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For the past two years the fifth and sixth grades of the Wenhsing Street Primary School, which is in our neighborhood, have been coming to our factory, the Peking Pharmaceuticals Company's Plant No. 2. They and their teachers spend about a week with us each term, doing light tasks such as washing jars, packing medicines, and making boxes. Our plant Communist Party branch doesn't regard them as a burden, it recognizes the importance of bringing up the young generation right. It assigned another Party member, also a veteran worker, and myself to teach them.  相似文献   

Keith Pocklington, a research officer at the National Foundation for Educational Research investigating provision for children with special needs in ordinary schools, discusses contrasts in special education practice between England and the USA  相似文献   

东南亚金融危机的爆发对我国当前的经济工作具有重要的警示作用。本文通过对此次金融危机产生的原因和我国经济领域中存在诸多问题的分析 ,有助于我国从中吸取教训 ,加大企业和金融体制改革的力度 ,防范潜在的金融风险 ,促进我国经济持续、平稳地发展  相似文献   

在英国,18岁以下的人是不允许在酒吧里喝酒的。  相似文献   

查克  刘字婷译 《高中生》2012,(11):62-62
一天,某高校一名年轻的学生陪着老教授散步。这位慈爱的教授常被称为学生的知心朋友.学生们都期待得到他的指导。师生二人正走着,瞥见小路上放着一件外套和一双旧鞋子。他们猜想那是在附近地里受雇干活的穷人留下的,而且他很快就要结束一天的劳作了。  相似文献   

A Physics Lesson     
译文:在一堂物理课上,老师问学生们一个问题:“打雷的时候,为什么我们是先看到闪电,再听到打雷声呢?”就在其他学生冥思苦想时,萨姆举起了手。  相似文献   


A Biology Lesson     
Today wc盯c going to learn about the birds. Tllel·e axlet、、’o b一rds 11ere.One 15 the sParrow*,and tlle other 15 the swallo认*.A Biology Lesson@佚名 @陈烨霓$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

A Great Lesson     
On a cold November afternoon,my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store.We were dressed warmly and equipped with the rented video we had been dying to watch.I felt  相似文献   

在高职院校以就业为导向的课程体系改革中,存在培养的学生难以满足市场需要的问题,尤其是语言文化类课程存在较突出的问题。澳大利亚TAFE课程目标的职业导向性、学历证书与职业证书的关联性、课程内容的层级性、以及关键能力课程目标体系的建立,对高职院校构建高职语言文化类专业的课程开发体系,有很强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

TCL因国际化战略的失败遭受巨额亏损,作为中国国际化企业的代表,TCL的这种遭遇反映出了中国企业国际化战略中的一些普遍问题。具体分析TCL国际化失败的原因,可以给国内其它企业国际化提供有益启示。  相似文献   

每天我们都忙忙碌碌,为生存而奔波。可是,工作对我们而言,不只是谋生的手段,它占去了我们人生中的很大一部分时间,它应该是生活中最适合我们的位置。  相似文献   

A Lesson to Me     
<正>This morning,I got up too late.So I rode my bike hurriedly to school.There are two crossings on my way for~① school.Because it was too late today,I decided go~② on riding even when the light was red.I was lucky at the first crossing because the light was green.But at the second crossing I found the light was red.If I stopped to wait,I would  相似文献   

1 For as long as I can remember,Easter Sunday has been my favorite day to go to church.   2 I was almost always able to smuggle a few pieces of Easter candy into the meeting,and the way I saw it,anything is tolerable if you're munching on malted milk eggs and chocolate bunnies.Even church.……  相似文献   

In 1783 the Montgolfier brothers successfully experimented with lighter-thanair balloon flight. But their remarkable invention eventually turned out to be less useful than expected. Their guiding vision—that one could sail the heavens much like sailing the seas—was wrongheaded. Much like the story of early balloon flight, the telling of any story, such as ours, depends upon having a sensible vision before the facts become intelligible, much less useful. As an illustrative example, it is often argued that the experience of sport is essentially one of leisure and is not of the work world. This vision is challenged by analyzing the possibility that sport is indeed good work. If this is so, then promoting the text or our sport's story as part of the so-called progressive culture of evermore comfort and convenience is a story without much lift. An alternate vision for our field is to cultivate the story that the experience of sport is essentially work, hence inconvenient and difficult, but productive and therefore morally uplifting and personally dignifying.  相似文献   

<正>It was a tiring day and I was completely worn out after the sports day practice. As the last bell rang, I felt happy because it was time to go home. I went to the hall where my mother would be waiting to pick me up. However, I realized I had to commute~1 by school bus from that day.  相似文献   

备课是上课最重要的一个环节,是保证教学效果、提高教学质量的保证.没有好的备课做基础,毫无准备地走进课堂,结果可想而知,肯定是狼狈地败下阵来.教师要想在课堂这个战场获胜,必须不断通过备课反思自己的教学过程和方法,不断改进自己的教学行为.  相似文献   

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