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From the biblical era, Christian faith communities have been inter‐generational entities. This article examines how Christian education strategies have expressed intergenerationalism; suggests three major reasons why intergenerational Christian education should be developed with more vigor (Christian theology, spiritual formation, and societal fragmentation); and provides clues for facilitating intergenerationalism in faith communities.  相似文献   

教育策略清晰描述了从脱贫攻坚到乡村振兴阶段人们脱离贫困代际传递时的复杂性。为了更好地解释治理贫困代际传递长效性问题,可将该策略研究由传统的人力资本理论转向认知资本理论,并分析人力资本视角下教育策略治理贫困代际传递的三个逻辑困境:教育政策制定过程的低认知意识驱动导致的价值困境,贫困群体教育水平与认知能力"脱嵌"所致的实践困境,教育策略难以形成可持续政策的结果困境。政府官员要真正通过教育策略治理贫困代际传递,必须基于认知资本理论,引导价值回归,提升教育脱贫政策输入过程的认知意识;重塑实践路径,促进贫困群体教育策略与认知能力的精准对接;重新进行结果评估,实现贫困群体教育认知资本策略的精准评价。  相似文献   

Taika Waititi's recent film ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’ (2016) portrays the coming‐of‐age of a young boy, Ricky, in a world with few recognisably responsible adults. While the film does not engage explicitly with formal education, it raises several questions central for understanding education as formation, highlighting the generational aspects of educational relations and pointing to the importance of an adult world taking responsibility for the formation and upbringing of the younger generation. Departing from a discussion on the role of formation and intergenerational relations in Rousseau and Arendt, we will draw on the film's portrayal of an adult world in crisis in order to discuss some of its possible consequences for understanding education in terms of intergenerational relations and formation. This involves raising questions about the educational consequences of the absence of recognisably responsible adults and it involves investigating how this absence might impact our understanding of education as the formation and upbringing of educated human beings.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between social background, choice of university programme and academic culture among Danish university students. Statistically and sociologically, university students are often treated as a homogeneous group, but the ever-increasing number of students in higher education demands a closer examination of the hidden heterogeneity in the students’ social origin and educational strategies. Using a mixed-method approach (register data and ethnographic observations and interviews) the paper focuses on the students’ class origins and on different cultural practices in three Danish university programmes. It is shown that the Danish university field is characterized by a significant variation in social selectivity from programme to programme, and it is argued that these different social profiles correspond with distinctively different cultural practices in the programmes. Correspondingly, the students have distinctively different strategies towards education and future work life.  相似文献   

The argument in this paper is that in spite of the acknowledgement of plurality, many countries in sub‐Saharan Africa seem reluctant to introduce multi‐faith approaches preferring to maintain Christian confessionalism in religious education. Even in those countries where new approaches are being tried, there is some unwillingness to make wholesale changes throughout the school system. In some instances this state of affairs is precipitated not by educational policy but by the socio‐religious situation, which mirrors Christian ideals. This is better illustrated in the Malawian context where largely due in part to the historical Christian influence and for the fact Christianity is the major religion in the country, multi‐faith religious education introduced in schools was opposed. As a compromise to a difficult situation, government resolved to offer both multi‐faith religious education and the historical Bible knowledge on the school curriculum. Results of a school survey seem to indicate that Bible knowledge as opposed to multi‐faith religious education is still a favoured syllabus in schools, possible reasons of which are suggested. The conclusion is that efforts should be made to interest those still wary about multi‐faith religious education considering the benefits it can bring in a world today where heterogeneity rather than homogeneity is the acceptable reality.  相似文献   

Demographic changes are leading to an altered population structure and subsequently to changes in the age structure of potential participants in educational training. Adult education has reacted to this by developing special provisions for older participants and a concept of intergenerational learning provision for different generations. Arranging such intentional intergenerational processes is indeed no small task for adult education. This contribution will look at this challenge more closely. To this aim, the orientations of professional and non-professional adult educators and participants in intergenerational learning processes will be reconstructed in a qualitative investigation. It can be shown that the andragogic skill of adult educators is a pre-requisite for the facilitation of learning processes, which are explicitly intergenerational.  相似文献   

