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Why are some children more socially anxious than others? One theory holds that socially anxious children are poor mindreaders, which hampers their social interactions; another that socially anxious children are advanced mindreaders leading to heightened self-consciousness in social situations. To test these theories simultaneously, this study (= 105, ages 8–12) assessed children's mindreading (accuracy in detecting mental states from the eye region), self-consciousness (indexed as physiological blushing during public performance), and social anxiety levels. Results support both theories, showing a quadratic relation between mindreading and social anxiety. Low mindreading was related to clinical levels of social anxiety. High mindreading was related to subclinical levels of social anxiety through blushing. Our findings suggest two social-cognitive pathways to heightened social anxiety.  相似文献   

This article introduces a new approach to understanding peak performance and dysfunctional performance in sport, correction theory. Correction theory, based within a control theory and dynamical systems perspective, assumes that dynamic balance (a state in which a robust complex system will self-correct in response to imbalance) underwrites individual functioning. The central thesis presented in this article is that an interdependent relationship exists between peak performance and dysfunctional performance in sport. Peak performance is, in part, a (corrective) response to dysfunctional performance and vice versa. An overview of correction theory is presented, based on two propositions relating to balance. Implications of correction theory for understanding sporting performance are briefly considered.  相似文献   

In this article., we review the literature on the development of test anxiety in elementary and secondary school children. Recent theoretical conceptualizations of anxiety are presented. Anxiety is posited to be a multidimensional construct that has roots in how parents react to children's early achievement strivings. Its ontogeny is tied to children's developing capacity to interpret their school performance relative to their previous performance, to the performance of other children, as well as to the increasingly strict evaluative practices children encounter as they move through school. Intervention strategies for alleviating anxious children's poor performance in evaluative situations are discussed. Important issues for future anxiety research are presented, including the need for new measures of children's anxiety and for a more thorough assessment of both individual differences in how students experience anxiety and the developmental course 0f the components of anxiety.  相似文献   

Electronic sports, cybersports, gaming, competitive computer gaming, and virtual sports are all synonyms for the term eSports. Regardless of the term used, eSports is now becoming more accepted as a sport and gamers are being identified as athletes within society today. eSports has even infiltrated higher education in the form of an intercollegiate athletic sport, as two university athletic departments have made eSports an official varsity sport where scholarships are provided to collegiate eSports athletes. Thus, the intertwining of eSports and university athletics brings into question whether eSports should be considered sport by broader society. This article provides a brief history of eSports, a further developed definition of eSports, and a comparison of eSports to traditional philosophical and sociological definitions of sport. The purpose of this article is to provoke thought on the academically accepted definitions of sport and debate whether eSports should be considered a sport. Attention will be given to the following components of sport: play, organization, competition, skill, physicality, broad following, and institutionalization.  相似文献   

Professionals serving as internal and external consultants, whether as performance technologists, human resource development facilitators, training specialists, organizational development change agents, or quality improvement engineers, are uniquely positioned to influence ethical awareness in the workplace. Yet it is unlikely that they will be able to exert much influence without knowledge of the factors that influence ethical behavior in organizations and knowledge of ethical decision making. Although the literature on ethics is proliferating, little of it is directly related to performance improvement professionals. Those who want to educate themselves in ethics have been left to their own devices. Part One in this series of two articles presents a review of key ethical theories and research. Part Two is a list of references available for those who are ready to examine the ethical responsibilities of HPT professionals, who have encountered ethical issues, who want to include an ethics audit in their needs assessment tool box, or who need to suggest ethics-related solutions to performance problems.  相似文献   

The sociology of sport literature is now sufficiently broad to allow a general analysis of research patterns in this field. To facilitate the identification of these vectors of expansion, sources referenced in articles published in Sociology of Sport Journal and Journal of Sport and Social Issues between 2003 and 2011 are examined in terms of sources referenced. Highly cited sources often used together in the same sources can be combined through bibliometric methods in clusters of similar influential publications, which together can be used to map the field. The resulting clusters show that a dominant pattern in these clusters is the preeminent role played by authors like Foucault, Bourdieu, and Connell. To help explain the preeminence of these authors’ work, a hypothesis is proposed, which interprets it with the help of institutional theory as an effort of a field to find legitimacy by developing research from reference academic disciplines that concerns sport or is closely linked to it (e.g., through the concept of corporeality).  相似文献   

