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一个词的战争——重读王国维诗学中的“自然”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王国维诗学中的“自然”观念是利用中西两种诗学传统的思想资源建构起来的。他在建构自己的“自然”观时,面对的是中国传统和西方nature两种不同意义上的“自然”,这两种“自然”观并不具有对等性和同质性,西方浪漫主义时代的原始主义、有机主义、非理性主义等三种自然观构成了它的理论主体。而“自然”一词在中国古代诗学中负载的种种意义或遭受压抑,或被放逐到边缘的位置。因此我们与其把王国维笔下的“自然”看作两种诗学传统的融合,不如看作在特定历史语境的知识/权力关系中二者对符号意义的争夺。正是通过对现代中文里许多类似“自然”这样词汇的符号意义的占领,西方思想在中国现代思想中的权威地位才得以牢固地建立起来。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the influence of Wilfred Cantwell Smith's presentation of the nature of faith on James W. Fowler's faith-development paradigm. Smith contended that, in the pre-modern era, terms translated by the English words “faith” and “believe” denoted a personal allegiance that did not require assent to any objective assertions. Two difficulties with Smith's research are highlighted: 1) In the premodern era, the terms translated as “faith” and “believe” denoted both personal allegiance and objective assent. 2) Although “faith” and “believe” primarily indicated personal allegiance in the premodern era, the primacy of personal allegiance within faith does not preclude the presence or the necessity of objective assent. The author suggests that, although Christian faith and Fowlerian stage-development are two distinct phenomena, the reality to which Fowler referred as “faith” describes the psychical context for Christian faith. The article concludes by reflecting on the implications of this concept, suggesting that Christian faith emerges from Fowlerian stage-development, but that the content and development of both phenomena remain essentially distinct.  相似文献   

“Collaboration” is frequently urged on students, who are praised for being “good collaborators.” Yet collaboration has two senses: a positive sense of autonomously undertaken joint endeavor, but also a sinister implication of treacherous cooperation with enemies. In this article, Amy Shuffelton probes the uses and misuses of collaboration as an educational aim. She engages Josiah Royce's Philosophy of Loyalty and John Dewey's The Public and Its Problems, as well as contemporary critiques of neoliberal workplace structures, to explore the loyalties that shape what we do and who we are. Education for democratic citizenship, Shuffelton concludes, demands that children be provided opportunities to undertake conjoint activities that go beyond the limitations of conventional school collaborations.  相似文献   

This article responds to sociologist Christian Smith's claim that many teenagers today have lost traditional religious faith and instead espouse a new and erroneous faith in God the “Cosmic Therapist.” The author challenges this claim by comparing two of Smith's chief complaints vis-à-vis teen faith to established portraits of adolescent faith. The comparison reveals that despite differences significant continuities exist between adolescent faith “then” and “now,” a finding that underscores the inherently (but not exclusively) developmental nature of religious faith. The article concludes by affirming Christian Religious Education as a dynamic process of bringing “life to faith and faith to life” with humility, compassion, and hope.  相似文献   

James Estep's integration of Vygotsky's work on the Zone of Proximal Development into Christian education and pedagogy falls short of a distinctly evangelical form of integration. Using Ken Badley's schemata of Integration of Faith and Learning, this article distinguishes Estep's “paradigmatic” integration from a more thoroughgoing “perspectival” integration. Perspectival integration best displays the connections between Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and evangelical thinking by using the divine accommodation of John Calvin, as described in the work of Arnold Huijgen.  相似文献   

Islam represents one of the world's major rhetorical patterns, claiming nearly half a billion adherents from northern Africa to Indonesia. And yet, Islamic rhetoric has received relatively little scholarly attention in the West. Language differences and historical animosities dating back to the Crusades help explain this deficiency. Typifying the Judeo‐Christian view of Islam, Dante placed the Prophet Mohammed among the lower circles of Hell, with other “sowers of scandal and of schism.” Even as late as 1893, a Christian leader stood before an international conference of the world's religions and described the Middle East as “a desert of Mohammedan superstition and bigotry.”  相似文献   

英语情态动词的一词多义给自然语言处理带来了很大困难。情态动词语义对语境很敏感,发现影响情态动词语义的主要语境因素对情态动词特征选择、机器翻译等都十分重要。因此,采用神经网络技术对英语情态动词进行语义排歧,并确定不同语境特征对语义排歧结果的影响。基于一个 100 万字的语料库,以英语情态动词 must 为例,从语境中提取影响 must 语义的语义特征和句法特征,计算并确定这些特征向量值,建立可区分根情态与认识情态语义的 BP 神经网络,排歧正确率达到 94%。在此基础上,通过实验研究确定不同语境特征对情态动词 must 语义排歧的影响程度等级。该研究结果为情态动词语义排歧及情态动词语义人工识别提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

