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One frequent complaint about basal readers is that, when they adapt high-quality literature, they make pointless simplifications that significantly detract from the value of the original stories. This article reports a study of adaptations of award-winning stories for three grade levels. The results suggest strongly that, at least during the past fifteen years, these complaints are unjustified. Jacqueline C. Comas is assistant professor of education at the University of Florida in Gainesville where she teaches courses in language arts and children's literature. She is a former classroom teacher, has served as a reading consultant, a reading/language arts supervisor, and has worked with textbook adoption committees for the improvement of instructional materials since the late 1970s.  相似文献   

Elemental Forms     
This paper considers the way the nineteenth-century newspaper was oriented towards information. Despite their political differences, nineteenth-century newspapers were often discussed as if they were universal, with a paper for every segment of society. My argument is that this apparent universality, where the newspaper was figured as a print genre potentially open to all, laid the foundations for the emergence of the popular press. The paper is in two parts. The first considers the nineteenth-century newspaper as a genre, arguing that its periodicity enabled it to serve as a perfect medium, passing on content derived from elsewhere. The second explores the way information was conceived in the period. By looking at the way the newspaper drew upon, represented, and distributed information, it is possible to understand how it functioned as material media. In conclusion, I look at the way the nineteenth-century newspaper is changed through digitization today. When scholars access nineteenth-century newspapers through digital resources, they engage with a different material media that, in turn, reconfigures the source material. Such encounters foreground the importance of genre while providing new opportunities for its study.  相似文献   

以"读书诗"劝学:高校图书馆阅读推广的新形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从社会发展需要看,或同美国与俄罗斯公民读书情况比,当前国人的读书热情亟待提升。图书馆员是联系图书馆与读者的纽带,有义务帮助读者培养读书兴趣。借助古代读书诗促进馆员与读者互动,激发读者读书热情,是一条可行的路子。  相似文献   

We explore the role that devices currently play in children’s book reading, finding that while children have relatively high access to devices with eReading capability, these devices are underutilised for reading purposes. While ownership of devices was negatively associated with reading frequency for both genders, its negative impact was more significant for girls than boys. We also found that when boys and girls identified themselves as daily readers, and where they had access to devices, they did not use them frequently for book reading, suggesting that paper book reading is still preferable for frequent book readers of both genders.  相似文献   

A survey of readers of nonfiction estimates the size of the market, compares the demographics of the survey group to those of readers of “literature,” and describes the respondents' reading habits: how much they read, what other kinds of books they read, what magazines they read, and where they read. It then examines how these readers select books and what influences their choices. Their reasons for reading serious nonfiction are also explored. Finally, these readers are compared with two other groups that have been studied in depth: readers of romance novels and female readers of self-help books. Beth Luey is director of the Scholarly Publishing Program at Arizona State University and author of Handbook for Academic Authors (3rd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1995)  相似文献   

Due to its own cultures of publishing, distributing, reading, and life styling, the publishing industry in Thailand is much complicated to be penetrated. Our readers are changeable as always. It has been much difficult to predict them. So a newcomer in the industry has often been agitated by readers. Many have gotten left this business as soon as their first book have been never published. Since their book expected to publish was out of Thai readers interesting anymore. However, the industry has still been continuing on. Sometimes, it has been so peak in meaning of an outstanding industry is calling newcomers jumping in the game. Still, there were many hopes in this industry during a declining economic. So economic conditions may impact the sale of books but it is not a main reason for change in Thailand. The different distribution and reading culture in Thailand are main factors of the industry.  相似文献   

Thanks to the sociotechnical capabilities of the Internet, readers, young and old, have been able to establish a vibrant community centered on a shared love of Young Adult novels. On YouTube this community is known as BookTube; here readers review, critique, and endlessly discuss Young Adult books. Within this community there are several popular BookTube “celebrities” who function as boundary spanners—connecting everyday readers to authors and publishers. This innovative use of social media by Young Adult readers has helped to create a community that transcends the isolated and solitary boundaries usually associated with reading.  相似文献   

