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移民社区同传统社区在形成动力、社区建设模式等方面都存在着差异,这就导致移民社区居民在社区参与中产生了同传统社区居民不同的行动策略和特点。通过对移民社区居民的参与意愿、参与能力、参与内容和参与的制度平台进行考察,可以看到当前移民社区居民社区参与状况的特点,在此基础上,从社区意识、社会资本、社区产生动力以及社区参与的内容和方式四个维度对影响社区居民社区参与状况的主要因素进行了分析,提出改善移民社区居民参与状况的对策。  相似文献   

对三峡移民社区环境适应性状况的考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对湖北省首批三峡移民的调查,分析了移民对新社区环境的主观感受与评价、主观适应 性,探讨了移民的年龄、职业、受教育程度以及移民类型、社区类型等引起的适应性差异。 主要结论有:一、移民对新社区生活服务设施、人际关系的适应性较高;二、移民对社区整 体适应性高于其主观评价;三、不同特征的移民对社区适应性有所差别。  相似文献   

通过对八一村这一移民社区精英“主政”格局形成过程的追述,并以精英参与社区运作的方式为研究个案,试图阐明精英参与社区运作,是建构和谐移民社区的决定性变量,进而揭示因势利导地利用精英的作用,对构建和谐多民族移民社区具有特殊价值。  相似文献   

生态移民社区的教育实践影响社区的可持续发展。本研究结合人类学的参与式观察和深度访谈法与历史资料分析法,梳理和分析移民对普通教育与培训教育由排斥到接受乃至依托的实践变化历程。研究发现,移民社区的教育实践是移民不同代际主体实现就业与转变生计方式的重要途径,且普通教育与培训教育前后共同作用于移民不同代际主体转变生计方式的过程,体现了二者对移民群体生计转换的接续性影响,从而促使移民社区可持续发展的状态呈动态变化的结构性特征。同时,研究针对生态移民社区可持续发展背景的特殊性与两种教育实践在移民社区中所遇到的问题,提出对普通教育从政策辅助,学校和家庭的合作以及对培训教育从培训内容、过程和结果等方面进行改进的建议,以进一步推进生态移民社区可持续发展。  相似文献   

作为一种“嵌入式”异质型社区,移民社区原有的文化特质(结构、功能等)不可避免地会与迁入地社区发生文化互动、冲突,其“嵌入”也必然是一个艰难的过程。三峡外迁移民区即是这种类型的异质型社区。从发展趋向看,移民社区最终要与迁入地社区达到相当程度的整合。移民社区的整合问题包括移民社区的内部整合、移民社区与迁入地社区的整合。对此问题的研究与探讨将有助于移民社区的发展和迁入地社会的稳定。以丰峡村作为对象研究,目的在于通过对该社区的研究,总结出两种文化融合的规律,探寻两种社区的整合途径。  相似文献   

前移民时期,三峡移民“迁得出”的目标早已实现;后移民时期,“稳得住、逐步能致富”的目标则成为关键。语言是一种宝贵的、不可再生的社会文化经济资源。后移民时期,三峡移民语言生态及语言和谐问题对三峡移民社区可持续发展目标的实现至关重要。语言生态良好及语言和谐,将有助于改善三峡移民社区的社会环境、推动三峡移民社区的经济发展、促进三峡移民社区的社会融入与合作。为此,文章用量化和质性相结合的研究方法,以湖南衡阳地区为例,从语言生态基本面貌、语言生态问题成因、语言和谐优化策略三个方面考察了后移民时期三峡移民语言生态及语言和谐问题。文章的考察及其结论,对三峡移民社区精准扶贫成果的巩固、乡村振兴事业的发展、共同富裕目标的达成,都将具有一定的现实意义和理论价值。  相似文献   

新中国成立至今,中国水库移民总数已超过2300万,水库移民作为一个特殊群体越来越受到世人的关注,研究水库移民的道德问题也就成为一种必然。水库移民的道德问题是水库移民在迁移和社区重建过程中由于各种利益冲突而引发的道德问题,是局部区域的物质资源和精神资源重新整合过程中的产物,是经济利益的不平衡导致水库移民道德选择的矛盾,是社会关系的重构导致水库移民与当地居民的道德对抗,是文化差异造成的道德观念冲突。研究我国水库移民道德问题,有利于移民社区的稳定,有利于促进移民社区经济的发展,有利于弘扬水库移民的时代精神,有利于加强社会主义思想道德建设。  相似文献   

