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Ayurveda is a traditional form of medicine used by majority of the Indians. Here we report three cases of lead toxicity, following intake of Ayurvedic medicines. Three patients presented with blood lead levels (BLLs) of 122.4, 115 and 42.8 μg/dl respectively at the time of hospitalization. The first case was chelated with D- penicillamine, the second with calcium disodium ethylene diamino tetra acetate (EDTA) and the third with environmental intervention and education. Associated Ayurvedic products were collected from patients and analyzed for metallic concentration. Cessation of Ayurvedic medication along with chelation, nutritional intervention and education, reduced the BLL to 27.4 μg/dl in the first case after 1 year, 21.1 μg/dl after 9 months in the second and 18.2 μg/dl after 6 months in the third case.  相似文献   

Daily feeding of drinking water containing lead acetate (160 mg/l) or 10% alcohol by volume or a combination of both to rats for a month produced certain deleterious effects through oxidative stress. Both heavy metal lead and alcohol are capable of doing such damages. The deleterious alterations observed were in the parameters of blood, serum and tissues, viz; Hb, Pb, proteins, lipids, lipid per oxidation, Vitamins C and E levels and enzyme activities of AST, ALT, and catalase. Simultaneous feeding of either of the two antioxidants garlic oil (GO) and vitamin E at equal doses of 100 mg/kg/day, to the rats counteracted the deleterious effects of the above two chemicals significantly. The maximum damage was brought about by feeding of drinking water containing both lead acetate and alcohol. The protective effects of GO and Vitamin E were not significantly different. The mechanism of actions of the Vitamin E and GO is probably due to their efficiency as detoxifying agents and antioxidants, to scavenging free radicals as well as an independent action of GO on the removal of lead salt as lead sulfide.  相似文献   

目的:评价高原地区继发孔型房间隔缺损(ASD)合并肺动脉高压手术治疗的早期疗效。方法:回顾性分析2001年6月至2001年11月在海拔3700m手术治疗的ASD合并肺动脉高压患者21例。其中藏族12例,移居西藏地区的汉族9例;合并室间隔缺损(VSD)6例、中度以上三尖瓣功能性关闭不全7例。术前动脉血氧分压50.1-61.4mmHg、碱剩余-4.3-11.0。均在浅低温、中度血液稀释、心脏不停跳CPB下施行手术。ASD采取直接缝合,同期行VSD修补6例,改良De Vega三尖瓣成形术7例。结果:无手术死亡;均于术后8h内拔除气管插管;术后未出现心、肺和神经等系统严重的并发症;出院时经超声心动图检查未发现残余漏;术后7-10d均痊愈出院。结论:高原地区采用心脏不停跳技术,施行先天性房间隔缺损心内直视修补手术,避免或明显减轻缺血再灌注损伤,可取得确切、满意的早期疗效。  相似文献   

模拟胃酸环境下城市灰尘中铅的生物可给性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏建强  章明奎  符娟林 《科技通报》2006,22(4):482-486,489
用二种方法(无机酸和酶混合模拟液及双酸模拟液)模拟研究了胃酸环境下杭州市城市灰尘中铅的生物可给性。研究结果表明,无机酸和酶混合模拟液的溶出量高于双酸模拟液的溶出量.灰尘中铅的生物可给性与胃酸的酸度和灰尘中铅的化学形态有关。灰尘中铅的溶出量随pH的下降而增加,当pH在3.5以上时,溶出量较低;当pH在2.5以下时,铅溶出量随pH的下降而显著增加。不同pH条件下,溶出的铅来自不同的化学形态,交换态和碳酸盐结合态优先溶出,在较低的pH条件下,有机结合态和氧化物结合态铅也可被部分溶出,表明具高比例的交换态和酸可溶态铅的灰尘有较大的潜在毒性。胃酸中磷酸盐的存在可降低铅的溶解,但当pH在2以下时,磷酸盐的作用不明显。在正常饮食的胃酸环境中(pH4~5),灰尘中Pb的溶出比例不高。  相似文献   

