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PRACTICAL REASONING IN HUMAN AFFAIRS: STUDIES IN HONOR OF CHAIM PERELMAN. Edited by James L. Golden and Joseph J. Pilotta. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1987; pp. x + 404. $79.00.

INVENTING THE PEOPLE: THE RISE OF POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA. By Edmund S. Morgan. New York: W. W. Norton &; Company, 1988; pp. 318. $18.95.

AMERICAN SILHOUETTES: RHETORICAL IDENTITIES OF THE FOUNDERS. By Albert Furtwangler. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987; pp. vii + 168. $17.50; paper $10.95.

ORATORICAL ENCOUNTERS: SELECTED STUDIES AND SOURCES OF TWENTIETH‐CENTURY POLITICAL ACCUSATIONS AND APOLOGIES. Edited by Halford Ross Ryan. Forward by Edward P.J. Corbett. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988; pp. xxv + 329. $39.95.

CONSTRUCTING THE POLITICAL SPECTACLE. By Murray Edelman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988; pp. vi + 137. paper $7.95.

HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, VOLUME 1: DISCIPLINES OF DISCOURSE. Edited by Teun A. van Dijk. London: Academic Press, 1985, pp. xvii + 302. $58.00.

HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, VOLUME 2: DIMENSIONS OF DISCOURSE. Edited by Teun A. van Dijk. London: Academic Press, 1985, pp. xvii + 279. $58.00.

HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, VOLUME 3: DISCOURSE AND DIALOGUE. Edited by Teun A. van Dijk. London: Academic Press, 1985, pp. xix + 251. $58.00.

HANDBOOK OF DISCOURSE ANALYSIS, VOLUME 4: DISCOURSE ANALYSIS IN SOCIETY. Edited by Teun A. van Dijk. London: Academic Press, 1985, pp. xvii + 228. $58.00.

COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR DOCTOR: RX FOR GOOD MEDICAL CARE. By J. Alfred Jones, M.D. and Gerald M. Phillips. Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1988; pp. viii + 184. $19.95.

GROUP PROCESSES. Edited by Clyde Hendrick. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1987; pp. 294. Paper $14.95.

GROUP PROCESSES AND INTERGROUP RELATIONS. Edited by Clyde Hendrick. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1987; pp. 256. Paper $14.95.

A.J. GREIMAS AND THE NATURE OF MEANING: LINGUISTICS, SEMIOTICS, AND DISCOURSE THEORY. By Ronald Schleifer. Forward by Christopher Norris. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1987; pp. xxvi and 223. $28.95; paper $10.95.

THE ABUSE OF CASUISTRY: A HISTORY OF MORAL REASONING. By Albert R. Jonsen and Stephen Toulmin. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988; pp. ix + 420. $45.00.

KENNETH BURKE AND MARTIN HEIDEGGER: WITH A NOTE AGAINST DECON‐STRUCTIONISM. By Samuel B. Southwell. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1987; pp. ix+ 156. $15.00.

TIME AND NARRATIVE, Vol. 3. By Paul Ricoeur. Translated by Kathleen Blarney and David Pellauer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988; pp. 355. $29.95.

RHETORIC AND HISTORY IN REVOLUTIONARY NEW ENGLAND. By Donald Weber. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988; pp. xii + 207. $22.50.

THE PAPERS OF DANIEL WEBSTER: SPEECHES AND FORMAL WRITINGS, Two Volumes. Edited by Charles M. Wiltse and Alan R. Berolzheimer, Associate Editor. Hanover: University Press of New England. Volume 1 (1987), pp. xx + 641. $70.00; Volume 2 (1988), pp. xvii + 700. $75.00.

HERMOGENES’ ON TYPES OF STYLE. Translated by Cecil W. Wooten. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1987; pp. xviii + 159. $19.95.

TRIALS OF CHARACTER: THE ELOQUENCE OF CICERONIAN ETHOS. By James M. May. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1988; pp. viii + 215. $27.50.

