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随着计算机和信息技术的迅猛发展,网络远程教学、多媒体课件等将成为英语教学的崭新手段。作为英语教师,应该充分利用互联网延伸、拓宽传统教室的外沿,将虚拟的网络世界与现实世界有机结合,为学生创设最佳学习环境,提供最佳学习机会。  相似文献   

5 G既是一项划时代的先进技术,也是一个崭新的理念.随着科学与技术的不断进步和发展,5 G智能已深入生活的各方面,越来越深入地影响着教育行业.5G的高速率、低延时、大容量等特点将对教师与学生的教学方式产生巨大影响,教师的授课模式正在逐步发生变化.该文从5G技术对教学模式的深刻影响入手,探究5G时代下教学模式发展新趋势.  相似文献   

This article makes predictions about the long‐term integration of distance education teaching into face‐to‐face institutions; with specialist distance education institutions becoming centres of specialist teaching and research. As life‐long learning becomes more a pressing social demand, so courses will be offered more at national levels ‐‐ state boundaries will pale into insignificance as communications technology facilitates national and international access. Local courses will prevail only in areas of intense public demand and will tend to be low‐level courses. Most teachers de facto will become distance educators of sorts.  相似文献   

在信息技术飞速发展的时代,多媒体技术以其具有图、文、声并茂的特点,为现代教学提供了最理想的环境,必然会对教育、教学过程产生深刻的影响。多媒体技术在教学中的应用激发了学生的学习兴趣,有利于学生自主学习,使教师有更多的时间提高教学水平,提升教师的计算机应用水平,教学手段的创新最终促进电教化教学的发展。  相似文献   

Conclusion This study points to the fact that it would be practical to compare and assess the instructional strategies of exemplary and novice elementary science teachers using a set of criteria derived from published teacher effectiveness studies. According to this study there are differences ranging from significant to null between the instructional behaviors of exemplary and novice teachers, and it indicates that it may not be appropriate to rely entirely upon the findings of individual teacher effectiveness studies to prepare effective preservice teachers. Science teacher educators need to focus more directly on the differences in instructional strategies between the exemplary and novice teachers and inquire further into determining the causes for the differences. Hurd (1982) reported that about half of the elementary teachers studied believe that their preservice education failed to prepare them to teach science in real classrooms. If what separates exemplary teachers from novices can be clearly identified, then the science teacher educator’s task of preparing effective preservice teachers will be an easier one. Then it would be also possible to develop effective preservice science teacher education programs more congruent with exemplary science teaching practices and augment the existing science teacher education knowledge base through further research.  相似文献   

现代远程教育是融计算机,通讯,网络等先进技术于一体的新型教育方式,是构筑知识经济时代人们终身接受教育的主要手段。实施现代远程教育,是西部大开发的战略性措施,有利于西部人力资源的开发,各类学校的素质教育兴起和西部经济的繁荣。大力发展现代远程教育,必须解决各级领导干部的思想认识问题,根据现实需要确定经费投入,加快技术平台和软件建设,加强队伍建设,保证教育质量,形成省市县多层次形式的终身教育体系,以促使我省社会经济的发展。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术和多媒体技术的日渐成熟,多媒体网络教室已经成为目前国内远程教育系统中发展迅速、广泛应用的信息技术设备。网络教室在远程教育中具有优化教育、教学过程的宝贵特性,这些特性的如有充分利用,将可更好地发挥辅导教师的主导性和创新性,学员的主动性与创造性,从而为学员创新能力的培养营造良好的教学环境。  相似文献   