体育概念的界定和体育类型的划分是体育学学科建设首先应解决的重要理论问题,同时也是体育实践中所面临的现实问题。传统体育的定义和分类仍存在着许多问题,给我们原本就不成熟的体育在理论研究和实践运用中带来许多困惑。理论和现实的需要迫使我们必须对它进行重新审视和界定。我们认为,“体育,就是人特殊的育化”。体育可分为:运动的体育(体育实践)、科学的体育(体育理论)、产业的体育(体育经济)和文化的体育(体育精神)。  相似文献   

旅游景区建筑设计理念探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建筑是旅游景区建设规划的重要组成部分。与旅游相关的建筑可以分为两类,一类是作为景区旅游资源的建筑,另一类是为游客提供服务的相关建筑。要使景区建筑物与旅游景区融为一体,则建筑设计需要相应的理论指导,即旅游景区建筑设计要注意对象性、合理性、和谐性和艺术性,使旅游景区建筑物更符合游客的审美心理需求。  相似文献   


There is a growing trend toward specialization in American youth sport, evident in the number of elite youth competitions and position statements from major medical organizations. Despite growing interest on this topic for kinesiology professionals within higher education, there is a dearth in research regarding the relationship between specialization and athlete health outcomes, especially psychosocial outcomes. This critical review describes specialization theory and the limited extant research on the costs and benefits of single-sport specialization. Topics include: (a) the proposed benefits of specialization from the performance perspective; (b) early specialization and alternative sport participation pathways; (c) the posited psychosocial and physical health risks of sport specialization; (d) ethical concerns; and (e) methodological issues and recommendations for future research. Deeper understanding of the costs and benefits of sport specialization has significant practical implications for youth athletes’ performance and well-being and for other relevant stakeholders in the youth sport system.  相似文献   


Despite common claims that society is “post-racial” and that sport is apolitical, issues of racial injustice continue to permeate sport and recreational institutions. Drawing insight from critical race theory, we articulate a vision of social justice oriented toward illuminating and addressing issues of racial injustice in sport and recreation. In particular, we highlight pressing matters of racial injustice in sport at the elite, competitive levels, as well as community and recreational settings. We also discuss contemporary examples and strategies for resisting racial injustice, noting the challenges and difficulties associated with various approaches. In doing so, we hope to provide direction for scholars and activists in fighting for social justice with respect to racism and racial inequality in sport.  相似文献   

The application of theories to understand concepts and issues in sport and physical education is viewed as a useful research strategy. Two theories addressing subjective phenomena relevant to sport experiences are presented. Concepts proposed in Martin Buber's I-Thou philosophy of relationship and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's flow model exploring the psychology of enjoyment are delineated and compared. Sportrelated research using these constructs is then presented. It is concluded that careful application of theories is a viable and valuable approach for studying complex, elusive phenomena in sport. Further, knowledge derived from such research facilitates understanding and awareness of subjective meaning in sport, and therefore opens individuals to the potential of relationship and flow.  相似文献   

This article reviewed recent studies of instructional design theory in Korea to explore major trends and suggest future directions. Based on the analysis of 40 articles from the Journal of Educational Technology between 1994 and 2006, this study identified six trends: little emphasis on the conceptualization of instructional design theory; dominant interest in instructional design theories for higher-order thinking skills or self-regulated learning; special interest in instructional design theories for motivation and interactivity; emergent studies on the generic topic of instructional theories; heavy emphasis on instructional design theory for computer or Web environment; and sparse developmental research. Future directions of study for instructional design theory in Korea are suggested in response to issues arising from these trends.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to highlight theories that support the functions of performance‐based design models and to discuss the implications of integrating divergent models into the system‐oriented human performance technology (HPT) and performance improvement (PI) disciplines. HPT, PI, and instructional systems design (ISD) share a systems framework, along with the influence of common theories such as performance theory, learning theory, adult learning, cognitive psychology, and behavioral psychology (Foshay, Villachica, & Stepich, 2014). This article focuses on the role of theory as a tool in the practitioner's toolbox and as a connection point when working with teams and organizations that have different theoretical orientations. Performance‐based ISD models are discussed, including Robinson and Robinson's (1989) Training for Impact, Brethower and Smalley's (1998) Performance‐Based Instruction, and Bradford and Boler's (2015) Horizon Model. Allen and Sites's (2012) successive approximation model (SAM) retains elements of ADDIE as a process, but the model is iterative rather than systematic in design.  相似文献   


