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RHETORICAND PHILOSOPHY. Edited by Richard A. Cherwitz. Foreword by Henry W. Johnston, Jr. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990; pp. xix + 314; $36.00.

POLITICS AND CULTURE: WORKING HYPOTHESES FOR A POST‐REVOLUTIONARY SOCIETY. By Michael Ryan. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989; pp. 250. $28.95.

THE ORIGINS OF RHETORIC IN CLASSICAL GREECE. By Thomas Cole. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991; pp. x + 192. $29.95.

THE VOX DEI: COMMUNICATION IN THE MIDDLE AGES. By Sophia Menache. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990; pp. 353. $39.95.

THE SELECTED WRITINGS OF JOHN WITHERSPOON. Edited by Thomas Miller. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1990; pp. viii + 318. $29.95.

HENRY WARD BEECHER: PERIPATETIC PREACHER. By Haiford R. Ryan, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1990; pp. x + 179. $39.95

GUERRILLA PRINCE: THE UNTOLD STORY OF FIDEL CASTRO. By Georgie Anne Geyer. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1991. pp. ix‐445. $22.95.

RHETORICAL STUDIES OF NATIONAL POLITICAL DEBATES. Edited by Robert V. Friedenberg. Series Foreword by Robert E. Dentón, Jr. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1990; pp. xiii + 223. $42.95.

ARGUMENTATION THEORY AND THE RHETORIC OF ASSENT. Edited by David Cratis Williams and Michael David Hazen. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1990; pp. v + 230. $32.95.

CULTURAL LEGACIES OF VIETNAM: USES OF THE PAST IN THE PRESENT. Edited by Richard Morris and Peter Ehrenhaus. Norwood: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1990; pp. ix + 238. $42.50; paper $24.95.

POPULAR TRIALS: RHETORIC, MASS MEDIA, AND THE LAW. Edited by Robert Hariman. Tuscalloosa and London: The University of Alabama Press, 1990; pp. vii + 268. $32.95.

AMERICAN EVANGELICALS AND THE MASS MEDIA. Edited by Quentin J. Schultze. Grand Rapids: Academie/Zondervan, 1990; pp. 382, $15.95.

TELEVISION STUDIES: TEXTUAL ANALYSIS. Edited by Gary Burns and Robert J. Thompson. New York: Praeger, 1989; pp. 260. $39.95.

MAKING MEANING: INFERENCE AND RHETORIC IN THE INTERPRETATION OF CINEMA. By David Bordwell. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989; pp. xvi + 334. $32.50; paper $14.95.

BASS &; STOGDILL'S HANDBOOK OF LEADERSHIP: THEORY, RESEARCH &; MANAGERIAL APPLICATIONS. By Bernard M. Bass. 3rd ed. New York. Free Press, 1990; pp. xviii + 1182. $75.00.

DISCORDANT HARMONIES: A NEW ECOLOGY FOR THE TWENTY‐FIRST CENTURY, by Daniel B. Botkin. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990; pp. xii + 241. $19.95.

CONVERSATIONAL COMPETENCE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. By Ioanna Dimitracopoulou. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990; xi + 167. $44.50.

TALKING POWER: THE POLITICS OF LANGUAGE IN OUR LIVES. By Robin Tolmach Lakoff. New York: Basic Books, 1990; pp. xii + 324. $22.95.

RHETORIC AND CIVILITY: HUMAN DEVELOPMENT, NARCISSISM, AND THE GOOD AUDIENCE. By Harold Barrett. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991. pp. xi + 202. $39.50; Paper $12.95.

RHETORIC IN AN ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIETY: MANAGING MULTIPLE IDENTITIES. By George Cheney. Foreword by Carroll C. Arnold. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1991; pp. xi +202. $29.95.  相似文献   

This essay illustrates some of the day‐to‐day tasks that an ombudsman performs and notes the centrality of speech communication to their resolution.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a nationwide survey of the institutional heads of junior and community colleges. Included are statistics regarding sex, ethnicity, age, educational background, academic rank, salary, length of service, professional affiliations, and publication record.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study to determine the effect of the presence of a public junior college in a community upon the types of colleges attended by high school graduates of that community. Results of multivariate cross-tabular analysis of the college destinations of over 8,000 1966 Illinois high school seniors of different sex, ability, and social-status backgrounds living in 25 different communities, suggest that the local availability of a public junior college serves largely to alter patterns of college-going by substituting attendance locally for attendance elsewhere in a manner inversely related to social status. More importantly, results also suggest that among lower- and middle-status persons the substitution is such as to replace attendance at nonlocal four-year colleges with attendance locally at the public junior college.  相似文献   

