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Child abuse and neglect are serious social problems that make extraordinary demands on teachers’ knowledge and professionalism. Yet the field of education has been slow to develop a discipline-specific knowledge base about child abuse and neglect for teachers and teacher education programmes and there is a paucity empirical research into teachers’ knowledge in relation to child abuse and neglect. This paper describes a qualitative study of eight purposively selected early childhood teachers. To identify and evaluate their child abuse and neglect knowledge, Grossman's [(1990). The making of a teacher: Teacher knowledge and teacher education. New York: Teachers College Press; (1995). Teachers’ knowledge. In L. W. Anderson (Ed.), International encyclopedia of teaching and teacher education (2nd ed., pp. 20–24). Tarrytown, NY: Pergamon] typology of teachers’ knowledge is used as an analytic framework on which to map the teachers’ interview data. Findings reveal that, in the absence of preservice and inservice education specifically about child abuse and neglect, early childhood teachers held and deployed knowledge in resourceful ways. They used, as a basis, their existing early childhood knowledge and adapted this knowledge by augmenting it with a range of personal and professional knowledge resources to fit their particular challenges and situations. This approach, however competent and innovative, also reveals shortfalls in knowledge. Implications of this research are drawn for child abuse and neglect curriculum development in initial and continuing teacher education including the case for specialist knowledge needed to establish teachers’ professional reputation for dealing capably with cases of child abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

The aim of the study reported in this paper was to develop substantive theory regarding how teachers manage their classroom work when they are placed in the position of having a student with a severe or profound intellectual disability included in their class. The result was the theory of selective adaptation. The theory proposes that teachers can be classified as ‘technicians', ‘strategists', or ‘improvisers’ according to the extent to which they selectively adapt their classroom practices. Furthermore, there is a correspondence between the extent to which teachers selectively adapt their classroom work and the impact of inclusion on their lives.  相似文献   

This article distills what teachers at six diverse, urban schools came to know as a consequence of engaging in school portfolio development from a teacher knowledge perspective. Grounded in a narrative method and form, the work highlights the asking of hard questions, the concept of powerful learning, the idea of high quality professional development, the layered nature of knowledge, the aesthetic qualities of knowing and the limitations of what reflective school portfolios can and cannot do.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of administrative support on teachers’ job satisfaction and intent to stay in teaching. The study employed a path analysis to the data of regular, full-time, public school teachers from the Schools and Staffing Survey teacher questionnaire. Administrative support was the most significant predictor of teachers’ job satisfaction, while teachers’ job satisfaction was the most significant predictor of teachers’ intent to stay in teaching. It was also confirmed that administrative support mediates the effect of teaching experience, student behavior, and teachers’ satisfaction with their salary on teachers’ job satisfaction and intent to stay in teaching.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation into Chinese EFL teachers’ knowledge and understanding of teaching English as a foreign language within the context of a time of tremendous social change in China. In a medium-sized city, biographical narrative interviews and observation were used to three Chinese secondary EFL teachers, of three successive generations. An in-depth narrative analysis interpreting their metaphors, and constructing their life stories is employed to understand the biographical narrative data. It indicates how individual teacher’s knowledge is both constrained and enabled by themselves and by the wider society they live in, and how change and continuity are intertwined in the teaching and learning practices of the three generations. This paper also addresses certain key issues in biographical narrative studies, namely subjectivity, representation, and cultural bearings, and teachers’ knowledge, all of which constitute a form of pedagogy in educational research.  相似文献   

This article traces the roots of narrative research in the social sciences and education, then centers on ‘story constellations,’ a version of narrative inquiry that uncovers teachers’ knowledge of school reform in context. A fluid form of investigation that unfolds in a three-dimensional inquiry space, story constellations consists of a flexible matrix of paired narratives that are broadened, burrowed, and restoried over time. The adaptability of this narrative inquiry approach is then made visible through introducing four story constellations separately, then laying sketches of the individual story constellations side-by-side. When analyzed in a conjoined fashion, these sketches illustrate how the particularities of place and human agency in the living of school reform played out differently in differing school contexts, despite the fact that the four school sites had one story of reform in common. In the end result, the illustrations demonstrate how the use of the malleable approach drew distinctive story constellations to the surface, spotlighting teachers’ knowledge of school reform as it developed in context over time. In this way, ‘story constellations’ as a method and as a form of inquiry is illuminated.  相似文献   

