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在美式英语里,有许多常用俚语是由“动物”构成的,相当生动、形象。掌握它们,会使你的语言更地道!1.sm ell a rat=feel that som ething is w rong在日常用语中,我们可以用sm ell a rat来表达自己感觉“什么事情不正常、奇怪、不对劲”,就像“闻到老鼠的味道”一样。范例对话:A:H ow com e the front door is open?D idn’tyou close it before we went shopping?大门怎么打开了?难道你没在我们上街购物之前把门关好吗?B:I’m sure I did.I can’t understand it.我肯定我把门关上了。我也不明白为什么会这样。A:Frankly,I sm ell a rat…  相似文献   

和动物有关的表达方式。I can smell a rat.我觉得事有蹊跷。  相似文献   

Saleswoman:Good afternoon.What can I do for you?女售货员:下午好。想买点什么?Customer:Yes,I’d like a pound of pork,please.顾客:请给我一磅猪肉。Saleswoman:Anything else?女售货员:还要别的什么吗?Customer:YeS.I’d also like a pound of garlic.顾客:我还要一磅大蒜。Saleswoman:I’m sorry.I’m all out of garlic.女售货员:对不起。大蒜卖完了。Customer:Oh.do you have any chilli?顾客:哦,有辣椒吗?  相似文献   

注释:future:['fju"t#$]n.未来college:['k%lid&]n.大学plan:[pl+n]v.计划做……grow up长大lawyer:['l%"j$]n.律师astronaut:['+str$n%"t]n.宇航员将来你打算做什么呢?一定有一大堆话想说吧。现在就来和我老T说一说吧。注意下面的句型哟!What do you want to do?你打算做什么?I want to go to college.我想上大学。What do you plan to do when yougrow up?长大后你打算做什么?When I grow up I’d like to teach English.长大后我想教英语。I plan to be a doctor.我打算当一名医生。I plan to be a lawyer.我打算当一名律师。What d…  相似文献   

1.went skiing with my friend.有问题? 这个句子看来好像没有什么特别,然而以英语为母语的人却往往会觉得不对劲。其实是因为使用my friend会给人带来“我只有一个朋友”的感觉。在后面加上具体的名字(专有名词)才自然,也就是像: I went skiing with my friend Joan. (我和我的朋友琼一起去滑雪。) 这样说清楚才自然。因此,若是只想表达“和朋友”的话应该说:  相似文献   

1.Ten animals I slam in a net.2.Otto saw pup;pup was Otto.3.Was it a car or a cat I saw.4.Was it a rat I saw.英语回文欣赏(英文)  相似文献   

A Cat     
I’m a cat,Sitting on a mat,Opening my eyes,Waiting for a rat.  相似文献   

A rabbit is playing near a river,and he hears a small voice:Hello,can you helpme?I’m ill.I need somesunshine.It’s verygood for me.Can youhelp me?No problem.I’ll findthe sun.I like summer best.Summer is good for swimming.哈尔滨市道外区泰山小学四(3)班张乃文31.一只兔子在小河边玩,他听到了轻轻的说话声:“你好,你能帮助我吗?”2.他向下看,是一株小草。“当然可以,我能帮你做点什么呢?”(兔子说)3“.我生病了,我需要一些阳光,那对我有好处。你能帮我吗?”(小草说)4“.没问题,我去帮你找太阳。”(兔子说)5.兔子跑了…  相似文献   

I went on errands at some place,but I got lost there.A kid wasplaying at the roadside,soIwent to-ward him,stroking his head,and asked him:"where is this,dear?"The kid looked up at me and answered:"It’smyh我e出ad差."去外地,迷路了。看见路边有一个小孩儿,我就过去摸着他的头问“:小朋友,这是什么地方呀?”那孩子看看我:“这是我的头呀。”Dream of the rat:allofcatsare hauled into theholes and are bitten todeath.Protestofthecrow:are we the only black onesin the world?Plan of thewolf:manage asheep-skin t…  相似文献   

