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武明 《教师博览》2006,(7):45-45
肥胖 长期坐在电脑前的人,因缺乏锻炼,会出现重力性脂肪组织分布异常。脂肪堆积在下腹部和腰背部,导致向心性肥胖。  相似文献   

杜凯 《华章》2012,(24)
以品德与生活(社会)学科课程标准为依据,针对现行品德与生活(社会)教材多方面情况进行调研,帮助教师寻找和解决品德教学中的一系列问题,研究其解决方法对策,以促进全省品德教学的有效展开和进一步发展.  相似文献   

教师职业群体颈椎病成因的生物力学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过生物力学分析获知:教师在长期低头伏案的职业劳动中,由于头部前倾角度偏大,连续工作时间过长,年龄老化而椎骨退变和气滞血瘀的体质等不良的状态因素,慢性结劳成损:造成颈椎四种静力性结构失衡和两种动力性结构失衡,从而引起六种不同类型的颈椎病。  相似文献   

当前,“校本研究”已被视为学校发展和教师专业发展之依托。校本研究,还有某些形式如行动研究、叙事研究之类,有时也指“教师研究”或“中小学教师的教育科研”,但“校本研究”是否可归结为“教师研究”,还不清楚。不过,“研究型教师”或“教师即研究者”,当前不仅指一种教师类型,也成为教师专业发展的一种高价位价值导向和目标,所以,这里就含义比较明确的“教师研究”(这里的“教师”单复数均可)做一点探讨。  相似文献   

根据我区相关教育部门对自治区普通高考试题分析、学生学科能力评价与教学关系的研究,总结出在课题研究过程的收获,来指导和调整教学中的偏颇.  相似文献   

根据我区相关教育部门对自治区普通高考试题分析、学生学科能力评价与教学关系的研究,总结出在课题研究过程的收获,来指导和调整教学中的偏颇.  相似文献   

本文论述了时代需要具有创新能力的教师,什么是教师的创新能力,通过我院的实验,研究了如何培养教师的创新能力。  相似文献   

教师研究的性质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对教师研究的性质作了如下概括:教师研究是自己既是研究工具同时又是研究对象的研究;教师研究是以实践问题为中心的研究;教师研究是指向应用、研用一致的研究;教师研究是在现场进行的实地研究;教师研究是研学训教一体的研究;教师研究是涵盖教研、科研、德研的研究;教师研究是师本与校本相结合、中观与微观并重、实践智慧为主理论探讨为辅的研究;并且认为,正是由于有这些特征的存在,才使得教师研究有了独立存在的价值和意义.  相似文献   

本文探讨了教师研究从萌芽到兴盛的发展历程及现状,表明它是一种科学的研究范式,在当下教师专业化的文化背景下,教师研究具有强大的生命力和发展潜能,是教师专业化发展的一条重要途径。  相似文献   

本文论述了电脑写作的涵义,与传统写作的区别及电脑在应用文写作中的应用。  相似文献   

Research investigating the role of computers in the primary classroom is closely linked to the body of knowledge concerned with theories of learning and child development. Research is presented as an attempt to provide scientifically supportable reasons why computers are effective in education. Having established a theoretical base for computer use in primary classrooms, this paper then examines the educational application of cognitive theory to classroom instruction.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of computer technology in counselor preparation. Three aspects of counselor training—acquisition of facts and theory, development of specific skills, and personal and professional development—are discussed in terms of the potential contributions and limitations of computers in training efforts.  相似文献   

A treatment group of three sections of a college art design class was given instruction that included the use of computers to complete design projects. The art design course covers the basic concepts of design and two-dimensional materials and the use of line, colour, illusion of space or mass, texture, value, shape, and size in composition. A control group of three sections completed the same assignments as the treatment group without computers. Both groups of students were then surveyed about their attitudes toward using computers in the course. Both the treatment group and the control group perceived the use of computers in a basic art design class as worthwhile. Both groups perceived the use of computers in a basic art design class as enhancing instruction. The treatment group had a more positive response to the computer as a design tool than did the control group. Survey responses by the treatment group documented that design projects used in the study needed improvement. Further studies should focus on best practices in the use of computers in art education.  相似文献   

This paper reports how palmtop computers were used in an English secondary school over the course of a year. In particular, it concentrates on the perceived effectiveness of such computers in an educational setting, and on how teachers' and students' knowledge and use of "content-free" applications increased over that time. The benefits and potential problems with this new technology are discussed along with the consequences it has for classroom and school organisation.  相似文献   

本文就公共计算机教学中,如何加强实践环节,培养具有较强应用能力的计算机应用人才的途径进行了探讨.  相似文献   


This paper draws on research on the use of computers in Third World schools undertaken with the help of a grant from the Harold Macmillan Trust and the assistance of teachers and others in 23 Third World countries. In it we stress tfft importance of training all staff concerned in the introduction of computers into Third World schools, including the policy makers. We discuss training in the early days of introducing the innovation, and how a training cascade may or may not help. We examine the link between motivation to be trained and the prospect of leading change. We point out the virtues of teachers learning about computers in private and the need for software evaluation criteria for teachers to use. We look briefly at the links between training, the curriculum and assessment and at the training of programmers and technicians. We conclude that policy makers need to share with school principals, teachers, teacher educators and computer education specialists or consultants the task of reframing policy while reliable understanding of the state of the innovation emerges and the innovating group matures as a training resource in its own right  相似文献   

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