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近十年我国文献计量学研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Based on a statistical analysis of the articles on bibliometrics, this paper discusses the present situation and development trend of researches on bibliometrics in China since 1990s.  相似文献   

Established in 2007, the CAS Award for International Cooperation in Science and Technology is to honor those eminent international experts who have made outstanding contributions to China's global cooperation in science and technology, so as to encourage more efforts in this respect that will lead to the enhancement of CAS innovation capacity and the improvement of its research performance, education and training, management and reputations among the international community.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来我国信息政策与法规研究论文的定量分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In order to grasp the present situation of researches on infommfion policies and regulations, this paper makes a statistical analysis of the articles relating to information policies and regelations and issued from 1999 to 2001 in China by using the method of bibliometrics, including time distribution, space distribution, content, author and cita-lions.  相似文献   

How "the rights and interests in the intellectual property rights of the scientists and technicians should be protected and the entity achieving the service-related technological results should remunerate, under law, those achieving the service-related technological results and those making outstanding contribution to the transfer of the technological results" are important issues encountered in China in its efforts to improve its innovation capacity and build up a new nation. The current legal system in connection with the ownership of the right in, reward for, and remuneration to, service-related technological results in China are embodied in a variety of laws and administrative regulations, such as the Law on Progress of Science and Technology promulgated in 1993, the Law on Transfer of Science and Technology Achievements promulgated in 1996, the Patent Law amended in 2000, and the Contract Law promulgated in 1999. Following is an exploration of the main issues relating to the current legal system of service-related technological results in China, and recommendations made to improve it.  相似文献   

基于主题分布的我国情报学文献计量分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With a statistical analysis of the research papers on information studies published from 1991 to 2000 in China, this article makes a bibliometric analysis of the subject distribution of these papers so as to reflect the present situation and development trend of researches on information studies in China.  相似文献   

The CAS has an unmatchedcollection of biological speci-mens in China, with up to 16million items in its 24 biologicalspecimen centers (including thoseunder the dual administration of theCAS and local governments), ac-counting for 85% of the nationaltotal, according to an article by TongFengqin and Song Suyin in the firstissue of Science News in 2003. Inthe context of knowledge innovationprogram (KIP) piloted by the CAS,the development of these centers isgaining momentum.Some of the cent…  相似文献   

The Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences was honored for its outstanding contributions to China’s manned spaceflight program at a special ceremony held in Beijing on December 16, 2011. The Center, established in 2011 to replace its predecessor, the General Establishment of Space Science and Application of CAS, has successfully completed the test missions of the Shenzhou spacecraft series and the Tiangong-1 target spacecraft. It has also developed nearly 300 sets of payloads by far to serve earth observation,  相似文献   

情报交流研究的文本阐释学取向引论   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
With a review of the evolution of the theory of hermeneutics, this paper raises the problem of knowledge gap in information communication, and from the viewpoint of hermeneutics, analyzes its crux and key issues to be resolved. It further discusses the cognitive viewpoints in information studies, compares them with the text receiving theory and stresses the positions and roles of information users as the main part in information communication. Finally, it concludes that the inevitability and impoaance of using hermeneutics to study information communication deserves to be studied and practiced in depth and breadth.  相似文献   

Ajournal exclusively devoted to wetland science, the first of its kind in China, was inaugurated in September by the CAS Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology.Titled Wetland Science, the quarterly strives to be a high-level academic journal covering a wide spectrum of wetland research, including wetland formation and evolution, resources, environment and ecology, protection and  相似文献   

van Loon,A.J.,1995.Facilitating the tracing of articeles in scientific and technical periodicals:aspects to be considered.Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals,1995,6(4),p.31-34Retrieval of an artjcle is possible only after its source has been traced.Unfortunately thetracing of journal articles is often hampered by incomplete or ambiguous data provided by theauthor,or-more frequently-by insufficient indicators provided by the editor or the publisher.It is profitable for editors and publishers,however,to facilitate the tracing of the articles intheir journals;they should hold to some fundamental rules for the purpose.The rules concernprimarily the presentation of a jouranl as an entity,the presentation of single issues,and thepresentation of individual articles,with special attention for the first page of each article.Themost important aspects are indicated.  相似文献   