This article examines the role of Uganda Christian University (UCU) in devising strategies for the sustenance of Christian faith in one's career for the betterment of the society despite its social ills. The current theme of UCU is “A Complete Education for a Complete Person.” As a Christian university, UCU seeks to provide a positive educational experience and a strong biblical foundation for all that God will call upon its graduates to do in the years that follow. A biblical worldview should see God as the source of truth in all academic disciplines; after all, God not only made all things but he knows them intimately. Given the hostile and challenging social, political, and economic environment of Africa, and Uganda in particular, how can one keep Christian faith in his or her career? How can one remain “salt and light” of such a society? Being a Christian is no longer popular in Uganda and an alarming number of young Christians are walking away from their faith by the time they finish their university years. Mere academic knowledge should not be the sole aim of education, but rather the Christian character in one's life during education and, later on, in his or her career.  相似文献   

In the midst of numerous global uncertainties, leaders are expected to have the ability to articulate a compelling vision of a preferred future that energizes and engages followers. In fact, Kouzes and Posner (2009) have argued that “Being forward-looking—envisioning exciting possibilities and enlisting others in a shared view of the future—is the attribute that most distinguishes leaders from nonleaders” (p. 20). Given that context, it is notable that research by Ibarra and Obodaru (2009) that involved 360-degree evaluations of 2,816 leaders in the corporate sector concluded that male raters of executive performance viewed women as being less visionary than men. In contrast, women were rated by both male and female raters as being as effective or more effective than male executives on 9 of 10 other “critical components of leadership” (Ibarra & Obodaru, 2009, p. 66). The authors offer three potential explanations for this anomaly, including the possibility that the collaborative leadership style of many women gives credit to the group for visionary thinking and actions rather than taking individual credit. In the male-normed culture of Christian higher education (Longman & Anderson, 2016), the perception that women are less “visionary” may contribute to their underrepresentation in senior leadership positions. This article reports the findings of a qualitative, grounded theory study that explored how 12 female leaders at Christian colleges and universities successfully developed and implemented a vision that resulted in institutional change. The participants were asked to describe their process of envisioning and the internal drivers that motivated them to persevere through challenges related to the institutional change process. Data analysis led to the identification of four primary themes: (a) the role of internal drivers such as confidence, a sense of purpose, and calling; (b) evidence of a strong orientation toward people throughout the process; (c) language barriers that often seemed to inhibit envisioning; and (d) the importance of the change aligning with the institutional mission and values.  相似文献   

This article offers an analysis of religious education practice through the literature that informs it. It engages Derrida's critique of the “metaphysics of presence” (1982a) to develop a theoretical framework for a new look at the ways in which different approaches to religious education represent religion and racial difference. The article specifically examines literature that has impacted mainstream Christian and “secular” religious education in South Australia from the 1970s until today. The article concludes by proposing a new approach to racial, cultural, and religious difference in religious education—one that begins to understand religious education's engagement with Others in terms of ethical questions, deliberation, and a radical openness to what is unforeseeable. It argues for the need for religious educators to begin to actively and deliberatively engage with “who” and “what” has traditionally been absent from multireligious approaches to religious education.  相似文献   

This study examined moral reasoning in parent–child conversations within a U.S. evangelical Christian community. The goal was to identify social‐communicative processes that may promote the development of Divinity in children's moral reasoning. Sixteen parent–child dyads (6–9 years old) discussed hypothetical moral vignettes about failures to help peers in need. Analyses revealed that Divinity typically co‐occurred with Autonomy in these conversations and that such co‐occurrences typically happened through three distinct social‐communicative processes, labeled “align,” “scaffold,” and “counter.” Findings are used to explain the shifting priority of Autonomy and Divinity over the life course among members of evangelical Christian faiths that previous research has documented. More broadly, findings highlight socialization processes through which children can rationalize their developing moral outlooks in culturally distinct ways.  相似文献   

Drawing on the author's experience as director of a long-lived school—university partnership, this essay describes how one such organization can “do it right” and enhance the development of teacher leadership in schools. It also provides a cautionary tale about how that same organization can “do it wrong” and achieve the opposite effect. “Doing it right” requires having a set of core beliefs that are enacted through key social practices. “Doing it wrong” violates those core beliefs and practices.  相似文献   

This paper draws on facets of Foucault's theoretical resources to critique current education policy reform from within the Australian State of Victoria, namely the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's (DEECD) discussion paper New directions for school leadership and the teaching profession. Implicit in the reform effort is decentralization, including penalties for “underperforming” classroom teachers and “ineffective” teacher education courses. Principals will hold a pre-eminent rank in the reforms proposed as they are charged with their oversight and implementation, including intervening in the education and preparation of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

