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唐山的近代教育有许多办学方式,这些办学方式的种类具体包括官方办学、教会办学、民间办学和企业办学等。同时,唐山近代教育办学方式的种类不仅多种多样,而且每种办学方式均有自己的鲜明特点。  相似文献   

随着我国社会证书考试领域的不断宽阔,推进高校成人教育开放办学显得十分迫切。而从高校成人教育传统办学走向开放办学,不仅是办学思想与认识的转变,更是办学体制、办学目标、办学机制、办学战略的整体性变革。其中,办学机制的理性构建是基础,和谐运行是要害,持续发展是关键。  相似文献   

办学理念是教育价值取向的集中体现,影响办学态度、办学方式、办学策略以致整个办学行为,是一所学校的精神和灵魂。文中结合海南职业技术学院的办学实践,就高职办学理念进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

陕西现有5所民办普通本科高校,占全国同类院校的1/5。民办普通本科院校如何发展,科学定位非常重要。该文从民办本科院校的办学性质、办学方向、办学方针、培养目标、办学类型、办学层次、专业设置、办学面向、办学规模、办学特色等十个方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

石进明 《中国培训》2005,(10):30-31
一、关于办学体制的创新长期以来,我国职业教育办学体制的特征是:表现之一,在计划经济体制作用下形成的以政府包揽办学和单一计划办学为主要特征。随着经济体制的转变和教育体制改革的深入,政府包揽办学的格局有所突破,行业、企业办学的行为有所加强,市场机制开始在职业教育活动中发挥作用,但还没有更好地形成以政府举办公办学校为主导,国有民办、民办公助、行业企业办学、个人办学、中外合作办学等多主体办学的形式。表现之二,实现办学主体多元化存在着诸多问题。如非国有企业尚未成为办学主体,对其办学行为缺乏政策引导与实施措施;民办教…  相似文献   

校长办学思想是学校之魂、管理之魂。凝练与确立办学思想是学校内涵式发展的需要,也是校长专业发展的内在需求。当前,人们对什么是校长办学思想这个问题存在较多认识误区,如将办学思想等同于校长办学光辉业绩、他人的或普遍意义上的办学思想以及自身发展的心路历程等。事实上,校长办学思想是校长基于办学实践的办学理论体系,是办学共性问题与校长个人办学经历交融的思想精华,也是基于科学办学观念、办学理论基础上的个性化办学理论体系及其实践方式的集合。只有明晰了校长办学思想为何与何谓,才能科学有效地指导学校办学实践。  相似文献   

高校办学定位包含办学职能、办学层次、发展目标、培养目标与服务面向等,促使高校科学合理定位,彰显办学属性,进而使办学定位与办学属性良性互动,促进高等教育系统协调发展,既是高校办学定位的理论逻辑,也是高校办学定位的操作流程。  相似文献   

以上海市七宝中学“全面发展,人文见长”这一办学特色为例,总结并提出了从办学理念到办学特色的一般过程:在分析学校历史与办学环境基础上选择形成办学理念、将办学理念落实到具体办学实践中、总结办学实践并围绕办学理念进行办学的系统设计、全面丰富办学实践、总结提炼形成学校办学特色。在办学特色创建中要注意理念站位要高、要向办学全面渗透、要得到全校充分认同、要与时俱进不断丰富发展。  相似文献   

社会证书考试与高校成人教育开放办学机制构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国社会证书考试领域的不断宽阔,推进高校成人教育开放办学显得十分迫切。而从高校成人教育"传统办学"走向"开放办学",不仅是办学思想与认识的转变,更是办学体制、办学目标、办学机制、办学战略的整体性变革。其中,办学机制的理性构建是基础,和谐运行是要害,持续发展是关键。  相似文献   

作为高等教育快速发展的衍生物,高校异地办学经历了探索、发展、停滞、反弹等阶段,与地方政府合作办学具有创生型、原生型、衍生型三种异地办学路径,办学历程中出现了办学区域集中、办学特色不鲜明、办学点空间距离较远、跨区域治理难以突破等问题。教育主管部门要建章立制规范异地办学,高校要优化路径就地就近办学,地方政府要提质增效协同办学,三方协商合作促进异地办学健康发展。  相似文献   

Comparative Education: Education in Tokugawa Japan by R. P. Dore. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1965. xiv + 346 pp. $6.00.