■have a good head on one’s shoulder明智且实际A: Do they have any requirements for me?B: Yeah, first of all, you should have a good head on yourshoulders.A: This is what I have. And others? B: I don't have to mention more. You're the perfect choiceanyway. Have a go at it. A:他们对我有什么要求吗?  相似文献   

I think you can remember these ten words now.They all have the letter"a"with the sound/(?)/.Let’S read this tongue twister(绕口令)about the sound/(?)e/.A fat rat is wearing a cap.A black cat is wearing a hat.The fat rat is carrying a bag.The black cat is sitting on a mat.The rat and the cat are looking at a map.They are helping a sad bat find his dad.  相似文献   

一 A strange thing was happened in our garden the other day. I went out to play my dog for a few minutes,and I noticed the dog is barking(犬吠) at a big tree. Then the dog started to dig at the hole on the foot of the tree. Suddenly a large rat rushed out…  相似文献   

一、表示方位,意为“离开,不在(这里,那里)”,不侧重到什么地方去,多和be连用。例如: I’ll be away for a few minutes. 我要离开几分钟。I haven’t been away fromhome before. 我以前从未离开过家。  相似文献   

out cold口语中表示“失去知觉的,昏迷不醒的”。例如:Joe was hit in the headby the stone and was out cold for a few minutes.乔被石头击中了头,昏过去几分钟。I was out cold for a few hours so I didn't know whathappened later.我昏迷了几小时,所以我不知道后来发生了什么事情。  相似文献   

Dad:What is this,Bob? 父亲:鲍勃,这是什么? Bob:It is a prize. 鲍勃:奖品。 Dad:A prize?What for,dear? 父亲:奖品?亲爱的,因为 什么? Bob:For natural history. Teacher asked me how many legs an ostrich had and I said three. 鲍勃:是博物学奖品。老师 问我鸵鸟有几条腿,我说  相似文献   

阁楼里堆放着许多杂物,吉伯特在那里翻来翻 去,像是在寻找什么东西。 ——Gilbert:This year I am going to prepare a surprise for my birthday party.I began the preparations in the attic. 吉伯特:今年我将为我的生日派对准备 一个惊喜。我开始在阁楼里做 准备工作。  相似文献   

1.句子开头的第一个字母要大写。如:Good morning,teacher.老师,早上好!2.代词I不论在什么地方,一律大写。如:I’m a boy.Rose and I are students.我是个男孩。罗丝和我都是学生。3.在诗歌中,每一行的第一个字母要大写。如:  相似文献   

Emery: Tell me what? 告诉我什么?Princess Electra: About the magic inside you. About your ability to make your wheel chair be whatever you want it to be. As long as it has wheels, that is. 你内在的魔法。你能任意变化轮椅的法力,变成任意一种有轮子的的东西。Emery: Really? It did turn into a train a while back, but I thought that was Snowden's magic, not mine. 真的吗?刚刚它就变成了一辆火车,可是我以为是登变的, 不是我。  相似文献   

a,an和one译成英语时,都有“一”的意思。但它们在用法上有所不同。从词性上看,a,an是冠词中的不定冠词,one是数词或代词。其区别如下: 一、a,an的作用之一是分类,即说明其后面的单数名词属哪种类别;One作数词时表示数量,说明它后面的名词数量只有一个。试比较: I have a pen.我有(一支)钢笔。(重点放在钢笔,而不是其它什么东西上面。) I have one pen.我有一支钢笔。(重点放在“一支”上面,而不是“两支”、“三支”。) 注:正因为a,an数目概念不强,故在很多句子中a,an不译出来。例如:  相似文献   

Mother’s Birthday Present妈妈的生日礼物Kate:Mom,do you know what I’m going to give you for your birthday?Mom:No,honey,what?Kate:A nice teapot.Mom:But I’ve got a nice teapot.Kate:No,you haven’t.I’ve just dropped it.凯特院妈妈袁你知道我要送你一件什么  相似文献   

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