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Teacher education programs have been tasked with the responsibility to develop educators who can successfully infuse technology into their teaching. Despite standards-based expectations, a plethora of technology infusion opportunities, and the importance of faculty roles as models and teachers, physical education teacher education (PETE) programs have yet to demonstrate current expectations for teaching with and about educational technology. In this article, the authors provide a glimpse into the educational technology requirements, challenges, and strategies for teacher education/PETE programs. The authors suggest a call to action among PETE programs to address the issues that prevent PETE graduates from entering their teaching careers less than equipped to effectively use technology to enhance teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Technology has changed the way the world functions on a day-to-day basis, but what about education? Education has been directly affected by the increase of technology in the United States. This change has not been well accepted by some members of the educational community, thus leaving the realm of education behind in the technology era. This article seeks to focus on the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as some of the issues that surround teachers and technology. The article also delves into the future of technology and education and provides some helpful tips for technology use in the classroom.  相似文献   

教师教育研究是当代中国教育改革研究中的热门话题,也是世界教育改革中的一个重要课题。我国自20世纪80年代以来倡导以“教师教育”的概念替代原来的“师范教育”。然而,以往的教师教育研究却忽略了教师自身的因素:教师信仰理性和实践理性。教师教育研究的趋势可归纳为:理性取向的教师教育研究、实践反思取向的教师教育研究、生态学取向的教师教育研究。  相似文献   

High quality early childhood teachers have a wealth of knowledge and use a range of skills in their daily classroom practices, and research has consistently demonstrated the positive influence effective early childhood teachers have on children’s development and long-term outcomes. Given the importance of practicum experiences in the development of effective teachers, exploration and understanding of these experiences for early childhood teacher candidates is warranted. The relationship between the cooperating teacher and teacher candidate can be viewed as a central element in the experience; this relationship influences and is influenced by additional elements within the practicum experience, including: communication, beliefs, fit, knowledge and learning. In this article, each of these elements is explored, and the interrelatedness of the elements within the practicum experience is discussed. A systems perspective is used to describe the multiple elements of the practicum experiences in early childhood teacher preparation programs, not only to explore the practicum experience, but also to develop recommendations and a research agenda.  相似文献   

鼓励普通教师积极参与科研是目前国内外教师发展的主题,通过一个教师第一次开展一个行动研究的过程记录,详细报道了此教师如何通过同事间私下聊天这种交流方式消除职业孤独、增强反省和解决教学问题的能力,成为善于合作的自信积极的人。通过系统对比分析专业研究者和普通教师研究者的科研条件和目标的区别,提出教师研究、教师发展的运动必须尽快树立教师友善的研究评估标准,以确保科研不会变成教师肩上的新负担、真正促进教师职业发展。  相似文献   

作为教师继续教育的重要组成部分的教师培训在教师的专业发展过程中非常重要,而立足学校、以教学实践为出发点的校本培训更显示出其特有的意义。在教师培训中,倡导教师以实际中的问题为中心开展集体攻关,通过案例反映的问题促进教师的个人反思以及共同反思,引导教师开展基于“教学问题”的课题研究,使其“问题意识”上升到“课题意识”。  相似文献   

教学硕士(MT)项目是多伦多大学安大略教育研究院教师教育硕士项目,旨在培养杰出的中小学教师及教育行业的卓越领导者。MT项目构建运行非常具有特色,结合了教学硕士学位与中小学教师认证,社群协作的学习模式,满足未来教学需要的特色课程,穿插模块式的教学实习,原创性小规模的课题研究。安大略教育研究院的MT项目与我国教育硕士专业学位研究生培养有很多相似之处,探讨MT项目运行情况,可以为我国完善教育硕士专业学位研究生培养获得一些思考与借鉴。  相似文献   

美国教师组织是具有专业性组织和教师工会双重功能的社会组织。作为既定利益的代言人,教师组织为了教师群体的利益,经常通过集体谈判、政治结盟、罢教、支持或参加选举活动和司法行动等政治行为对学校和政府的相关教育政策的制定发挥影响作用。  相似文献   

This article describes how preservice teachers accomplish and write up action research projects as part of their teacher preparation at one university in the United States. The paper is divided into four major sections. In the first section, the instructor describes how teacher research is introduced to teacher education students and how they are guided through the processes of conceptualizing, doing, and writing up their projects. The next two sections are the stories of two 1st-year teachers who describe and reflect on what they learned from completing action research projects under the direction of the instructor. The concluding section offers generalizations that synthesize lessons learned by the authors.  相似文献   

