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建设社会主义现代化强国是实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。社会主义现代化强国是一个全面兴盛的强国。它是一个人的现代化、社会经济现代化、人类命运共同体、文明的文化发展、和谐的社会发展以及治理的现代化的强国。而实现这一目标,需要建构社会现代化强国所需要的教育体系。它具体包括:促进人的现代化需要的五育并举的教育体系;促进社会经济现代化需要的混合教育形态体系;促进人类命运共同体需要的国际教育体系;促进社会主义现代化文化的数字化教育体系;促进和谐社会现代化的民办教育体系;促进党对教育工作全面领导的教育治理体系。  相似文献   

In spite of recent tendencies of secularisation and religious pluralism, most Belgian schools are Catholic schools, where Roman Catholic religious education is a compulsory subject. As we will argue, this can lead to a de facto undermining of the freedom of religion and education and a shift in the system is therefore required. In the long term, the number of Catholic schools should be in proportion with the number of students/parents choosing these schools. In the short term, however, this strategy is not recommended and for pragmatic reasons, we propose a system in which religious education in substantially subsidised faith-based schools is no longer compulsory. We will argue that such a system does not lead to an infringement of the (internal) freedom of religion of faith-based institutions and that it will guarantee more educational and religious freedom than the current system does.  相似文献   

Catechesis and Religious Education in Canadian Catholic Schools   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A key concept in contemporary Catholic educational discourse makes a distinction between religious education and catechesis. This distinction is based on the assumptions of faith commitment on the part of catechesis and the focus on cognitive outcomes on the part of religious education. Many official documents on Canadian Catholic school education, however, reflect an understanding that closely associated catechesis with religious education or fail to sufficiently distinguish between the two. The article argues that changes in contemporary culture make catechetical models of religious education problematic and that Catholic schools in Canada would be well served by an approach that emphasizes the educational goals of religious education. This is not to say that catechesis has no place in religious education but this is best achieved by making use of cognitive and effective outcomes in lesson planning and realizing that the school as a whole has many opportunities to foster catechesis.  相似文献   


In the early twentieth century in the United States, Roman Catholic schools grew in number and became increasingly regulated by state departments of education. This led to the increased influence of public school reform movements in Catholic schools. Some Catholic educators questioned these movements, while others embraced them. Educational measurement strategies, such as IQ and standardised testing, gained support from women religious orders and congregations, who made up the majority of the Catholic teaching force. For pragmatic reasons, they saw some value in the promises of modern educational science for teaching and learning. This practice, however, put them at odds with some of the beliefs and values of their Church. This study demonstrates how Catholic sister teachers attempted to shape the debate on the introduction and use of reform strategies like IQ and standardised testing. It also examines how Catholic sister teachers made use of Catholic beliefs and values to make arguments in favour of IQ and standardised testing in Catholic schools. Using agreed upon Catholic religious tenets and working within their gendered reality, Catholic sister teachers demonstrated how they tried to convince their colleagues, male and female, to come to an understanding around the use of educational measurement.  相似文献   

Katharine Drexel was an important educator who taught profound lessons to the Roman Catholic Church and American society about the responsibility of privilege and the irresponsibility of prejudice. As a professed nun dedicated to the education of Black and Native Americans, she taught both intentionally and by example. Religious educators, seeking to educate for peace and justice, often point to Katharine's life work as an example of the application of Catholic social teaching. This article argues that Katharine's educational import in regards to Catholic social teaching goes much deeper than the concrete examples of her life's work. By studying Katharine's life, religious educators can illustrate the foundational attitudes and habits necessary for the principle of social justice to take root. This will be articulated in terms of underlying emphases found in aspects of Katharine's story: emphasis on totality, on clarity of vision and purpose, on evangelization, on family ethical formation, on moral education, and on Eucharistic spirituality. A corresponding action for religious educators will be suggested.  相似文献   

