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This paper approaches the school censorship question and its implications for learning values through literature by focusing on the incidents of a particular case, that of Peterborough County, Ontario, Canada, and by examining the attack on, defence of, and counterargument to the apologia offered for teaching Margaret Laurence's The Diviners. The first part chronicles the actual events within their political context; the second challenges the epistemological assumptions underlying the conception of literature as a reflection or representation of life, in which values are thought to be ‘absorbed’ by the reader through emotional engagement with a ‘transparent’ text. The paper concludes with a reformulation of the grounds for learning values through literature, based on the notion of literature as the construction of fictional worlds whose values are decoded by acts of literary criticism.  相似文献   

This study is based on the hypothesis that television contents themselves constitute a source of learning through television narratives. In specific terms, we defend the idea that it is possible to teach and learn values through said narratives. Some of the research dealing with the relationship between television and values is categorized from a three-fold standpoint: the contents themselves, the medium itself and the language. As a result of this review, we maintain that reiterated attacks on television, blaming it for the majority of problems suffered by young people today, are not supported by the studies carried out by psychologists over recent decades. We believe that viewers incorporate the information provided by television from different contexts and that the enculturation is not unidirectional. There is an interrelation between development contexts and messages. We are specifically interested in analyzing the implicit and explicit values underlying television contents. Thus, based on the model developed by Schwartz and Bilsky, we have compiled a questionnaire (Val-TV 0.1) with the aim of classifying values and interpreting the behaviours visualized in television texts, and relating them to adolescents’ own values.  相似文献   

围绕大学女生对体育的认识、理解、参与、情感投入和媒体宣传的关注等.对湖南城市学院和华东师范大学两所高校不同专业女学生进行问卷调查。结果显示这些大学女生的体育行为与运动项目存在着差距,对此提出了改革措施与建议.  相似文献   

试论自主学习的价值内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自主学习是新课程改革中的一个重要课题,无论在课程论领域、教学论领域还是在学习论领域,都是有其相当的研究空间。自主学习固然需要必要的技术和形式的支持,但更重要的应该是:每个参与新课程改革的教师应该对自主学习的本质属性有一个正确、全面的认识,方能进行有效的教育实践和研究。  相似文献   

语学习是学生学习汉语言的具体的实践活动。语学习中的体验性学习是学生在主体接受性参与的基础上迈向主体体验性参与的过程。在这个过程中,学生所学的知识和主体人格得以升华和超越。体验性学习在语学习中的具体体现就是:学生与教师是主客一体,自然融合;学生与学生是交往合作,共同进步;学生与知识是物我交融,息息相通。  相似文献   

Contemporary life has transformed the body into an object of growing interest. The real emphasis of our culture is not on the body as a “material substratum” of the person, bul on the body as both an ideal appearance and the very depository of social rules and norms. The consequence of this is often the triumph of a body without a name that tries to hide its internal emptiness, unable to accept its real and concrete nature, and which is probably in any case a sick body, incapable of perceiving its own natural desires, impulses, and needs. In this sense, the aim of this paper is to both point out the dynamical similarilies between anorexic and addictive exercise behaviors and show that the final consequences of a strong manipulation of our real body may be a pathological behavior. In such a way, many bndybuilders and anorexic persons may he seen as “victims” of the extreme control of their bodies and of the contemporary construction of an ideal body image.  相似文献   

大学语文教学如何对学员进行当代革命军人核心价值观培育,这是目前军队院校教育研究的重要课题.本文根据大学语文课的特点,提出三点具体做法:一是把学员的核心价值观培育贯穿于文学史的讲授之中,达到"润物细无声"的效果;二是把学员的核心价值观培育与介绍作家的生平事迹相结合,起到"潜移默化"的作用;三是把学员的核心价值观培育渗透于文学作品的讲析之中,实现德育与美育的有机融合.  相似文献   

体验教育是我国基础教育改革中的一个亮点,要充分认识它的教育价值,把握它的特点,做好规划,着力培养学生的体悟意识和能力。教师要当好导引者,使体验教育收到实效。  相似文献   

This paper outlines which values attributed to sport would be more compatible with differing educational purposes. The basic criterion used for determining which values deserve priority is that those values that are most compatible with a particular purpose deserve priority. Jewett and Bain's five curriculum value orientations are used to establish five different educational purposes. Sport values particularly relevant to each of these purposes are identified, and some emphases in the organization of sport to enhance those values are identified.  相似文献   


When thinking of reasoning, problem solving, communication, and connecting related ideas, the tool of choice in nearly every discipline is the microcomputer. Furthermore, unlike the traditional calculator, the modern classroom computer has an unparalleled ability to implement both graphical and procedural components of mathematics understanding in a single unified object. By students' creation and utilization of mathematically relevant computer-based objects, this dual encapsulation provides them with a unique opportunity to see both the form of representation and their actions utilizing this representation simultaneously.

