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‘What’s your name.boy’asked a particularly fatman with a very round,red face. Oliver was frightened at the sight of so manypeople,and started to cry. ‘Why are you crying?’ The beadle hit him on the back,and so naturallyOliver cried even more. ‘The boy is a fool.’one member of the board  相似文献   

I.A Picnic 0n a holiday,Henry and Jack had a picnic ina park.On the ground they spread what they hadprepared for their meal.In the plate were two loavesof beef,salted eggs and some pieces of bread. Henry grabbed the larger loaf of beef.Jacksaid tO him angrily,“What bad manners youhave!Y_0U took the larger one!” Henry answered,“If you had been in my place,which 10af would you have taken?’’ “The small one.of course.” ‘‘Then what are you complaining about?’’ 野餐 在假日的一天,亨利…  相似文献   

.山月口J、.阅朋卜门,...二‘矛肠泪,,尸1.单项选择。(30分) 1.一If you don’t like the red skirt,takethe blue one.一OK,but do you have_size in blue? This one’5 a bit tight for me. A.big B.the big C .the bigger D.a bigger 2一Why weren’t you at the meeti  相似文献   

The Return     
As the boat from Singapore moved slowly into the portof Southampton,heavy rain began to fall.Jim Bruce turned to his wife.‘Well,Mary,we'll be going ashore in a few minutes.How does it feel to be back in England afterallthese years?’Mary shivered.‘Very cold,’she said.‘Can you see the Childrenyet?’Jim looked at the crowd on the quay.‘There they are.’Jim and Mary waved to  相似文献   

Motto(箴言真谛)“What Holden wants is to become a‘catcher in the rye.’...He seeshimself’catching’children before they run off a cliff.”(霍尔顿最想成为“麦田守望者”……他会在小孩掉下悬崖前,“抓住”他们。)Questions(边想边读)·When you grow up,do you h  相似文献   

Valentine’s D ay1falls on February 14.It is sweethearts’day—when people in love expresstheir affection2for each other in fun and m erryw ays.People celebrate the day in m any w ays.Thecelebration of the day in the past was differentfrom that of today as som eone recalls3his“goodold days4”when everything w as sim pler:“A ll you had to do w as to take a sheet ofpaper and draw a heart with an arrow5through itcarrying the words‘I love you’,and sign6it‘G uess w ho’and put it under the f…  相似文献   

1 .If you droP a yellow hat in the Red Sea,what does it beeome?如果你不小心把黄帽子丢到红海单,会变成什么样? 2.What ean you Put in a wood box that will make it lighter?往木箱子上加入什么东西能使它变轻? 3 .The more you feed it,the more it grows high.But if you give itwater it .shal!quiekly die .What 15 it?什么东西你越不管它长得就越快,下,,你浇水时它立刻就消失r? 4.What goes uP but never goes down?了f么东一街只增加不减少? ’e6它JnoA’夕’eJ!」.C’。IoHV‘己’laMa山ooa日’‘:孝最IQ急转弯@林胜…  相似文献   

一‘情景对话1.—Hello,Jaek.Haven’t涨吧们you forages!Youlookwell.A丑eally?But 1 don’t thinksoB .N6) don’t.But you look wellC,YesJ do indeed.D‘T飞助ks .You look well t00.2.—This 15 John speaking. , —This 15 Mike,A‘从飞。a代youB.认飞at’5 your na们neC人re you MikeD .Who‘5 that3,—Come’to the stadiumwith创口e?The邝’5 a footballm滋ch.A‘I’m sorry.I willonly tryB,SOn李J’m瓦行aid 1 can’tC .TbanksJ have done itD月Thanks力以Idon’t want to4.—You ean’t finish thebook in les…  相似文献   

song for April     
If you listen,if you listen,to the Song that April sings,You can hear the muted murmur of a million growing things: Hear an angel’s Iilting laughter float throughsun-drenched April skies,Or the low splash of a tea rdrop from an angel’s tear-bright eyes.If you listen,Like a drumming in the darkness of the earth’slong winter night,You can hear the grasses push on their way to meetthe light.If you listen.in the treetops.you can hear a whir of wings,As a robin builds his castle;to the topmo…  相似文献   

