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Views on using portfolio in teacher education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The usage of portfolio methods to document professional development in teaching is increasing in Germany, but despite its proliferation, the issue of how the effects of portfolio methods can be determined has received little attention. This paper investigates the acceptance of portfolio by the pre-service teachers (N = 144, 112 female) and the effects of portfolio on their professional attitudes and competences. In addition, N = 15 teacher educators were interviewed on their assessment of the portfolio method. Results suggest that the efficiency of the portfolio method depends both on personal competences and on the framing within the training program.  相似文献   

This study concerns the relation between teachers’ beliefs towards teaching behaviour and their actual teaching behaviour in teacher portfolio assessment. We analysed the beliefs and behaviour of 18 teachers as described in their portfolios. In addition, each portfolio was independently assessed by two trained raters on eight content standards and the teachers’ classroom behaviour was assessed by their own students in a questionnaire (n=317). Linear multilevel analysis showed that part of the raters’ assessments of the teachers’ beliefs and their behaviour as described in their portfolios was significantly related to the students’ assessments of their teachers’ behaviour. Teachers with high raters’ assessments on the content standard about ‘choosing and arguing for teaching strategies that meet students’ knowledge, abilities and experience’ had significantly higher student assessments than teachers who were judged low on this standard. Implications of the results and suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Portfolio advocates argue that teacher commentary becomes more meaningful for students with the use of portfolio assessment, particularly because the commentary is unaccompanied by a grade. However, my own study of portfolio classrooms suggests that students continue to regard teacher responses as directives that leave them few options in terms of revisions. My study involved six writing classrooms from the middle school to the university level and included classroom observations, interviews of students and teachers, and examination of student writing and teacher response. The students generally looked to their teachers to show them the “correct” way to write and resisted the notion of making independent judgments about their writing and the necessary revisions, primarily because they could not ignore the ultimate reality of the grade. Yet the teachers generally avoided being directive in their responses. In one instance, the teacher's best efforts to adopt a more open style of response backfired when a sensitive student read the commentary as demeaning. I argue, therefore, that even though portfolios represent a more enlightened approach to assessment, students have difficulty escaping their conditioned obeisance to teacher authority. While this finding should not be read as a condemnation of portfolio assessment, it does indicate that teachers need to be aware of how students read their responses. Otherwise, portfolios alone may not substantially alter the teacher–student dynamics.  相似文献   

This paper describes how the development of critical reflection in student teachers has been made an explicit part of a teacher education programme. Using a rubric presented by Ward and McCotter, (2004) and supported by an online discussion forum, the rubric was used in a meta-analysis activity where students identified the quality of critical reflection in their lesson evaluations. The evidence suggests that the activity can result in a qualitative improvement in the nature of critical reflection. The intervention also appeared to generate a growing acknowledgement by students that writing lesson evaluations, is a valuable process which can enhance their practice.  相似文献   

运用类比思维 培养创新精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
类比推理所体现的思维方式(即本文中所指的类比思维)具有开放性、开拓性及探索性,在数学教学中适当渗透类比思维的教学,有助于学生创新精神与创造能力的培养,能促使学生思维素质的全面提高。  相似文献   

The richness and complexity of video portfolios endanger both the reliability and validity of the assessment of teacher competencies. In a post-graduate teacher education program, the assessment of video portfolios was evaluated for its reliability, construct validity, and consequential validity. Although video portfolio facilitated a reliable and valid assessment of teacher competencies, procedures to improve assessment quality were also revealed and are therefore discussed: more explicit grounding of assessment results in the data, peer debriefing, prolonged engagement with the assessment data, cross-checking to find confirmatory or counter examples.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the role of analogy inthe development of a situation model of atarget passage. Specifically, we examinedwhether an analogous source text could improvecomprehension and inferencing about causalmechanisms in the target. An ``analogy group'studied a fictional pseudo-scientific passageunder the guidance of an analogous passage(also fictional) which shared causal structureswith the target. A ``statement group' studiedthe target under the guidance of an abstractstatement that characterized the target causalstructures. A ``target-only group' received noadditional material. All groups received tasksthat assessed their representation of thetarget. In Experiment 1 (N = 92) participantswere asked to list the most important objectsand relations in the passage. In Experiment 2(N = 80) participants were directly asked aboutthe target causal structures. In bothexperiments, responses of analogy subjects weremore likely to include given and inferredinformation that comprised the target causalmechanisms. Analogies in which a sourcepassage models causal mechanisms correspondingto those of a target passage appear to promotebetter representation of the details of targetcausal mechanisms, allowing a more fullydeveloped situation model of the target.  相似文献   