This paper suggests that the object-oriented environments that modern technology enables are ideally suited to parallel and facilitate the ability of students to take a broader variety of action upon objectsof a nature and kind hitherto unknown. These student-controlled actionsupon these mathematically powerful and computer-enabled objectshave the potential for creating classroom environments that both surpass the pale hopes of the integrated learning system and surprise those wedded to a conservative view of Piagetian developmental levels.  相似文献   

儿童钢琴学习的价值、特点及其教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童学习钢琴可以开发智能,陶冶情操,提高记忆力和创造思维的能力。针对儿童学琴的特点,教师要注意激发他们学琴的兴趣,选择适合其生理心理特点的教材,并营造良好的学琴环境。与此同时,教师和家长应当注意不要过分强调孩子自身的学琴条件,孩子学琴的年龄不是越早越好,不要一味地追求考级,教学方法切忌简单化。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of the environment on pupils' learning of values. The sample selected for the study was 14 secondary schools, 3 Mission and 11 government schools. In all, 3102 Secondary 1 and 2 pupils were involved in the study. The study adopted an 80% cut-off point as a decision rule for interpreting the data. Among the dimensions considered were teacher helpfulness, affiliation, peer relationship and cooperativeness, class learning environment, values of respect, trust and attitude towards school rules. The study found that sharing and caring, mutual respect between teachers and pupils and courtesy were not strongly represented. It also found a bias towards friendship over obligation to public morality. On the positive side, there was strong achievement orientation and a belief among pupils that teachers were helpful and interested in pupils.  相似文献   

以1352名初一至高三学生为被试,采用问卷调查法,考察了中学生学习价值观的现状与特点。结果发现:绝大多数中学生学习价值观良好,4.81%的中学生学习价值观较低;农村中学生学习价值观显著好于城市中学生;女生学习价值观显著好于男生;中学生学习价值观年级差异显著;初中生学习价值观显著好于高中生;普通中学与重点中学学生学习价值观存在显著差异;父亲与母亲不同学历的中学生学习价值观存在显著差异;家庭经济状况不同的中学生学习价值观差异显著。  相似文献   

本文从体育与美学关系入手 ,剖析体育舞蹈美学价值 ,提出体育舞蹈教学要在美的情境中开展 ,教学过程应贯穿心灵美教育。  相似文献   

Artivism is a movement inclusive of art and activism that has flourished through the United States for decades. Multiple forms of artivism are responsible for initiating dialog amongst demographically distinct groups of people. The present study focuses on two community mural projects completed by justice related youth and adults in Florida and Washington states. Data analyzed entailed field observation notes, semi-structured interviews, and questionnaires from mural participants to address how artivism impacted their learning of social justice materials. The aim of this analysis was to identify the methodology of artivism, and how it was used to foster a deeper educational experience for youth and young adults. This research demonstrated how artivism has the ability to represent the multi-faceted nature of complex social issues not easily discussed in open dialog. Ultimately, this study revealed how the process of artivism transformed insight into scholastic knowledge when applied directly in criminal justice settings.  相似文献   

The proliferation of broadband mobile devices, which many students bring to school with them as mobile phones, makes the widespread adoption of AR pedagogies a possibility, but pedagogical, distribution, and training models are needed to make this innovation an integrated part of education, This paper employs Social Construction of Technology (SCOT) to argue for a participatory model of scaling by key stakeholders groups (students, teachers, researchers, administrators), and demonstrates through various cases how ARIS (arisgames.org) — a free, open-source tool for educators to create and disseminate mobile AR learning experiences — may be such a model.  相似文献   

What are the problems we can expect to meet when project work forms a significant part of a C.S.E. examination course in statistics? Mrs Dolan describes her experiences.  相似文献   

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