Children in Collectives edited by Peter Neubauer. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, 1965. 383 pp. $11.50.

Growing Up in the Kibbutz by A. I. Rabin. New York: Springer Publishing Co., 1965. 230 pp. $5.00, $2.95 paper.

Foreign Language Teaching. By J. Wesley Childers. New York: Library of Education of the Center for Applied Research in Education, Inc., 1964. 120 pp. $3.95 to subscribers to the Library of Education.

Bilingualism in Education. Report on an International Seminar, Aberystwyth, Wales, 20 August-2 September, 1960. Department of Education and Science, United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO. London, England: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1965. v + 233 pp. $3.60.

History and Philosophy: The Educated Man: Studies in the History of Educational Thought edited by Paul Nash, Andreas M. Kazamias, and Henry J. Perkinson. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, Inc., 1965. x + 421 pp. $795.

Education in Western Culture by Robert Ulich. New York: Harcourt, Brace &; World, Inc., 1965. 136 pp. $1.75 paper.

The Public School and the Private Vision by Maxine Greene. New York: Random House, 1965. 177 pp. $1.95 paper.

Mathematics: Understanding Arithmetic (revised ed.) by Robert L. Swain and Eugene D. Nichols. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1965. 364 pp. $5.95.

Organization and Conduct of Guidance Services by Lester D. Crow and Alice Crow. New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1965. 692 pp. $6.95.

Social Foundations: Culture in American Education by Ruth Landes. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1965. 330 pp. $7.95.

Teacher Education: Interpreting Educational Research by Armand J. Galfo and Earl Miller. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown Company, 1965. 369 pp. $6.50.

Teacher Education in America edited by Merle L. Borrowman. New York: Teachers College Press, 1965. 251 pp.

Creative Teaching in the Elementary School by Abraham Shumsky. New York: Meredith Publishing Company, 1965. 403 pp. $5.00.

Vocational Education: Vocational and Practical Arts Education—History Development and Principles (2d ed.) by Roy W. Roberts. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1965. 596 pp. $8.50.  相似文献   

Conclusions Of all the aspects of classroom environment studied in this research, attention to the social relevance of physics had one of the strongest associations, in a positive sense, with each of the student outcomes. The research showed that positive student outcomes tended to be closely associated with low levels of frustration. Integration of experimental and theoretical aspects of physics tended to be accompanied by positive student outcomes. The integration could well go beyond using experiments merely to illustrate and/or verify principles and theories previously taught. At least in some topics, student understanding of physics could well follow upon and be the outcome of experiences gained during practical work, and some problem-solving by experiments could be given. Despite some inveitable tensions, teachers who favoured student autonomy were generally satisfied with their physics teaching. Moreover, their students reported more growth in personal development areas such as a sense of responsibility than did students who did not experience much autonomy. The multi-media characteristics of Project Physics makes it a particularly suitable approach for including student autonomy. The results indicated that academic achievement is not likely to suffer when attention is given to encouraging student initiative, sense of responsibility, improved study methods and persistence at a task. Such goals are long-term goals and working towards them tends to be accompanied by greater interest in and enjoyment of physics.  相似文献   

Poetry and Its Enjoyment. Thomas H. Briggs, Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1957. 322 pp., $4.00.

Developing a Curriculum for Modern Living, Revised and Enlarged, by Florence Stratemeyer, Hamden Forkner, Margaret McKim, and A. Harry Passow. Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, 1957. 740 pp. $5.50.

Guidance and Counseling in the Classroom by Dugald S. Arbuckle. Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 397 pp. $5.00.

Helping Parents Understand Their Child's School by Grace Langdon and Irving W. Stout. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 494 pp. $5.00.

Making Better Readers by Ruth Strang and Dorothy Kendall Bracken. D. C. Heath and Company. 367 pp. $4.75.

Measurement and Evaluation for the Secondary-School Teacher by Georgia Sachs Adams and Theodore L. Torgerson. The Dryden Press. 637 pp. $5.75.

Music in the Elementary School by Robert E. Nye and Vernice T. Nye. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 279 pp., $4.25.