李晓东  黄娟  焦璨 《电大教学》2013,(6):103-109
课程体验问卷是国外用来评价高等教育教学质量的一种工具,其特点是能够在课程层面,对不同学科、不同学校的教学质量进行比较。以课程体验问卷的评价理念为依据.运用心理测量学的方法与技术编制了中小学教师远程继续教育课程体验问卷。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析结果均表明.可以从良好教学、目标的明确性、测验的适当性、难度与任务量及一般教育能力5个维度,对中小学教师远程继续教育教学质量进行评估。对500余名选修5门远程继续教育课程的中小学教师的调查结果表明.课程体验问卷具有良好的效度,能够鉴别不同课程教学质量在不同评价维度上的差异.教育管理部门可以据此对任课教师提出教学改进的建议。研究讨论了评价主体与评价指标对于教学质量评估的重要意义.并对未来研究方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

现代信息技术作为现代远程开放教育的重要支撑改变着传统的教学模式和管理模式。教育观念、教学对象、教育时空、教育资源、教学内容诸方面的现代化与开放使更多的人们享受到高质量的教育,展示出它强大的优势。同时,也对教师提出了更高要求。  相似文献   

情感能力是人类智能的重要标志,情感的缺失会影响网络远程教育的教学质量和学习者的学习效果。情感计算是和谐人机交互与人工智能领域中新的研究方向。在网络远程教育系统中应用情感计算理论与技术,可以进一步优化网络远程教育的功能,帮助教师监测远程学习者的情感变化,调整教学策略和方法,实时给予学习者情感反馈,使教学质量达到最佳。目前国内外情感计算在远程教育方面的应用研究还处于起步与探索阶段,所构建的远程教学系统对远程教学中师生情感生理特征与心理特征、多模情感信息融合机制及网络虚拟人机情感交互特性等考虑不足,系统原型在情感合成与表达、智能人机情感交互实现上存在着很大的难度。因此,构建与人类情感系统相吻合的、自然和谐的、人性化和智能化的网络远程教育系统,需要有效解决师生面部表情、语音情感特征信号的准确识别与提取,师生多模情感信息融合机制与和谐人机情感交互技术等关键问题。  相似文献   

远程教育对师资队伍的素质提出了更高的要求。教师不仅要成为本学科具有扎实专业知识的行家 ,又要是教学过程的组织专家、教学资源的传输专家、多媒体技术的导学专家、远程教育理论的研究专家、教学课件的设计专家  相似文献   

An important contribution to effective teaching and learning can be made by teachers' understanding of the central topics in each subject area and knowing how to transform their content knowledge into knowledge for teaching. One aspect of this knowledge is the use of analogies which can effectively communicate concepts to students of particular backgrounds and prerequisite knowledge. Indeed, analogies are considered to be an important component in the repertoire of effective teachers. However, research about teachers' use of analogies in science lessons provides little guidance about the optimum approaches that may be taken by preservice teachers, novice teachers, experienced teachers or reluctant analogy users. This paper describes the evolution of an approach for using analogies in science teaching that addresses both findings from the research literature and recognises the needs of practising teachers. Specializations: learning and teaching science concepts, technology education.  相似文献   

Science education in recent years has increasingly emphasized the connections between knowledge and matters of social importance. Socioscientific issues (SSIs)—complex, often controversial issues linked to the development of science and technology—are widely recognized as a valuable arena for the school curriculum to foster students’ scientific literacy. This paper reviews the research literature on how science teachers teach socioscientific issues with 25 empirical studies published between 2004 and 2019. The results show that teachers generally hold a partially informed understanding of SSI-based teaching. Multifarious challenges facing teachers in teaching SSIs are mainly at the teacher, student, and policy levels. However, our findings suggest that teachers lack explicit strategies to cope with these challenges and that SSI-based teaching should not rely on individual teachers alone. We argue for more support for teachers to improve the quality of their implementation of SSIs. This review has implications for education policymakers, teacher educators, school leaders, and teachers to respond to the challenges facing teachers in teaching SSIs collaboratively. Potential directions for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Several reviews on science education have lamented the lack of content knowledge of primary teachers and implied that improvements in this area would lead to better teaching and learning. Subject knowledge, however is a complex issue. What knowledge is required and how much? There is knowledge of the ‘content’ and the ‘processes’ of science. An elusive but essential third component has been described as syntactic (Grossman, Wilson &; Shulman, 1989), experiential (Burnard, 1986) or personal knowledge. This paper argues that it is unrealistic to consider the implementation of pre-service primary science courses that will provide potential teachers with all the ‘knowledge’ that they will require to be an effective teacher of science. Science educators, can however, provide effective frameworks from which pre-service students can identify and develop their existing knowledge. If teachers of science have their knowledge of science set within a personal view of science the potential exists for their school science programs to be more comprehensive, dynamic, relevant and contemporary. One perspective that could provide this framework is that offered by ‘Science, Technology and Society’ (S-T-S).  相似文献   

