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Phytic acid (PA) is the primary storage compound of phosphorus in seeds accounting for up to 80% of the total seed phosphorus and contributing as much as 1.5% to the seed dry weight. The negatively charged phosphate in PA strongly binds to metallic cations of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn and Zn making them insoluble and thus unavailable as nutritional factors. Phytate mainly accumulates in protein storage vacuoles as globoids, predominantly located in the aleurone layer (wheat, barley and rice) or in the embryo (maize). During germination, phytate is hydrolysed by endogenous phytase(s) and other phosphatases to release phosphate, inositol and micronutrients to support the emerging seedling. PA and its derivatives are also implicated in RNA export, DNA repair, signalling, endocytosis and cell vesicular trafficking. Our recent studies on purification of phytate globoids, their mineral composition and dephytinization by wheat phytase will be discussed. Biochemical data for purified and characterized phytases isolated from more than 23 plant species are presented, the dephosphorylation pathways of phytic acid by different classes of phytases are compared, and the application of phytase in food and feed is discussed. Project supported by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, Copenhagen, Denmark and HarvestPlus  相似文献   

The Internet penetrates deeply into the everyday life due to the availability of broadband networks and mobile devices. The widespread of the Internet, along with the development of innovative services, social networking, and tools (known as Web 2.0), gives rise to the phenomenon of the digital world. A university striving not to be "an ivory tower" should meet the needs of the "Net Generation", prepare the graduates for professional work and life in the digital world and comply with the social demand for providing lifelong learning services, especially, in the vulnerable crisis times. MESI (Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics, and lnformatics) started implementing ICTs (information and communication technologies) both in the academic and administrative processes more than 15 years ago. Today, its unified e-learning environment allows rendering educational services to students of all levels and forms (both on-campus and off-campus) and 24 × 7 × 365 support (24 hours-7 days in a week-365 days in a year). Information system for administration comprises electronic document management systems, students' records, and the results of their individual learning activities for the current, interim, and final assessment. The university management system empowers centralized management of its Moscow headquarters and branches, as well as regulation of teaching/learning process. Long-term development of education in Russia is directly dependent on large-scale introduction of e-learning tools, design and implementation of new methods of organization of educational process on its base, creating and using an appropriate electronic teaching and learning practices, and new approaches to the management of the education system and educational institutions.  相似文献   

由于人类活动对环境的破坏不断加剧,对从事各种专业技术工作的群体进行环境教育,就显得尤为重要。文章分析了环境教育在中专教育中的地位、现状,提出从保护生物多样性、生态伦理等角度开展环境教育。  相似文献   

To promote economic and personal growth, higher education students' employability, ensuring their preparedness for the workforce, is emphasized. From the employer's perspective, judging whether a graduate is employable depends upon whether the graduate exhibits the attributes which employers value. Yet, with the growing emphasis on lifelong learning, it is important for higher education to re-consider and reframe the development and assessment of attributes of graduates in the context of lifelong learning. In this paper, these attributes will be explored in that context, and the issue of how assessment helps the development of graduate attributes is to be considered. Student engagement is proposed in this paper as the holistic, useful approach for the development of employability and lifelong learning. The holistic approach reflects the fact that what is required in a workforce is not the acquisition of knowledge, skills and dispositions per se, but the capability to make an engagement through which knowledge, skills and dispositions are connected as a whole. The lack of emphasis on students' engagement could lead to mistakenly selecting as important for the focus of assessment simply the acquisition of skills, knowledge or dispositions, rather than the holistic connection of these to their application in the workforce.  相似文献   

We have developed a teaching‐learning sequence (TLS) on friction based on a preliminary study involving three dimensions: an analysis of didactic research on the topic, an overview of usual approaches, and a critical analysis of the subject, considered also in its historical development. We found that mostly the usual presentations do not take into account the complexity of friction as it emerges from scientific research, may reinforce some inaccurate students’ conceptions, and favour a limited vision of friction phenomena. The TLS we propose begins by considering a wide range of friction phenomena to favour an initial motivation and a broader view of the topic and then develops a path of interrelated observations, experiments, and theoretical aspects. It proposes the use of structural models, involving visual representations and stimulating intuition, aimed at helping students build mental models of friction mechanisms. To facilitate the reproducibility in school contexts, the sequence is designed as an open source structure, with a core of contents, conceptual correlations and methodological choices, and a cloud of elements that can be re‐designed by teachers. The sequence has been tested in teacher education and in upper secondary school, and has shown positive results in overcoming student difficulties and stimulating richer reasoning based on the structural models we suggested. The proposed path has modified the teachers’ view of the topic, producing a motivation to change their traditional presentations. The open structure of the sequence has facilitated its implementation by teachers in school in coherence with the rationale of the proposal.  相似文献   

This paper dates back to 2009 (it was first presented at the CRLL Conference at Stirling University) and deals with the advances in lifelong learning introduced by an ERASMUS LLP--IP named Interdisciplinary Course of Intercultural Competences (ICIC). The programme, that involves academic and non-academic institutions concerned with higher education of six different European countries, worked out an intensive international learning pathway aimed at developing intercultural competences in three professional fields: education, social work and health care. The paper focuses on the programme's innovative combination of formal and informal learning as a strategic lever to: (1) enhance a holistic concept of "competence" that puts human relationship at the centre of professional skills; (2) assume intercultural competences as key competences transversal to different professions; (3) introduce social skills and reflection as key factors for developing a transformative model of lifelong learning (Jarvis, 2005) that able to match the needs of the current complex, ever-changing societies; and (4) develop experiential learning without giving up to a strong theoretical framework of reference. The programme introduces an educational model that matches the main goals of higher educational priorities started by Bologna Process and relies upon a solid theoretical framework developed in the field of intercultural research at a sociological, socio-psychological and pedagogical level (Bennett, 1993; Gudykunst & Ting, 2002; Camilleri & Cohen, 1989; Hall, 1959; Hofstede 2001; Beck & Grande, 2006; Farr, 1984), as well as in one of the lifelong learning (Le Boteurf, 1997; Illeris, 2005; Jarvis, 2005; Schon, 1983).  相似文献   

