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Motivated by her belief in the contributions of physical activity to the “good life” for all people, Amy Morris Homans was infl uential in the development of physical education as a viable and respected academic field of study in higher education. Over the past 100 years, however, as the field faced pressures to become more scientific, it has become increasingly decentralized into subdisciplinary units, thus, losing much of its unified mission and focus as an integrated field of study in academia. This fragmentation, along with the lack of an “umbrella” professional association or organizational home for the field (now most commonly called kinesiology) has hampered the field's ability to gain national recognition as a disciplinary field of study, its effectiveness as a political voice, and its ability to conduct the kind of cross-disciplinary research needed to best address important questions and issues in the field. Such overspecialization, together with a lack of a common name and common purpose, has raised concern about the field's identify and importance in higher education, with program cuts continuing to be the unfortunate result at a number of major universities. This paper addresses the importance of reconnecting the field and suggests a possible strategy for developing a new umbrella professional association dedicated to the unification and advancement of the field.  相似文献   

Kinesiology researchers have long had an interest in physical activity, fitness, and health issues and in the professional education and work practices of teachers and coaches. The professional development needs and practices of “fitness professionals,” however, have not been a major concern for researchers in the field. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the evidence on fitness professionals, their role in physical activity for health agendas, and the professional education and training that is available to support them. The analysis indicates that there is a mismatch between the expectations placed upon fitness professionals and the training and professional education that is available to them. It is argued that pedagogy researchers in kinesiology could usefully turn their attentions to this occupational group.  相似文献   

Kinesiology is the study of movement or, more generally, the study of physical activity. The term kinesiology meets all the criteria for labeling the academic physical activity domain and has the useful advantage of being neutral in many of the current debates regarding emphases on the disciplinary, professional, or activity dimensions and subsets thereof. The study of physical activity in higher education should uniformly be called kinesiology at the levels of programmatic core, degree title, field of study, and department title.  相似文献   

Teachers’ sources of knowledge for field trip practices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teachers draw from many personal and professional experiences when organising and leading field trips. In order to identify the influences on teachers?? field trip practices, I used surveys, interviews, artifacts and observations gathered from teachers who led trips to an aquarium. Findings clarified the types of influence and the impact that these influences had on practice. For example, teachers adapted knowledge acquired for use in their field trips from four types of training (1) informal mentoring, (2) past experience on various trips, (3) various outdoor education training and (4) traditional classroom education training. A focus was the nature of each of these training types and how teachers acquire and adapt their knowledge. Previous research has shown that, while a variety of cognitive and affective outcomes often results from field trips, there is also a pattern of underutilised resources and missed learning opportunities during trips. This study offers insight regarding strengths and weaknesses of teachers?? preparation for leading field trips by documenting how and what skills are learned and applied. Therefore the findings presented here are suggestive of ways in which efforts to formally support and enhance teachers?? trip-leading skills by means of professional development might build on teachers?? existing sources of knowledge.  相似文献   

职业能力是法律硕士人才培养的基本目标。由于过度强调职业能力中的技能要素,在法律硕士教育实践中,出现了将职业能力简单地等同于实务技能,将职业能力与理论学习相对立,将职业能力等同于高度成熟的职业能力的错误倾向。培养目标的误读对法律硕士教育产生了多方面的危害。基于CBE理论的分析框架,法律职业能力可以解析为法律态度、法律知识、法律技能和法律经验等四个维度的能力要素。法学院的客观条件与法律硕士四种职业能力要素的匹配度,呈现出依次递减的规律性,法学院应当将培养重点放在与其现实条件匹配度较高的能力要素上。应当从适度降低人才培养目标,精简归并法律技能型课程,采取与课程性质相适应的多元化教学方法等方面入手,优化法律硕士教育,提升教育效能。  相似文献   

创业教育成为高职深化教育教学改革的重要方式,义乌工商职业技术学院电商专业积极探索专业教育与创业教育的融合,积累了丰富经验。在对“专业+创业”人才培养模式的必要性、专业教育与创业教育融合的影响因素进行分析的基础上,从修订培养方案、推进协同创新和推动教学改革方面,就义乌工商职业技术学院电商专业“专业+创业”人才培养模式的构建路径进行研究,对高职电商专业“专业+创业”人才培养模式的困境及对策展开探讨,以期为高职专业教育与创业教育的融合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

