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反思与中小学教师专业成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于中小学教师而言,反思直接指向的是教师个人以及群体的教育实践,它促使教师去思考教育实践的发生发展及实践的意义。反思唤醒了教师的主体意识,它可以帮助教师去审视自己的教育行为,意识到自己是教育实践的承担者。反思也使教师在复杂的教育情境中,评价自己行为的后果,形成工作的主动性、能动性和自觉性,不断地改进自己的教学实践,更好、更有效地开展教育活动。  相似文献   

In the context of renewed interest in teachers' identities as writers and the writers as artist‐educators, this paper reports upon the findings of “Teachers as Writers” (2015–2017). A collaborative partnership between two universities and a creative writing foundation, the study sought to determine the impact of writers' engagement with teachers on changing teachers' classroom practices in the teaching of writing and, as a consequence, in improving outcomes for students. The project afforded opportunities for writers and teachers to work together as learners in order to improve student outcomes. The study involved two complementary datasets: a qualitative dataset of observations, interviews, audio‐capture (of workshops, tutorials and co‐mentoring reflections) and audio‐diaries from 16 teachers; and a randomised controlled trial (RCT) involving 32 primary and secondary classes. The findings reveal that the teachers' identities and assurance as writers shifted significantly. The Arvon experience also led to pedagogic shifts which the students reported impacted positively upon their motivation, confidence and sense of ownership and skills as writers. However, these salient dispositional shifts did not impact upon the young people's attainment. The professional writers gained new understandings which substantially altered their conceptions of writers' potential contribution in schools.  相似文献   

田径运动的娱乐性、休闲性是在新的历史文化背景下,对田径运动内涵赋予的新的功能和使命,以竞技田径各单项运动技术的学习,一直是高师体育教育专业的田径教学的主要内容,新的历史条件下,田径运动娱乐、休闲教学已成为高师体育教育专业田径教学改革和发展的方向.  相似文献   

Although visual arts teachers have free access to high quality online artwork images offering them immense teaching resources, making meaningful use of them remains a pedagogical challenge. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the transition from face-to-face to online teaching caused an immediate need for teachers to enhance their digital competencies and technological capability for planning and delivering a blended art curriculum. Herein, I propose a ‘teacher-curator pedagogy’ via a study in six primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong to assess its effectiveness. The study took place in the academic year of 2021-22 with 331 student participants. The proposed pedagogy puts visual arts teachers in the role of ‘digital curators’ who create virtual exhibitions for teaching art appreciation and artmaking. This paper addresses the theoretical framework, implementation strategies, and the results of the study highlighting its effectiveness, impact and limitations on teaching when using teacher-curated virtual exhibitions in both physical and virtual learning contexts. It was found that the technological capacity and confidence of the teacher participants was enhanced through the use of online resources and virtual exhibition tools. Making use of the 3D presentation of exhibits in themes and context through digital content curation, the teachers engaged students with deep interaction through the blending of online and face-to-face teaching. However, the proposed pedagogy was limited by the high demand of training and preparation work, hardware and software support, and difficulties in assessing and monitoring learning beyond class.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to familiarize teachers with the concept of executive functioning and to provide them with a collection of strategies that they can use to help support middle and high school students with planning, organization, task-initiation, and impulse control.  相似文献   

受国家课程评价体系、教育督导制度以及“反教科书”文化的影响,英国中小学教师在有关学生发展的数据管理、作业评阅以及课程计划方面的工作负担较为繁重。英国教育部对这三类工作负担进行了重点治理和分类治理,并通过数据发挥作用,进行有意义、可管理、激励性的作业评阅以及提升课程计划的有效性,使减负工作取得了一定成效。英国中小学教师减负的实践为我国中小学教师减负工作提供了启示,包括完善教育评价制度为中小学校及教师创造减负环境,基于调研开展工作负担过重的专项治理,以学生成长为目的、以教师专业发展为保障、以提质增效为方式开展减负实践等。  相似文献   

利用Citespace软件对新中国成立70年来中小学教科书研究进行可视化分析,从而对其整体研究进行宏观把握,对其历史演进脉络进行梳理,发现建国70年来中小学教科书的研究内容不断深入。在起步阶段,研究内容仅涉及内容介绍、简评与编写建议及其政治功能;在发展阶段,已经拓宽至教科书的应用、编审、经验总结及高中教科书研究等方面;在深化阶段,关注多科目、多版本及教科书选用制度的研究。进入21世纪以来,其研究方法逐渐多样化、研究视角不断增加,整体呈多样化发展的态势。但仍存在着研究科目选择偏重文史类科目,对其他科目的研究较少,研究中缺少对教师与学生两大使用主体实然性的关注,研究视角仍缺乏多样化等问题。这是该领域研究未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

汉语教学走向国际化需要汉语二语教学理论在"教什么""怎么教""怎么学"等方面的研究不断扩展与完善,尤其需要发展针对海外青少年汉语教学的理论。近几年,随着大量汉语教师走出国门,赴海外进行中小学汉语教学,师资培训与培养的实践使汉语二语教学得以完善并发展。海外中小学汉语教师"请进来"进行汉语教材培训也形成了海内外汉语教学之间的互动,为国际汉语教学共识的达成提供了有益的客观条件,加快了汉语教学国际化的进程。  相似文献   

孙传远 《中学教育》2010,(12):27-32
本研究采取整体分层抽样的办法,对上海中小学教师的专业性学习现状进行调查研究.研究结果表明,上海中小学教师的专业性学习状态较好,即教师比较认同学习应与外部关联、建立了教师学习共同体、开展了专业性学习以及积极寻求自我改变等。但教师学习的专业性还不强、教师自主学习的状态不佳。差异性检验结果显示,除自主学习外,女教师明显好于男教师;在教师学习的外部关联、教师学习共同体、教师专业性学习和自主学习等方面,小学教师的专业性学习明显好于初中教师和高中教师,初中教师也好于高中教师。  相似文献   

河南师范大学通过承办"国培计划"中西部乡村中小学教师专业能力建设培训项目,对中小学教师职前职后一体化协同培养实践进行了有效的探索。依托河南师范大学的师范专业优势,充分发挥学校"政、产、学、研、用、金"相结合的产学研特色,结合中小学教师的特点,优化培训方案和培训内容,加强职前职后一体化协同培养实践。加强校企合作,提升中小学教师职业技能,通过职前职后一体化协同培养实践策略,推动中小学教育教学事业的深度发展。  相似文献   

王为一 《襄樊学院学报》2010,31(1):11-13,40
有区别地选择适合自身发展的办学思路、办学方略、办学类型、办学机制是地市州本科院校可持续发展的前提;创新教育教学理念、人才培养方案和教育教学管理机制是地市州本科院校可持续发展的关键;对接地方经济社会发展是地市州本科院校可持续发展的生命力所在。  相似文献   

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