School Public Relations by Arthur B. Moehlman and James A. van Zwoll, Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 556 pp. $6.00.

Supervision as Co-operative Action by Muriel Crosby. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. 330 pp. $3.50.

Teaching the Disorderly Pupil in Elementary and Secondary School by Norma E. Cutts and Nicholas Moseley, Longmans, Green and Co. 184 pp. $1.90.

Why Teach? by D. Louise Sharp, Henry Holt and Company, New York. 240 pp. $4.00.

The Teacher's Personal Development by William F. Bruce, and A. John Holden, Jr. Henry Holt and Company, 346 pp. $4.25.

Education and Philosophy, the Yearbook of Education, 1957 by George Z. F. Bereday and Joseph A. Lauwerys. World Book Company. 578 pp. $8.50. Education and Philosofhy is the 1957

The Psychology of Careers by Donald E. Super. Harper &; Brothers, 353 pp. $5.75.

Health for Modern Living by H. Frederick Kilander, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 475 PP. $4.95.

Smoking and Its Effects by Sidney Russ. The Macmillan Co. 141 pp. $1.95.

Handbook of Speech Pathology, L. E. Travis, editor, Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1088 pp. $12.00.  相似文献   

This design experiment in prayer education for Jewish students was motivated by a current educational concern: educating for spirituality and religious practice. Educators are tasked with formally nurturing spirituality (Wright 2001). It is known that attitude to religious observance may change during adolescence (Hyde 1963), thus attitude to prayer needs attention. The effects/consequences of prayer understanding reach beyond religious practice itself, to encompass issues of faith, identity, spiritual development and well-being (Sigel 2009). Here quantitative and qualitative analysis is used to measure the effects of a tefillah (prayer and its understanding) course on student attitudes to prayer.  相似文献   

针对现今体育教学中的弊端,指出了教学改革的重要性和必要性,并根据高校体育教学的实际进行一些建设性的思考,提出一些改革措施,使高校体育教学更适应现代社会的发展需要.  相似文献   

对野生红菇茑和种植红菇茑脂肪酸成分进行分析.采用索氏提取法提取野生红菇茑和种植红菇茑中的脂肪酸并进行甲酯化处理,以气相色谱-质谱法进行分析,对其脂肪酸组成和含量进行了比较.结果表明:野生红菇茑鉴定出6种脂肪酸,种植红菇茑鉴定出8种脂肪酸,两者主要成分均为亚油酸,分别占脂肪酸总量的86.32%和73.83%.用高效液相色谱法对亚油酸进行了定量分析.色谱柱为Kromasil C18;流动相为V异丙醇∶V乙腈=35∶65;柱温为25℃;回归方程为A=28 056C-181.57,变异系数小于0.35%,回收率为93.9%~97.6%.  相似文献   

在新课程理念下,教学过程本身在本质上已经发生了重大变化,教学过程追求的是一种对话、沟通、理解和创新.体育课的教学必须在新的体育教学观念的指导下,树立"健康第一"的教学设计理念,创设多元化的教学环境,努力体现对学生智力、体力、情感以及创新精神和实践能力的培养,调动学生的内在因素,促进其全面发展,可持续性发展.  相似文献   

通过微分处理和分区处理说明布拉德福、齐普夫、洛特卡三种分布具有相似性。  相似文献   

通过对劳伦斯作品女性人物 ,《儿子与情人》中的莫瑞尔夫人、米丽安·利弗斯、克拉拉·道斯 ,以及《虹》和《恋爱中的妇女》中厄秀拉·布莱温的分析 ,可发现劳伦斯通过对小说中女性人物的塑造 ,试图表现在现代社会中 ,由于违反自然与自然本性 ,人们受到假象的蒙蔽 ,生命力遭到削弱。人类要复兴 ,就应正视自身真正的本性 ,在人、自然及社会中建立一种平衡与和谐的物质与精神的关系  相似文献   

Radical Constructivism is currently a very influencial view in mathematics education. This paper examines its philosophical roots through a review of the book Radical Constructivism by Ernst von Glasersfeld. It begins by describing the structure of the book, and then considers a number of philosophical issues raised by the book. The paper concludes with some reflections on the relationship between philosophy and mathematics education which the book provoked.  相似文献   

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