高职教育作为具有职业教育和高等教育双重属性的教育,必须努力把职业能力培养和职业素质教育紧密结合起来,作为传递民族文化的语文教育,在培养学生职业能力的职业教育中必须肩负起素质教育的历史重任。语文教育既要着眼于学生的就业需要,又要关注学生的未来发展需求。在高职教育的过程中传承中华文明、塑造学生人格、健康学生心态、锻炼学生谈吐、培养学生应用能力,全面提高高职学生综合素质。  相似文献   

郭强  冯建新 《绥化学院学报》2014,34(10):135-139
特殊教育与特殊教育学之间模糊关系、随班就读师资的培养及特殊教育师资专业化等对高等特殊教育本科师资培养提出新的要求。从特殊教育与特殊教育学之间关系、特殊教育专业划分、高等特殊教育师资培养模式的培养目标、课程问题以及培养模式类型角度,探讨高等特殊教育师资培养模式。得到本科层次特教师资培养的启示:应拓宽特教师资培养模式类型;既要培养言语治疗师、物理治疗师等专业师资,又要培养特教学科教师或随班就读的复合型师资。  相似文献   


This article has two purposes: (a) to consider existing platforms and future possibilities in the United States for what the authors refer to as Integrative Public Health-Aligned Physical Education (IPHPE), which integrates standards-based K–12 physical education with a public health agenda focusing on promoting increased physical activity and fitness, and (b) to consider the implications of IPHPE for the preparation of future physical education teachers and teacher educators/researchers. First, the historical context that has nurtured the development of ideologies that inform IPHPE is summarized. Second, examples of these ideologies in terms of their current and prospective contributions to IPHPE perspectives are discussed. Third, building from existing public health-aligned recommendations for pre-service physical education teacher education (PETE) programs, IPHPE-based professional preparation requirements for future physical education teachers are considered. Finally, the focus shifts to doctoral PETE (D-PETE) programming and professional preparation requirements for future physical education teacher educators/researchers from an IPHPE perspective. The overall intention of this article is to propose a way forward for physical education which bridges educational priorities of the profession to contemporary and relevant public health needs.  相似文献   

介绍了高等院校工科教育中"厚基础、宽口径"的"大机械"专业下,加强专业特色的办学思路。针对现行机械设计制造及其自动化专业的培养模式,介绍了本校专业方向建设和教学改革方面的经验。重点介绍了如何利用科研优势突出机械设计专业方向齿轮特色的建设经验和教学改革体会。  相似文献   


In preparing the future stewards of the physical education profession, the occupational socialization and professional development of physical education doctoral students is important to consider. To date, there has been scant scholarly inquiry into doctoral education in physical education. However, there is an abundance of research related to doctoral training in the higher education literature more generally. Drawing upon this larger body of work, this article expands occupational socialization theory to address the socialization of physical education doctoral students and faculty members. The case is made that effective doctoral training in physical education is essential to securing the future of the profession. Provided is an overview of the existing literature, presentation of an adaptation to occupational socialization theory that explains doctoral physical education socialization, and a discussion of key professional development issues that academic leaders and student support personnel should consider. Implications and recommendations for doctoral physical education leadership and academic programs are provided.  相似文献   

徐涵 《职教论坛》2022,(1):121-128
发展本科层次职业教育已经成为当下我国教育改革的重点,这既是职业教育作为类型教育,完善现代职业教育体系的必然要求,也是对经济界需要高层次技术人才的积极回应。德国巴登符腾堡州双元制大学是双元制职业教育模式在高等教育领域的应用,采用了学校和企业“双主体”的育人模式,其应用导向的专业设置、模块化的课程体系以及能力导向的理论与实践相结合的多样化的考核考试形式,为重构我国本科层次职业教育人才培养模式提供了可资借鉴的经验。我国本科层次职业教育应依据产业需求,设置职业导向的专业;加强校企合作,构建“双主体”育人模式;根据职业需求,建立应用导向的模块化课程体系;以能力为导向,确立多样化的考核评价体系。  相似文献   

