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本对汉藏条件复句进行了全面地比较,特别是对在分句间起主要作用的表示条件关系的汉藏关联词语作了比较;探讨了表示充足条件、唯一条件、无条件中的单一关联词语和合用关联词语以及倒装的条件复句的翻译技巧。  相似文献   

初中语文教材中的复句、句群辩误陈开孟对于复句、句群层次关系的分析,可以根据分句与分句之间或句子与句子之间的意义关系去分析,也可以根据形式(关联词语和标点符号)去分折。不过,在分析时,二者要结合起来,并且要以意义关系为主,以形式为辅;否则,将会出现一些...  相似文献   

汉语并列复句根据关联词语分为平列、对比、解证三种情况,大多用互相呼应 的关联词语(也有单用的),还有不用关联词语的,是通过语义和逻辑关系来体现的;而藏语表示并列关系的复句大多单用关联词语,互相呼应的关联词极少,藏语表示并列关系的关联语有表示纯语法意义的属格助词、连词、少数副词以及具格助词或副词与一些虚化的实词组合而成的连词等。翻译时根据汉藏并列复句的特点,在译文中要使用恰当的关联词语,汉语中无关联词语的,在译文中要增译相应的关联词语。  相似文献   

该文为38个荆楚方言词语作注,注释包含读音(含江陵乡下腔的读音和《广韵》等韵书中的反切、上古的韵部)、意义(含本义和引申义或比喻义)以及所构成的词语、俗谚的意义和相关书证。  相似文献   

句子之间的关系基本相仿于复句中分句之间的关系.可具体分为并列关系、承接关系、递进关系、选择关系、转折关系、因果关系、条件关系、目的关系、解说关系、总分关系等.要正确辨析句与句之间是什么关系,主要的是看句子意义的联系;同时像复句一样,关联词语也标示句子之间的关系.不过复句中的关联词语是成对的,而句子之间的关联词往往是单用一个,并且不用前句,而用于后句的开头.各种关系常用的关  相似文献   

复句中各个分句之间的意义关系常常用关联词语来表示。所谓关联词语,指的是连词和能够起关联作用的副词等。不同的关联词语表示不同的意义关系。于是有人认为常带有关联词语的句子就一定是复句。这个观点是错误的。下面就这一观点发表自己一点看法:带关联词语的句子可以是复句,也可以是单句。那么如何去辨别呢?我认为只要把握单句和复句的语法结构这把钥匙就可以了,因为单句的成分是互相联系、互相包括的。也就是说,主语是陈述对象,放在谓语前面,回答“谁”或者“什么”的问题;  相似文献   

关联词语是构成复句的重要手段,是分析复句中各分句问关系的重要标志,不同的关联词语表示不同的关系,不同的关系形成不同的复句类型,所以在确定复句的结构类型、划分复句的结构层次、分析复句的结构关系时,关联词语起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

怎样读懂句子一、认识句子结构,读懂一般句。(1)分析基本结构,读懂简单句;(2)抓主干带枝叶,读懂长句。二、抓住主要词语,读懂疑难句。(1)抓关键词语,读懂疑难单句;(2)抓关联词语,读懂疑难复句。三、联系上下文,读懂特殊句。(1)联系上文,读懂总结...  相似文献   

复句中合用的关联词语,有时也能用于句群的组造。这是由复句转换成句群造成的。这种转换。有句子表达、句子结构的原因.还取决于合用关联词语前项能否单用。合用关联词语前项单用的条件是:非副词性的:常常用来连接复杂句子的;单用时语义关系明确的。  相似文献   

关联词语是复句的重要组成部分,它可以清晰地显示分句之间的意义关系和语法关系,使语意表达得严密而有条理,因此组织复句时要十分重视关联词语的运用。下面是复句中关联词语运用的常见毛病。  相似文献   

逻辑连接词在英语议论文语篇中起重要的衔接作用,能直接决定文章的质量。基于Halliday、Hasan和胡壮麟的语篇衔接理论,针对学生议论文语篇写作中出现逻辑连接词使用失误和缺损的情况,在教学过程中注意写作教学同词汇和阅读教学相结合,并对学生进行分项强化训练,能在很大程度上帮助学生准确使用逻辑衔接词,并最终提高其英语写作水平。  相似文献   

维吾尔、哈萨克族学生汉语连接成分偏误分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据篇章语言学理论并通过对大量语料进行分析后发现,在汉语叙述体篇章中,新疆少数民族学生(主要是维吾尔、哈萨克族学生)对连接成分的使用容易出现以下几种偏误:连接成分的误用、冗余和缺失等。以上偏误主要是由于学生母话的干扰、目的语的负迁移、缺乏汉语语感、教材和教师教学指导不足等原因造成的。  相似文献   

Connectives (e.g., although, meanwhile) carry abstract meanings and often signal key relationships between text ideas. This study explored whether understanding of connectives represents a unique domain of vocabulary knowledge that provides special leverage for reading comprehension, and whether the contribution of knowledge of connectives to reading comprehension differs for students from distinct language backgrounds. Understanding of connectives, word reading efficiency and breadth of vocabulary knowledge of 75 English language learners (ELLs) and 75 English‐only (EO) fifth graders were assessed. Hierarchical multiple regression techniques revealed that understanding of connectives explained a sizeable and significant portion of unique variance in comprehension beyond that explained by breadth of vocabulary knowledge when controlling for word reading efficiency. The magnitude of this relationship was larger for EO students than for ELLs. Findings indicate that connectives play an important role in comprehension, but that the strength of their influence varies by readers’ linguistic background.  相似文献   