The Christian Right opposes the inclusion of sexual orientation in school policies, charging that the schools are legitimating and promoting homosexuality. The arguments have moved past the trite, “God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve,” to claims of violations of parental rights and the First Amendment, often positioning Christians as the ones who are now being discriminated against. The purpose of this study is to examine if opponents frame their arguments using language that's agreeable to the larger and more liberal public to garner more broad based support; if so, what are some examples; and to see if opponents' arguments are aligned with a Christian Right worldview. The findings of this ethnographic case study focus on the Christian Right's perceived threat to its hegemony over American social life and highlight the debate over the purposes of schooling.  相似文献   

Using perceived group leaders trained to argue for an extreme position, this study examined the function and influence of argumentativeness on leadership perception, leadership maintenance, and decision‐making in the small group. The data suggest that degree of argumentativeness influences perceptions of leadership, with the highly or extremely argumentative individual chosen over the moderate or mildly argumentative individual. Highly argumentative individuals were also rated as more influential on the group's decision. Extremely argumentative individuals, though downgraded in group ratings on “Influence,” were found to have had a disproportionate influence on the group's decision. Implications for small group communication research are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study describes what happened when two lead teachers in a statewide reform project tried to change science teaching in their schools. Instead of using traditional criteria for leadership, we view their work in the context of their schools' cultures and use Rosenholtz's (1991) concepts of egalitarianism and isolation to analyze how those cultures contributed to and obstructed reform. Five themes illustrate this model of teacher leadership and the first stirrings of school change: reform as a “science look,” change through parental involvement, competing reforms, change through a “sideways door,” and change through public events. The study shows the importance of patience in reform implementation and the need for sensitive study of early change within school contexts. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 757–775, 1998.  相似文献   

Responding to Thrupp's [2003. “The School Leadership Literature in Managerialist Times: Exploring the Problem of Textual Apologism.” School Leadership & Management: Formerly School Organisation 23 (2): 169] call for writers on school leadership to offer ‘analyses which provide more critical messages about social inequality and neoliberal and managerialist policies’ we use Foucault's [2000. “The Subject and Power.” In Michel Foucault: Power, edited by J. D. Faubion, 326–348. London: Penguin Books] theory of power to ask what lessons we might learn from the literature on school leadership for equity. We begin by offering a definition of neoliberalism; new managerialism; leadership and equity, with the aim of revealing the relationship between the macropolitical discourse of neoliberalism and the actions of school leaders in the micropolitical arena of schools. In so doing, we examine some of the literature on school leadership for equity that post-dates Thrupp's [2003. “The School Leadership Literature in Managerialist Times: Exploring the Problem of Textual Apologism.” School Leadership & Management: Formerly School Organisation 23 (2): 149–172] analysis, seeking evidence of critical engagement with/resistance to neoliberal policy. We identify three approaches to leadership for equity that have been used to enhance equity in schools internationally: (i) critical reflection; (ii) the cultivation of a ‘common vision’ of equity and (iii) ‘transforming dialogue’. We consider if such initiatives avoid the hegemonic trap of neoliberalism, which captures and disarms would be opponents of new managerial policy. We conclude by arguing that, in spite of the dominance of neoliberalism, head teachers have the power to speak up, and speak out, against social injustice.  相似文献   

Critical pedagogy has often been linked in the literature to faith traditions such as liberation theology, usually with the intent of improving or redirecting it. While recognizing and drawing from those previous linkages, Jacob Neumann goes further in this essay and develops the thesis that critical pedagogy can not just benefit from a connection with faith traditions, but is actually, in and of itself, a practice of faith. In this analysis, he juxtaposes critical pedagogy against three conceptualizations of faith: John Caputo's blurring of the modernist division between faith and reason, Paul Tillich's argument that faith is “ultimate concern,” and Paulo Freire's theology and early Christian influences. Using this three‐pronged approach, Neumann argues that regardless of how it is seen, critical pedagogy manifests as a practice of faith “all the way down.”  相似文献   

This study explores the narratives behind how academics in formal leadership positions perceive their roles as leaders and their leadership development. Fifteen leaders in their varying capacities as managers of research in their universities participated to illustrate the complexities and challenges associated with their roles. Using narrative and discourse analysis, multiple lenses (“what”, “how” and “why”) were used to analyse the participants' narratives. This study then explores the impact of the leaders' perceptions on their teaching, research and graduate supervision roles. Results indicate that research managers' narratives replicate those of the storied lives of leaders with constructed images. The study concludes with some implications for policy and practice as well as suggesting the use of multiple-lens analysis as a tool for narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

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