This article describes the adaptation of ‘story grammar’ to developing the subject understanding and literacy of 14–16-year-old students. ‘Story grammar” analyses the structure of episodes of a typical story and it was developed through research into the narrative development of younger, frequently language-delayed, children. Reasons for expecting this story grammar to provide a helpful basis for teaching older students are summarized. An application of story grammar in teaching business studies is described through the activities designed for students and evidence from students' work. Implications for understanding of literacy in a subject context are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in political, social and educational curriculum policies over the past four decades have created discursive shifts in writing theory and practice for New Zealand primary teachers. While these policies have historically privileged a particular view of writing over others, very little is known as to how teachers engage with experienced discourses of writing.Three broad conceptual metaphors, taking a ‘writer’, ‘text’ and ‘social’ perspective, frame the writing theories and practices and provide a context for the development of heuristic markers used to analyse the teachers’ interviews. Discourse analysis revealed teachers’ complex identities and knowledge or lack of, available writing discourses.  相似文献   

This study describes a theoretical knowledge filter model that explains how teacher knowledge (beliefs and practices) shaped the implementation of a science curriculum in Australia. Over four school terms, four elementary and three secondary teachers participated in the study. Through the methodology of educational criticism (Eisner, 1991, The enlightened eye. New York: Macmillan) the results revealed that, in relation to their teaching, the teachers possessed three sets of beliefs: teachers’ expressed beliefs, teachers’ entrenched beliefs and teachers’ manifested beliefs. The outcome of this study is a model for identifying and observing the impact of teachers’ beliefs that can be utilised in facilitating change in education and in influencing communities of practice.  相似文献   

Most public school teachers in the United States now leave the classroom before reaching retirement. This study examined the accounts of certified, experienced teachers who left teaching after making significant investments in the career in order to better understand their exit decisions. Anecdotes told by these invested leavers as they described their career were examined through a narrative lens. The analysis indicated a shift in perspective: as the teachers moved through their career, the primary sources of frustration for these former teachers switched from students to adults.  相似文献   


Online platforms that enable teachers to share knowledge and resources with other teachers are increasingly common mechanisms for supporting teachers’ learning. Despite their growing presence, there remains limited understanding of how teachers engage with and utilise the resources and knowledge they gain online in their teaching practice. This study employs qualitative methods to investigate the processes through which teachers engage with, interpret and utilise teacher-created teaching resources and curriculum materials that are shared on two online platforms. A three-stage knowledge reconstruction model is proposed, with teachers progressing from the selection of resources online, through the modification and implementation of the resources and knowledge, and finally to the evaluation and embedding of resources and knowledge in their practice. The findings further explore the factors that shape teachers’ behaviour and actions, and the learning that occurs at all three stages of the knowledge reconstruction process.  相似文献   

后现代知识观与教师实践性知识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国新课程基础改革轰轰烈烈进行的今天,人们备加关注作为课程的主要实施者——教师的改革。教师实践性知识作为研究的热点,它对于教师个人理论的形成,教师专业成长以及教师教育的发展都具有重要意义。而后现代知识观对教师实践性知识问题的研究具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

This article describes the types of discourse seven high school teachers used during cooperative leaning. One classroom lesson where students worked in cooperating groups was audiotaped and fully transcribed for each teacher and a vignette of two of the teachers and one of the groups in his or her room are also provided. The data from the audiotapes showed that the teachers used a range of mediated-learning behaviours that included challenging students’ perspectives, asking cognitive and metacognitive questions, and scaffolding students’ learning. In turn, the students used many of the discourses they heard their teachers use in their interactions with each other. Follow-up interviews of teachers’ perceptions of cooperative learning as a pedagogical practice that had efficacy revealed that they believed it was important to structure the groups (i.e., tasks, composition), teach the appropriate social skills, and present tasks that encouraged students to think critically and reflectively about their learning.  相似文献   