This study examines characteristics that relate to lead userness in using business mobile services. From a large dataset of 2306 business decision-makers, the study identifies 205 lead users who are ahead of the majority in using business mobile services, while for the majority (n = 2101), business mobile services mainly supplement desktop and laptop computers. The authors test a binary logistic regression model in which individual technology readiness, sociodemographic variables, Internet use, and perceived importance of digital touchpoints predict lead userness in relation to business mobile services. The results show that job level is a highly significant predictor for lead userness in a work-related context, with senior management and entrepreneurs having the greatest likelihood for the use of business mobile services. Innovativeness and the perceived importance of mobile applications and social media also serve as positive predictors, while the perceived importance of websites and email result in a negative effect. The findings further suggest that the odds of being a lead user decrease by 2 percent per additional year of age, and that the odds of men is over 1.4 times greater than the odds of women.  相似文献   

In spite of the established knowledge regarding their toxicities, occupational exposure to heavy metals like lead and cadmium still continues because of their wide distribution in environment. Due to lack of awareness, most of the workers usually eat, smoke, drink at their workplace which may aggravate the metal exposure. The present study was planned to assess the blood levels of lead and cadmium in occupationally exposed workers of Jodhpur (India). A total of 110 individuals working in different industrial set ups (furniture, metal handicraft, welders) of Jodhpur district (exposed group), aged between 20 and 60 years and 97 apparently healthy people (controls) with no history of occupational heavy metal exposure aged between 25 and 60 were recruited. Details of personal habits and demographics were recorded by means of self-developed questionnaire. 5 ml of whole blood was drawn from every individual. Metal levels were measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Statistical analysis was done using GraphPad Prism Software. Results showed that Blood Lead Level and Blood Cadmium Level (CdB) were significantly higher in the exposed group as compared to the non-exposed group. Significant age and gender-based differences were found in terms of blood cadmium levels but no such difference was observed in case of blood lead. The study also revealed that higher blood levels of these metals in workers are influenced by their occupational practices, lack of protection against workplace environment pollutants, thus increasing their susceptibility to metal toxicity.  相似文献   

Among the heavy metals, lead still remains the major toxic pollutant of the environment. Human exposure to lead can occur through numerous pathways including air, food, dust, soil, and water. In the present study 14 lead poisoned patients with non-occupational lead exposure were evaluated. They were followed up and compared against the controls with no history of lead exposure. The patients had high blood lead levels and symptoms of weakness, dizziness, abdominal pain, generalized body ache, loss of appetite, and anxiety. Repeated course of chelation therapy helped to bring down their body burden of lead. Alternative sources for lead exposure can cause severe lead poisoning in general population. Screening and medical management of such individuals is very important to identify and eliminate sources of lead. The treatment and management requires a thorough medical evaluation and environmental intervention.  相似文献   

土地资源是不可再生资源,是国民经济和社会发展的重要基础,大力推进节约集约用地是严格保护土地资源与保障发展的最佳结合和最优选择。以铅山县为例,分析铅山县建设用地现状及土地节约集约利用存在的主要问题,通过建立建设用地节约集约利用评价指标体系和评价模型,对现状建设用地集约度进行评价,并在之基础上提出了建设用地节约集约利用的规划指标控制标准,针对铅山县实际提出了节约集约用地的对策和建议。  相似文献   

实施领先市场计划是欧盟建立创新友好型市场、发展创新驱动型经济的重要举措。本文分析了领先市场与国家竞争优势的关系,介绍了欧盟实施领先市场计划的背景、目标、试点领域及政策工具等内容,并就领先市场计划对中国推进自主创新战略实施带来的启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Lead is found in small but appreciable quantities in air, soil drinking water and food. Exposure to such amounts of lead does not cause acute lead toxicity, but produces subtle effects, particularly in children. The CDC advocates “safe” or “acceptable” levels of blood lead up to 10 μg/dl, while OSHA declares blood lead levels up to 40 μg/dl as “safe” or “acceptable” in the occupationally exposed. The objective of the study was to see if blood levels considered “safe” can cause changes in the biogenic neurotransmitters in the developing brain which may cause neurobehavioral defects like hyperactivity and other cognitive disorders. Albino Wistar rats were divided into the control and lead-treated groups. The control group was given unleaded water, while the lead-treated group was fed with 50 ppm lead acetate in drinking water. On day 45 the animals were subjected to a passive avoidance test, their blood analysed for ZPP and lead. They were then sacrificed and the neurotransmitters—Norepinephrine (NE) and its metabolite—methoxyhydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) estimated in the brain areas associated with learning and memory—the frontal cortex, hippocampus and the striatum by HPLC-ECD. Our results showed significant increases in blood lead, NE and MHPG, while ZPP increase was insignificant. The rats showed neurobehavioral abnormalities as assessed by the passive avoidance test. We concluded that low blood levels of lead cannot be considered “safe” or “acceptable” as it causes neurotransmitter alterations. Increased NE turnover is implicated in hyperactivity disorders such as ADHD and Tourette syndrome.  相似文献   