THE SOPHISTS. By Harold Barrett. Novato, CA: Chandler &; Sharp, 1987; pp. v + 85. Paper $6.95.

POLITICAL ETHICS AND PUBLIC OFFICE. By Dennis F. Thompson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1987; pp. viii + 263. $25.00.

TELEDEMOCRACY: CAN TECHNOLOGY PROTECT DEMOCRACY? By F. Christopher Arterton. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1987; pp. 224. $29.95; paper $14.95.

SELLING SCIENCE: HOW THE PRESS COVERS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. By Dorothy Nelkin. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1987; pp. 224. $16.95.

THE SOCIAL MEANING OF CIVIC SPACE: STUDYING POLITICAL AUTHORITY THROUGH ARCHITECTURE. By Charles T. Goodsell. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1988; pp. xv + 229. $25.00.  相似文献   

The radio is a powerful means to reach adolescents and to address their concerns, particularly those that are not being addressed by their families or by the school curriculum. Proving this point is a radio program, "Sandhikhan" (Bengali for adolescence), which aired on national radio covering adolescent health issues, particularly reproductive health. The program's impact was the subject of a WBVHA survey among adolescent radio listeners in West Bengal. About 79% (369 individual listeners) of the respondents rated the radio program very good, with only a negligible 1% describing it as unnecessary. Only 21% of respondents listened to the program alone, with the majority listening in the company of friends, mothers, sisters, brothers, fathers, and other relatives. This suggested a wider group of listeners in addition to the program's primary target audience. Clearly, findings pointed to the effectiveness of teaching adolescent health on the air and the role that was played by WBVHA in developing healthy attitudes and habits among its young audience. The findings of the survey will provide the basis for producing educational materials on reproductive health for students as well as teachers.  相似文献   

基于QoS的认知无线电网络MAC协议(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高认知环境中次用户的吞吐量性能,提出了一种基于QoS的MAC协议. 认知节点将信道状态映射为向量,收端与发端通过"与"操作得到最终的信道映射,并获得备选信道集合. 上层应用程序传来的数据根据QoS要求被划分为2个优先级,每种级别的数据对应不同的竞争窗口,从而保证了实时数据具有较高的优先级. 使用二维离散时间马尔科夫链分析了系统的性能并推导出系统吞吐量的数学表达式. 仿真结果证实,与IEEE 802.11 DCF相比,所提协议有助于提高系统吞吐量.  相似文献   

Satellite radio     
Satellites have been a highly effective platform for multi-form broadcasts. This has led to a revival of the radio era. The satellite radio is a natural choice to bridge the digital gap. It has several novel features like selective addressing and error control. The value-added services from such systems are of particular interest.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interference cancellation (IC) scheme for uplink cognitive radio systems, using the spectrum underlay strategy where the primary users (PUs) and the secondary users (SUs) coexist and operate in the same spectrum. Joint MMSE-based parallel interference cancellation (PIC) and Turbo decoding scheme is proposed to reduce the interference to the PUs, as well as to the SUs, in which the minimum mean square estimation (MMSE) filter is only employed in the first iteration, regarded as the “weakest link” of the whole detection process, to improve the quality of the preliminary detections results before they are fed to the Turbo decoder. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently eliminate the interference to the PUs, as well as to the SUs.  相似文献   

To review the status of research in educational broadcasting, assess its adequacy in the light of contemporary requirements and propose a program of urgently needed research, 23 research specialists from organizations and institutions engaged in educational broadcasting participated in a five-day Seminar on Research in Educational Broadcasting. The Seminar was sponsored by the National Association of Educational Broadcasters with funds provided by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. Management responsibility was handled by The Ohio State University, which also generously contributed the services of many members of its staff. The Seminar was held December 9–13, 1957, on The Ohio State University campus in Columbus. For the past few years, Dr. Tyler has been director of the annual Institute for Education by Radio and Television.  相似文献   

