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体育教育是当代高职教育的重要组成部分,不断完善体育教育、提升学生的教育质量,将会为我国各行各业培养更多“德智体美劳”五好的高职毕业生,为我国的经济发展建设增加活力。结合多年来从事体育教育工作和参与学生体质健康测评的经验,针对学生体质健康水平的实际情况,提出体育课程改革建设性意见,以不断提升学生的体质健康水平。  相似文献   

针对目前山区学校体育出现的“放羊式”教学,基层政府和学校必须从加强体育教学管理、加强师资队伍建设、加大学校体育投入、改善体育教学条件、改善体育教师待遇等方面入手,才能改变这种消极教学状况,提高体育教学质量和青少年学生的体质与健康水平。  相似文献   

While the notion of “quality systems” is firmly established in many public and private sectors, this approach to quality management is only beginning to emerge in schools. After an initial discussion of the notion “systems thinking” and “quality systems,” this article suggests a model for the essential criteria for quality systems in schools. This model is then utilised to evaluate 3 widely accepted approaches to quality management within Australia for their applicability to the school situation – ISO 9001/4 2000, Investors in People and the Australian Business Excellence Framework. While it is suggested that all 3 approaches could have some relevance to quality systems development in schools, the unique culture of schools would present significant challenges to their utilisation.  相似文献   

In answer to economic needs and social demands, a structural innovation was introduced in secondary education in most West European countries, mainly in the 1960s. Contrary to the traditional schools, organized in vertical categories, the so‐called comprehensive schools brought together all branches in one school. There was protest against this type of school from the start but it was mainly in the 1980s and 1990s that comprehensive schools came under siege. In most countries the comprehensive structures have been abandoned or adjusted to a more moderate form.

This paper tries to explain the factors that stimulated innovation in the 1960s, and those that counteracted comprehensive education. As will be shown, these factors were not always related to ideological positions. In fact, the reasons for local educational authorities to “go comprehensive” (or not) were often practically rather than ideologically inspired. Theories of “dominant rationality” by Matthijssen and the “referential” by Jobert succeed in surpassing ideological parameters, and can be interesting tools to explain changing mentalities. However, a satisfying explanation for the history of comprehensive education cannot be offered without paying attention to everyday pragmatics, that – in the author's view – have been decisive for the evolution of comprehensive education.

The paper will be illustrated with examples from the Belgian case. Comprehensive schools were introduced in Belgium in 1969. All state public schools went comprehensive in the 1970s, and the number of comprehensive private schools grew rapidly until growth ceased around 1980. The ongoing struggle between Catholic comprehensive and traditional schools led to a compromise created by the Catholic educational authorities, a fusion of comprehensive and traditional elements. This structure was imposed by the Flemish government as a unitary structure for all secondary schools in the Dutch‐speaking part of Belgium in 1989.  相似文献   


No Child Left Behind (NCLB) has been proclaimed by some as a reform that will improve education for students from all backgrounds, in all locations. The main components of NCLB, however, are biased against students in small and rural schools. This bias, called “placism,” discriminates against people based on where they live. This rural incompatibility is evident in NCLB's accountability provisions, sanctions, and highly qualified teacher provisions. Problems in these areas are the result of ignoring, or distorting, the realities of rural schooling. The accountability provisions are constructed so that small schools will frequently be incorrectly labeled as failing. The sanctions, inappropriate for rural areas, fail to provide solutions to existing rural challenges. The “highly qualified” teacher provisions make it more difficult, not easier, for rural districts to attract and retain competent teachers. Unless these injustices are corrected, NCLB will serve to decrease educational quality for rural students.  相似文献   


This paper considers the role that schools have in determining whether school leavers participate in higher education or not. It examines the association between schools and university participation using a unique dataset of 3 cohorts of all young people leaving maintained schools in Wales. School “effects” are identified, even after controlling for individual-level factors, such as their prior attainment, socioeconomic circumstances, ethnicity, and special educational needs. Schools appear to have a particular “effect” on the likelihood that a young person enters an elite university. However, the findings suggest the concept of a school “effect” on higher education participation is not straightforward – schools appear to have different levels of effectiveness depending on the gender of the young people and the nature of their higher education participation. These findings are considered within the policy contexts of school effectiveness and widening access to higher education.  相似文献   

Literacy instruction has shifted in recent years alongside acts of legislation. Areas of literacy education like adolescent literacy and RTI are now receiving increased attention, whereas phonemic awareness, phonics, and fluency receive considerably less attention than 10 years ago. Comparative discussions describe “very hot” and “cold” topics as they relate to philosophy/approach, level, content, materials, and assessment in 2001 versus 2010. Educators can utilize this content information to inform their instruction and direct attention to needed areas within their own schools.  相似文献   


Recent legislation embodies different concepts of education that are commonly driven by the market and financial considerations. The Local Management of Schools (LMS) part of the Education Reform Act (ERA) is very similar in concept to recent innovations in the structure of other local government services. The continuing financial incorporation of education within the local government framework has resulted in the education welfare tradition being eroded especially through compulsory competitive tendering. Policy alternatives might be considered that look at structures for education outside the specific education remit and that see schools as a site for broad local authority provision.  相似文献   