In 2006 and 2008, two large trans-national residential summer schools on conservation science were organized as intensive programs. Learners were not only second/third cycle students in both exact sciences and humanities, but further practicing restorers; consequently their educational background, and even their way of approaching scientific problems, were very diversified, and evaluation of the feedback brought about an urgent need for leveling knowledge and skills. The 3rd summer school, scheduled for July 2009, is addressing the issue by offering self-paced preparatory material authored by the lecturers, and obeying patterns that satisfy the specific needs of both an e-learning environment and a homogenization procedure. Before being offered to the attendees, the pre-lecturing material underwent an interim evaluation concerning its conformity to the Bologna process concepts, as well as to generally accepted methodologies for electronically supported distance learning. Furthermore, teachers were asked on their attitudes towards the proposed scheme. Evaluation of the answers permits drawing conclusions on how far lecturers are capable of and/or willing to accept the abovementioned course structure, in order to fit with a framework designed according to the student-centred Bologna approach, and the fundamental e-learning practices.  相似文献   

人口、资源、环境与发展问题,简称PRED问题,是人类社会及实现可持续发展面临的重大问题。此处的环境问题不仅指环境污染与生态破坏,也包括灾害的问题,它们都发生在自然与社会环境中,存在密切的联系。灾害(Disaster)是经济、社会与环境实现可持续发展的重大制约因素,防灾减灾研究是实现可持续发展的一个重大课题。  相似文献   

幼儿的环保意识和行为将决定未来人类生存环境状况的优劣。因此,幼儿园应把环境教育作为一项极为重要的教育内容,渗透于日常的教育教学活动之中,力争建成培育绿色种子的摇篮,成为真正意义上的“绿色幼儿园”。  相似文献   

Education is the backbone for the development of society. With the advent of technology, it is becoming necessary and being used for the advancement of society. Technology is being used for education as being used in other important fields of life. Usage of technology for education can play a big part in bringing improvement in education For this purpose, this research aims to explore the usage and effects of technology for education. While using the survey method, a questionnaire was constructed for data collection. The sample of the study consists of graduate and postgraduate students from both ODL and regular universities and the sample size would be of 300 respondents (150 from each type of university) who were selected by using simple random sampling. The present study concluded that technology is widely used by both regular and ODL students. This study further concluded that ODL students are more dependent on technology as compared to regular students.  相似文献   

<正>上有天堂,下有苏杭,但是过去的2013年,天堂连续多天的雾霾天气令全民关注,人们不禁要问:这还是天堂吗?其实现今世界的问题不仅仅是雾霾,还有全球气候变暖、臭氧层的耗损与破坏、生物多样性减少、酸雨蔓延、森林锐减、土地荒漠化、大气污染、水污染等一系列问题,这些都是与我们每一个人息息相关的,应该值得我们每一个人去关注.虽然问题严  相似文献   

印鑫 《江苏教育》2011,(4):25-26
追求幸福是人类社会发展进步的原动力,人类社会正是在不断追求幸福的过程巾发展进步的。以发展人、完善人为宗旨的学校应该追求师生的幸福。这种对幸福的追求不仅是对未来幸福的期许,也是对当下幸福的感受。因此,我把创造幸福的教育作为学校管理的最高追求。  相似文献   

20世纪生物科学以惊人的速度迅猛发展,同时又面临着严峻的挑战。这就决定生物教学不仅要使学生掌握学科知识,还要培养责任感和使命感。生物圈是包括人类在内的所有生物的共同家园。在平衡的生态家园里,各种生物相互依存、相生相克、和谐促进,生物圈欣欣向荣;但随着人类日益拓展的方方面面的活动,本应平衡的生态遭到人为的严重破坏,各种生物的生存受到严重的威胁。应以怎样的观点去看待生物?以怎样的方法对待生物?……对于这些问题,人类需要反思,端正自己的行为意识,承担起自己的责任。为此,笔者尝试有针对性地随章实施教学,一方面"授业""解惑",另一方面"教化""传道",使知识传授和思想教育得到同步进行。  相似文献   

蒋建微 《上海教育》2007,(6A):38-39
基础教育阶段的环境教育承担着这样的任务:使得全体社会成员对于环境问题及其与人类命运的关系有初步的了解,具备基本的环境知识以及相应的态度情感。  相似文献   

我俩是蝴蝶爱好者,从2017年起,就一起跟随老师观察蝴蝶,学习蝴蝶的相关知识。2020年环球自然日的主题是让我们探讨生物多样性与人类的生存与发展之间的关系。主题公布后,我们想到可以从最熟悉和喜爱的蝴蝶入手,探究身边的蝴蝶多样性问题。  相似文献   

家访是班主任工作的重要环节,可以在教师、家长与学生之间构建起一座桥梁。教师在感受学生成长环境的过程中,了解其家庭教育状况,可以对学生进行全面的认识和理解,对学生的教育也才能真正做到有的放矢。  相似文献   

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