2005年,在时任美国科技政策办公室(OSTP)主席Marburger博士的倡议和推动下,科技政策学(SoSP)在美国兴起,并很快受到包括我国在内的世界许多国家的关注。本文分析了与美国传统科技政策研究相比,科技政策学(SoSP)作为科技政策研究新阶段的特点,认为,科技政策学虽然建构在原有科技政策研究基础上,但在理念、方法以及对原有不同学科研究的统合等多方面,有着根本区别,可以看成是一种新的研究范式。  相似文献   

基于Web of Science的无线传感网学术研究发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献计量方法,以Web of Science为数据源,检索了有关无线传感网的文献,并从年度、学科、机构、基金、期刊、著者和国别等角度进行了统计和分析,以定量数据从侧面反映了近十年以来无线传感网领域研究的发展情况。  相似文献   

科学学是以科学为研究对象,集基础理论和应用研究于一体的交叉学科。通过对国内科学学研究相关的文献进行归纳整理,从科学学元研究和科学学理论研究两个方面展现了国内理论科学学研究的现状和发展趋势。整体上国内理论科学学研究已经进入平稳发展的新常态,研究主题相对集中。为进一步促进国内理论科学学研究的健康、快速发展,应在基础理论、学科建设、研究队伍、学术阵地和创新成果等方面构建系统化、规范化的学科协同发展体系,推动我国科学学研究新常态下的繁荣发展。  相似文献   

温树伟 《科技通报》1994,10(6):337-342
《科技通报》创刊已10周年,共发表科技论文973篇。统计分析了各学科论文数,工科论文数居首,有262篇,占27%;农科、医科论文数各为191篇和199篇,各占20%。浙江大学、杭州大学、浙江农业大学和浙江医科大学是论文的主要产出单位,这四所高校的论文数占发表论文总数的45%。此外还分析了1991~1994年论文第一作者的年龄、职称结构情况以及自然科学基金资助项目的课题论文数,说明《科技通报》具有一定的学术水平。  相似文献   

美国科学史学会每年颁发各种奖项,在国际科学史界有巨大影响,对科学史的研究起到了积极的推动作用。文章对2007—2009年所颁发奖项的获奖者和获奖作品,包括萨顿奖、菲泽奖、戴维斯奖、罗西特科学中的妇女史奖、普赖斯/韦伯斯特奖、内森·莱茵戈尔德奖、海泽教育奖八个奖项作了述评。  相似文献   

马宁  唐永林  张红洛 《现代情报》2010,30(5):159-162
利用中国知网(CNKI)中的数据,对2000-2009年12月近10年引用中文核心期刊《科学学研究》的国内期刊进行统计分析,客观揭示引用该刊的期刊分布及学科交叉情况。  相似文献   

基于SCI数据库,抽取1979-2008年间材料科学领域的1004篇高影响力论文作为分析对象,从载文分布、中心学科变化、关键词演变等方面进行定量和定性分析。结果表明:材料科学领域呈现出学科分布多样化、多学科交叉融合等特征;热点研究主题由传统金属材料研究演进到无机非金属材料、高分子材料,由关注温度转为关注晶体生长状态、薄膜材料,复合材料获得了广泛的应用。  相似文献   

科学传播这一研究领域受到了越来越多的关注,尤其是近年来,科学传播领域的三个重要的国际会议——公众科技传播会议(Public Communication of Science and Technology,简称PCST),科学传播会议(Science Communication Conference,简称SCC)和科学传播学会议(Science of Science Communication,简称SSC),吸引了世界各国对科学传播议题感兴趣的研究者们展开多元探讨,共同谋划科学传播的未来。本文试图就这三大会议的主旨与议题进行分析,探寻国际科学传播研究关注点的发展及其趋势,并提出对于中国科学传播研究及发展可能的启示。  相似文献   

《中国地理科学》(英文版)是我国创办最早的综合性英文地理期刊,分析其发文被引用情况可以了解该刊十几年来变化情况,又可以为刊物今后的发展方向提供依据。本文利用Web of Science的引文检索功能,统计了该刊2002-2012年的被引用情况,从载文量、篇均被引频次、单篇被引频次、被引频次年代分布、被引论文专业分布和引文类型分布等几个方面,基于地理学学科特点和文献计量学方法进行综合分析,总结该刊目前发展存在的问题及改进措施,以期为刊物发展提供参考,更好地促进地理学科的发展。  相似文献   

对《科学学与科学技术管理》5年60期所载文献量年度变化、论文主题、论文合作、论文所属地域、系统、作者群、受科研基金资助、出版时滞等情况,进行了统计分析。  相似文献   

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