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修辞是调整语辞使其达意传情能够适切的一种努力,对外汉语修辞则是一种跨文化的言语交际行为,留学生的口语修辞比书面语修辞更应该得到重视。本文对在昆明的一些留学生的口语修辞运用情况进行了调查,借此发现他们在口语修辞方面存在的问题,并对如何提高留学生的口语修辞能力提出一些建议。  相似文献   

语言是思想的外壳,运用什么样的招商用语,决不是无关紧要的文字游戏。要讲究宣传艺术,增强吸引力、感召力和说服力。应该有一点修辞方法,简洁明快,通俗易记,真实可信。成功的招商用语,能够让人喜闻乐见,做到真实可信,和蔼可亲,富有情味,体现一个地方政府的诚信度、工作思路与政策水平。  相似文献   

由于对外汉语教学中的教学对象对汉语领悟能力具有一定的局限性,常出现语法正确可是不合具体情境的现象,即属于陈望道先生所说的消极修辞的范畴。因此,如何处理对外汉语教学中语法和修辞的关系、积极和消极修辞的关系是很重要的。本国的教学可以偏重于积极修辞,而对外汉语教学则应当偏重于消极修辞。  相似文献   

外语朗读和语音修辞   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朗读是外语教学中重要的一个环节。语音修辞在朗读中起着很重要的作用。朗读中语音修辞的结构可以分为表层结构和深层结构。对语音的要求是朗读中语音修辞的最基本要求。读出语味是朗读中语音修辞的最高境界,它对深刻解读文本和作家的创作主旨具有重要意义。  相似文献   

汉民族是一个很开放的民族,它善于吸收外来文化来丰富和发展自己。汉语的发展也是一个以汉民族语言为主体,而又融合周围少数民族语言因素的一种非单质语言,同时它也不断吸收佛教文化,使自己发展为一个完善的整体。汉语修辞的发展由于受佛教文化的影响,促使了汉语修辞学文体的发展,由于受佛教文化的启示,人们用修辞格来达到“传心”的功效,同时,由于受佛教文化的影响,促使了语音修辞的发展,创造了声律美。  相似文献   

The rhetoric of partnership is ubiquitous in the current policy context. In education, partnerships take a number of forms among which is ‘interorganisational collaboration’ (IOC), defined as a partnership between institutions/organisations aimed at developing synergistic solutions to complex problems. But policy has a tendency to veneer, obscuring its enactment. The purpose of this paper is therefore to examine what such partnerships look like on the ground. Here we present an empirical analysis which aims to produce knowledge about the working of such collaborative groups and to provide insights into leadership within such partnerships. Drawing on communicative constitution of organisations operationalised within a schema for understanding the emergence of collective identity in IOC, we undertake an analysis of meetings held by a working group comprising academics and local authority staff set up to develop masters-level work-based professional learning for teachers. We ask, how do professionals working within different contexts create a collective identity that supports decision-making, and what are the implications for leadership?  相似文献   

The present affiliation policy regime of Ghana’s higher education system has existed for more than two decades. However, empirical studies to examine the policy rhetoric and reality with regard to building quality assurance capacity in mentored institutions appear non-existent. This paper is based on an illustrative qualitative case study undertaken to examine the achievements and challenges of implementing the policy to build internal quality assurance capacities in mentored institutions. The study was guided by Institutional Theory using 12 key informant in-depth interviews and document reviews as data collection sources. The findings indicate a minimal achievement of the policy intent on internal quality assurance capacity building due to key implementation challenges such as a tripartite relationship structure; increasing cost on mentored institutions and increasing workload on mentor institutions. The study concludes that the gap between the policy rhetoric and reality in the studied mentored institutions appears undesirable and requires stakeholders’ attention.  相似文献   

汉语修辞艺术是一种富有创造性的精神性实践活动。在这个过程中,应该重视审美"距离"的正确营构和解读。"距离",本是中外美学、文艺理论中一个常用的术语,将其引入汉语修辞艺术中,旨在丰富汉语修辞艺术理论体系,为科学的建构和解读汉语修辞艺术提供帮助。在解读其内涵的基础上,又从外延上,即时空距离、心理距离、逻辑距离、情感距离等四个方面进行大胆阐释。"距离"是汉语修辞艺术中一个不可或缺的重要概念",距离"在汉语修辞艺术中的运用无处不在,使用中尤其要把握好度。  相似文献   

汉语词义除了一大部分具有显性理据外,还有相当一部分的理据处于隐性状态或隐化过程中,形成原因多半与修辞有关。  相似文献   

Since 1978 China's ruling Communist Party has moved China's economy increasingly toward capitalism and its foreign policy toward strategic partnership with its old enemies in the West. These changes have required Party leaders to reconcile the reforms rhetorically with continued homage to their predecessors, to Chinese traditions, and to Marxist/Maoist orthodoxies. This analysis focuses on key slogans and catchwords used in top-down rhetoric by each post-Mao regime to facilitate economic/political reforms while legitimizing continued one-party rule.  相似文献   

This paper will trace the adoption of a policy of Social Inclusion in schools in one Australian state in terms of the way in which the policy direction, its discourses and adoption reflect a rhetoric of what Ball has labelled a ‘paradigm of convergence’. The analysis will show that the policy discourse, especially in its focus on school retention, appears to endorse the vision of a neo‐liberal entrepreneurial competitor as the educated product despite being initiated and implemented by a Labor state government within a rhetoric of community concern for social justice. The second part of the paper reports on the ways in which primary school leaders have responded to this policy which reflects some older educational discourses and is more in line with a prior version of a well‐run school and an inclusive society.  相似文献   

