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On a hot summer night,I went downstairs to cool off myself under the tree after I played basketball with my friends. I felt a little bored and sleepy. Then I turned on the radio. The program was about the news of the Olympics Games in 2008. I tearnt that …  相似文献   

I'm a chinese student. I like sports. And I also like the Olympic Games,too. It!s the biggest and the most important games in the world . Most peoplelike it a lot .It is held every four years. There are many different kinds of sports in it.Each player hopes to win and come first for his country. So they will practiseharder and harder before the game starts.I like playing table tennis. And I want to be a good player like Ma lin. Ihope to play in the Olympic Games, so I will practise hard …  相似文献   

Su  Zhehong  陈碧清 《广东教育》2006,(4):71-71
On a hot summer night, Ⅰ went downstairs to cool off myself under the tree after Ⅰ played basketball with my friends. Ⅰ felt a little bored and sleepy. Then Ⅰ turned on the radio. The pro- gram was about the news of the Olympics Games in 2008. Ⅰ learnt that a lot of things would be done before the games were hold. The radio said that now we were improving the natural environment so that we would have a better place to hold the games, that we were bringing in and also self-researehing the high technology so as to help us hold the game more easily, and that we were enhancing our country's fame in history culture, economy achievement, politic function and so on. A picture began to form in my mind slowly.  相似文献   

一位初一的学生,写出这样的好文章实在不易。作者紧扣话题,把奥运和自己的愿望紧密联系在一起,同时抒发了自己企盼奥运早日到来的心情。思路清晰,层次分明,语言简练,语句通顺。如果能将再简单地写写奥运精神对自己的学习或生活启迪,文章就更加完美了。  相似文献   

1.历史(History)奥林匹克运动会(Olympics)是国际奥林匹克委员会(InternationalOlympicCommittee)举办的最重要的世界范围内的综合性国际运动竞赛会。它起源于古希腊(AncientGreece),早期具有浓厚的宗教色彩和军事锻炼性质。首届奥运会于776BC在希腊奥林匹亚(Olympia)举行,持续了11个世纪,393AD由于腐败(corruption)等原因被取消。最初的十三界奥会只举行了一项赛事,即192米赛跑,而且禁止女性参赛。1892年,法国人B.P.Coubertin倡导现代运动会,并于1894年协助成立了国际奥委会(IOC),1896年,第一届现代奥运会在希腊雅典(Anthems)举行…  相似文献   

The Olympic Games will be held in the capital of our country—Beijing.It will be a most important thing in our country in 2008.At that time many people will be visiting China.Now Beijing is becoming more and more beautiful.Many new buildings are being built and new roads are under construction at the moment.  相似文献   

1.The Olympic Motto(奥林匹克口号)"Citius,Altius,Fortius"expresses the aspirations of the Olympicmovement.Itis Latin for"Swifter,Higher,Stronger".These three simple words serve as powerful inspiration for ev-ery Olympic athlete.  相似文献   

The Olympic Games is heldevery four years.It’S scopeinvolves the whole world.Everycountry can join in the gamefairly andthere are lots ofprizesfor the Winners.So it canencourage the players to try theirbest to win honor for thesecountries.  相似文献   

<正>Ⅰ.Learning aims(1)During this lesson,students will learn some basic knowledge of the ancient and modern Olympic Games.(2)They will be able to master the new words and sentences in this passage.Ⅱ.Teaching aims(1)Encourage the students to know something about the history of Olympic Games.Compare the ancient and modern ones.  相似文献   

Olympia,a beautiful smalltown in the south of Greece.iswell known all over the world forits first holding the OlympicGames as long ago as 776 B.C.(公元前).At that time theGames were held once every fouryears.This custom(习惯)lastedfor about 1170 years. butstopped with the rules of Romein 394 A.D(公元).  相似文献   