The (growing) political, social and scientific attention to the moral aspects of teaching also concerns teacher education.This article reports an exploratory study into the preparation of student teachers for moral education. The designing of goals, program parts and teaching and learning methods for a part of the first year curriculum of a teacher education institute for primary education is described. Next the teacher educators who carried out the curriculum and the student teachers who participated in it, were asked whether they recognized the moral aspects of the curriculum as designed. Finally, we tested the effects of the curriculum on the learning of the student teachers, using a pre- and post- test. The results of the study evoke, among others, the conclusion that more attention is needed to the implicit and unplanned aspects of preparing students teachers for moral education.  相似文献   

One of the main concerns of environmental education is the need to create a more ecologically sustainable future, yet environmental educators often lack the expertise needed to explore alternative futures in this way. However, there is much of value that can be learnt from futures studies and from the work of futurists. In particular futures studies is interested in how people view the future and ways of cultivating clearer images of preferred futures. One established strategy for this is the futures workshop and examples are given of work by Robert Jungk, Warren Ziegler and Elise Boulding in this field. It is suggested that a valuable cross‐fertilisation of ideas could thus occur between environmental educators and such futurists.  相似文献   

科学遴选高职院校基层党组织培养活动的内容载体、改进创新学生党员党性教育活动方式方法,既是提高基层组织凝聚力和战斗力的重要途径,又是有效增强高职大学生党性修养的迫切需要。本文总结了新时期党性要求的主要内容和高职大学生党员的党性现状;从高职大学生党建工作的视野和以生为本的角度,对锤炼高职大学生党员党性有关活动的内容和方式方法进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   


This paper attempts to assess policy making for special educational needs in Northern Ireland (NI) from the reform in 1996 of procedures for the identification of pupils with disabilities to current proposals for the reform of procedures for the selection of pupils for secondary education. The reports of Dyson (DENI, 1998b) and Bums (DENI, 2001a), focussing respectively and exclusively upon provisions for disabilities and abilities, are proposed as defining events in a period during which significant advances towards a more inclusive education provision coincided with disparate and fragmented policies for special educational needs. Drawing upon policy documents, regional reports and statistical evidence, the paper attempts to assess progress towards the inclusion for pupils with special educational needs in NI and to gauge government intentions to encourage greater inclusion for such pupils.  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,信息网络已经成为最先进生产力的标志,它对人们道德的影响不可谓不大,给高校德育工作带来了前所未有的挑战,冲击着传统的教育方式。面对信息网络,高校工作者应有效地利用这把“双刃剑”,积极开展高校德育工作。  相似文献   

近年来不断发生的旅客列车事故凸显了轨道交通职工职业素质存在的问题。行动导向教学是目前职业院校教学中行之有效的方法之一,文章在调研轨道交通类职工职业素质的基础上,从行动导向教学思想和方法入手,以高职城市轨道交通控制专业为例,探讨如何将行业所需职业素质的培养贯穿于整个教学过程。  相似文献   

本文针对数学的"文化教育"功能、教材对数学知识的处理、与教学内容相关生活素材的使用、数学教学知识的研讨等方面,对高职数学的教学进行思考,认为高职数学教师应当关注并完善这几个方面,这对促进教师在自己的数学教学中充分发挥数学教育的积极作用是有益的。  相似文献   

“以赛促学”是一种新的技能教学模式,对高职数学教学改革提出了新要求:引领高职数学教学新理念;引领高职数学教学内容结构新体系;引领高职数学教学新模式:数学模型是基础、数学建模是主题、发展数学能力是灵魂、应用创新是精髓。  相似文献   

本文运用项目管理的方法,依据最新的高职教育理念,通过对高职院校在办学规模扩大后所遇到的问题的分析,提出了二级学院的设置原则与院校两级管理的实施策略。为院校二级管理提供了一套可借鉴、可操作的方法。  相似文献   

Any successful innovation creates a body of practice, policy, lore and belief that becomes harder to change the longer it survives. Indeed, it could not endure without a record of what worked and why. Thus the history of an innovation tends to define its future; what once was new tends over time to be defined by its tradition, hence to become rigid. The consequences of this paradox can be calamitous. Using case studies to illustrate, the essay outlines a conceptual model for institutional self-assessment of its innovative health and recommends strategies for keeping the innovative spirit alive.Dr. Douglas B. Johnstone, Ph.D., has been Dean of Empire State College's North Central Regional Center since 1979; he has also been responsible for the College's Center for Distance Learning since 1981, and in 1988 he served as Acting Vice President for Policy and Planning. His scholarly interests include both nontraditional education and literature, especially the novel.  相似文献   

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