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Despite years of research, there remains serious concern regarding the engagement of students in science, mathematics and technology education. In this paper, the authors explore how narrative pedagogies are used in science, mathematics and technology in order to make the subjects meaningful. The paper focuses specifically on the role and aesthetic nature of narrative as a pedagogical approach in these school subjects and between school sectors. Case study methodology was used to compare the findings of two independent studies investigating the role of narrative-based pedagogies in mathematics and science (first author) and technology (second author). Based on this comparison, this paper proposes two perspectives on narrative-based pedagogies that deal with the connection of students with the subject: inward-looking that situated the learner within the story generated around artefact creation, and outward-looking that situated the stories of the content into students’ lifeworlds. The use of this comparative lens enabled a higher level of analysis that could not have been achieved by each research programme, generating a broader narrative that provided deeper insight into the teaching and learning experience.  相似文献   

The author briefly reviews studies on the math teaching of secondary school students with mild intellectual disabilities. Then, the author demonstrates ways to teach secondary-level mathematics to students with mild intellectual disabilities. In this article, readers will learn about how to use manipulatives, diagrams, and gestures to support students' thinking. Readers will also learn how to make connections between new and challenging math content to students' experiences inside and outside of school to support them as they think through mathematics.  相似文献   

Through an ethnographic and narrative inquiry approach, this study draws attention to the plight of 4 Mexican immigrant high school students and their pursuit of education and mathematics learning. Their elementary school stories and experiences show a deep relationship between the learning contexts in which these students largely do school (i.e., an English learner context) and the nature of students' relationships (or lack thereof) with teachers and their process of disengagement from mathematics learning and school. Doing school is used to convey a key distinction from simply attending school. Attending school assumes uniformity/neutrality in how students might experience schooling and is a passive way of describing student participation in school. Doing school implies that students make sense of and respond to their schooling experiences in different ways and accounts for how these experiences are shaped and/or influenced by other forces (e.g., structural forces, social forces) in and out of school.  相似文献   

《紫色》运用现代主义叙事策略:自己言说自己的书信体写作和具有女性色彩的艺术语言,以现存社会人与人不平等的现象为基础,揭示了当代女性生命个体主体意识建构的基本要求和方式。  相似文献   

During the early 20th Century, female athletes who did not fit into the model of feminine beauty and grace, represented through select models of sport, were often not considered in media reports and newspapers. Through an examination of the use of narrative inquiry in the exploration of women's experiences in 20th Century Canadian sport, a lack of representation and gaps in information concerning women's participation in sport has been identified. In order to discuss how these gaps can be accounted for, the examination of narrative inquiry as an epistemological methodology is required. Building on this analysis, this paper compares and contrasts the use of a causal chain model versus the use of the story as an explanation. Through this discussion, an assessment of how an application of this school of inquiry can be used to account for the experiences of female athletes will be discussed.  相似文献   

本文从叙事模式的角度出发,以平行研究的方式比较分析了两位天才女作家张爱玲和简.奥丝汀的小说创作,试图理解在不同时空和文化背景下的女性写作是怎样不约而同地涉及到灰姑娘叙事模式。而这一古老而悠长的女性神话又怎样被两位作家重新审视,并予修正和颠覆。  相似文献   

徐艳 《天津教育》2021,(8):110-111
小学数学具有应用性较强的特点,在核心素养视角下,如何创新小学数学课堂的教学模式,已经成为现阶段小学数学教师的重要教学任务。本文作者对现阶段我国小学数学教学的模式创新中存在的问题进行了分析,同时提出了相对应的具体的对策建议,希望为广大小学数学教师提供有利的帮助。  相似文献   

传统观念下,小学数学课堂上都是教师在上面讲,学生在下面听,学生的主动性不强。伴随着新课程改革的实施以及学生课堂主体地位的日益突出,小学数学教师开始尝试改变教学策略,促使学生学习方式发生改变。学生一旦养成主动学习数学知识的良好习惯,他们学习数学的兴趣和效率也会随之升高。本文将详细阐述在小学数学教学过程中转变学生学习方式的策略。  相似文献   

对提高中学数学教师数学修养的思考和尝试   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
提高中学数学教师的数学修养在塑造人的过程中具有不可替代的作用.在实际调查中我们发现:一方面,教师们对提高自身数学修养水平的热情很高;另一方面,在涉及到具体数学知识时,教师们又往往把自己的眼光仅局限在个人所讲授或熟悉的具体中学课程中,而对关系“较远”的内容则倾向于采取回避和应付的态度.提高教师自身的数学修养是解决目前数学教育中种种弊端的关键.在实际教学中可采用如下方法加强数学教育中数学类课程:(1)加强对数学内容的数学思想和方法论的讲解;(2)加强数学计算和论证的训练;(3)加强与中学数学课程的结合.  相似文献   