The progressive education movement was known in Spain from its very inception, and in fact many of its pedagogical theories and practices reached Spain before reaching other European countries. Yet traditional historiography has always maintained that Spain was never integrated in the progressive education movement, a misconception that helps explain the lack of research in the field. Recent historiographical research, however, has shown that numerous Spanish schools served as laboratories for the implementation of progressive education methods in the 1920s and 1930s. The Spanish educational system proved itself to be especially open to international innovation in general and Spain actually enjoyed a privileged position for the study of how innovative pedagogical ideas could be incorporated and appropriated. Proof of this affirmation can be found in the introduction and dissemination throughout Spain of the experimental public school movement of Hamburg known as Gemeinschaftsschulen.

This article will focus on the way this movement was received in Spain. We will examine the phenomenon from a double perspective, corresponding to the different positions that scholars found themselves in within the educational panorama of the time. On the one hand we will examine the role of the “grass-roots” educators who wished to change schools “from below”, starting with classroom practices. On the other hand we will take a look at the representatives of “high pedagogy”, who were intent on formulating a pedagogical theory on which to base a political–ideological model that would serve to change the school “from above”. Tensions arising among the different pedagogical groups, along with the ambiguity of the translation into Spanish of the term Gemeinschaftsschulen, led to the different groups appropriating the concept in different ways. The evolution of the term Gemeinschaftsschulen, from its original identification with a localised school experiment in Hamburg to its becoming a symbol for virtually all European school vanguards, will be addressed at the conclusion of the article.  相似文献   

高职院校“1+X”证书制度的实施有助于实现学历教育与职业培训的相互贯通,进一步深化职业教育校企合作,提升技术技能型人才的培养质量。当前,高职院校在实施“1+X”证书制度的过程中还存在一些问题:高职院校重视度不够,“三教”改革的推进力度不足;“X”证书的影响力较小,社会认可度较低;“1+X”证书制度的对接不顺畅,缺乏课证融通制度的实施保障。因此,高职院校需要提升重视度,以“1+X”证书制度为基础,推动高职院校的“三教”改革,凝聚多方面的优势资源,提高“X”证书的社会影响力,健全课证融通制度,逐步完善“1+X”证书的配套制度体系。  相似文献   

在我国教育现代化进程中,如何把全社会变成学生学习的大课堂,更好地满足人民群众的多样化教育需求,是一个亟待解决的重大现实问题。随着"互联网+教育"的发展,教育服务供给呈现出社会化趋势,为解决这一难题提供了新的可能。教育服务供给社会化是教育高质量发展和教育治理现代化的必然要求,将推动供给来源从"大包大揽"转向"多元协同",服务方式从"标准生产"转向"个性定制",教育监管从"野蛮生长"转向"有序发展"。依循这一思路,未来教育发展将从标准化走向精细化,业务分工更加细化,非核心、标准化和特需型教育业务将逐步实现服务外包。为了有效推进教育服务供给社会化的实践,一方面要积极探索学校购买教育服务的有效模式,支持学校购买教育服务,加强绩效评估和风险预防,培育教育服务新业态;另一方面,要完善新型教育服务监管机制,加强顶层设计,强化事中监管,注重行业自律,从而形成政府宏观调控、学校开放办学、社会广泛参与的治理格局。  相似文献   

Both scholarly and popular publications in the United States have always contained critical comments about schools and education, but lately what is usually a trickle has become a raging torrent. Each professional journal and edition of the daily paper or weekly news magazine contains stories about the “great crisis” in American education and the perceived gap that exists between what children and adolescents know and what adults think they should know to become useful and productive citizens in the 21st century. This great concern over what is thought to be a “quality” education has ushered in one of the most intense and long-lasting reform movements in the history of our educational system (National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983; Cremin, 1989).  相似文献   

运用调查法对陕西中小学体育师资队伍现状进行调查分析,其结果表明:城镇学校体育教师的数量与质量基本达到国家的有关规定与要求,农村学校(包括陕北城镇学校)体育教师学历偏低,职称评定工作滞后,尤其是农村小体育任课教师配备随意性大,并针对陕西学校体育师资队伍建设与发展的实际需要提出4点可行性建议。  相似文献   

