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《诗·大雅·灵台》云:“于乐辟廱”。又《文王有声》云:“镐京辟廱”。这是“辟廱”(廱同雍,以下作雍)一词在古籍上最早的出现。“辟雍”词义如何?是什么性质的机构?众论不一,自来成为问题。《毛传》:“水旋丘如壁,曰辟雍,以节观者。”意谓:“辟”与“壁”通。壁体圆而内有孔,此水亦呈圆形,内有陆地高出水面如丘,上有建筑物。水绕丘,在行礼或游乐时,限制观众,今其在外观看。这主要是从形状上解释辟雍,历代解经家无异议。和辟雍相提并论的有所谓“泮宫”。《诗·鲁  相似文献   

《荀子》中“譬(辟)”相关比方指称词及“譬(辟)之犹/若”“譬(辟)之是犹”等比方句的用法均具有独特性,集中体现了《荀子》“学者之文”的特色。“譬(辟)称”丰富了汉语比方指称复合词的集合,“譬谕”奠定了“比方”义范畴重要指称词“譬喻”的构词基础。“譬(辟)之犹/若”句式引起两个或三个比方成分,延展了“譬(辟)”式比方句的句式内容,又通过重复“犹/若”将多个比方成分与“譬”关联;“譬(辟)之是犹”具有独创性,是“譬之犹”句式的强化形式,句法严密,堪称汉语“比方”义范畴“最完美格式”。《荀子》独特的“譬(辟)”式比方句式,兼顾说理的透彻与句法形式的完美。《荀子》“譬(辟)”的用法,从言谈理论及论说实践两方面推进了汉语“比方”义范畴的发展,提升了先秦论说文的修辞性与论辩性。  相似文献   

江藩从"谨守庭训"不敢辟佛,到积极入世寻求"终南捷径",再到"不可辟佛"交游佛氏中人的坎坷一生表明,他始终处于入世与出世的矛盾之中。在乾嘉汉学"斥佛辟老"的整体学术思想氛围下,《伴月楼诗钞》折射出江藩慕世之心及出入佛学的思想演变轨迹。  相似文献   

韦庄入蜀原因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐昭宗天复元年(901),韦庄被西川节度使王建辟为书记后入蜀。韦庄屈身幕府则不失为一种托身得其所的识时务之举。那么王建为什么会辟举韦庄掌书记,韦庄为什么又愿意去接受王建的召辟呢?这既有偶然性,又有必然性。所谓偶然性,就是前面我们提到过的王建与韦庄有过一次偶然的接触。  相似文献   

本文从词义引申发展导致文字孽生词语分化的角度,分析了“辟”字和从辟得声的一组形声字,认为“辟”所表示的律法具有判分义,引申而有劈分叉,推排义、偏邪义、盘旋义、进而分化孽生出一批以“辟”为声符的形声字,成为一个通常称为“同源的古今字”的词族。  相似文献   

《墨子·小取》第二段(或也者,不尽也……)列举出墨家辩术的七种方式:或、假、效和辟、侔、援、推。从《墨子》全书看,辟式是一种得到广泛应用的推论方式。对辟式的说明,《小取》中有这样三句话:  相似文献   

孔子一生执著于用世,可对于隐逸之人却从无微词,甚至是颇为理解的,此种心态决定了孔子对隐逸有着别样的理解。同是隐逸,孔子对辟世采取了理解但不苟同的态度,而对于辟人却是不仅赞成且力求践行的,因为在辟人这种行为中保持着对道义的追求。孔子对隐逸的肯定和独特阐释对后世大隐、中隐、小隐之说的形成有一定的影响。  相似文献   

<诗经·大雅·荡>有言:"荡荡上帝,下民之辟.疾威上帝,其命多辟.天生烝民,其命匪谌.靡不有初,鲜克有终."……  相似文献   

庞铭辉  王晓莹 《天中学刊》2010,25(1):105-107
典籍档案的保护方法与技术在明代不仅得到了继承,而且有所创新。在传统染纸辟蠹技术的基础上,人们发明了“万年红”辟蠹纸;在药物驱蠹的方法上,不但继承了传统的植物防虫方法,还利用动物熏蒸辟蠹;修裱技术的理论和方法则臻于成熟,产生了不少专著;库房的建筑更是充分发挥建筑学的精华,成就了后湖黄册库、皇史成这样杰出的档案库房建筑物。  相似文献   

【君子之道,辟如行远必自迩,辟如登高必自卑】语出《礼记·中庸》,意思是:君子所奉行的道,就像走远路一样,必定要从近处开始,就像登高山一样,必定要从低处起步。  相似文献   

生词在阅读文章中作为一道难以逾越的障碍,对学生理解文章造成了很大的困难,也使学生在阅读考试中很难得高分。本文主要剖析了学生在阅读中理解生词时存在的问题,并就如何提高英语阅读中对生词的理解能力提出了一些方法和技巧。  相似文献   

为了提高学生的阅读速度,培养其阅读的流畅性,在阅读教学中融入了15周的计时阅读训练活动.训练结果显示,在阅读生词量几乎为零的文章时,学生的阅读速度提高了30.61%,每分钟多读了30个词;阅读理解提高了25.8%.阅读生词不超过占总词量3%的文章,学生阅读速度提高了34.28%,每分钟多读了24个词.阅读理解提高了2.4%.速度和理解都获得了不同程度的提高,说明速度的提高有助于理解的增强.最重要的是,计时阅读活动提高了学生阅读的信心,扩充了其世界知识.  相似文献   