Teacher socialization is primarily examined as an institutional‐based phenomenon, with particular focus on individuals’ PK–12 schooling experiences, teacher education programs, or workplace‐based socialization. This study situates professional socialization experiences of African‐American teachers within teaching families, examining how culturally situated socialization practices inform and shape professional entry and conceptualizations. Nine Black women teachers, all members of three intergenerational teaching families, participated in the study. Data sources included individual life‐history interviews, group conversations and participant‐generated writings. Findings indicate intergenerational socialization into the tradition of Black women teachers, with an emphasis on individual and collective social responsibility. Participants were socialized into the family business of teaching for reasons of stability, complicated by the ironies of social, educational and economic progress for Black women.  相似文献   

This paper challenges the overly positive image of the contribution made by religious education in England and Wales to the attainment of liberal educational aims that was recently presented in this journal, in the context of a review symposium on a festschrift celebrating the work and achievements of the influential British religious educator, Professor John Hull. An alternative reading is pursued that provides a more accurate and fair interpretation of the evidence. There is a discussion of the ideological character of British religious education and a consideration of the reasons why assertions of its ‘success’ by religious educators are currently so vocal. Critical attention is focused on two particular issues over which the influence of Hull on contemporary policy and practice is acknowledged: that of his dismissal of the accusation that multi‐faith religious education confuses pupils, and that of current strategies in religious education to promote inter‐religious and intercultural understanding.  相似文献   

Poverty persists across generations through the transmission of informal employment from one generation to the next. Education and earnings are considered important factors that transmit informal employment across generations. Considering education as one of the transmission mechanisms of sectoral employment and poverty, no studies have yet conducted any comparative analysis of educational persistence across generations of formally and informally employed parents. Therefore, the present study estimates the intergenerational persistence of education by considering the nature of parents’ employment through intergenerational elasticity and intergenerational correlation approaches of mobility measurement. Results show that intergenerational persistence is higher at the lower levels of education when the father is informally employed. On the contrary, when the father is formally employed, this persistence is higher at the higher levels of education. This result implies that labour market reforms are essential along with educational reforms to break this intergenerational persistence.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a dramatic expansion in the educational attainment and occupational opportunities of German women. Both the educational and occupational positions of the mothers and those of their daughters are continuously changing across cohorts. Our study aims to detect the probability of daughters to experience maternal-line intergenerational educational and occupational mobility. Using new data from the National Educational Panel Study of adult cohorts, we analyse successive cohorts of German women born between 1944 and 1984. We demonstrate that the relation between mothers’ and daughters’ educational and occupational career has changed over time. Maternal-line female mobility has decreased over cohorts. Our results also reveal that the relationship between educational careers and female job mobility has changed. The tertiary level of education has become more relevant across cohorts in preventing downward intergenerational mobility and it has become a prerequisite for taking part in the completion for upward intergenerational mobility.  相似文献   

In many educational systems, age is used as a criterion to organise education. Children's age is used to group students together and indicate entry into particular programmes. The use of age for organisational purposes in education stems from the idea that age provides an indication of the development of children, which is associated with teaching and learning. However, more far‐reaching consequences of age‐related educational practices are insufficiently recognised in policy and academic research. Qualitative methods are used to study students and school personnel in diverse types of educational institutions in Flanders (Belgium) to assess how age and age‐related issues matter for the students’ educational trajectories and educational decision‐making processes leading to early school leaving. Data analyses reveal that school staff members consider age and perceived maturity during evaluation procedures. Students also consider age during educational decision‐making processes: when getting older or being too old for the grade, students increasingly weigh the costs and benefits associated with getting an educational qualification and being enrolled in school and alternative opportunities. Students’ expectations related to age shape their school experiences and feelings of belonging. The findings of this study demonstrate how these educational practices add to the reproduction of inequalities through education. These results could inform debates concerning the evaluation procedures in secondary education, compulsory education and the reduction of early school leaving in Europe.  相似文献   

高等教育跨越职业代际效应的作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
跨越职业代际效应是教育的一大社会效益。不同受教育程度的劳动者,其跨越职业代际效应是不同的。与受过初等和中等教育者相比,受过高等教育的劳动者跨越职业代际效应,向上流动的可能性最大。  相似文献   