Globalization and the knowledge economy have opened up worldwide agendas for national development. Following this is the emphasis on the social dimension, otherwise known as social capital. Much of social capital includes “soft skills” and “twenty-first century skills”, which broadly cover critical, creative and inventive thinking; information, interactive and communication skills; civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills. Proactively, the Singapore government is preparing for Curriculum 2015, a new curriculum that would develop student attributes, embedded in the “confident person”, “self-directed learner”, “active contributor”, and “concerned citizen”. Significantly, a new curricular initiative, Character and Citizenship Education, emphasizes the integrative nature of citizenship and twenty-first century competencies and has been implemented in all schools in Singapore from 2011. This future-oriented approach to citizenship education emphasizes the significance of individual initiatives and the intellectual capital of citizens. This paper analyses features of this particular approach to citizenship education, and its strengths and significance, which may be viewed as an integrative “total curriculum approach” with a “whole-society” perspective. In addition, the challenges of teaching twenty-first century skills will also be highlighted. This departs from the conventional paradigm of socialization, but to help students develop attributes for a future society to come.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the major dilemmas arising in practice from attempts to pursue the latest policies of quality assurance in teacher education. The introduction fills in the background to these latest proposals and models, from “associative quality” to “production quality”. The paper then proceeds to discuss the issues raised by the new policies under the headings of “measurement” and “myth”. Measurement problems are discussed by reference to a range of debates in classroom studies. It is argued that teacher educators can hardly be assumed to be ignorant of these debates, and, to reinforce the point, materials are selected from the menu offered to students on the well‐known Open University's MA in Education course. The role and functions of organisational myths in institutions of higher education are then out’ lined. The discussion centres on whether the new measurement regimes will demythologise these institutions, and if so, whether this will be a good thing. Finally, the paper concludes with some thoughts about the future, and ends with an argument for concrete investigations of the (micro)political and social aspects of teacher education.  相似文献   

英国高等教育发展考察与启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
英国高等教育不仅学术水平高、质量控制严 ,而且已经形成了能够实现高校教学、科研与服务社会三大目的的运行机制与管理体制。高校管理中政府与学校责权明确 ,大大促进了高校办出特色和有序竞争 ;不同时期高校发展规划的制定 ,明确了学校的合理定位 ,促进了学校的可持续发展 ;高教质量保证体系的实施 ,充分体现了学校的神圣责任和以学生为本的办学思想 ;全面认识高校的第三使命 ,加强高校发展的贡献难以估量。为此 ,借鉴英国高等教育发展的经验与教训 ,应加强我国高校管理团队的建设、明确各类高校的战略地位、进一步理顺政府与高校的关系、加快研究型大学的建设步伐、加强高校文化设施的建设、进一步完善高教质量评估机制、规范高教宏观管理  相似文献   

In the history of South African education there have been three contrasting attempts to incorporate learners into the authority structures of schools, namely: “boy-government” (prefect system), “student-government” (Student Representative Councils (SRCs)) and “learner-government” (Representative Councils of Learners (RCLs)). This article traces the historical development of these traditions in governance in South African schools. Against this background, it proffers a historical analysis of these traditions to show that the phrase “learner representative council” is at a crossroads, that is, it is being stretched and pulled in different directions in post-apartheid South Africa. It points out that “student-government” was born out of the rejection of the unpopular “boy-government”. It also provides a critical analysis of the attempt of the national Guides for Representative Councils of Learners (Guides for RCLs) (DoE 1999) to blend the “prefect” and “SRC” traditions in order to strengthen democracy at school level. In doing so, it argues that the Guides for RCLs undermine democratic SRCs developed in the anti-apartheid education struggle. In the end, the article defends the “student-government” tradition because of its potential to educate for democratic citizenship in post-apartheid South African schools.  相似文献   

In 1960 Israel Scheffler analyzed “The Language of Education”. Since then not very much is written concerning this subject, especially not in the field of history of education. But first of all “education” is a historical language that is used in popular and scientific contexts. The article tries to analyze some basic terms of this historical language of education. The notion “education”–educare–itself is a sort of frozen metaphor that is all too often supposed to be a “real” or “immediate” field of experience But experience in education can only be communicated by use of the language of education.


In England, parents make “choices” (in reality, “preferences”) for the state-maintained secondary schools they wish their child to attend. If there are more applicants than places, the school's published admissions criteria are used to give priority to applicants. This article examines how school composition in London varies by first comparing schools that are overtly academically selective with those that are nominally “comprehensive” (“all ability”); second, comparing “comprehensive” schools that control their own admissions with those that do not; third, comparing schools with and without selective admissions criteria; and fourth, comparing schools that use religious criteria with those that do not. We find that school compositions vary. Academically selective schools have fewer students from poor households than comprehensive schools in the same area and have fewer Black and more Indian and Chinese/Other Asian students. Comprehensive schools with autonomy over admissions admit higher attaining students and have fewer students from poor households and with special educational needs, and those with selective admissions criteria admit higher performing children. There are fewer Bangladeshi/Pakistani students and more Black students in schools with a religious character than in those without. Although a range of factors are likely to play a role in explaining the variation in school composition, the evidence suggests that there is “selecting in” and “selecting out” of more desirable students by some schools. Implications for policy are highlighted.  相似文献   

随着学校体育教学改革的不断深入,许多专家、学者对学校体育的发展趋势提出了全新的观念:其一是培养学生的终身体育观;其二是学校体育应改变竟技体育教学观,树立快乐体育教学观.这两种观念是学校体育改革的大方向,只有观念进步了,才会真正推动学校体育工作.那么,在具体的体育教学中如何吸引更多的学生积极参加锻炼、强健体魄,这就需要我们教师在教法上大胆创新,以此来激发学生的学习积极性,提高体育课的教学质量.  相似文献   

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