The purpose of this documentary account is twofold. First, we describe two strategic instructional assignments embedded in university courses at a large research institution in the United States that were designed to help teaching candidates move toward mastery. Second, we explicate candidates' performances on the assessments as well as evidence of the reliability of the assessments and scoring procedures. This case study provides evidence that advanced secondary teaching candidates are able to address instructional issues and engage in the kind of pedagogical reasoning more characteristic of experienced teachers. Further, this account indicates that despite some challenges, it is feasible for multiple course instructors in a research institution to implement and score reliable, valid embedded assessments.  相似文献   

档案袋评价是关注学生学习过程的质性评价方式。在少数民族双语师资培训中引入档案袋评价,可以弥补传统评价方式的不足。科学合理设计档案袋是档案袋评价的基础。实施档案袋评价应明确档案袋评价的目的和意义,重视档案袋评价材料的收集和整理,掌握档案袋评价的要领。  相似文献   

It is incumbent on universities to reflect current research on effective teacher preparation and respond to the changing needs of the 21st century. These needs include the knowledge and skills to instruct diverse students; an increasing emphasis on standards and an integrated curriculum model; and the call for all educators to work together to improve the performance of students. In the spring of 2006, University of Utah set out to restructure its teacher programs. The design phase of this restructuring was completed in 2008, and the first cohort of teacher candidates has entered the program.  相似文献   

A social-cultural theory of difference informed the development of a university unit on inclusive education with a focus on broadening students’ experience and understanding about the backgrounds and values of people in society. One of the aims of the unit was to “develop and work within legal and ethical frameworks that promote diversity, equity and inclusive education”. This paper will report on pre-service teacher reflections in Service-learning Program Logs associated with a university unit on inclusive education in Queensland, Australia. Service-learning requires students to become involved in their community in order to utilise knowledge learned at university. The programme involves reciprocal relationships with organisations in which the service reinforces and strengthens the learning in the academic unit on inclusive education, and the learning reinforces and strengthens the service. Analysis of data presented in this paper informed the development of set of principles of an inclusive ethical framework. We suggest that these principles could be further developed in teacher education programmes to progress inclusive practices in schools.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess how accessibility to relevant knowledge would affect performance on verbal analogy problems as well as the efficacy, perception, and continuation of use of a componential strategy for solving these problems. Participants were either taught to use a componential strategy for solving verbal analogy problems or just given practice opportunities while the accessibility of relevant knowledge was manipulated and the performance and perception of the strategy was assessed. We also investigated whether variations in accessibility to relevant knowledge affected the continuance of strategy use. Results showed that knowledge accessibility affected both performance and the way in which the strategy was perceived. Participants rated the strategy as more useful, easier to use, and less effortful when their initial strategy experience involved solving analogy problems based on familiar vocabulary and relationships. Also, participants who had experience with easily accessible vocabulary and relationships were significantly more likely to choose to continue to use of the strategy on a subsequent task. It is also argued that accessibility to knowledge and strategy use play independent, as opposed to interactive, roles in determining performance.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the design and application of a teacher training strategy to promote the inclusive education of students with disabilities in the science classroom, through the creation of adult learning environments grounded on the principles of dialogic learning. Participants of the workshop proposal consisted of a group of twelve teachers who were working at various educational levels. Teacher teams proposed and implemented in their classroom, innovative, inclusive science-learning activities about a topic of their choice. Data were collected from interviews with teachers five months after the courses, teachers’ portfolios about their practice during implementation of such sequences, and researchers’ observations. The data suggest that it is possible to stimulate a gradual transformation of teaching practices through a teacher training proposal that promotes self-awareness and critical reflection, situated in the creation of meaning and a willingness to change in the spirit of solidarity and social action. We found elements to recommend the incorporation of these innovations at the curricular and practical level for teacher training schools and for in-service teacher development programmes in Mexico and elsewhere.  相似文献   