Sport has the potential to serve as a context in which youth can develop as players and people. Positive youth development (PYD) through sport is a prevalent strength-based approach that aims to promote life skills acquisition in youth participants. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the utility of critically interrogating PYD through sport using critical race theory (CRT). Select key tenets of CRT serve as analytical tools that can highlight potentially problematic assumptions that underline current approaches to PYD through sport. Interrogation of PYD through sport using CRT exposes its limitations in theory, research, and practice. This race-centered perspective can help to reimagine sport coaching for positive development from a more socially responsible, critical praxis.  相似文献   

Past research has shown that hostile schemas and adverse experiences predict the hostile attributional bias. This research proposes that seemingly nonhostile beliefs (implicit theories about the malleability of personality) may also play a role in shaping it. Study 1 meta‐analytically summarized 11 original tests of this hypothesis (N = 1,659), and showed that among diverse adolescents aged 13–16 a fixed or entity theory about personality traits predicted greater hostile attributional biases, which mediated an effect on aggressive desires. Study 2 experimentally changed adolescents' implicit theories toward a malleable or incremental view and showed a reduction in hostile intent attributions. Study 3 delivered an incremental theory intervention that reduced hostile intent attributions and aggressive desires over an 8‐month period.  相似文献   

Sport, by its very nature, produces and reveals inequalities in terms of physicality and athletic performance. In social terms, however, sport has often been considered the great social leveller. This paper considers the production and reproduction of social inequality in sport in regard to the development of ideas and research about social inequality in the sociology of sport. Specifically, inequality in sport is considered in terms of the progression from reflection to reproduction to resistance theses and the progression from categorical to distributive to relational levels of analysis. The paper concludes with a consideration of some ways in which sport may be involved in the production of social equality.  相似文献   

This study explores college students' representations about the nature of theories during their enrollment in a large astronomy course with instruction designed to address a number of nature of science issues. We focus our investigation on how nine students represent their understanding of theory, how they distinguish between scientific theories and non‐scientific theories, and how they reason about specific theories. Students' notions of theory were classified under four main categories: (1) hypothesis, (2) idea with evidence, (3) explanation, and (4) explanation based on evidence. Students' condition for deciding whether a given idea is a scientific theory or not were classified under six criteria: content domain, convention, evidence, mathematical content, methodology, and tentativeness. Students expressed slight levels of variation between their reasoning about scientific theories in general and specific theories they learned in the course. Despite increased sophistication in some students' representations, this study affirms the complex dimensions involved in teaching and assessing student understanding about theories. The implications of this study underscore the need to explicitly address the nature of proof in science and issues of tentativeness and certainty students associate with scientific theories, and provide students with more opportunities to utilize the language of science.  相似文献   

The emergence of many new types of school in post-Soviet Russia raises issues of inequalities in access to quality education. The performance of schools is very uneven, many are failing to provide adequate education, and those that admit their students from the poorer parts of the population need special help and extra resources if they are to improve.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis integrates 296 effect sizes reported in eye-tracking research on expertise differences in the comprehension of visualizations. Three theories were evaluated: Ericsson and Kintsch’s (Psychol Rev 102:211–245, 1995) theory of long-term working memory, Haider and Frensch’s (J Exp Psychol Learn Mem Cognit 25:172–190, 1999) information-reduction hypothesis, and the holistic model of image perception of Kundel et al. (Radiology 242:396–402, 2007). Eye movement and performance data were cumulated from 819 experts, 187 intermediates, and 893 novices. In support of the evaluated theories, experts, when compared with non-experts, had shorter fixation durations, more fixations on task-relevant areas, and fewer fixations on task-redundant areas; experts also had longer saccades and shorter times to first fixate relevant information, owing to superiority in parafoveal processing and selective attention allocation. Eye movements, reaction time, and performance accuracy were moderated by characteristics of visualization (dynamics, realism, dimensionality, modality, and text annotation), task (complexity, time-on-task, and task control), and domain (sports, medicine, transportation, other). These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for theories of visual expertise in professional domains and their significance for the design of learning environments.  相似文献   

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