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The College of Liberal Arts at the University of Tennessee recognizes that the early freshman experience can be a difficult one. It offers a three quarter hour course of study, University Studies 1000, designed to assist first quarter freshman negotiating a new environment. This course uniquely mixes the academic and personal experiences in three areas: career exploration, human development, and the history of universities. This paper presents the author's own professional and personal development as she interacted with the academic content of the course and the students' struggles of late adolescence and the chaos of college.  相似文献   

所谓旧方志,概指那些在过去的历史朝代里由地方官员或文人学士们编纂的地方典籍。这些典籍中记载的多是乡土旧貌和远逝了的繁华旧境,经过岁月的磨蚀以后,大多残破不堪,静静地躺在时间的角落里无人问津。按理说,这些旧典籍是可以归入传统文化的行列中的,因为编史修志是中华民族优良的文化传统,这样的传统不仅在经济文化发达的地区拥有,在边远少数民族地区也同样拥有。据初步统计,我国历代编纂并保存下来的地方志书共有8700多种,占我国古籍的十分之一。楚雄彝族自治州虽地处祖国西南,但历史悠久,接受中原文化相对较早,历代编纂并保存下来的地方志书也有50多种,占云南省旧方志总数的八分之一。这些不同时期不同内容的地方志书,既反映出各地经济、文化和社会发展的多样性,又体现了中华民族文化发展的统一性。  相似文献   

在世界范围内,安房直子的幻想文学洋溢着浓厚的东方韵味。她刻意隐去现实与幻想之间的中介,营造神秘的气氛,形成自己的幻想样式,体现了安房直子根植于童年经历、东方哲学和民间信仰里的艺术个性。安房直子的幻想主题,主要围绕人与自然的关系展开,既反映了她的东方传统的世界观,又透露了她作为现代人的心灵焦虑。  相似文献   

随着“幻想热潮”的掀起,幻想文学逐渐纳入人们的视野中。彭懿作为幻想小说的倡导者,创作了大量的幻想小说。文章以彭懿幻想小说所展现的指向成长的爱的母题为基点,分析了作品中亲情、友情、爱情等爱的表现,以及小说形象的象征意义,营造的磨难的幻想意境。进而探讨幻想小说爱的母题的特殊意义。  相似文献   

幻想的胜利——浅论西方现代奇幻文学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幻想是人类共有的语言。奇幻文学调动一切因素,将幻想推向极致。奇幻文学的胜利就是幻想的胜利。西方现代奇幻文学较前代的奇幻作品,其显著的不同在于现代奇幻文学创造了一个完全架空的世界,即第二世界。第二世界以及其中各元素的非常运作形成了西方现代奇幻文学幻想的独特表现。  相似文献   

方志是一种特殊的史著体例 ,它的出现有其阶级性。方志因其内容涵盖广泛、详实 ,在保存地方史料方面具有很高的价值 ,它具有“资政”、“存史”、“兴利”、“教化”功能  相似文献   

Teachers in the 'Hood: Hollywood's Middle-Class Fantasy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The urban-high-school genre film has become one of Hollywood's most trusted formulas. In these films a classroom filled with socially troubled and low-achieving students is dramatically transformed by the singular efforts of a teacher or principal, an outsider who is new to the school and often new to teaching entirely. All of this is accomplished to the consternation of the inept administrative staff and other teachers, who never believed that these students had such potential. Invariably, the outsider succeeds where veteran professional teachers and administrators have repeatedly failed. I argue that the urban-high-school genre of film reinforces the culture of poverty thesis and represents the fantasies that suburban middle-class America has about life in urban high schools and the ease with which the problems in urban high schools could be rectified—if only the right type of person (a middle-class outsider) would apply the right methods (an unconventional pedagogy with a curriculum of middle-class norms and values). The teacher- or principal-hero represents middle-class hopes that the students in urban schools can be rescued from their troubled lives not through significant social change or school reform, but by the individual application of common sense, good behavior, a positive outlook, and better choices.  相似文献   

教学是一门艺术,课堂结尾更是值得我们去研究与探索,一堂好课不仅要有精彩开篇,更应有画龙点晴之笔的结尾。本文结合实例谈了多样的信息技术课堂结尾艺术,如作品展示、巧设悬念、留有空白、名人熏陶等形式,让读者既有理论上的收获又有实践方面的指引,给人“言已尽而意未了”的感受。  相似文献   

该文运用Edward Said的刻板东方主义的观点,论述黄哲伦在《蝴蝶君》中如何成功颠覆了对东方女性和西方男性关系的刻板印象。白人绅士伽利默一生追求想象中的如蝴蝶夫人般的完美东方女性,为此幻想而生,又为此幻想而死。极具讽刺意义的是,他到死才认识到,真正的蝴蝶夫人不是他幻想中的宋丽玲,而是现实中的自己。  相似文献   

Photon Rao 《Resonance》2011,16(12):1303-1306
Reichardt’s dye A, shows spectacular solvatochromism having solutions coloured red in methanol, violet in ethanol, blue in isopropyl alcohol, green in acetone and greenish-yellow in anisole.  相似文献   

在宋太宗一朝的22年间,开封发生干旱21季,雨涝10季,暖冬4次,高温4季,冷冬3次。基本特征是干燥温暖。开封气象事件对宋代社会政治经济均产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

Reasoning in Young Children: Fantasy and Information Retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present article examines 2 predictions concerning conditional reasoning in children derived from Markovits's model of conditional reasoning. The first claims that children under 12 years of age should be able to respond correctly to uncertain logical forms if the premises and context enable them to access pertinent counterexamples from memory. The second concerns the effect of reasoning in a fantasy context. Previous studies have established that young children can correctly respond to certain reasoning problems with empirically false premises when these are presented in a fantasy context. However, this model of reasoning predicts that presenting empirically true premises in a fantasy context should decrease performance on the 2 uncertain logical forms. In Study 1, a total of 48 8-year-olds, 78 10-year-olds, and 74 12-year-olds were given 4 reasoning problems involving familiar premises. These problems were embedded in either a fantasy or a realistic context and presented via video tape. Results were consistent with the predictions made. Study 2 attempted to determine whether these results could be due to context or problem formulation. A total of 40 7-year-olds and 46 8-year-olds were given reasoning problems with either no context or with a visual image preceding the problems. Results showed that children did equally well in these conditions, and that providing an image did not improve performance.  相似文献   

The best forms in the best order? Current poetry writing pedagogy at KS2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article considers the pedagogic assumptions of four writers in the post‐war period who have contributed significantly in the UK to the teaching of poetry writing to children (Hughes, 1967; Brownjohn, 1980, 1982 and 1990, collected in 1994; Pirrie, 1987, republished in 1994; Rosen, 1989). This article critiques the approaches of these writers, and the assumptions underlying their practice, in the light of recent writing theory (Bereiter and Scardamalia, 1987; Sharples, 1999), which introduces the concepts of ‘content’ and ‘rhetorical’ space in writing. I argue that current recommendations (DfEE, 1998) are also flawed in that they provide teachers with a limited view of what poetry is, taking little account of the interrelationship between form and content in creating meaning. The article takes the form of an analysis of the intersection of these recommendations and the core literature described above arguing that their differing emphases place teachers at a disadvantage when thinking about pedagogy in this area.  相似文献   

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