Lead interferes with a variety of body processes and is toxic to many organs and tissues including the heart, bones, intestines, kidneys, and reproductive and nervous systems. Routes of exposure to lead include contaminated air, water, soil, food, and consumer products. The possibility of lead exposure in humans is therefore of great significance from health point of view. Occupational exposure is a common known cause of lead poisoning in adults but current status of adults exposed otherwise is not known. School teachers representing wide local population were selected and asked to furnish information regarding possible lead exposure. Blood lead level (BLL) was estimated using anodic stripping voltammetry. The mean BLL was 6.89 ± 9.5 μg/dl (<3.5–>65 μg/dl) in representative adult population. Out of the total 16 % were found to be having BLL >10 μg/dl which has significantly decreased from leaded gasoline era. Those with increased BLL (>10 μg/dl) were found to have common determinants like usage of old metallic pipes for plumbing, water consumption without any purification system, usage of cosmetics and Ayurvedic/herbal medicines.  相似文献   

余辉  何凤云  吴媛媛 《科技通报》2012,28(8):5-6,65
提出了一种用多壁碳纳米管修饰碳糊电极,以差分脉冲伏安法测定水中痕量铅离子的方法。在优化的条件下,铅的脉冲峰电流与其浓度在2.0×10-9~8.0×10-7mol/L呈良好的线性关系,检测限为8.0×10-11mol/L。平行测定1.0×10-6mol/L的Pb2+,其标准偏差为0.372%(n=4)。用此法测定了水样中铅的含量,加标回收率为98.6%~103.6%。  相似文献   

王达光  王宁 《大众科技》2012,14(4):63-65
建设现代中药材市场,离不开信息化,实现中药材市场信息化,其主角是电子商务平台。结构合理、科学实用的技术方案,是开发电子商务平台的关键,需要认真论证与探讨。  相似文献   

It is well known that chronic exposure of lead leads to adverse health effects. Workers for plastic industry are generally exposed to high concentration of lead as fume, dust, and additive that protect PVC. This study was done on them to find out the detrimental effects of chronic lead exposure on hepatic and hematological toxicity. Blood and 24 h urine sample was collected from 47 plastic industry workers and matched against 42 controls for various parameters. The study group shows significant increase in blood (p < 0.0001) and urinary level of lead (p < 0.0001). Hemoglobin levels were significantly decreased (p < 0.0001), and the liver enzymes like ALP, ALT, AST and y-GT were significantly increased (p < 0.0001) in all cases exposed for >10 years. Serum lipid peroxide by quantitative assay of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances was also found increased in the study group (p < 0.0001). The observations point towards the acute health risk faced by plastic industry workers, in whom chronic exposure to lead increases the absorption and accumulation, over a period of time, of this highly toxic element in their body. This increases oxidative stress, causes metabolic damage to RBC and cell membranes, and also suggests necrosis of liver cell, hepatocellular injury and presence of space occupying lesions. Considering the data immediate health and hygiene monitoring and proper rehabilitation for the suffering population seem to be of paramount need in plastic industry to minimize occupational hazards.  相似文献   

