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An increasing number of Christian colleges are adding football programs as a way to boost enrollment among men and ethnic minorities. No systematic study has attempted to measure these outcomes. We tested the relationship of football to percent male, percent non-White, and first-year retention at 125 U.S. colleges and universities affiliated with the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU). Our findings revealed that football at Christian colleges is associated with more men on campus, but not with more ethnic diversity. In addition, Christian colleges with football retained fewer students from first-year to second-year than did Christian colleges without football. We discuss the implications of our findings and offer suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

通过对中日美三国中小学体育教学指导思想、学习评价两方面的比较 ,分析我国与日美中小学体育教学中存在的差异和不足 ,以便更好地落实体育健康课程的目标 ,完善教学方法 ,促进体育教学的科学性、规范性 ,增进学生的身心健康和个性的发展 ,使学生养成良好的终身体育观 ,为我国学校体育改革和中小学体育教学实践提供借鉴  相似文献   

For the best part of the last millennium collections have been used in universities in Europeto support teaching and research. European authors have referred to university collections as ‘windows on the university’. This article uses the European context to historically situate art collections in Australian teacher education institutions. The F.M. Courtis Collection at La Trobe University exemplifies how such teaching collections continue to contribute to teaching and learning today.  相似文献   

国家基础教育课程改革工程《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》中《跨世纪素质教育工程》项目的主要目标是建立一个适应21世纪需求的、充分体现基础教育性质和素质教育精神,促进每个学生全面发展、让学生真正成为学习主人的基础教育课程新体系.项目涉及课程改革总体规划、课程目标、课程标准、课程结构、  相似文献   

安迪 《高中生》2011,(34):40-41
"我并不能说自己真正了解西点军校,但是我对它知道得越多,就越爱它。"2010年5月22日,碧空如洗。1000多名2010届西点军校毕业生穿着笔挺的军装站在草坪上,聆听三军总司令、美国总统奥巴马的演讲。在讲话中,奥巴马笑着宣布,2010年获得西点毕业生最高荣誉的两  相似文献   

在教学过程中发生的意外事件,有些具有一定的教学价值,完全可以开发成有效的教学资源。因此,教师要及时地根据课堂上获得的信息,善于抓住契机,充分利用好意外事件中具有一定教学价值的动态资源,及时调整教学方案,不断地激发了学生的创造才能。例如:笔者在教学“角的度量”时,让学生练习量角。教师巡视,发现正确率很高,学生基本上掌握了量角的方法,可意外发生了。一位学生说:“老师。我的量角器断了,我还有一个钝角没量呢,怎么办?”我说:“哦!”略微停顿接着说,  相似文献   

In this paper we study whether substituting family inputs with school resources in an academically oriented environment has an impact on achievement in high-stakes national examinations. We use administrative data for England to estimate the effect of attending a selective boarding school that admits an unusually high share of pupils with low socio-economic status on attainment at the end of compulsory education. By using propensity score matching we obtain comparable control groups in selective non-boarding schools. Our main finding is that the probability of being in the top decile of achievement in the exams increases by about 18 percentage points compared to 59% for controls.  相似文献   

A present-day engineer has a large scientific knowledge; he is a team-player, eloquent communicator and life-long learner. At the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, the course ‘Problem Solving and Engineering Design’ introduces engineering students from the first semester onwards into real engineering practice and teamwork. Working in small groups, the students integrate basic principles of all regular scientific courses to solve real-life engineering problems. This makes the coursework more interesting and helps the students to master the abstract theories presented in lectures. Through the increasing complexity of the assignments, the students are gradually confronted with technical and social competencies such as a systematic approach to problem solving and engineering design, teamwork, project management and communication skills. ‘Problem Solving and Engineering Design’ has been implemented in the bachelor of engineering since September 2003. The current paper describes the course objectives, the way the course is implemented to support project-based learning and the feedback obtained from the didactic team and the students.  相似文献   

Six languages are now used at the United Nations-Arabic,Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. These are known as the official languages. The languages used most often, however, are English and French. At the U.N. headquarters  相似文献   

九月二号在美国华盛顿举行的声势浩大的首轮直接和谈结束之后.以色列和巴基斯坦领导人本周在埃及度假圣地沙姆沙伊赫和圣城耶路撒冷再次会面.继续就以往的一些常见议题展开口水战。  相似文献   

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