Library literature frequently reports projects to remove print collections and replace them with other amenities for patrons. This project challenges the untested assumption that the physical library itself serves no useful function to its users unless they are actively consulting books from the shelves. The alternative hypothesis is that readers benefit from the mere act of studying while in a book-filled environment.To test this possibility, ten subjects completed SAT-style reading comprehension tests in both a traditional library environment, and a renovated chapel that strongly resembles library space except for lacking books. Results provide a reasonable basis to support an expectation that readers perform better on reading comprehension tasks performed in book-rich environments.  相似文献   

国内阅读媒介研究可分为以媒介为中心的研究及以读者为中心的研究两大部分。以媒介为中心的研究比较了新型数字媒介环境及传统纸质媒介环境下社会整体阅读形态的差异,分析了媒介技术环境对社会阅读形态的影响和塑造效应。以读者为中心的研究则围绕读者阅读行为和态度展开,包括读者在多媒介环境下的整体阅读行为和态度,读者对不同媒介的阅读行为和态度,以及影响读者行为和态度的因素。已有研究存在忽视读者主观能动性、阅读媒介分类方式比较笼统、对阅读情境不加区分、缺乏对多媒介和跨媒介阅读行为的研究、微观研究的深度不足等问题。  相似文献   

1990年代以来,大众传媒和商业意识的崛起,彻底瓦解了传统的读者群,阅读成为一个分化的小部落行为,阅读趣味也发生了巨大的分裂。强大的大众传媒力量构建了一个权利的话语体系,读者的阅读行为也被纳入到这一强大的媒介话语的生产结构之中。在以电视传媒为代表的大众文化日益渗透的影响下,受众的阅读心理呈现出一种娱乐化的特征,读者的阶层呈现全面的分化。在电视的强大影响下,阅读开始以家庭或小群体为单位,随着电视的指针而选择同一种阅读类型。当影视文化建构起的消费主义意识形态深刻地引导着受众的消费——购买影视图书的时候,读者就成为马尔库塞所说的“单向度的人”.  相似文献   

For centuries, readers have added marginal commentary to books for a variety of personal and public purposes. Historians have mined the marginalia of important historical figures to observe their sometimes raw, immediate responses to texts. Now, reading and annotation practices are changing with the migration of content to electronic books. A survey of reader attitudes and behavior related to marginalia for print and electronic books reveals that the majority of readers write in their books and want e-readers to support this feature. However, many readers report that annotating electronic books is too difficult, time-consuming, or awkward with current technology. In addition, the way readers annotate books depends on whether they are reading for pleasure or for work or education. These findings can guide the development of future devices to better satisfy reader needs.  相似文献   

Despite frequent criticisms of basal readers, most teachers use them as a basic instructional tool or as a springboard for other reading activities. Basals play an important role in translating research into practice. As our understanding of the reading process changes, so do the contents of basal readers. Used selectively and with judgment, basals can help teachers provide a research-based reading program for today’s children. Through understanding how teachers use these materials, publishers can design basals to meet their needs more effectively. Ruthellen Crews teaches children’s literature and language arts courses in the College of Education at the University of Florida. She has coauthored a language arts series and a basal reading series. Formerly a classroom teacher at elementary and secondary levels, she strongly supports an integrated approach to teaching.  相似文献   

Online reading platforms offer an ideal environment for the emergence of information cascades, a phenomenon where user selection is heavily driven by the information inferred from others' behavior. Prior research has mainly focused on the effect of information cascades on free e-books. The purpose of this study is to empirically test and compare the effect of informational cascades on online reading behaviors of free and paid e-books. Two 114-day panel data sets covering 1548 free e-books and 362 paid e-books were collected from Zongheng.com, a well-known online reading platform in China. Results suggest that online users' choice was significantly affected by book ranking after controlling for cumulative clicks and word-of-mouth (WOM) volume, whether they are free e-books or paid e-books, as predicted by information cascades theory. Review volume has no effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with higher ranking, whereas it does exert a positive effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with lower ranking. Information cascades are more salient for paid e-books than for free e-books. These findings not only offer important theoretical contributions for library and information science research, but also provide practical implications for online readers, content creators and managers.  相似文献   