万州地处长江中上游接合部,位于三峡库区腹心,是三峡工程中安置移民数量最多的地区。能否在移民社区开办老年教育,是具有地域特色的一个课题。万州老年大学二分校用6年的办学实践证明:老年大学在完成好校内教育、教学任务的前提下,向移民社区开办教学点(班),对社区老年人实施教育,是有必要且有可能的,它对丰富老年人精神文化生活,促进移民社区的和谐稳定,起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

三峡库区移民社区是独特鲜明的社会细胞,其教育对象——移民、"三留守"决定了社区教育的独特性。文章旨在找准三峡库区社区教育现存的问题,查明其问题背后的原因,探索其转变观念、科学规划、加大投入、整合资源、创新模式的现实路径,并将政府主体转变为政府主导,再改革为国有民营模式,以实现三峡库区移民社区教育的蝶变重生,从而提高移民素质,维护库区稳定,实现美丽三峡梦,最终在库区落实中央"四个全面"的战略布局。  相似文献   

做好易地扶贫搬迁后续帮扶工作是巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果的重要举措。社区教育作为有效帮扶途径之一,不但有助于乡村振兴战略的落实、脱贫长效机制的建立、搬迁地区终身教育体系的构建,更有助于搬迁移民尽快适应新社区的生产生活方式,实现在搬迁后"稳得住、能致富"。国家与地方出台的相关文件、我国历史上的社区教育经验以及移民自身的学习需求,为开展易地扶贫搬迁移民社区教育提供了政策基础、实践基础和动力基础。易地扶贫搬迁移民社区兼具城镇与农村特征,故需从城乡融合视角制定其社区教育发展路径:一是以"稳秩序升内涵"为宗旨,确立社区教育的发展定位与目标;二是以"广服务融生活"为目标,构建社区教育的内容与载体;三是以"多形式活方法"为理念,组织与实施社区教育活动;四是以"成合力升效率"为指向,保障社区教育的运行与效率。总之,开展易地扶贫搬迁移民社区教育应当基于城乡融合发展理念,注重将其与产业发展和社区治理相结合。  相似文献   

This ethnographic investigation of a multiethnic, multilingual classroom examines the ways in which immigrant students’ goals for community and belonging were mediated by their vibrant cultural and linguistic practices. Findings demonstrate how youth formed a community of practice through brokering acts, resource pooling, and linguistic play across national, cultural, and linguistic differences. As such, immigrant students were agentive transcultural navigators whose practices broach new understandings of social life and learning, and present a pedagogy of possibility. It is argued that immigrant classrooms in contact zones must be reenvisioned – from reductive spaces where educational goals are to acculturate the immigrant into a fading US homogeneous mainstream – to cutting edge spaces of twenty-first-century learning.  相似文献   

This paper explores the context of reception for immigrant students and English learners in one medium-sized suburban school district in the northeastern United States. Using qualitative methods, the authors describe how, despite a troubling context of reception emerging from a normative and political community context that harbored resentment toward the new immigrant population, a community-based organization whose members served as boundary spanners between the school district and the community helped prompt district leaders toward more equity-minded policies. Given increasing culturally and linguistically diverse student populations in suburban school districts across the United States, findings from this paper have important implications for community engagement and school district policymaking.  相似文献   

The immigrant population in Hong Kong is steadily increasing every year. This immigrant population largely comprises families, most of whom have pre-school and school-age children. However, limited information is known on the practices that immigrant parents adopt when they become involved in their children’s schooling. In the present study, the researcher implemented a Quality Education Fund project called ‘Building a caring community: Family support and empowerment.’ The project aimed to promote parent education and to build a caring community by implementing a group parent education program (GPEP) for low-income and new immigrant parents. The parent leaders conducted an outreach parent education program in which the low-income, new immigrant parents (target parents) had their children enrolled in two kindergartens. The parent leaders imparted parenting knowledge, shared positive parenting strategies, and exchanged their own experiences with target parents. The present research aims to study how new immigrant parents evaluate their experiences and the effectiveness of the GPEP. Results suggest that providing opportunities for mutual support and emotional healing correlates with improved parenting attitudes and practices.  相似文献   

CS Brown  H Chu 《Child development》2012,83(5):1477-1485
This study examined ethnic identity, perceptions of discrimination, and academic attitudes and performance of primarily first‐ and second‐generation Mexican immigrant children living in a predominantly White community (N = 204, 19 schools, mean age = 9 years). The study also examined schools’ promotion of multiculturalism and teachers’ attitudes about the value of diversity in predicting immigrant youth’s attitudes and experiences. Results indicated that Latino immigrant children in this White community held positive and important ethnic identities and perceived low overall rates of discrimination. As expected, however, school and teacher characteristics were important in predicting children’s perceptions of discrimination and ethnic identity, and moderated whether perceptions of discrimination and ethnic identity were related to attitudes about school and academic performance.  相似文献   