由于在现有高等教育体系中,大学生就业能力与社会需求的差距是结构性的,有必要建立以培养专业学士为核心的学士后教育制度,创新地解决大学生就业能力不足的问题。本文对专业学士.学士后制度等概念以及内涵进行分析,探讨了以培养专业学士为核心的学士后教育的特点和运行机制。  相似文献   


The increase in violence in our society has been well documented in the media as well as in professional journals. Social workers experience a particularly high incidence of physical and verbal violence. This article presents a current review of the literature on violence, describes a Risk Reduction Model for social work practicum education, and discusses implications for further study. The literature review includes reported incidence, the professional response, and the impact on social work education. The Risk Reduction Model addresses school policy and procedures, a school based teaching module, training for field work instructors, and consultation to agencies regarding their safety policies, procedures and training.  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育的迅速发展对高职公共英语教学提出了更高的要求。文章旨在分析目前我国高等职业教育中英语教学的现状和英语教学中存在的问题,在分析这些问题的基础上,提出了我国高职教育中英语教学改革的途径和方法,目的在于增强高职英语的实用性和职业性以满足学生的需求从而培养出适应社会需求的高职人才。  相似文献   

在我国高等职业教育规模快速发展的今天,高职院校是实施高等职业教育的主体,是我国高等教育的有机组成部分。当高职院校数量的增长达到一定的极限时,内涵的发展就成为高职院校发展的生命力之所在。办学定位、办学模式、专业建设、教学团队、实训基地、合作办学等是高职院校内涵建设的关键因素,这些因素作用的最大化是高端技能型人才培养的基本保证。  相似文献   

This study investigated 35 physical education teachers' appreciation of a continuous professional development (CPD) training on need-supportive teaching, embedded in Self-Determination Theory, using qualitative (i.e. focus groups) and quantitative methods (i.e. questionnaire). The findings suggest that teachers highly valued opportunities for active participation, collaboration and experiential learning (e.g. microteaching). Of particular interest was the unexpected essential value they placed on theoretical knowledge. In addition, it was critical to be authentic to the content by delivering the training in a need-supportive fashion. Implications for the use of theory and the relevance of congruent teaching in the wider CPD literature are discussed.  相似文献   

高职法律教育在高等法学教育领域中具有重要地位,但目前高职院校在法律教育教学方面存在很多问题。因此,必须确立正确的高职法律教育人才培养模式,通过组织模拟法庭和案例教学,因材施教,加强教材建设,提高教师素质,从而真正实现高职法律教育的目的。  相似文献   

A growing body of research has linked emotional intelligence (EI) to different life aspects, including personal well-being, quality of social relationships and professional effectiveness. In the field of education, EI has been linked to different aspects of school life, such as learning, academic achievements and pro-social behaviours among students and more recently, to effective teaching. The paper reports the qualitative findings of a comprehensive research project which followed a two-year emotional intelligence development programme, as part of teacher-targeted professional development training in one school in Israel. Data is based on 26 in-depth interviews with school teachers. The focus of the study was to explore what impacts an EI training programme might have upon the participants. The findings indicate that EI can be developed in teachers and that the EI training programmes may be effective in bringing about positive EI shifts and related behaviours which may positively impact upon teachers' practice, their sense of meaningfulness and their relations with students.  相似文献   

The aim was to study effects of an extension of physical education and motor training on motor skills, attention and cognition during a period of three years. The study has two intervention groups (n = 152) that have physical activity and motor training one lesson every school day and one control group (n = 99) that has the school's ordinary physical education two lessons per week. The method is hypothetic‐deductive. The results confirm the hypothesis that children's motor skills improve with extended physical activity and motor training. The hypothesis that children's attention will improve cannot be confirmed. Although pupils in intervention groups have better attention in school year 2 than pupils in the control group, the differences do not remain in school year 3. The third hypothesis concerning academic achievements is confirmed by several results in Swedish and mathematics. The MUGI observation programme was found to be useful both as a screening and as a pedagogic instrument.  相似文献   

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