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In recent years the Education Commission of Fujian Province has taken further steps toward placing the work of popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) in a position of being "the most important of all that is important" among the various items of enterprises to be developed; it has also upheld the drawing up of plans by each district and locality, and the provision of instructions and guidance to each region within the province depending on the category in which the region belongs, and has thus given great impetus to the promotion of smoothly implementing the plan for popularizing NYCE.  相似文献   

Mr.Cow:Hello,Mr.Pig.Why are you sad ? Mr.Pig:Everybody likes you,but nobody likes me.They always say  相似文献   

In a national education climate where change is the only constant, Norman S. Weir Elementary School has maintained and expanded the reform efforts that have resulted in striking academic achievement and improved school climate. Despite changes in administration and staffing, a highly professional and committed staff has continued the implementation of the Comer School Development Program and sustained Weir as an outstanding intellectual and social development learning community.  相似文献   

《莫须有先生坐飞机以后》是一部实录性小说,作把议论引入小说创作之中,注重对事实意义的阐释,一扫其早期小说的诗性特征,语言相当绵密,繁琐。小说的意义在于中国现代作家提供了一种新的学表现图式,同时,作创作旨趣的前后变化,也从一侧面反映了一个现代中国知识分子的心路历程。  相似文献   

十年前,陕西省戏曲研究院创演的大型眉户现代戏《迟开的玫瑰》进行首场演出。当时陕西同行们对该剧题材所表现的价值观念有一些争论。在经历了十年之久的争论之后,在经历了一出现代戏被全国数十个不同剧种、不同方言区和不同地域文化精神特质的艺术家、观众移植、上演和欣赏之后,在《迟》剧荣获“2005—2006年度国家舞台艺术精品工程”十大精品剧目榜首之后,这种争论似乎应该有一个比较清晰的结果,那就是任何时候。戏曲艺术都应该也只能是以人们大众的审美视觉和观赏需求为依据,都应该也只能是依剧目对社会进步所起到的积极作用为判断标准。[第一段]  相似文献   

<正>Japan has resumed commercial whaling after a break of over three decades. Commercial whaling was banned in 1986 by an International Whaling Commission(IWC) moratorium~1.However, Japan withdrew~2 from the IWC in December. Japan's government has promised all whalers will stay within 320 kilometers from its coast. The Japanese fisheries agency set a quota~3 for killing 227 whales every six months. In the first days of resumed~4 whaling, whalers caught  相似文献   

Mr. B.     

胡适与傅斯年一生既是师生,又是朋友的关系。在他们交往中,傅斯年始终都愿为胡适效力,但也只有他敢直面批评胡适。在学术方面,他们在上世纪二三十年代都取得了显著的成就;但在行政办事方面,胡适却远不如傅斯年。他们都不愿参加国民党政府,愿在政府外做"诤友",但最终都黯然离开大陆。  相似文献   

我们的班主任姓姜。外教给我们上课时,拿出一张画着老姜的图片,对我们说:“This is gin-ger!”我们想到班主任不也姓姜吗?于是,大家便把班主任亲切地叫作Mr.Gin-ger。Mr.Ginger是全年级惟一的男班主任,教我们政治。因此,每天不用上多少课的他有一个嗜好,就是监视我们上其他课的情况。由于Mr.Ginger的办公室与我们的教室只有一墙之隔,更要命是还有一扇门相通。于是,当我们正全神贯注地听讲时,Mr.Ginger就不知不觉地把门打开,用他那双戴着眼镜的近视眼如幽灵般注视着我们。如果这时你在搞小动作,那就死定了,Mr.Ginger一定会在下午放学后…  相似文献   

尼莫·诺巴蒂(Nemo Nobody)是一个35岁的普通男人,与妻子养育了三个孩子。一天,当他在游泳池中醒来,发现自己身处于2092年的一间豪华公寓内,此时已经100多岁的他是全世界最老、并且也是唯一正常的人——因为这个人类已经战胜了死亡。这世上没有人会死去。尼莫·诺巴蒂试图搞清楚这一切是怎么发生、是否他现在经历的真实生活就是他应该过的?影片带领我们进入了年迈的尼莫·诺巴蒂的记忆,穿梭于幻想与现实之间。  相似文献   

It’s a cloudy day. Where’s Mr.Sun? Oh,Mr.Sun, please come out and play with us!Oh, Mr.Sun, Sun,Mr.Golden* Sun,Please shine* down on me.Oh, Mr.Sun, Sun,Mr.Golden Sun,  相似文献   

Mr. Rabbit     
Mr. Rabbit was always doing things that made other people angry and they wanted to catch him. But it was very hard to catch Mr. Rabbit.  相似文献   

华北事变后,随着日本侵略的加剧,国民政府开始注重对日作战的准备工作。1936年底,国民党政府参谋本部奉命拟订了《民国二十六年度作战计划》。《作战计划》在分析了中日双方基本情况的基础上,判定了战争初期日军所采用的"速战速决"战略方针以及日军的进攻路线,拟定了对日作战的具体任务和战斗部署,表达了国民政府最高领导集团对中日战争的基本构想,为即将到来的抗日战争作了重要的准备。  相似文献   

马歇尔计划(MarshallPlan)又称“欧洲复兴计划”,在二战后美国的外交战略中占有重要的地位,被称为“美国对外经济技术援助最成功的计划”。通过接受美国的援助,西欧经济得以复兴和发展,西欧一体化的进程加速进行,冷战对峙的局面也进一步加剧。近些年来,我国学翻译出  相似文献   

Access Courses After Ten Years: A Review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 10 years since 1978 there has been an explosion of courses aimed at widening access to higher education. This paper reviews the development of those courses and the issues surrounding them. In general the courses developed in an ad hoc fashion determined at local level. However as the DES draws access provision into the centre of educational policy that local diversity may be threatened. If DES policy on widening access is to succeed then it will have to move beyond exhortation to face major policy issues such as the reallocation of resources: but if it does this then the initial emphasis of practitioners on directing resources at disadvantaged groups may itself be constrained. A coherent strategy is necessary if the original aims of access provision are to be realised.  相似文献   

“汤、沈之争”在中国戏曲理论发展史上占有重要地位。它的产生是受戏曲理论发展的内在逻辑性、当时戏曲现实创作和理论状况以及论争主体条件等诸因素合力作用的结果。整个问题的产生及解决工作和元代戏曲理论、创作实践的联系是人类社会螺旋式上升发展过程的一个反映。中西曲论发展进程中的情与法矛盾的横向比较存在着一致性和差异性。  相似文献   

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