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解数学问题要力求方法简便、过程简洁,而简洁美正是一种高层次的美.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a positive association between child maltreatment and adult interpersonal trauma (Arata, 2000, Crawford and Wright, 2007). From a betrayal trauma theory perspective, evidence suggests that the experience of trauma high in betrayal (e.g., child maltreatment by parents or guardians) increases ones risk of betrayal trauma as an adult (Gobin & Freyd, 2009). However, the mechanisms explaining these associations are not well understood; attachment theory could provide further insight. Child maltreatment is associated with insecure attachment (Baer and Martinez, 2006, Muller et al., 2000). Insecure attachment is also associated with deficits in interpersonal functioning and risk for intimate partner violence, suggesting insecure attachment may mediate the relationship between child maltreatment and the experience of betrayal trauma as an adult. The current study tested this hypothesis in a sample of 601 college students. Participants completed online questionnaires including the Child Abuse and Trauma Scale (CATS), the Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECR-R) and the Brief Betrayal Trauma Survey (BBTS). Results indicated that child maltreatment is associated with adult betrayal trauma and anxious attachment partially mediates this relationship.  相似文献   

语言作为一种交流工具,用以表达思想、传递信息。简要的语言表述在特定的语言环境下,可以更好地抒情达意,渲染气氛,产生更强的艺术感染力。美国9.11事件发生后美国各报刊争相报道,人们在紧急时刻的用语及记们精辟的措辞使英语的简要表述发挥得淋漓尽致。确实英语简要表述的语用效果值得我们研究和探讨。  相似文献   

《小团圆》是张爱玲创作后期唯一的一部长篇小说,它用复杂的结构和丰富的内容诠释了人间冷暖,充盈着生命的悲怆情怀,集中体现了作者晚期小说的创作风格。本文主要从两个方面讨论了《小团圆》所反映的其晚期创作风格的转变,一是内容上趋近平淡自然,二是语言上更加朴素化,又极具蕴藉性。  相似文献   

科技英语的一个显著特点是简洁、准确。文章从炼字、精简句子、精简段落三个方面总结如何形成简洁、明确的文风;并根据读者群划分科技英语的文体特点及翻译方法,提出科技译者应具有文体意识和读者群意识。  相似文献   

受各类不良因素的影响,国内高校学风整体状况不容乐观,而艺术类院校学风现状更是令人担忧。笔者针对艺术类专业学生的特点,结合华侨大学美术学院学风的现状,认真分析存在的问题与不足,深入探讨剖析内在原因,从中探索新的加强艺术类院校学风建设的有效途径与模式。  相似文献   

Some literature on elder abuse recommends, and practitioners claim, that there should be better assessment and screening tools. In order to improve the accuracy of measurement instruments, the purpose of this article is threefold: (a) describing the construction of an instrument with formative indicators and the survey design about the sensitive topic of elder abuse, (b) development of an analytic strategy to improve the precision of the measures by (c) evaluating the measurement instrument through quality criteria against outcomes of the instrument. We randomly selected 2,880 home-dwelling older women aged 60 and above from five European Union countries who participated in a survey on elder abuse. Prevalence data on abuse against older women was gathered using a postal (BE, FI, PT), face-to-face (BE, LT), and telephone survey (AT) but using an identical instrument. A table with outcome measures was calculated to evaluate the formative indicators of the measurement instrument, and a decision strategy for item reduction was developed. The results suggest that 12 (35%) of the original 34-indicators instrument can be omitted. The adapted version can provide the same elder abuse prevalence rates (reliability) with the same negative associations in terms of life quality (validity). The results indicate in an applied way how an elder abuse instrument can be evaluated and further developed using formative measures.  相似文献   

本文阐述了学习者的认知风格——场独立型和场依赖型对学习策略的影响。考虑学生个体选择的学习方式,在外语教学中,教师要帮助学生培养适合自己的学习策略,促进外语学习者外语水平的提高。  相似文献   

为了研制开发研究生学习色敏传感器用的开放型实验平台,文章设计实现了颜色传感器结合单片机控制的数据采集模块,并结合I2C,USB总线通信技术和虚拟仪器技术,构成一个包含颜色检测模块和颜色生成模块的虚拟仪器系统。传感器采用TCS230D,单片机为PIC16F876A芯片,USB接口芯片选用Philips PDIUSBD11N,虚拟仪器使用LabWindows/CVI开发。  相似文献   