阅读推广人和读者之间的关系会直接影响到读者的阅读接受度以及阅读推广效果,明确阅读推广人和读者之间的亲密关系,有助于高校图书馆了解读者阅读意愿的影响因素,对阅读推广工作的开展具有重要指导作用。笔者基于文献调研的理论基础,提出阅读亲密度的概念;通过调查问卷的方式深入分析阅读亲密度六个属性对读者的影响程度,探索高校读者群体的阅读亲密度属性特征。结果表明:衡量推广人与读者关系的阅读亲密度能直接影响阅读推广的效果;对于高校读者群体,阅读亲密度主要受其相似度和受益度影响,其次为权威度和关联度;阅读亲密度越高的推广人,推荐的书籍越容易被读者接受。  相似文献   

Victorian Americans were serious readers: they expected books to contribute to their moral development. Yet not all the literature the marketplace provided served this purpose. Many readers therefore turned to reading advisers for suggestions about what to read and how to read it. The advice books they wrote, along with diaries and letters, tell us a great deal about Victorian reading practices and about the changing role of books and periodicals in mid-nineteenth-century society.  相似文献   

数字阅读时代,随着种种电子阅读器的出现,读者可以随时实现阅读需求,图书的电子出版也在如火如荼地发展,因此,传统的书评也与"网络"有了千丝万缕的关联。豆瓣网作为数字阅读的新兴网站,在国内网络书评界一直深受读者喜爱。书评网站的发展不仅影响着作家的创作与读者的阅读,甚至为图书的出版带来了巨大的转变。  相似文献   


The importance of reading for school and career success is well documented, but there are countless benefits to reading for quality of life. This column explores the goal of creating lifelong readers in school libraries, the characteristics avid readers share, and ideas to develop these readers.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]为更好地传播知识,提升阅读效果,研究针对电子阅读与纸质阅读的效果差异,以实验的形式探究影响媒介阅读效果的作用机制。[方法/过程]通过实验,比较学习者在高背景信息水平的纸质阅读(P-book)条件、中等背景信息水平的iReader电子阅读条件和低背景信息水平的Word电子阅读条件下的不同阅读效果。[结果/结论]结果发现:P-book条件下,学习者在迁移测验、认知负荷、阅读速度、视角疲劳程度上的表现都要显著好于Word条件,在迁移测验上也显著好于iReader组。iReader组在阅读速度和认知负荷上显著好于Word组。得出结论:阅读效果同时受阅读媒介和阅读环境中的背景信息标记的影响。纸质阅读环境中的背景信息标记,能够缓解视觉疲劳,降低认知负荷,提高阅读阅读速度;但是阅读效果中的知识理解却更容易受阅读媒介的影响,纸质媒体更利用于知识的理解。  相似文献   

文章从阅读的方式、习惯和目的出发,分析图书馆是否需要开展阅读指导、如何开展阅读指导,提出了将阅读的目的分成当前目的和长远目的,既保护读者阅读自由,又引导读者兼顾长远发展,既提倡经典阅读,又利用现代技术的观点。该文为2009年第四期“数字时代的阅读专题”文章之一。  相似文献   

在网络阅读时代,网络文本和读者都发生了迥异于纸媒阅读时代的结构性变化。网络在给大众带来阅读自由的同时,也引发了诸如信息焦虑、阅读浅表化等问题,这使文本和读者主体性的构建成为网络阅读关注的焦点。接受美学对文本和读者主体地位的研究理论,为人们认识网络阅读提供了一个全新的视角,并为网络阅读构建指明了方向。  相似文献   

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