如果你认为你输了,你就输了; 因为我们发现人世问 成功从一个人的意志开始; 成功是一种心态。 在生话之战中, 胜利并非总是属于更强和更快的人 胜利终究属于 自己认为匀己能行的人。 1 f you thjnkyou are匕eate 1 fyou thinkyoudare not,youdon‘t;一 1 f you want to win but think you ean’t: It,5 almost a eineh you won 1 f you tnink you’11 Iose,you’re{ost; For OUt of tne World W6 find Sueeess begins with a fel!ow’5 will; It,Sa】!1 n a State of mind. L 1 fe‘5 battles don’t always 90 To t n e st「0 n 9 e …  相似文献   

If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,Be a scrub in the Valley—but beThe best little scrub by the side of the rill(小溪):Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.  相似文献   

My voice that 15 for you the langUid[迟级的]one 产尸孕史rbs’he ve,ve‘【天鹅绒,of the“arkn‘gh‘’s By my bedside,a eandle,my sad guard, Bums,and my poems ripple〔起波纹1 and mergel触合]in nood一 细内脚’he streams of love,run,full ofyou alone,  相似文献   

Stars shining bright above you N ight breezes‘橄风]seem to whisper,“1 jove you”B irds Singing in the sycamorel无花果]tree:“Dream a 11川e dr6am Of me,,Say“nighty一night”and kiss rne Just hold me tight and tell me you’l!miss me Whilel’m alone and  相似文献   

There was a little girl.She lived with her mother ina hut near the forest.One day the mother gotsome red cloth. She took herneedle and made a red coatfor the little girl.She put the coat on thelittle girl, and said, "I shallcall you ‘Little Red Coat’.""So the little girl was called  相似文献   

Sn0OPy ‘J产“杏 勺‘洲z“武2争z召砂‘卜l 一1 以后这就是你的差事……你就坐在这 里等报童来,然后把报纸拿进屋…… 显誉 This will be your job…you wait here for the paperboy⑤ to conleby,and then you bnng in the pa详r…3 这下我可知道··一千万 不能训练它拿食品回来! :h k flow Ing二 one !一/l尸飞成慈IP甲 摄,泣暴e 叮 LO ,二I’ train brulg 彗 grocerles⑦ 犯 l耀… 箕亥 rl I’ve deeided①that you should do someth加9 to eam②your keep…… It’5 sort③of traditional④for a dog to bring in the newsPape…  相似文献   

一、选择填空1.-Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! ~ __ A.It’s very nice of you B.You’re welcome C.The same to you D.Thank you2.Most English people have three names:__first name,__middle name and__family name.A.a;a;the B.the;a;theC. a;the;the D.the;the;a3.China has built a Great Green Wall  相似文献   

People always talk about All the things there all about Write it on a piece of paper Got a feeling I’ll see you later There’s something’bout this Lets keep it moving And if it's good let’s just get something coking’Cause I really wanna rock with you I’m feeling some connection[关系]to the things you do (You do,you do)  相似文献   

Sandy:Do you know any proverbs about LEARNING, Sue?Sue:A few. What’re you up to?Sandy:Let’s have a competition. I’ll say a proverb concerning thattopic and you’ll say another....Sue:That’s easy. Let’s do it.Sandy:Wait! There’s a rule—the first letter of the first word in your  相似文献   

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个s盯to God,‘If you罗t me。ut。f this,I 选项(A、B、e和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的一直吐-I’11 never do it鳍ain.’You ean 最佳选项。almost hear God 55,because rou know You are near the front line of a battle.he doesn’t believe you,” Around you shells are exploding:people are 36.A.simply B.rea场C.merely D.even shooting from a house behind you.What are 37.A.erowd B.house you doing there?You aren’t a soldier.You C.baulefield D.eamera aren’t一丛吐-ean了ing…  相似文献   

During a lazy summer day in 2001,you might turn your telescope skywardto see what the heavens have to offer.And there,you spot a strange ob-ject whose wings are slowly flapping as it emerges from the shadow of the Earth.It’s not a bird,it’S not a plane-it’s KEO,one of the strangest andmost imaginative time capsules over conceived.  相似文献   

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