The distinguished US philosopher Elizabeth Anderson, who teaches at the University of Michigan, answers questions put to her by John White about educational aspects of her work in moral and political philosophy. She begins by describing her indebtedness to Dewey in his views on developing students’ capacities for intelligent enquiry and as citizens in a democracy. She elaborates on this in her emphasis on children learning fraternally together with others of diverse class, racial and ethnic backgrounds. She also discusses the control of education, looking at the role of the state and other political authorities in education, the charter school movement and home schooling. Well‐known for her views on democratic equality (as distinct from equality of fortune) and on an adequacy criterion of fairness, she shows how these ideas apply to education for a democratic society. This takes her into critical discussions of equality of educational opportunity, education as a positional good, and the rich variety of educational aims fitting a democracy of equals. Anderson has also written about the errors of theistic religion as well as two award‐winning recent books on the imperative of social integration and on the authoritarian powers of employers. Developing these thoughts in an educational direction, she writes here about religious and moral education, problems with assimilationist and multicultural approaches to schooling, and preparation for work as an educational aim.  相似文献   

The publication in 2011 of This is Our Faith (TIOF), the Catholic Church in Scotland's syllabus for religious education in Catholic schools, is a significant contribution to wider debates on the appropriate conceptual framework for religious education. Recent teaching of the Holy See has suggested that religious education in Catholic schools should adopt a scholastic shape and serve as a complement to catechesis. In TIOF, pedagogy, assessment issues and the relationship between cognitive and affective approaches to learning are merged in the context of a distinct faith tradition. TIOF's adoption of a catechetical vision of religious education shows how local churches can adapt Catholic teaching to their own circumstances.  相似文献   

A schoolteacher from Lombardy, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850–1917), founded the Institute of Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (MSC) in 1880. It was one of the 185 female religious institutes established in Italy in the nineteenth century. In the newly unified Italy, Cabrini found opportunities to formulate progressive Catholic educational practice, to establish an independent female congregation and to mobilise her educational practice to the United States to serve Italian migrants. She established a school in London in 1902. Cabrini’s letters and convent annals are used to trace the use of transnational networks in founding the school and to consider the impact of the transnational context on the school start-up. The concept of mobilising educational practice embraces both the geographical movement of people, goods and money and the formation of teaching sisters. By her death Cabrini had established 59 schools and orphanages in Europe and the Americas.  相似文献   

何香凝是中国近代重要的革命家,社会活动家,同时也是仲恺农工学校的创建者,她在15年的办学历程中提出了许多宝贵的教育思想。传承与发展她的思想有着现实的意义。通过回顾何香凝15年的办学历程,总结她的教育思想,并对如何继承与发展她的教育思想做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

Building on the author's experience in leadership development in Roman Catholic parishes and recent work in the field of congregational studies, this essay examines the religious educator's role as a catalyst in the transformation of the culture of the local church. As an alternative to an instructional/schooling approach to religious education, the paper proposes a model of congregational education directed specifically to the transformation of the corporate life of the faith community by its members working together to reshape concrete behaviors, structures, and roles in order to carry out the church's mission and ministry.

This argument is developed through a discussion of foundational assumptions about the significance of congregational life for the church's educational mission and a brief case study illustrating central dynamics in the process of congregational education. The paper concludes with observations about the range of skills required of congregational educators, especially their ability to understand and evaluate the complex dynamics of congregational life in a disciplined way.  相似文献   

丁玲小说创作在思想内容方面表现出深刻的现代精神。最突出的表现有以下两点:1.早期创作中,丁玲从女性视点出发,以真实纯粹的女性体验与感悟,分析社会、评判异性、同时更深刻地反现自身,通过莎菲型系列女性形象的塑造,呈现给读者一个本真的、赤裸裸的女性情绪天地,展示出“五四”后一代女性追求光明与理想的现代姿态,透露出一种意气凌云的女性主体意识。2.40年代初期在延安创作的小说中,丁玲则以一个社会政治运动的自觉参与者与思考者的身份,以开阔的视野,对妇妇解放与民族、社会解放的关系,知识分子与的改造与农民之间的关系等问题作了深层的思考,以敏锐的感觉与卓越的艺术胆识,针砭了革命队伍内部落后的思想意识,表现了独到而又深邃的艺术慧眼和超前意识。  相似文献   

赵学峰 《台州学院学报》2010,32(4):81-83,96
艾米莉.勃朗特的文学成就与其所受的教育息息相关。艾米莉创作的源泉可以追溯到少年时代的教育。艾米莉的教育分为世俗和宗教两块,世俗教育主要受益于家庭内的互助学习,学校教育仅是辅助作用;宗教教育则受到福音派牧师父亲和循道宗信徒姨妈的影响,在此基础上形成自己独特的宗教观,并将其付之于自己的文学创作。艾米莉的世俗教育使她立足现实,踏实生活,而宗教教育则为她的艺术虚构提供了想象的空间,二者共同构建了艾米莉自由而不失理性的文学世界。  相似文献   