As communities of immigrant families gather in the low-income neighbourhoods of Tokyo and neighbouring cities, Japanese teachers face new challenges as well as the stigma of classrooms for immigrant children. Within the intricate politics of assignment in Japanese school districts, teachers and administrators can find themselves with students who are barely acknowledged and poorly served by mainstream Japanese schools and other community services. The interviews with teachers, principals, immigrant translators and other cultural intermediaries as well as numerous school visits focused on the ways in which teachers had been required to interrogate their pedagogies, practices and prejudices in order to be effective teachers of low income and immigrant youth. The results reveal strains in the lives and careers of teachers who work with marginalised youth in Japan and are addressed within a critical view of how Japanese schooling is responding to the needs of an increasingly heterogeneous urban population.  相似文献   

This article, based on two years of ethnographic fieldwork, explores the ways in which eight Asian American immigrant high school girls construct a borderland community, which they call the ‘Basement Group,’ after the place where they gather at school. While the girls struggle with displacement in the borderlands, including isolation in their family homes and alienation in formal classes, they have sufficient creativity and improvisational skills to invent a borderland community where they can reject mainstream values and beliefs as well as affirm diversity and cultural hybridity. Examining the possibilities and constraints of youth-led space, this article reveals the otherwise unseen sense of belonging, desires, and capacities of these Asian American immigrant girls who navigate lives in-between multiple nation states, cultures, and traditions. The article illuminates the power and possibilities of youth-created spaces that reflect the strengths, assets, and possibilities that marginalized immigrant youth possess.  相似文献   

Childhood victimization experiences are common among intimate partner violence (IPV) victims. This study examines the link between childhood physical and sexual victimization experiences and adulthood IPV among Korean immigrant women in the USA. As Korean immigrants often use physical punishment to discipline their children, and reporting sexual abuse is discouraged due to stigmatization in this community, cultural factors (e.g. patriarchal values) related to childhood victimization and IPV were also examined. Survey data from Korean immigrant women in the USA were collected. Using a case-control design, we compared 64 Korean immigrant women who have experienced IPV in the past year with 63 Korean immigrant women who have never experienced IPV in their lifetime. The findings of this study reveal that IPV victims, compared with non-victims, experienced higher childhood victimization rates. Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that childhood victimization and patriarchal gender ideology strongly predict IPV victimization among Korean immigrants. However, patriarchal values did not moderate the relationship between childhood victimization and IPV. To prevent IPV among Korean immigrant population, we need to make special efforts to prevent childhood abuse and change ingrained cultural attitudes about child physical and sexual abuse among immigrant communities through culturally sensitive programs.  相似文献   

Shibao Guo 《Interchange》2008,39(2):259-275
This study reports that SUCCESS was founded in Vancouver, British Columbia in 1973 as a result of the failure of government agencies and mainstream organizations to provide accessible social services for newly-arrived Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong. During its initial stage, the organization provided mainly basic settlement services. But SUCCESS has become a well-established multi-level service agency, providing a wide range of programs and services to both Chinese and non-Chinese. More importantly, it has created a home and a community to which immigrants feel they belong. It demonstrates that SUCCESS has played a significant role in promoting immigrant integration. Furthermore, it has built a bridge between the immigrant community and Canadian society at large. In addition, the study challenges the view of liberal universalism and provides an alternative model to interpret minority group rights, citizenship, and democracy.  相似文献   

农民工是我国社会转型期出现的一个特殊群体,维护农民工的权益体现了以人为本的根本要求。农民工具备了产业工人的基本特征,已成为新的产业工人阶层,最终将融为产业工人的主体。从工会的产生、性质和法律地位来看,维护农民工合法权益是工会组织的基本职责,应当动员组织农民工加入工会。工会在维护农民工权益上与传统企事业单位工会有很大的不同,需要探索新的途径。  相似文献   

The immigrant population of urban community colleges has grown in recent years, creating new challenges for college counselors. Counseling intervention is essential to enable immigrant students to cope with the stresses of immigration and the effects of those stresses on their college performance. Acculturation is a process that changes with time and that affects students of different ages differently. Cultural variations among immigrants affect social and academic performance in college as well. Developing English language fluency both accompanies and is accompanied by other adjustment issues. College counselors can facilitate both student' adjustment and the college's recognition of immigrant students' cultural perspective.  相似文献   

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