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幼儿主动学习指通过教师创设外部学习环境,使幼儿产生内在的学习需要,进而主动、自主、积极地参与教学活动,并维持到学习全过程的一种学习状态。教师要通过设计适宜的活动过程和内容、投放主动学习的材料、改变活动方式方法等教学策略,培养幼儿主动学习的能力,为幼儿一生发展打下基础。  相似文献   

家庭是儿童情绪社会化的起点,家庭表露影响着儿童情绪的健康发展;父母要学会积极表露,引导孩子学会正确认知和表达自己的情绪,为孩子情绪的健康发展创设良好的情绪氛围。  相似文献   

主动学习作为幼儿学习品质的一个重要方面,对幼儿的身心发展有着重要的影响。通过文献法、观察法等方法,在对幼儿园区域环境观察的基础上,发现活动的材料、时间、空间、师幼关系是区域活动中培养幼儿主动性学习品质的重要条件。因此,本研究希望通过良好的区域活动环境创设,促进幼儿主动学习。  相似文献   

始于明末的沧州回族经堂教育,是带有回族特色的一种宗教教育体系,它的主要目的是培养宗教人才和普及宗教知识。沧州回族经堂教育作为回族民间教育的主流,它在伊斯兰文化的传承、回族人才的培养以及回族社会的进步与发展等方面发挥了巨大作用。  相似文献   

Hannah Arendt's critique of education in 1950s USA provides an important way of understanding the development of citizenship education. Her theory on the nature of childhood and her concepts of natality and authority give insight into both the directions of current policies and practices, and the possible future states into which these elements may crystallise. It is argued that education for citizenship is an expression of the hope that children will ‘save’ us from ourselves and that there are two distinct directions that this hope is taking, one representing an orientation to the past and the other to the future. Arendt's critique focuses on what she argues is the proper relationship to both past and future that the educator must maintain. The argument is contextualised through the Scottish approach to citizenship education.  相似文献   

运用代币制矫正儿童不良行为的尝试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用代币制矫正儿童日常不良行为的实践,证明了代币制在矫正儿童不良行为中,操作方便,方法简单,效果显著.  相似文献   

<正>Recursion,firstly originating from mathematics and computer science,is later broadly discussed in the linguistic field.Recursion is defined as the process of embedding a constituent inside another constituent of the same kind(Fitch,2010;Pinker and Jankendoff,2005;van der Hulst,2010).It is claimed to be an important step in the evolution of human language and it is regarded as an essential ability and technique which endows  相似文献   

1984年以后,大批有影响的女诗人纷纷将笔触伸向文化、生理、心理领域,对女性处境进行了体察入微,更高层次的文化审视,从而显示出内容上“反传统”、“反崇高”的倾向。在形式上,则大胆移植西方现代诗歌的技巧,诸如自白方式、独特的结构与意象、怪诞的语言等,从而使20世纪80年代后期的女性诗歌呈现出鲜明的现代诗学特征。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of church schools on a range of indices of village church life in a sample of 1637 communities ranging in size from 250 to 1250 inhabitants. After controlling for the influence of population, electoral roll, the amalgamation of churches within multi‐parish benefices, the age of the clergyman and whether or not there is an occupied vicarage within the area served by the church, the presence of a church school is shown to augment slightly the village church's usual Sunday contact with 6‐9‐year‐olds and with adults. The presence of a church school is also shown to have a small positive influence on the number of infant baptisms, the number of 6‐13‐year‐olds in the village church choir and the number of young confirmands under the age of 14 years. All these findings emphasise the beneficial nature of the impact of Church of England voluntary schools on village church life.  相似文献   

儿童关系攻击行为研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关系攻击是指故意操纵或破坏他人同伴关系的一种伤害性行为,它比身体攻击和言语攻击更加间接和隐蔽,不容易被教师和家长发现,但对儿童的心理-社会适应有长期的负面影响.然而,有关学前儿童关系攻击行为发生原因、发展过程、影响因素的研究却刚刚起步.本文对相关研究的结果进行了梳理,探讨当前对儿童关系攻击行为的研究方法及研究的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

通过对自然情境下幼儿园同伴间的合作行为进行现场观察和访谈,收集幼儿同伴的合作行为案例,在此基础上对幼儿同伴合作行为的类型进行了三个维度的划分,并对不同类型的幼儿合作行为作出了相应的“解释性理解”。  相似文献   

本研究采用结构性行为取样的方法,对4个年龄段的儿童在校欺负行为进行观察和分析,结果表明:学龄前儿童欺负行为的发生频率要高于学龄儿童,不同年龄段的欺负者、受欺负者及旁观者人数均有显著差异;欺负者中男生明显多于女生,受欺负者中女生明显多于男生,旁观者中各角色也存在显著的性别差异;在欺负行为中,5岁之前以攻击欺负为主,5岁之后以被动欺负为主;5岁之前儿童主要是身体欺负,5岁以后以言语欺负为主,7岁以后关系欺负行为增多.  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental evaluation of a children's safety training programme,Kidscape, which aims to increase primary school children's ability to deal with four types of potentially unsafe situation: being bullied, being approached by a stranger, being subject to inappropriate intimacy from a known adult and to pressure from such adults to keep such intimacy secret. Assessments of children's safety awareness were carried out in three schools which used the programme, and in three matched control schools which did not, with children at two age levels, 6 years and 10 years. These assessments of children's awareness were made on three occasions: before, immediately after and 2‐3 months after the training programme for the experimental sample (60 children) and on corresponding occasions for the control sample (60 children). The results revealed a significant improvement in the safety awareness of the experimental (trained) group after training and also a significant difference between the groups, in favour of the trained group. However, an improved performance of the control (untrained) group suggests that factors other than the Kidscape programme itself may influence these differences. Age differences in children's wariness of the four safety situations are also discussed.  相似文献   

攻击性行为是一种使他人受到伤害的问题行为,它影响着智力落后儿童安置方式的选择、教育及职业计划的制定和社会接纳程度.文章从智力落后儿童攻击性行为的出现率及特征、影响因素和评量等方面进行分析,力图为更有效地实施治疗和干预措施提供参考.  相似文献   

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