty to provide for moral and other development, and established a National Forum which attempted to articulate a set of consensus values in education. Labour has extended these developments in the curriculum, introduced compulsory citizenship education, and its White Paper of September 2001 speaks of 'education with character'. The character and virtues Labour seeks to promote through schools are pragmatic and instrumental in intention, linked to raising pupil school performance, meeting the needs of the new economy, and promoting democratic participation. Otherwise the vision is pluralistic and evades explicit directives, and there is no explanation or analysis of its theoretical basis.
  The question of how agreement can be reached on what counts as character education may benefit from Sunstein's analysis of how law is possible in a heterogeneous society –'incompletely theorized agreements on particular cases' allow for common laws without agreement on fundamental principles. Many schools in fact operate in this way, but such a consensus is not entirely stable and runs the danger of teaching character education as a series of behaviour outcomes taught in a behaviourist fashion.  相似文献   

This article gives a bird's eye view of tertiary level environmental education programmes in Greece. As the author points out, environmental education in this country got off to a late start because of a late perception of the need for them. By the end of the 1980's, environmental components had been introduced into teacher training programmes, into the universities both as full course programmes in certain universities and as enrichment courses in most of them, and into the offerings of adult and vocational education. What has evolved is a satisfactory and pragmatic range of offerings to which more must be added to meet increased demand.  相似文献   

近30年来,我国多媒体英语教育研究经历了视听英语教育、计算机辅助英语教育和网络英语教育三个阶段。主要研究成果有:1)在我国推行多媒体英语教学必要性和可行性研究;2)多媒体网络自主英语学习的研究;3)多媒体网络教学模式的研究;4)多媒体英语教学的个案研究等。但同时也存在不少问题如:认识不足、忽视学生的素质、过高估计多媒体网络辅助教育的作用和缺乏合理的网络教学评价机制。  相似文献   

通过对安徽省未成年人的观念和行为表现的调查研究,认为未成年人道德观主流是积极健康的,但也存在着发展的不平衡性和矛盾性。针对此情况,提出了加强未成年人道德观教育引导的理念和策略,主要是在未成年人道德观建设中以人为本,注重道德规范教育,充分利用现代化手段,采取一定的措施,提升未成年人的道德素质。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  What purpose is served by renovation or redesign of professionalism, and how successful a process is it likely to be? This article addresses these questions by examining the effectiveness as a professional development mechanism of the imposition of changes to policy and/or practice that require modification or renovation of professionalism. The 'new' professionalisms purported to have been fashioned over the last two or three decades across the spectrum of UK education sectors and contexts have been the subject of extensive analysis, and this article avoids going over old ground and revisiting issues that have already been much debated. Nevertheless, the example of UK government education policy during this period is used as a basis for considering the pitfalls associated with mechanisms for modifying professionalism through a reform and standards agenda. The article's analysis incorporates re-definition and examination of the concept and substance of professionalism and offers new perspectives in the form of three distinct conceptions: demanded, prescribed and enacted professionalism. Exploring the existentialist status of 'new' or 'modified' professionalisms and the relationship between professionality, professional culture and professionalism, it examines how professionalism may be interpreted and utilised for the development of education professionals.  相似文献   

2004年8月26日至27日,由北京大学教育学院、教育经济研究所主办的"中国教育与人力资源发展高级国际研讨会"在北京大学英杰交流中心隆重召开.来自美国哥伦比亚大学、德国卡塞尔大学、日本东京大学、加拿大多伦多大学、以色列巴以拉大学、印度国家教育规划和管理研究院、世界银行、福特基金会、中国教育部、中国教育电视台、国家教育发展研究中心、上海教科院、中国社科院、中国科学院、北京大学、清华大学、北京师范大学、香港中文大学、华中科技大学、西安交通大学和西南师范大学等国内外专家学者参加了会议,与北京大学教育学院、教育经济研究所的师生们济济一堂,对中国未来教育与人力资源的发展进行了广泛而深入的探讨.  相似文献   

教育经济学和教育发展的挑战   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
美国经济学家通过国民生产总值及工人工资的增加,揭示了教育在经济发展中的重要作用.[1]他们的研究在现代社会学科中确立了一门新的经济与教育的交叉学科--教育经济学,并在过去40年中引起经济学界对教育与经济发展的因果关系的兴趣,也推动不同学科重新诠释教育的作用.当然,在不同的社会里采用不同的研究方法进行研究,会有不同的结论.例如寇恩和安帝斯(Cohn & Addison)发现,上百个分析发达国家正规教育的收益率的研究都报告了正相关的结果[2],因此学者们和政界对增加正规教育的投资持积极态度;但对成人教育培训的报告并无规律可循.在发展中国家,对不同层次教育的回报率所作的数据分析,结果却各不相同.学者们试图说明教育投资在不同的社会和经济形态下对发展的影响,但是还没有形成一个被广泛认可的理论.[3]这是极其富有挑战性的研究工作,也是人类对社会发展的理性探索.  相似文献   


This paper identifies the need for careers guidance agencies to work together with secure units for young offenders and young offenders’ institutions, in order to provide a holistic and rehabilitative experience for young offenders. The process of involvement should be to encourage the young people to engage in positive ways with a world from which they may have felt alienated; to prepare for transitions; to recognize and achieve ambitions, and improve self‐image whilst still in detention. This paper seeks to promote the concept and practice of programmes of treatment for young offenders, and to outline the part that careers education and guidance can play in that whole process.  相似文献   

Because the very early development of abilities is vitally affected by personal relationships, research emphasis has shifted away from the quasi‐experimental situation to the more natural home context. This has resulted in the rejection of some limiting ideas of very early potential, and particulary appropriate for the highly able, concern with young children's own awareness of what they do. The educational conclusions are that infants who develop and learn with speed and ease need a wide variety of activities, with parents who are aware and responsive, especially in play and verbal interaction. They also need both the appropriate material provision and facilities for practice to develop specific skills.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  We suggest that there is a need for those who seek to explore issues associated with the implementation of citizenship education in England to clarify its specific nature. This can be done, at least in part, through a process of comparison. To that end we review some of the connections and disjunctions between 'character education' and 'citizenship education'. We argue, drawing from US and UK literature but focusing our attention on contexts and issues in England, that there are indeed some broad areas of overlap between these two fields. Citizens should be of 'good' character and the educational initiatives that we consider both emerge from a concern about current trends in society. However, we suggest that the overlaps with citizenship education principally apply when character education is drawn very broadly. When we examine a particular approach to character education that is often US-based, and titled as 'citizenship', we note many contrasts with citizenship education as formulated in the National Curriculum for England. We suggest that citizenship educators in England need to interpret claims about the similarity between these two fields with caution, or meanings that apply to both character education and citizenship education will be distorted.  相似文献   

As one means to assess their effectiveness in the formation and training of educational leaders for the United Methodist Church, professors of Christian education agreed to share their introductory course syllabi for analysis, interpretation, and public reporting. The analysis reveals points of strong overlap, very real differences, plus some surprising absences in the courses of United Methodist educators. Study findings are then interpreted in light of broader research around the purposes and means of theological education and generalized to suggest how scholars in Christian education are already and may aspire to become more deeply integral to that process.  相似文献   

学术职业化与美国高等教育的发展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本文借鉴职业社会学的相关研究成果 ,通过探讨 16 36~ 1914年间 (特别是 19世纪后期 )美国学术职业化进程以及在这个过程中发挥作用的主要因素 ,分析了美国高等教育发展的内在动力机制。  相似文献   

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