Proponents of tracking argue that the creation of more homogeneous classes increases efficiency while opponents point out that tracking aggravates initial differences between students. We estimate the effects on the intergenerational transmission of education of a reform that delayed tracking by two years in one of Germany’s federal states. We argue that while the reform had no effect on educational outcomes on average, it increased educational attainment among men with uneducated parents and decreased attainment among men with educated parents. We also present some suggestive evidence that the reform improved the selection of boys into secondary tracks.  相似文献   

"教育即指导"是杜威教育思想的重要组成部分,也是杜威在透析教育本质的基础上提出的方法论。"指导"是对"疏导"的方向性帮助和对"控制"的调节,"教育即指导"是儿童在解放教育生活的过程中来实现自我。有意义的教育指导需要教育者理智地思考儿童所处的环境和习惯,在教育沟通中进行,帮助他们树立民主生活的信念。"教育即指导"是杜威用来缝合教育与生活之间断裂、辨析教育目的与判断教育价值、透析教育与民主的关系和深化教育主体认识的新尝试。  相似文献   

This article discusses the impact of computer‐supported co‐operative work tools in the building of educational environments and the facilities such tools bring to educational methodologies. It also demonstrates the relationship between this new technique and the learner‐centred approach in education, a participative style of education in which the learner is actively involved in the learning process. At the same time, the article stresses the importance of collaborative learning. The influence of the new information technologies of intelligent multi‐agent systems is discussed in the context of computer‐supported co‐operative and active learning.  相似文献   

The intergenerational approach is a proven method for education and service programming with older adults, children, and youth. However, the broad scope of intergenerational programming inherently makes it difficult to create general decision‐making processes or models for the selection of appropriate activities for diverse participants. We present a model for decision making in intergenerational programs that is adaptable to a wide variety of participant groups, sponsoring agencies, and program goals. The model emerged as we developed and conducted an intergenerational training program for caregivers of children and the frail elderly. It stresses the importance of involving all constituent groups in planning, delineates five program categories, and establishes four criterion levels for decision‐making regarding appropriate activities. The model will be useful to those planning and implementing intergenerational programs in a vareity of settings.  相似文献   

Putting Faith Into Action: A Model for the North American Middle Class   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pluralism presents faith communities with the challenge of continuity and discontinuity in relation to the community's tradition. The educational question becomes: How do we initiate persons into the tradition of the faith community so that they will function as agents who can extend the tradition in creative ways in changing contexts? Play is one area of human activity that is concerned with what is and what might be. This paper explores the nature of the pretend play of young children, especially its “as‐if'” and “what‐if” dimensions. It suggests possibilities for using play in the education of children and adults.  相似文献   

市场经济呼唤会计诚信,要建立以诚信为核心的道德秩序,迫切需要加强会计诚信教育,而会计诚信教育同样也是一项社会系统工程,只有学校、政府、单位、社会以及学会、家庭等各个教育环节环环相扣、相互配合,才能取得良好的会计诚信教育效果。  相似文献   

The increased demand for secondary schooling, which took place in New Zealand in the years after 1924, had important consequences for the Catholic educational mission. No longer was it sufficient to provide a comprehensive elementary system of education that transmitted a ‘simple faith to a simple people’, and a secondary schooling for the educational advancement and social mobility of the select few. Justified on the basis of the need to protect the faith of the growing number of pupils going on to secondary school, the expanded educational mission was also grounded in a new Catholic identity as ‘moral’ patriotic citizens committed to Catholic family values and successful participation in New Zealand society. Catholic secondary schools offered a utilitarian secondary education, which focussed on success in state‐mandated examinations, to the children of parents ambitious for their social and economic success in the world. Nevertheless, there were tensions in a Catholic educational mission that worked for the social and educational advancement of Catholic pupils while aiming for their ultimate salvation and the protection Catholic religious and cultural values.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the relationship between management theory, education and social change. I argue that the important changes taking place in culture and in the economy cannot be accommodated within that form of traditional schooling which has well served the age of modernity since the last century. The changes afoot are of great moment and are not just expressions of some end‐of‐millennium angst. The failure to recognise the importance of these shifts will lead to quick‐fix solutions which may exacerbate the very problems which they purport to solve. The new managerialism in education is such a solution. The argument here locates the new managerialism intellectually, culturally and in relation to post‐Fordist work processes. In sum, I argue that the new managerialism is a mission statement, an act of faith, which freeze‐frames culture and education in its own dated bureaucratic image.  相似文献   

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