Building quality work-based learning opportunities for student teachers is a challenge for schools in school-university partnerships. This study focused on the guidance of student teachers by means of a mentoring approach aimed at sharing practical knowledge, with student teachers’ learning needs as an emphasis. The approach was built on collaborative lesson planning, enactment, and evaluation.The study followed three triads (student teacher, mentor, school-based teacher educator) and examined participants’ appreciation of the effectiveness of the approach and their perception of relevant conditions. The approach was considered effective: deeper conversations appeared and new issues emerged earlier than in regular mentoring conversations.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study conducted with a random sample of 80 student primary teachers drawn from all four years of the Bachelor of Education (BEd) programme at a teacher education institution in Scotland, with a view to determining why there were such differing levels of engagement with an online maths assessment. The assessment was created in an attempt to address deficiencies in subject knowledge in order to reduce the amount of time spent on mathematics remediation, and to raise awareness of the levels of mathematics competence required in the primary classroom. Study of the reasons behind the differing patterns of engagement with the assessment revealed that two thirds of the group were able to reach a competence threshold and often to improve upon it by some way; a worrying third of the students, however, made little attempt to use the tool to improve their subject knowledge. A further finding indicated that students who engaged with the online assessment reported improving levels of confidence in mathematics.  相似文献   

This article presents a study of the effects of creating a bridge between the narrative and ethnographic methods and writing processes as a means to more effectively educate teachers of culturally diverse learners. Ten teacher participants from a Masters of Education (M.Ed.) degree program in Bilingual Education at a university in the northwestern United States took a sequence of courses in which instructor-researchers taught them narrative and ethnographic pedagogy, theory, and methodology. Through qualitative methods, instructor-researchers analyzed teacher participants’ personal narratives and ethnographic case studies for generative themes. In discovering the commonalities of themes between these two methods of inquiry, the research reveals the value and transformative nature of building a bridge between narrative and ethnographic methods. The following overlapping generative themes were voiced by teacher participants: (1) awareness of self and others; (2) consciousness of educational issues and their implications; (3) transformative action and advocacy. These themes are substantiated with related literature and further elucidated upon in the paper.  相似文献   

This research study explores teachers’ specific emotions and the reconstruction of teachers’ professional self-understanding during a comprehensive school reform initiative. Through interviews and archival material, this study seeks to examine teachers’ specific emotions during critical incidents that occurred during the period of reform and to explore the reconstruction of their professional self-understanding. The findings illustrate that the teachers experienced fear and intimidation when their professional self-understandings were challenged. However, with the support of a literacy coach and university faculty they reconstructed these self-understandings, leading to improvements in student achievement and their own instructional practices. These positive changes led to emotions of pride and excitement. The study provides recommendations for state and local school administrators and highlights implications for future research.  相似文献   

This study surveyed a sample of 188 elementary teachers with respect to their preference for information regarding educational planning, in particular information captured with dynamic testing procedures. The influence of teachers’ experience and sense of efficacy on teachers’ preferences was also investigated. Results indicated teachers’ preferences for dynamically gathered information regarding children’s learning processes, next to standard information such as a diagnosis. Appreciation for dynamic testing information appeared to be relatively higher for those teachers with longer teaching experience, but not related to teachers’ sense of efficacy. Findings are discussed with regard to their implications for both diagnostic and teaching practices.  相似文献   

The article describes the framework, the methodology and the results of an educational research in the field of Greek minority education. The aim of the research was to explore whether action-research can help educators from the majority develop empathy for their minority pupils. The schools where the research took place are placed in Thrace, an area of North-Eastern Greece, which borders with Turkey.The research showed that the teachers’ training brought changes in their perceptions and attitudes related to their general ideological beliefs concerning otherness, their professional role and their educational work.  相似文献   

In comparing content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of Taiwanese and German inservice mathematics teachers, the present study examines whether the two-dimensional structure of teachers' subject matter knowledge is cross-culturally invariant and whether differences in teacher education and in teacher selection are reflected in teachers' subject matter knowledge. The results confirm that CK and PCK represent two distinct, but correlated dimensions, even in teachers from completely different backgrounds. Taiwanese inservice teachers showed considerably higher CK and also higher PCK scores than German teachers. Teacher education and teacher selection should be considered important levers for reform in mathematics education.  相似文献   

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