Rhetorical scholarship criticizes melodrama for its tendency to simplify and reify public controversies and valorizes the comic frame as an ethically superior mode of rhetoric. These judgments are rooted in the discipline's reliance on Burkean categories, a reductionist conception of melodrama, and an implicit assumption that social unification should be the telos of rhetoric. In response, this essay advances a concept of melodrama as an integrated set of rhetorical appeals. It uses examples of environmental rhetoric to illustrate how the inventional resources of melodrama can transform public controversies and oppose dominant discourses that rationalize or obscure threats to the quality and existence of life on Earth. Based on these arguments, the essay endorses a sophistic critical perspective that foregrounds timeliness as the primary ground for rhetorical judgment and refuses to treat any rhetorical frame as inherently superior to another.  相似文献   

中国非物质文化遗产的英译已经成为我们向世界展示中华民族博大精深的文化,提升国家软实力的重要手段。如何翻译出"非遗"浓厚的民族和地方特色并且被西方受众所接受已经成为译界的重要课题。本文借鉴西方修辞学中的受众中心论、认同说及修辞情境等相关理论,探讨了用西方修辞学理论指导"非遗"英译的理据及其对"非遗"翻译实践的启示。  相似文献   

黎锦熙先生的汉语修辞学研究卓然有成,也颇富特色,主要表现在五个方面:一是善于将语法与修辞紧密结合起来,有效地阐释了汉语中种种不易解释的语言现象;二是对修辞学的研究具有全局观,较早地建构起一个较为完整的汉语修辞学学科理论体系,在中国现代修辞学史上具有开创性意义;三是善于概括归纳相关修辞原则,重视修辞理论对语言实践的指导作用;四是重视在继承与借鉴中融古今中外于一炉,从而建立起自己独到的修辞理论体系;五是以发展的观点看待修辞现象,为后人开展汉语修辞史研究提供了正确的方向。  相似文献   

对外汉语修辞教学以培养留学生汉语修辞能力为目标,是对外汉语教学中的一门新课程,目前存在着诸多问题。本文就课程的设置、修辞教学的项目与等级问题进行了一些探讨,并就修辞教学的方法与手段结合自己的教学实践提出了初步看法。  相似文献   

共同外交政策是欧洲一体化的应有之义,也是欧洲长久以来的梦想。共同外交与安全政策的启动是欧盟共同外交政策建设的里程碑。同时,欧洲的对外政策也带有"普世价值"、多边主义等强烈的欧洲价值观念色彩,这些价值观念也不可避免的在欧盟对华政策实践中体现出来。文章以欧盟对华政策为例,从价值观视角分析欧盟共同外交政策的建设,探讨价值观影响下欧盟共同外交政策的不足。  相似文献   

人权是美国外交政策的重要武器和手段,是美国实现全球利益不可或缺的重要组成部分。人权外交自卡特政府提出以来一直成为美国外交政策中的一个重要方面。上世纪90年代以来我国学术界围绕人权外交出台的原因、实施手段、取得的成效、实质等问题展开了广泛而深入的研究。但与国外同一领域的研究相比,我国学术界对人权外交的研究存在选题重复、观点陈旧、关于美国对中国人权外交的研究不足等问题。  相似文献   

The UK coalition Government's call to end the ‘bias’ towards inclusion represents a shift in ‘policy speak’ as the new administration attempts to re‐narrate special education by putting forward a ‘reasonable and sensible’ solution to the ‘problem of inclusion’. However, implicit in the call is the assumption that there has, in fact, been a ‘bias towards inclusion’ in education policy and practice; here, that assumption is challenged. Using a critical disability studies perspective, Katherine Runswick‐Cole, who is a research fellow in Disability Studies and Psychology in the Research Institute of Health and Social Change at Manchester Metropolitan University, draws on the concept of ableism and critiques of neo‐liberal market systems in education to reveal and explore the persistent barriers to inclusive education embedded within the education system. It is argued that although there may have been an inclusive education policy rhetoric, this rhetoric is rooted in conceptual incongruities which, rather than promoting inclusion, undermine an inclusive approach to education.  相似文献   

由于种族的融合同化、宗教的影响和外来文化的吸收,英语在政治、文学、宗教、科学等方面吸收了大量的外来语。它们填补了英语词汇的不足,明确而简洁。有些表示某种内在的感情,抒发某种潜在的意念,以达到英语修辞所要求的表露心态,成为英语修辞的一个独特的领域。  相似文献   

This article explores the meaning of community and perceptions of disability in Rwanda, as revealed through a community‐based ethnographic study. This study took place in Rwanda in an educational policy context driven by international rhetoric about human rights, inclusion and the arguably unachievable Education for All targets. We argue that the emphasis on the inclusion of marginalised groups in Rwanda’s current education policy is a reality on paper, but not in practice. However, we explore the potential for a deeper understanding of community responses to disability, and ways in which the rhetoric and reality gap can be bridged. We consider some of the attitudinal and infrastructural barriers in educational settings and argue that Rwandan communities are resourceful, and can be supported to respond appropriately to children with disabilities.  相似文献   

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