继续教育课程体系是教师继续教育课程编制的核心任务。课程内容的选择和编排必须考虑教师行动教育的有效性和教师的成人特性,使课程内容既呈现开放性的生成,又考虑教师个体的实际成长需求;既要面向发展的需要,又要从当前现实出发;体现出实用性与支持性相结合,广泛性与选择性相结合。着力开发突出实用性设计的继续教育课程体系。  相似文献   

The passage of No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act has strengthened the conditions for instructional accountability for all learners. The standards‐based approach promulgated by curriculum and state assessments is central to the accountability of conditions in today's schools; however, national and state data continue to document a performance gap between students with learning disabilities (LD) and their nondisabled peers. Building on 5 years of experience in developing and testing the Blending Assessment with Instruction Program in mathematics, we present three basic principles that are essential to ensuring that students with LD achieve curriculum standards: (1) instruction must be aligned with curriculum standards, (2) teachers' content knowledge is essential to translating curriculum standards into aligned instruction, and (3) instructional methodology should receive greater attention during teacher preparation.  相似文献   

论重点师范大学教师教育的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育部直属师范院校作为具有综合性质的重点师范大学,在教师专业发展、培养优秀教师的新形势下,首先,需要实现师范教育到教师教育的转型;其次,在澄清免费师范教育目标错误认识基础上,提升办学层次,确立精英化的培养层次目标和本土化的服务对象定位;再次,从高水平综合性自身基础与教师专业发展的角度设计基于"4+X"的多种教师培养模式;最后,根据优秀教师的标准设置崭新的课程。  相似文献   

教师教育面临的一个重要挑战是行动问题。主要表现为理论与实践相脱节、实践环节薄弱,无法有力地促进中小学教育质量提升。针对其产生的根源,解决行动问题要认识到教学和教师教育的复杂性,改变条块分割的机械简单的培养方式,开发一致而有力的影响实践的教师教育,特别是通过理论课程学习与实地学习的持续交织,不断整合理论与实践,致力于让教师拥有对复杂教学情境的强理解力和实践能力。  相似文献   

In this article we aim to highlight the issues we have encountered in teaching art curriculum courses on the primary BAEd degree programme. The main issues addressed are student self-confidence and the conditions which form barriers to active engagement in art activities. These we have addressed in the context of the wide changes taking place since the Education Reform Act of 1988. Our concern is that students develop the confidence to implement change in accord with their own convictions. We describe how we support them in their developing autonomy through the various strategies we have developed including the recognition and transfer of prior knowledge and reflection on the process of their own learning.  相似文献   

当前,教师教育课程的实践取向已成为教师教育领域的共识.在此导向之下,职前教师教育的重心正在从大学课堂移向中小学现场.历史地看,这只是恢复早期师范教育对于经验的崇尚,尤其表现为对教师个体自然经验的片面依赖.事实上,这不仅加剧了理论与实践在教师专业素养形成中的割裂状态,更妨碍了师范大学的教师教育学科建设.因此,有必要基于杜威的经验理论深刻省思现行教师教育的实习类课程,并从当代实践哲学视域重新理解教师教育实践与理论的统一关系,进而探寻基于大学专业教育立场的教师教育课程体系,真正发挥教师教育学科对于教师专业成长的理论支持力.  相似文献   

把教育行动的目标定格在社会、制度、文化的再生产领域进行分析,是西方马克思主义教育社会学理论的基本框架。这种理论框架是以马克思关于经济基础决定上层建筑和人的异化理论为基础的。教育行动的社会学研究把教育纳入到社会结构各要素之间的互动中研究,有力地揭示了教育再生产社会结构的本质。  相似文献   


This study is a review of a program and an endeavor that sought to examine the effects of preparing prospective teachers in the skills and abilities of action research, utilizing technological resources, and determining the impact of that upon teacher education efforts. A cohort of secondary student teachers were taught and prepared in the processes and activities associated with action research, a means of identifying one's own issues and concerns with teaching and conducting a valuable study and examination of those issues. They were asked to organize, prepare, present, and evaluate their research activities by utilizing technology and demonstrating these results. Finally, they were asked to evaluate the implications that this effort had on their teacher education program and professional development.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper was undertaken to discover the extent of pastoral care training carried out during secondary initial teacher education. Questionnaires were sent to heads of initial teacher education institutions in England and Wales. It was found that institutions were likely to provide some form of training in pastoral care but the extent and method of training varied greatly between institutions. However, training in actual practical skills such as basic counselling skills was much less likely to be available. The authors conclude that there is still some considerable way to go before newly qualified teachers are likely to feel adequately prepared for their pastoral roles.  相似文献   

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