Distance education technology can be used to increase the teaching of science in schools. However, the use of the technology must be carefully monitored. This paper describes the general use of 2-way video/2-way audio technology to link three remote sites and a studio. To evaluate the instructiors' and participants' use of this technology, video recordings ofall 11 (2-hour) broadcasts were reviewed. In general, the instructors were able to conduct a semester long hands-on science course, however, there were many science teaching techniques that had to be altered for this technology. When this technology is used for hands-on science, the hardware itself must be improved so that continuous interaction can take place between the studio and all remote sites. Science topics and activities may prove to be one of thebest fields to present with the technology, because of the practical lab based nature of science. Hands-on science activities seem to lessen the feeling of distance between remote sites and the studio.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the impact of collaborative teaching by student‐teachers and classroom teachers on children’s enjoyment and learning of science. The paper describes findings from a project in which undergraduate science specialist student‐teachers were placed in primary schools where they ‘co‐taught’ investigative science and technology with primary teachers. Almost six months after the student placement, a survey of children’s attitudes to school science revealed that these children enjoyed science lessons more and showed fewer gender or age differences in their attitudes to science than children who had not been involved in the project. The authors discuss how this model of collaborative planning, teaching and evaluation can both enhance teacher education and improve children’s experience of science.  相似文献   

人工智能已成为全球引领教育变革创新的战略性技术,如何推动教师主动探索应用人工智能等新技术进行自适应教育,成为当前的研究热点。教师作为未来教育教学工作创新主体,既要发挥基于人工智能协作的创新意识,更要面对AI环境的创造力培养,必须与来自不同领域的专家学者进行多元交互,积极跨界,重塑自身的工作态度、角色和工作效能。面对发展迅猛的复杂技术,以及人机协同共存、共融、共生发展的真实需求,未来教师应转变和提升对智能技术的应用意识与能力,从而获得更高的发展动力,体现自我价值。  相似文献   

随着国家课程教学改革的不断深入,《体育与健康》新课程教学也应跟随科技和信息技术的发展而注入更多先进的教学方式。体育教师应该结合信息技术拓展体育教学途径,改变体育教学利用现代教学技术水平低下的现状。就目前的体育教学现状和发展趋势,文章经过对信息技术与体育教学的整合效果的研究得出:信息技术与体育教学整合可提高学生的参与度;可提高动作技能的完善度;可提高技战术的直观性;可提高学生自我探索的能力,有利于发展小组合作意识,真正体现体育教学中教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,我们的教学设备不断更新,大大提高了教学效果,假如我们在使用先进的教学设备和教学方法的同时,在历史课堂教学中有机地融入良好的心理健康教育,那么,课堂教学是潜藏着巨大的心理教育因素,是教师进行心理教育的极好机会。  相似文献   

远程开放教育作为一种新型的教育形式,能够在信息技术的基础上结合现代的教育技术来构建的教学模式。在这种教育模式中,教师与学生需要在协作的前提下共同对系统性的学习资源以及模式进行探究。大多数学校的远程开放教育资源都依靠教师方来提供,而学生没有意识主动参与学习资源的建设当中,一直以来都是被动接受资源,或获取资源。那么,实施远程开放教育学习资源师生共建,首先要做的就是引导学生加入学习资源建设进程。  相似文献   

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