介绍了一种应用于感知无线电的射频收发机,该射频收发机包含一个零中频接收机和一个直接上变频发射机.在与电视信号共存的环境中,射频接收机采用可调信道滤波器组来抑制邻近信道干扰.采用了具有宽动态范围、高线性度的低噪声放大器来提升零中频接收机的抗干扰性能.同时,采用高线性功率放大器来提高直接上变频发射机的邻近信道功率比特性.测...  相似文献   

针对传统频谱感知方法易受噪声波动影响的缺点,提出了一种认知无线电自适应双门限能量检测算法.该算法基于双门限能量检测,通过比较认知用户接收的能量值和预定义的门限值,判断当前信道状态并自适应地选择一轮感知或两轮感知.推导了所提算法的检测概率、虚检概率和感知时间的性能表达式,并采用蒙特卡洛仿真得到信噪比与检测概率、感知时间的...  相似文献   

A First Course in Public Speaking: with Debating and Oral Reading. By Jambs Albert Winans and Hoyt Hopewell, Hudson. The Century Company, New York and London, 1931. Pp. xvii, 349.

Debate and Oral Discussion. By James O'Nfill, and Rupert L. Cortright. New York: The Century Company, 1931.

The Short Speech. By James Thompson Baker. New York: Prentice‐Hall, Inc., 1928; pp. xvii, 315.

Charles Nagel: Speeches and Writings. Edited by Otto Heller. Limited edition printed by friends of the author. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1931; 2 vols.

Argumentation and Debate (a High School Text). By Carl G. Miller. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1931; pp. 240; $1.40.

University Education for Business. By James H. S. Bossard and J. Frederic Dewhurst. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1931; pp. 578.

How To Be Interesting. By Robert E. Rogers. Boston: L. C. Page and Company; 1931; pp. xii, 170; $2.00.  相似文献   

Saradi Bora 《Resonance》2017,22(2):123-133
The Earth’s ionosphere consists of plasma produced by the photoionization of thin upper atmospheric gases by UV rays and photons of short wavelength from the sun. The upper ionosphere is used for radio communication and navigation as it re-ects long, medium, as well as short radio waves. Since solar radiation is the main cause of the existence of ionosphere, any variation in the radiations can affect the entire radio communication system. This article attempts to brie-y introduce the readers to the study of ionosphere in the context of its use as a radio re-ector, with particular reference to India.  相似文献   

PATRIOTIC GORE: STUDIES IN THE LITERATURE OF THE CIVIL WAR. By Edmund Wilson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1962; pp. 816. $9.50; paper $3.95.

THE TRIPLE THINKERS: TWELVE ESSAYS ON LITERARY SUBJECTS. By Edmund Wilson. New York: Oxford University Press, 1948; pp. x+270. $6.50.  相似文献   

We propose a reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme in cognitive radio (CR) networks to solve the uncertainty resulting from the multipath fading and shadowing effect. In the proposed scheme, each cooperative CR user has a reputation degree that is initialized and adjusted by the central controller, and used to weight the sensing result from the corre- sponding CR user in the linear fusion process at the central controller. A simple method for adjusting the reputation degree of CR users is also presented. We analyzed and evaluated the detection performance of the reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme. Simulation results showed that our proposed scheme alleviates the problem of corrupted detection resulting from destructive channel conditions between the primary transmitter and the CR user. The performance of our proposed scheme was improved compared to the average-based linear cooperation scheme, and was similar to that of the optimal linear cooperation scheme with feasible computational complexity. Moreover, our proposed scheme does not require knowledge of channel statistics.  相似文献   

为生活的教育和为教育的生活   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
教育与儿童生活之间的关系正在被颠倒,不是教育适应儿童而是儿童生活适应教育,儿童生活原渴望着教育,教育原本可以在儿童生活中自然自然展,儿童则可以自由自主地吸收教育营养生长其生活能力,张扬其生命活力并创造美的生活,然而不明智的教育却以成人意志霸权控制了儿童生活,它制造着儿童不自然,不自由和不自主的认识,也制造着对教育的逆反,厌恶甚至敌意的情绪,教育也即成了儿童异已的生活,教育应当反省自我,一切为了儿童今天和明天的幸福生活。  相似文献   

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