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The possibilities of automating the teaching process are linked to the development of educational technology. The following article written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Drs. A.F. Tcherniavski, A.M. Mukharski, A.I. Tarnopolski from the Byelorussian State University in Minsk (Bielorussian SSR) presents experiences in the application of such a system in university teaching.  相似文献   

A major nation building concept in France is that of laïcité(secularism). Arising during the French Revolution, it gathered force in the nineteenth century, resulting in the complete separation of Church and State in France in 1905. A major goal of laïcitéwas the creation of a free, state‐supported public school system in which the teachers became the high priests of the secular state. Although certain religious minorities, the Jews and the Protestants, in particular, did quite well in France following their emancipation, making massive use of the secular schools for their own promotion in French society, their assimilation weakened their religious and community ties. Indeed, a negative result of secularism is that it has resulted in widespread ignorance on the part of many French people of all persuasions of the religious roots of their culture. This ignorance has made them intolerant of religion in general and of the religious differences manifested by an increasingly large and vocal Muslim minority, the presence of which is the confirmation that France is now a de facto plural society. The author suggests that one solution to that intolerance in France which seems to have its roots in that very laïcitéwhich at its inception had been intended to eliminate religious intolerance would be the teaching of courses in religious appreciation in the schools. Of course, this proposition raises the question of whether or not such courses should be taught by clerics or by secular teachers.  相似文献   

The regression equations of sophomore year cumulative grade point averages on five ability and achievement test scores for blacks and whites at Michigan State University showed a significant difference. However, use of these separate regression equations would not be in favor of black students. The variance accounted for by the predictors was similar for both groups.  相似文献   

Approaching Christian education in light of Charles Sanders Peirce's Classical Pragmatism can help catechists make Christian tradition more intelligible to present-day North Americans; it can provide them with a rich framework for pedagogical practices; and it can help them offer a compelling vision of deeper participation in the Trinitarian life of God. A Peircean pedagogy of religious education emphasizes attentiveness, discernment, creativity, artistry, and the key role of the Holy Spirit.  相似文献   

广西大学商学院工商管理系现所在的广西大学工商管理学科与专业,前身是设立于1981年的广西大学经济系经济管理专业,1990年更名为企业管理,1999年按国家教育主管部门专业目录调整要求更名为工商管理,至此工商管理学科与专业名称沿用到现在。广西大学工商管理学科2000年获得工商管理硕士学位(MBA)授权资格,是广西高校目前具有10年MBA教育经验积累的专业;2000年获得企业管理硕士点,2001年开始招收企  相似文献   

同济大学马克思主义学院历史传承悠久、领导体制健全、机构设置完备、师资队伍结构合理、学科建设基础厚实、教学科研成果丰硕、人才培养成效显著、理论宣传和社会服务效果突出。学院围绕立德树人根本任务,为培养有理想、有本领、有担当的社会主义建设者和接班人锐意进取,为培养扎根中国大地的马克思主义理论人才精益求精。学院始建于2008年11月,2009年4月获得独立建制。2016年6月,入选首批上海高校示范马克思主义学院建设单位。2017年1月,马克思主义理论学科被列入上海市高峰学科。  相似文献   

The extensive scheme for both formative and summative assessment of medical students established at a new new medical school is described and discussed. The establishment of multi‐disciplinary project groups and the involvement of educationalists and psychometricians are unique features of the project. The wide range of testing procedures, including self‐assessment units, indicate the complexity of an evaluation program which attempts to cover ALL the competency domains relevant to medicine. The revelation of the incongruence of the program with the educational philosophy of the school shows the necessity for involvement of “consumers” in such programs.  相似文献   

广西大学商学院财务与会计系的办学历史可以追溯到上个世纪的四十年代,当时的国立广西大学法商学院就设有会计银行学系,我国当代著名会计学家杨时展先生1948-1949年间就曾是广西大学法商学院会计银行学系的教授。广西大学商学院财务与会计系1993年开始招收恢复重建后的第一届会计学专业本科生,2003年开始招收第一届财务管理专业本科生;1997年开始在金  相似文献   

<正>让视野更宽,与梦想更近。『做有情怀的教师育有梦想的学生办有温度的教育』[高端校园建设]华南师范大学附属太和实验学校是一所九年一贯全日制民办寄宿学校,由华南师范大学选派管理团队,遴选教师队伍,组织优质教学资源,对学校进行全方位教育教学管理。学校位于广东省广州市白云区沙太路大源中路3号,总占地面积达117亩,总建筑面积约10万平方米。学校配备了先进的教育教学设备设施。  相似文献   

Although computerization was included in the midterm development programme of the University of Zagreb for the 1986‐1990 period, the results obtained by the end of this period had not proved completely satisfactory. Consequently, in mid‐1990, the Rector appointed a Working Group for the Advancement of Computerization. It has developed a comprehensive plan for the creation of a sophisticated and comprehensive informatics network including all the various types of components needed to generalize computing and informatics at all levels and for all purposes throughout the University. It is also planning for the integration of this system into the various Yugoslav and international computer networks. So that all students will be computer‐literate, an element of computer science will be integrated into all course programmes.  相似文献   

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