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高职院管理人员的工作是院校发展的基础;是日常教育教学正常开展的保障。但是高职院内部公共关系的开展通常以学生、教师为主,管理人员为辅;通常认为管理人员应该是高职院校公共关系开展的主体,忽视了他们是内部公共关系的客体,这种错误的思想是导致高职院校管理人员产生职业倦怠的重要原因。将公共关系的相关理论运用到高职院管理人员的管理之中,对将科学发展观所提出的"以人为本"落到实处,对于解决高职院管理人员的职业倦怠有积极的实践意义。  相似文献   

The disadvantages of the conventional small group teaching method are discussed and two procedures designed to overcome these are outlined. Both procedures are variants on the single theme of dyadic interaction in which the two participants ask questions of each other. The writer's own experience with dyadic interaction as a teaching approach is outlined and a modification to the basic format is suggested. Use of the technique as a means of “breaking the ice” with a new group is also discussed.  相似文献   

Public relations educators are frequently challenged by students' flawed perceptions of public relations. Two contrasting case studies are presented in this paper to illustrate how socially-oriented paradigms may be applied to a real-client project to deliver a transformative learning experience. A discourse-analytic approach is applied within the case studies as a technique for identifying changes in students' understandings of the ideological structures, power relations and knowledge systems that underpin public relations and for determining whether transformative learning has taken place. The discourse engagement and normative/critical/ethical paradigmatic orientations examined in this paper provide conceptual foundations for developing civic responsibility that needs to be underpinned by salient social theory.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the divergent public response in democratic cultures to power symbols who manipulate either a self‐disparaging (ironie) public persona or a self‐aggrandizing (hypocritical) one. This divergence is explored in light of well‐known democratic assumptions about power‐holders, and it is illustrated in the contrasting presidential images of Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy. It is concluded that the critic may require an extended vocabulary to evaluate the actions of power‐holders over and above those used to evaluate the actions of private individuals.  相似文献   

关系,就其一般含义来看是指事物与事物之间以及事物内部合要素之间的客观联系。辩证唯物主义认为,事物是普遍联系构,是不断运动、变化和发展的。人们认识世界要理清事物各种关系,改造世界也要理顺各种关系,图书馆在开展各项工作过程中,必然要与社会其它方面发生各种各样的联系,认识和处理好这些关系对搞好图书馆工作具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

公关礼仪是现代社会人与人之间、人与组织之间、组织与组织之间用以沟通思想、联络感情、促进了解、构建和谐环境、最终塑造良好形象的一种行为规范.是一个国家、一个民族文明程度的重要标志,是一个民族精神面貌和凝聚力的重要体现.加强大学生公关礼仪教育,培养良好的礼仪习惯,在大学生德育教育中越来越重要.  相似文献   

当今良性思想教育的缺失已经相当严重,公众的物质概念正日益提高,但人们往往忽视了"社会价值"的存在。现今公共关系正日益盛行,各个社会团体、组织、单位、企业等,都争先利用社会关系提高自身的影响力和社会地位,我们正好可以借用这一时机,以提高公众的思想水平,并借此良机进行思想教育。  相似文献   

公关语言是公关实务及人际关系中一种有意义的媒介物,公关语言艺术具有为组织和个人树立良好的社会形象的效果。本着重讨论公关语言艺术及其语用功能。  相似文献   

试论企业应如何加强公关危机管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,公关危机犹如病毒一般,随晨都有可能侵蚀企业的机体,但企业只要保持高度的警觉和采取积极果断的措施,就能将其危害控制在最小范围内,本从危机发生前、发生时和发生后这三个阶段分别阐述企业应采取的相应管理措施,为现代企业预防和处理公关危机事件提供一些有益的参考。  相似文献   

在经济全球化背景下,必须弘扬爱国主义精神。这是因为国家是民族存在的最高组织形式,是国际社会活动中的独立主体。只要国家继续存在,爱国主义就有其坚实的基础和丰富的意义。在经济全球化条件下弘扬爱国主义,必须处理好热爱祖国,为祖国服务与发扬新时代国际主义的关系,维护世界和平与促进共同发展的关系;弘扬爱国主义和弘扬民族精神的关系;弘扬爱国主义与弘扬时代精神的关系。  相似文献   

This study examined the perceptions of elementary and secondary school teachers, and school board members, of the school as a work environment. The Work Environment Preferencess Scale, an instrument based on Weber's components of bureaucratic organizations, was administered to all the teachers and board members of a small Maine school district. Board members, then secondary teachers, preferred bureaucratic organization and principles. Implications for education are discussed.  相似文献   

把商业集团市场营销置于公共关系视野之中来统摄。公共关系把商业集团市场营销从"术"的层次提升到了"战略思想"的高度,即用公共关系的思想、理念来统摄、观照市场营销,其核心就是要求企业组织在营销中要牢固树立"形象"观念,而不是单纯的"销售"观念。它必将使市场营销进入一个全新的境界,并拓展公共关系自身发展的空间与领域。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the parallels within the fields of international public relations and intercultural communication as sister fields sharing a common link of communication and culture. The paper discusses the two fields’ struggle for definition and their development of a rich flora of research as well as the debates that ensued. This essay also explores emerging trends within intercultural communication that may well impact international public relations in the future. The paper concludes with an analysis of the parallels within the two fields and the potential for shared knowledge between them.  相似文献   

公共关系危机管理浅议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在公共关系危机管理中,应做好预防、沟通、善后三步工作,变危机为契机。同时应掌握相应的公关危机处理技巧。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present the results of research in which the Finnish public discussion of giftedness and gifted children, and conceptions of giftedness and gifted children presented in it, were examined. The research was conducted by analyzing articles from the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat and the teachers’ periodical Opettaja, using the content analysis method. The results show that giftedness is seen as multidimensional, and both intrapersonal and environmental contributions are recognized as essential in talent development. The conceptions of gifted children were quite diverse, and gifted children’s possible problems were frequently discussed. Moreover, misunderstandings were revealed as well as areas that have not been adequately addressed.  相似文献   

医史文献是晋升中医境界的入门学问,其研究范畴主要是古籍。医史侧重于从时间维度来认识古籍内容的纵向传承演变脉络与规律,文献则注重从空间维度来认识古籍内容的横向时代价值。欲求古籍内容的科学诠释,应当从医史与文献两个维度进行研究。医史文献在中医学术的发展过程中,始终起着承前启后的载道作用;从研习中医的角度而言,医史文献学也始终具有登堂入室的传道作用。  相似文献   

本文从精细化管理的角度出发,结合政府公共关系的特点,探讨了构建新时代的政府公共关系的一些见解。  相似文献   

In December 2000, five Polish state institutions of higher education in economics established the Foundation for the Promotion and Accreditation of Economics Programmes. Its mission, as stated in its charter, is to improve the quality of economics and management education by disseminating and supporting its best models. This mission takes on particular importance on the eve of the inclusion of Polish higher education institutions into the European Higher Education Area. This article serves as a case study based on the experience of the Poznan´ University of Economics and what it gained from its accreditation in early 2003.  相似文献   

公共关系对于高校危机管理的时间争取、良好环境营造、支持力量争取等方面有着重要的意义,一定程度上还决定着高校危机管理的成败,但目前高校危机管理中的公共关系运用仍存在着观念不正确、公关不及时等问题,导致公共关系的作用未充分发挥。为此,笔者提出应在树立公关意识、转变固有观念、培养公关技巧等方面加强公共关系在高校危机管理中的有效运用。  相似文献   

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