介绍中草药的作用机理、功效、使用方法以及其对几种常见水产动物疾病的防治方法,并提出了今后中草药制剂在水产动物病害防治相关发展趋势的管窥.  相似文献   

Political polarization remains perhaps the “greatest barrier” to effective COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures in the United States. Social media has been implicated in fueling this polarization. In this paper, we uncover the network of COVID-19 related news sources shared to 30 politically biased and 2 neutral subcommunities on Reddit. We find, using exponential random graph modeling, that news sources associated with highly toxic – “rude, disrespectful” – content are more likely to be shared across political subreddits. We also find homophily according to toxicity levels in the network of online news sources. Our findings suggest that news sources associated with high toxicity are rewarded with prominent positions in the resultant network. The toxicity in COVID-19 discussions may fuel political polarization by denigrating ideological opponents and politicizing responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, all to the detriment of mitigation measures. Public health practitioners should monitor toxicity in public online discussions to familiarize themselves with emerging political arguments that threaten adherence to public health crises management. We also recommend, based on our findings, that social media platforms algorithmically promote neutral and scientific news sources to reduce toxic discussion in subcommunities and encourage compliance with public health recommendations in the fight against COVID-19.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of the part that regulation plays in processes of innovation in sectors of technology. The politico-economic phenomenon of ‘Europe’ is partly constituted by regulatory regime-building, and new technologies are one of the major sites of regime-building. A constructionist social theory perspective shows that study of the conflictual processes of regulatory policymaking affords insights into the formation of the rules of engagement that constitute technology domains. Adopting the concept of emergent ‘technological zone’ in preference to industrial ‘sector’ or technoscientific network, the paper presents, using empirical research, a detailed account of the case of the debate and development of regulatory policy for therapeutic tissue engineering in the European Union's policy institutions and stakeholder networks. It describes how the jurisdiction of an emergent zone has been formed through such negotiations, providing a counter-example to the common view that regulation ‘lags behind’ innovation. The analysis takes account particularly of the part played by the malleability of the definition of the material technology itself in such constructive governance processes, and it also suggests various consequences for the array of producers of the technology, for market structuring and for the innovation pathways taken by tissue engineering technology. Concluding, the paper argues that there is conceptual advance to be made by bringing together constructionist social theory with innovation studies approaches that highlight the part played by non-firm, public institutions in shaping innovation ecologies.  相似文献   

领先市场:分析国家竞争优势的新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的观点认为国家在特定技术或产品方面的竞争优势源于技术能力,然而,许多在特定技术或产品上具有国际竞争力的国家却并不是该技术的发明国.Beise提出了领先市场模型并对此进行了解释.介绍了Beise的领先市场模型,并对模型的局限性及对我国的启示进行了探讨.  相似文献   

李玲  葛春雷 《科研管理》2022,43(8):129-139
   转化医学致力于促进基础研究与临床间的双向转化,促进医学的整体发展,提升人民生命健康水平,在国际医学研究中已占据了重要地位。我国发展转化医学还处于探索阶段,构建适宜转化医学的组织模式是亟须解决的问题,需要借鉴国外的成功经验。本文通过文献分析和案例分析的方法,在明确转化医学概念以及转化医学在医学创新链上位置的基础上,以德国健康研究中心、柏林健康研究所两类代表性转化医学机构为例,从组织管理架构、科研活动模式、经费资助模式、评价模式四个维度,深入分析联盟和单体机构两种模式的特征与优势。研究表明德国的两类转化医学机构具有不同的特点,但也具有一些共性:内部治理结构完整有效;科研活动遵循促成不同人员、不同转化环节协作的原则;经费主要来自政府资助,私人基金为重要补充;建立了突出转化医学特点的评价指标体系等。借鉴德国经验,本文从国家分类统筹、管理架构、人员合作、基础设施经费支持和评价机制等几个方面提出推进我国转化医学机构建设的若干建议。  相似文献   

研究了由多个采购商到一个制造商采购同种物品而形成的网状供应链中,订货批量对订货提前期的影响。通过对理论和企业实践两方面分析,结果表明,订货批量和订货提前期正相关;订货提前期会随订货批量同向变化;订货批量在高位时的变化所产生的订货提前期的变化比在低位时产生的订货提前期的变化大。可以通过订货小批量化缩短订货提前期。  相似文献   

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