Research on learning from errors gives reason to assume that errors provide a high potential to facilitate deep learning if students are willing and able to take these learning opportunities. The first aim of this study was to analyse whether beliefs about errors as learning opportunities can be theoretically and empirically distinguished from adaptive reactions to errors in an affective-motivational sense (including the maintenance of motivation and activating emotions), and in terms of learning behaviour and metacognitive activities specifically adjusted in response to a specific error. The second aim was to validate the proposed distinction across different domains. The third aim was to investigate the added value of beliefs about errors besides domain-specific self-concept and mastery goal orientation for understanding the preconditions for adaptive reactions to errors at school. We assessed all variables in three different school subjects (N = 614 students, Grades 5–7). Confirmatory factor analyses indicated distinctness and a moderate domain specificity of error-related reactions. Positive error-related beliefs predicted students’ affective-motivational and action adaptivity of error reactions, above and beyond self-concepts and goal orientations. Taken together, the current findings provide a more complete understanding of the intra-personal mechanisms of adaptive responses to errors in different school subjects.  相似文献   

In this article the questions of what counts as play and philosophy are considered in relation to the question of early education for young children. The child subject characterised by the themes of playfulness, emotion, and irrationality is compared to the playful philosopher emanating from the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Michel Foucault. This analysis contributes to the exploration of themes of truth and difference, the search for challenges to styles of philosophy in education, and to the role of the educator in knowing and producing a particular creative child subject. Relationships between child and adult, player and philosopher are explored in order to question what counts as style, play and philosophy for both the child who is required to contribute as a creative player, and for the educator who is required to facilitate the development of such a child. The contemporary valorisation of children as active and constructive philosophers is, then, critically examined in terms of what counts as a philosopher and/or a child, and who gets to ‘do’ creative and playful philosophy. This article draws upon the New Zealand curriculum framework for early childhood education, Te Whāriki, and the work of Paulo Ghiraldelli, in exploring the contributions of both child and adult to the experience of education and philosophy.  相似文献   

Human behavior is directed by an implicit and an explicit motivational system. The intrinsic form of the implicit achievement motive has been demonstrated to predict the experience of flow. Thus, this achievement flow motive can be considered an integral component of the autotelic personality, posited in Flow Theory as dispositional difference in the propensity to experience flow. As implicit motivation predicts long-term behavioral trends and flow predicts quality of performance, the achievement flow motive should be predictive of a long-term goal pursuit such as educational attainment. This hypothesis is tested cross-culturally to shed some light on the universality of flow: Participants from Cameroon, Costa Rica, and Germany were asked about the level of education they attained. To assess their achievement flow motive, the Operant Motive Test was employed. After measurement equivalence was established, analyses revealed that, across all three cultures, the achievement flow motive explained variance in educational attainment independent of achievement values as measured by a scale of the Schwartz Value Survey. Consequently, as would be expected of an element of the autotelic personality, the achievement flow motive predicts long-term academic success.  相似文献   

狂草是基于中华传统书法艺术形式上的一种变革,是对书法艺术审美的反叛,为祖国的传统文化增添了一门生机勃勃的书法艺术派支。狂草进一步强化了形式美感,追求的是一种狂豪奔放的审美情趣,造就了书法艺术的高度自我,凸显了激情迸发、狂放不羁的艺术气质。文章主要对狂草的美学特征在模式、创意、表现形式等方面进行了剖析,阐述了狂草的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

Adaptive Hypermedia Systems can be developed to accommodate a variety of individual differences, including learning style and cognitive style. This study investigates the hypothesis that adaptive hypermedia accommodating cognitive styles can be beneficial for the observed learning outcomes. A prototype system, designed to be adapted to individual cognitive styles, was developed as a case study. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the prototype system, an empirical study was conducted. This paper presents the results of the summative evaluation of the system. Statistical analyses indicated that students in the experimental group performed significantly better than students in a control group. These findings indicate that student performance is mainly affected by adaptivity based on individual cognitive styles.  相似文献   

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