教师教育类课程是高等师范院校区别于其他院校的标志性课程。民族师范院校探索教师教育师资队伍改革新途径。与基础教育发达地区的优质学校合作,在共育师范生的同时,形成教师教育师资专业发展的长效机制成为必然。  相似文献   

Although video cases are increasingly being used in teacher education as a means of situating learning and developing habits of reflection, there has been little evidence of the outcomes of such use. This study investigates the effects of using a coherent video-case curriculum in a university mathematics methods course by addressing two issues: (1) how the use of a video-case curriculum affects the reflective stance of prospective teachers (PTs); and (2) the extent to which a reflective stance developed while reflecting on other teachers’ practice transfers for reflecting on one’s own practice. Data sources include videotapes of course sessions and PTs’ written work from a middle school mathematics methods course that used a video-case curriculum as a major instructional tool. Both qualitative and quantitative analytical methods were used, including comparative and chi-square contingency table analyses. The PTs in this study showed changes in their level of reflection, their tendency to ground their analyses in evidence, and their focus on student thinking. In particular, they began to analyze teaching in terms of how it affects student thinking, to consider multiple interpretations of student thinking, and to develop a more tentative stance of inquiry. More significantly, the reflective stance developed via the video curriculum transferred to the PTs’ self-reflection in a course field experience. The results of this study speak to the power of using a video-case curriculum as a means of developing a reflective stance in prospective mathematics teachers.
Shari L. StockeroEmail:

Educational development is one way through which Turkey enhances progress towards its social goals and prepares itself for European Union membership. A major effort to upgrade the Turkish educational system was made through a multi-phased comprehensive reform of the sector introduced during the 1990s. One part of this reform, perhaps most crucial to the long-term effectiveness of other developments in education, was a transformation of the approach to teacher education. This paper utilizes recently conducted research to assess the nature and extent of that reform as well as identifying the factors which enhanced its effectiveness.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for evaluating the degree of authenticity of instructional tasks used within a teacher education program. First, we provide a defense for authenticity as an exemplary aspect of education. Second, we synthesize the theoretical literature on authenticity into conceptual codes. Using these codes, we build our authenticity framework around five criteria: the instructional task (1) is routinely performed by teachers, (2) involves students in a classroom, (3) promotes knowledge of practice, (4) involves self-reflection, and (5) serves formative purposes. We then discuss potential applications of our framework for the individual teacher educator and for program evaluation.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of portfolio assessment to determine the extent to which student teachers are able to demonstrate INTASC principles in their teaching. More specifically, it looked at the role of perception and assumption by identifying inconsistency between university faculty and student teacher expectations and use of the portfolio. The study found that dissonance was prominent in four main areas: purpose, value, perception, and context. Among the factors contributing to the dissonance were lack of clarity of stated purpose for the portfolio, the student teaching environment, and uncertainty between formative and summative nature of the assessment.  相似文献   

教师教育不仅是强化教师专业知识与专业技能的过程,也是一项不断提升教师伦理道德的活动。教师教育评价要服务于教师教育质量的提高就要持续地关注教师伦理与道德教育问题。教师道德教育评价包括对教师道德教育目标的评价、道德教育课程落实度与创新性的评价、教育过程德育因素的评价以及教师道德教育效果的评价等方面。  相似文献   

Questions about identity and future success often occupy the thinking of individuals during life transitions. Possible-selves theory describes how future-oriented thought provides identity-relevant information and motivation to pursue self-relevant goals. Expected and feared possible selves of beginning teachers (n = 221) were analyzed revealing four main categories (i.e., interpersonal relationships, classroom management, instruction, and professionalism). Differences between student and beginning inservice teachers suggest a transitional trajectory that could have implications for understanding the “how” of teacher identity development. Possible-selves theory may help bring a degree of unity across divergent frameworks and help link identity to broader issues of teacher development.  相似文献   

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