当前很多初中生都认为数学是初中学科中最难学的,无论是学习效果还是学习成绩都不太理想。对此,学校和家庭要联合起来,寻找可能阻碍初中数学授课成效的相关原因。笔者在总结以往的课堂经验和教学效果的过程中,发现在课堂上应用数形结合的教学思想时,教学效果是最佳的。将数形结合与初中数学教材知识点相结合,能够降低知识点的难度。对此,笔者经过研究分析,简述了在初中数学课堂中使用数形结合法的好处,并根据初中数学中的重难点,对数形结合法在数学教学中的科学应用展开了论述。  相似文献   

数学史与数学教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本分析了数学史在中学数学教学中的现状及产生原因,并对数学史在数学教学中的作用及如何在教学中利用数学史进行数学作了全面的阐述。  相似文献   

Research on identity has been a growing domain in the contexts of teacher education and mathematics education; however, identity work has been explored to a much lesser extent, with a future orientation overlooked. In addition, earlier studies have not provided sufficient knowledge on how different elementary teacher education programs might facilitate pre-service teachers’ identity work. In this study, we compare future-oriented mathematical identity work through a narrative framework considering six pre-service teachers undergoing two different teacher education programs. All pre-service teachers reported having had negative experiences with mathematics during their school years. Based on the results we conclude that despite the striking similarities in pre-service teachers’ mathematical backgrounds, the ways in which these cases are conducting their identity work differ substantially. It seems that the main reasons for these differences are different emphases and pedagogical practices in mathematics education courses. Additionally, we further elaborate on our earlier conceptualisation of identity work.  相似文献   

There is a common assumption that computers will change the conditions for mathematics teaching. In this article the author discusses how the computer as a change-agent may influence the conditions, methods and results in everyday mathematics teaching. The empirical material is collected through interviews with eighteen teachers in lower secondary school. The author has also participated in all computer-aided lessons given by two teachers during one year. That means 700 possible computer-aided lessons. Teaching of mathematics seems to have such a strong tradition that the computer as a change-agent is relatively weak. The fact is that the computer is assimilated into an old tradition of methods and contents. A great deal of the computer-aided lessons give attention to drilling pupils with different types of drill-program where they can learn mathematical procedures. In some lessons laborative work is pursued with the intention that the pupils computer-aided learn mathematical concepts.  相似文献   

数学是中职教育阶段一门非常重要的基础学科,由于长期以来人们对中职教育存在错误的认识,中职院校的生源普遍基础很差,因此,在数学知识的学习方面很多学生都感到压力很大。文章通过对中职数学教学中存在问题的反思,提出利用微课技术这种新的教学方式改善中职数学教育的方法,以此来提高中职数学教学的质量。  相似文献   

The topic of this article is history education in upper primary school. Traditionally, the history subject has had a narrative orientation at this school level in Sweden, but it is also pattern that is discernible internationally. The recent Swedish upper primary school syllabus places more emphasis on the procedural aspects of the subject. In Sweden, the teachers are in the process of changing their history teaching accordingly. What happens in such a process? This is the broad issue discussed in this article. The empirical material is a series of lessons on the subject of ‘Vikings and Sources’ in a 4/5 grade class in a Swedish upper primary school. In the course of the study it becomes apparent how strong the tradition of a narrative history subject is and how difficult it can be for a class teacher to deal with a concept such as sources from a disciplinary perspective. Instead, it tends to be addressed in more general terms.  相似文献   

李翠雯 《南平师专学报》2010,29(4):51-53,57
《嘴唇里的阳光》是陈染的代表作之一,作为先锋作家及女性作家的双重身份,使她的作品既有先锋性又有女性特质,在《嘴唇里的阳光》中这种双重特质体现于其特别而又新颖的叙事技巧之中,因此就有必要通过叙事结构的互文性、叙事视角的内化及叙事的诗意性三个特别的叙事技巧进行分析。  相似文献   

随着我国教育体制改革的不断深入发展,初中数学的课堂教学工作也发生了重大改变,传统的教学模式已经逐渐的成为历史。初中数学是对小学数学与高中数学的一个衔接过程,是端正学生的学习态度,培养学生学习兴趣,养成创新思维的关键时期,因此,对如何促使初中数学课堂的高效性的研究工作具有重要的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are a focus of state education policy today influencing curriculum implementation and assessment in public schools. The purpose of this narrative inquiry is to understand how high school mathematics teachers experience the transition period. Based on interviews with mathematics teachers in a high school in the Midwest, we aim at bringing teachers' voices to the forefront. Through teachers' stories, we find that: a) Teachers live in the different zones of enactment; and b) Teachers' ecological view of agency should be used as a link to a transition to the CCSS for creating a genuine dialogue. This article is significant in two ways. First, it informs the administrators and policy makers of how there will be inconsistencies across states, districts, schools and classrooms in the implementation and assessment, and second, it helps to explain the need for new professional development approaches.  相似文献   

本文通过对国内外掌上技术在学校数学教学中使用的分析 ,阐述了笔者关于掌上技术在学校数学教学使用中的三个观点 ;更为重要的是 ,笔者提出了在新技术的参与下“学校教学”教育观的三个原则  相似文献   

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