A structured faculty professional development program which deliberately seeks to bring about change can yield lasting benefits for both the individual and the institution. Ten individuals who entered a program for the professional renewal of faculty between 1983 and 1987 were interviewed to discover what impact the program had on their professional development and on their contributions to the institution. Their experiences exhibit external and internal changes, with individuals being able to reflect upon their gains, contributions, and future directions. A basic model for support needed to bring about lasting change includes the elements ofpower, vision, structure, andresources.Joyce P. Lunde received her Ph.D. in English from the University of Minnesota. She is an educational development specialist and associate professor of agricultural education at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. She is currently co-director of New Partnerships in Agriculture and Education (NUPAGE), a curriculum project funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.  相似文献   

北京师范大学历史系于20世纪50年代先后成立了中国近代史和中国现代史教研室.在著名学术带头人的领导下,经过近50年的发展,它们已成为人才培养和科学研究的重要基地.教研室教师一贯重视本科生的基础教学,为之编写了一系列的配套教材,并开展了相应的课程建设.在完成教学任务的同时,他们也进行了大量的科研工作,并取得了丰硕的成果.在继承传统研究方向的同时,教研室还开创了新的研究方向,在学术界产生了很大的影响.目前,教研室学术队伍正在为把中国近现代史学科建设成为一流的重点学科而努力.  相似文献   

[编者按]玛琳·斯卡德玛丽亚(Marlene Scardamalia)教授是加拿大多伦多大学安大略教育研究院(OISE/UT)的首席专家,知识创新与技术研究所(Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology,简称IKIT)的所长.  相似文献   

A tiered and hierarchical system of membership has in the past characterized many Catholic religious teaching orders.1 In women's orders, those who undertook domestic duties were usually referred to as lay sisters. Those who undertook teaching and administrative duties were called choir nuns. Histories of Catholic education have tended to include scant references to the system and virtually no systematic exploration of its meaning in the culture of Catholic schools. The aim of this paper is to provide an exploration of the construction of lay sisters in a particular religious order and school setting. The exploration is informed by poststructuralist theory; in particular, notions of ‘discourse as practice’, the symbiotic and hierarchical relationship between the binary oppositions, individual consciousness as the site of the discursive struggle, and investment in discourse. These notions are drawn upon to explore the construction of the category of lay sister within educational histories, texts that pertain to the order in question and interviews undertaken with choir nuns, one lay sister, ex-students and ancillary staff. The narrative of one lay sister is explored in order to locate her understanding of the construction.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounding a Catholic philosophy of education and the Catholic “identity” of institutions of higher learning reveals the vitality and the genuine liberality of contemporary Catholic higher education. Rather than being symptoms of political correctness or of a lost capacity to celebrate Catholic or any other particularity, these controversies reveal the openness and authenticity of Catholic higher education. They show the willingness of many leaders in Catholic higher education to let go of ecclesiastical sectarianism, of absolute claims inconsistent with God's universal love and availability, and of classicism, and to embrace a reverent religious pluralism, a historical perspective, and the sheer exhilaration of intellectual discourse which aims to be universal. Such openness is no more risky than the more narrow and triumphal perspectives it replaces, and is well worth the risks.  相似文献   

近代知识女性吕碧城的女子教育思想和女权观念是和谐统一的,吕碧城在天津兴办女学和当时的时代大背景有着密不可分的联系。在男性社会精英的帮助和支持下,吕碧城的女子教育实践活动取得了很大的成功,教育思想日益成熟,并产生一定的社会影响。吕碧城的近代女子教育思想和实践,特别是其女权主张,是探讨近代社会性别关系变动等问题的一个例证。  相似文献   

冰心是我国现代文学史上具有独特地位的女性作家.家庭和教育赋予她健全的女性意识,她以自己塑造的特征鲜明的女性形象,表明了她对完善女性人格的严肃思考,以及一个生活在传统和现代的夹缝里的知识女性重塑理想现代女性的期盼.  相似文献   

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