元话语引导我们关注作者在文章论述过程中表达自己关于文章内容以及读者的态度的方式。虽然很多研究者已经在元话语领域做过大量研究,但是很少涉及新闻报道中的逻辑连接词对比分析。本文采用对比分析,仅从元话语的逻辑连接词角度来探寻其在《中国日报》和《纽约时报》2010年上海世博会英文新闻报道中发挥的功能,并对其原因进行解释。  相似文献   

The present study examined whether knowledge of connectives contributes uniquely to expository text comprehension above and beyond reading fluency, general vocabulary knowledge and metacognitive knowledge. Furthermore, it was examined whether this contribution differs for readers with different language backgrounds or readers who vary in reading fluency, general vocabulary knowledge or metacognitive knowledge levels. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that knowledge of connectives explained individual differences in eighth graders' text comprehension (n = 171) on top of the variance accounted for by the control variables. Moreover, the contribution of knowledge of connectives to text comprehension depended on a reader's level of metacognitive knowledge: more metacognitive knowledge resulted in a larger association between knowledge of connectives and text comprehension. Reading fluency, vocabulary knowledge and language background did not interact with knowledge of connectives. Findings are interpreted in the context of the strategic use of connectives during expository text reading.
What is already known about this topic?
  • Connectives (words such as moreover, because and although) help the reader in establishing coherence between text parts.
  • In primary school, for fifth graders, knowledge of connectives has been shown to be uniquely related to English text comprehension controlling for reading fluency and general vocabulary knowledge.
  • For fifth graders, the relationship between knowledge of connectives and English text comprehension was higher for English‐only students than for their peers who learned English as a second language.
What this paper adds:
  • The present study found that knowledge of connectives also has a unique relation with Dutch expository text comprehension for eighth graders above and beyond reading fluency, general vocabulary knowledge and metacognitive knowledge (about text structure and reading and writing strategies).
  • The relationship between knowledge of connectives and text comprehension was not moderated by reading fluency, general vocabulary knowledge and language background (monolingual versus bilingual Dutch).
  • Metacognitive knowledge did impact the relationship between knowledge of connectives and text comprehension: the higher the metacognitive knowledge, the higher the association between knowledge of connectives and text comprehension.
Implications for theory, policy or practice
  • Secondary school readers are assumed to benefit from knowing connectives because these words are frequent in expository texts and signal relationships that students may often not infer without the help of these devices (i.e., with the use of background knowledge). This seems to apply in particular for expository texts that are intended to convey new information and relationships to students (see also Singer & O'Connell, 2003 ).
  • We found a significant interaction between knowledge of connectives and metacognitive knowledge, which seems to indicate that knowing more connectives does not help much in improving expository text comprehension when metacognitive knowledge about text structure and reading strategies is low. This result suggests that it may be wise to couple instruction on the meaning of connectives with instruction about the structure of expository texts and ways to strategically deal with these texts.
  • More specifically, besides instruction on the meaning of connectives, we advise teachers in secondary school to get students to understand the importance of connectives as markers of local and global coherence in texts, and to teach them how to strategically use connectives during reading.

连贯是语篇的重要特征,衔接是实现连贯的主要手段。文章探讨了连接性词语这一衔接手段在雅思写作中的应用及其对语篇连贯性的影响,以及学生在学习使用连接性词语中所遇到的困难和解决办法。  相似文献   

经典逻辑中的一些有效推理规则对自然语言条件句推理的失效导致条件句悖论。情景语义学认为,造成条件句悖论的原因跟条件句所描述制约关系的背景条件有关。信息流理论继承情景语义学使用内涵方法处理内涵问题的传统、使用信息通道的概念在通道等级系统中表征条件句所描述制约关系的背景条件,对造成条件句悖论的原因给出令人信服的合理解释。根据信息流理论对条件句悖论的分析和解释,本文进一步分析阐释信息流理论在本体论和认识论方面的哲学基础。在本体论上,信息流理论认为世界是一个由情景和关系构成的关系网络。在认识论上,信息流推理与认知主体及其知识状态紧密相连。  相似文献   

综合语篇连贯理论和关联理论,指出话语联系语在书面语篇的生成和理解中,具有语篇组构功能和认知引导功能。调查、分析地方性本科大学非英语专业学生在英语写作中话语联系语的使用情况,提出利用话语联系语提高学生英语写作水平的教学建议。  相似文献   

定义了在随机变量Y =y的条件下 ,随机变量X的条件特征函数 ,并讨论了X的特征函数与条件特征函数的关系以及条件特征函数的若干性质  相似文献   

Logical connectives are words or phrases which serve as links between sentences, or between propositions within a sentence, or between a proposition and a concept. The Logical Connectives in Science Project has identified about 200 such terms commonly use in school science text material, and has prepared over a thousand test items in order to measure secondary school students’ comprehension of these terms. The primary aim of the research is to identify students’ specific difficulties; a secondary aim is to explore the relationships between students’ ability to comprehend logical connectives and other variables of interest to educational researchers. The research is still in progress; the present paper reports on recent work in four areas: (1) early findings on pupils’ difficulties with logical connectives, based on data obtained from the trial testing of the items; (2) the relationship between logical connective ability (LCA) and socio-economic status (SES); (3) the relationship between LCA and cognitive preferences; and (4) the relationship between LCA and attitudes to a textbook (PSSC Physics) which makes extensive use of a wide range of logical connectives. Significant correlations were found between LCA and SES; however, LCA was found to be uncorrelated with either cognitive preferences or with attitudes to the PSSC text.  相似文献   

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