Whatisthemostfamoussportsmeetingintheworld?Ifsomebodyasksyouthisquestion,whatwillyouanswer?Perhapsyouranswerwillbelikethis:Ofcourse,itstheOlympicGames.TheOlympicGameshasaverylonghistory.OnApril6th,1896,withthegreathelpofaFrencheducator,thefirstOlympicGameswasheldinAthens.Afterthat,theOlympicGameswasheldeveryfouryears.ThesloganoftheOlympicGamesis“faster,higherandstronger”.ThevitalsparkoftheOlympicGamesisfaircompetition.Itadvocatespeaceandsolidarity.Soitisacceptedbythewholeworld.There…  相似文献   

2005年11月11日,2008年北京奥运会吉祥物向公众揭幕。这五个吉祥物分别以鱼、熊猫、奥运圣火、藏羚羊、京燕为创意的“中国福娃”组成。每个福娃的色彩与奥林匹克五环一一对应。这五个福娃个个都拥有一个琅琅上口的名字“:贝贝”“、晶晶”“、欢欢”“、迎迎”和“妮妮”,他们的名字连在一起,就是“北京欢迎您”。北京奥组委主席刘淇介绍说“:这五个福娃是北京送给世界和奥林匹克运动的一份特别的礼物。北京奥运会的吉祥物、会徽及标语都表达了中国人民对世界和平、友谊、进步和社会和谐的美好祝愿。”这五个福娃极具中国特色,展现了中国多…  相似文献   

李颖 《西藏教育》2010,(2):41-43
一、教材依据 人教版《英语》(必修本)高中英语第一册(上),Unit 8 Spots,The Olympic Games(ReaSing)  相似文献   

邓洁 《广东教育》2007,(10):46-47
一、歌曲导入T: Good morning, class.SS: Good morning, Madam.T: Today let's begin our class with a beautiful song. Please click this website http: / /www.pyms.net.cn  相似文献   

考点梳理一、重点单词1.古代的;古老的adj.ancient2.运动员;运动选手n.athlete3.取代;替换;代替vt.replace4.收费;控诉vt.& vi.费用;主管n.charge5.应受(报答或惩罚);值得vi.& vt.deserve6.基础;根据n.basis  相似文献   

TheOlympicGames(奥运会)havealonghistory.TheOlympicbeganmorethan2,700yearsagoinGreece(希腊).IntheolddaysnoforeignersorwomenwereabletotakepartintheOlympicsWomenwereevennotallowed(允许)towatchtheOlympics.Atthatime,theOlympicsonlylastedforoneday.Now,theOlympicGameshavebecomeoneofthemostimportantsportsmeetingsintheworld.TheplayersallovertheworldtakepartintheOlympicsactively(积极地).ThereareSummerOlympicGamesandWin-terOlympicGames.Bothofthemareheldevery4years.Usuall…  相似文献   

唐立新 《广东教育》2009,(10):51-52,55,56
一、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 bingapore will host the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games in 2010.  相似文献   

In this article we analyze from a multidisciplinary perspective some of the philosophical foundations which underpin the theories on Olympism fostered by the current Olympic institutions. We start from the theory that Olympist idealism1 is based on social representations of the modern sport, implicit to which is the ideological justification for the political and social practices of the Olympic Movement (OM) regarding the various historical episodes in which it has been caught up. This idealism has shaped an inherited view of the sport which has moved beyond the ambit of the OM and into the realm of sports science, which has adopted and continues to adopt some of the postulates of the Olympist discourse when undertaking a critical review of the Olympic history and philosophy.  相似文献   

(选自外研社九年义务教育初级中学新标准《英语》第4册第12模块第2单元。)一、教材分析本单元以运动为话题,综合运用一般过去时和现在完成时。这两个时态学生容易弄混,所以应重点练习。奥运会即将在我国召开,了解奥运会的背景不但能激起学生强烈的求知欲,而且,大部分学生对这个话题感兴趣,尤其是涉及自己喜欢的运动项目及运动明星,因此,学生乐于谈论。如果抓住这个话题,设计  相似文献   

(选自外研社九年义务教育初级中学新标准《英语》第4册第12模块第2单元.) 一、教材分析 本单元以运动为话题,综合运用一般过去时和现在完成时.这两个时态学生容易弄混,所以应重点练习.  相似文献   

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