Reading is a language art! In acquiring competence in reading we build on proficiencies already available in the primary (spoken) language system. Language is made up of three primary components that impact on reading—phonology, or the sound structure of language including syllables and phonemes; syntax, or the rules governing the sequential ordering of words in phrases and sentences; and semantics, or the meaning system that is attached to words and phrases as a consequence of experiences in a variety of contexts. All three depend upon adequate short- and long-term memory capacities and functioning for their growth and refinement. Additionally, the bridging of speech to print, or the task of establishing sound/symbol correspondences in beginning reading draws not only upon phonological competencies and memory, it is also dependent upon the discovery that words are made up of smaller and isolable parts. This knowledge is often referred to as auditory segmenting which is one aspect of metalinguistic awareness. This paper will discuss these five language roots of reading. The authors will report on research that demonstrates that children, upon school entrance, do not all possess equal levels of competencies in these five critical language areas. Since success in beginning reading is dependent upon the adequate development and functioning of each of the five language areas noted above, early school experiences should be directed toward language development, as well as reading instruction, if we are to reduce the incidence of reading difficulties in our schools. Finally, we will offer suggestions for enhancing language competencies that will support and promote the acquisition of reading.  相似文献   

学生在阅读文章时往往会遇到许多生词 ,如果每个词都查字典 ,阅读的速度就会减慢 ,以致影响理解甚至感到厌烦。如何能进行有效而快速的阅读 ,本文就此谈了一些方法  相似文献   

英语课的泛读教学主要应以培养学生快速阅读的方法与技巧为主。为此 ,我们在实践的基础上 ,提出一些方法与建议 :诸如预测、快读与略读、按“意群”阅读、“自上而下”与“自下而上”理解法、使用“板罩” ;适当学习生词、短语 ,适当分析句子、段落 ,背诵等 ,以提高这门课的教学质量。  相似文献   

要迅速扩大词汇量、巩固已学的词汇、加深理解词义、善于运用词语 ,学习和了解英语构词法中的词缀法是最有效的途径之一。我们应该把英语词缀法尽可能深层次地引入到精读教学中 ,分析词汇构成的每一形位、说明每一形位所具备的含义。这样 ,学生学习词汇时就可以有逻辑、长久性地记住 ,而不是机械化而又只能短期地记得。而且 ,学生在泛读中也可以用精读课上学到的词缀法构词规律来分解生词的形位 ,并根据每一形位本身所具备的含义综合推测生词的大概词义  相似文献   

Word reading fluency, as indexed by the fast and accurate identification of single words, predicts both general reading ability and reading comprehension. This study compared the effects of context training and isolated word training on subsequent measures of word reading fluency. Good and poor readers were given 12 repetitions of two sets of words; 48 new words were learned in each condition. Words were presented in a story during context training and on a computer screen during isolated word training. Target words were read in isolation at test, randomly displayed within a series containing 72 untrained words. Results show that words trained in isolation are remembered longer and read faster when presented in isolation at test compared to words trained in context. Theoretical implications are discussed in relation to transfer appropriate processing.  相似文献   

根据上下文习得词汇理解生词意义是猜测生词意义使用频率最高的方法。用这种方法能够使学习更加独立,更具有自主权,有助于阅读者在阅读过程中建立自信心。讨论这种方法、它的类型及优越性,对语言学习与教学具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

The outcome of a training study attempting to increase German speaking poor readers’ reading fluency is reported. The aim of the training was to help children establish orthographic representations for a limited set of training words as well as for high-frequency onset clusters. A sample of 20 dysfluent readers (8 to 11 years) received a computerized training of repeated reading of a limited set of 32 training words over a period of up to 25 days. Each day, training words were presented up to six times with a special emphasis on the onset segment. Post-tests were carried out one and five weeks after the last training day. A considerable decrease in reading times could be achieved for the trained words that remained stable for both post-tests. However, even for the limited set of training words, a remarkable amount of repetitions did not lead to age adequate word recognition speed. Generalization to untrained words starting with a trained onset cluster (transfer words) was statistically reliable but small. The current study was funded by the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank (grant no. 8501). Karin Landerl is currently supported by an APART-grant of the Austrian Academy of Science.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrate that individual differences among normal adult readers, including lexical quality, are expressed in silent reading at the word level. In the first of two studies we identified major dimensions of variability among college readers and among words using factor analysis. We then examined the effects of these dimensions of variability on eye movements during paragraph reading. More experienced readers (who also were higher in reading speed) read words more quickly, especially less frequent words, while readers with higher lexical knowledge showed shorter early fixations, especially for more frequent words. These results suggest that individual differences in reading may reflect differences in the quality of lexical representations and in reading experience, which is a source of lexical quality. In a second study, we controlled the lexical knowledge readers obtained from new words through a training paradigm that varied exposure to a word’s orthographic, phonological, and meaning constituents. Training exposure to orthographic and phonological constituents affected first pass reading measures, and phonological and meaning training affected second pass measures. Incomplete knowledge of word components slowed first pass reading times, compared to both more complete knowledge and no knowledge. Training effects were mediated by individual differences, pointing to lexical quality and reading experience—which, combined reflect reading expertise—as important in word reading as part of text reading.  相似文献   

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