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Informal online communities and networks offer teachers the possibility of voluntarily engaging in shared learning, reflecting about teaching practice and receiving emotional support. Bottom-up online communities and networks are an important source of professional development, although research around these social learning structures mainly consists in describing particular cases using a wide diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches. This review analyses the existing theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, the main characteristics and practices of online communities and networks, as well as their principal repercussions in teacher professional development. A critical analysis of the emergent themes in the revised articles sheds light on eligible perspectives for further research.  相似文献   

This paper is a report on contributions of a critical EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher education course to Iranian teachers’ professional identity reconstruction.2 Pre-course and post-course interviews with seven teachers, their reflective journals, class discussions, and the teacher educator’s reflective journals were analyzed as guided by grounded theory. Three major shifts were observed in their professional identities: from conformity to and romanticization of dominant ideologies to critical autonomy, from no orientation or an instrumentalist orientation to a critical/transformative orientation of teaching, and from a linguistic and technical view to an educational view of second language education.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of teachers’ expressions of their literacy-related professional development needs in a First Nations school located in Ontario, Canada. The paper construes the work of the teachers as “border work” and argues that their literacy teaching work was complex and tied to an ongoing legacy of colonialism. Four interrelated themes are discussed. The paper recommends improving compensation and job security for educators in First Nations schools and supporting them to see themselves as knowledgeable professionals who can entertain sophisticated notions of literacy that consider its relationship to situation including culture.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how teachers of the integrated bilingual Palestinian-Jewish schools in Israel construct their school culture in relation to various outside pressures in their attempt to achieve educational change. Field notes from an in-service training workshop were analyzed according to three levels of the teaching context: the personal, professional and political. It was found that the teachers perceive themselves as primarily pedagogical experts with a shared vision based on multiculturalism and coexistence. According to the findings, recommendations are made for improving the positioning of the teachers in relation to pupils, parents and policy-makers.  相似文献   

《礼记》的形成是礼乐文化传承在汉代时的一种学术形态。《礼记》呈现了汉人对西周礼乐文化传承的书写方式和文体样式。从七十子之单篇散记到《仪礼》附经之记,再到《礼记》成书,实际上是记者在传承和记录礼乐文化,从文学史的角度说,在对周礼不断传承的过程中,伴随了不同时期的"记"的文体功能的孕育与发展,经学与文学呈现的是一个同步共生的状态。关于《礼记》文体的研究,将试从礼乐文化的学术传承史中发掘记体内涵的演变及文体因素的逐渐形成,以重新认识《礼记》的体例特点和文章形态。  相似文献   

教师发展是翻译硕士专业学位教育(MTI)成功的关键。本研究通过量化问卷对来自全国32个省/直辖市/自治区的514名MTI教师的职业发展现状进行了调查,全面介绍了现有MTI教师在年龄、职称、学历等方面的情况,描写了其“三位一体”的职业发展状态,就其教学、科研及实践的现状及困境做了阐述。希望通过对MTI教师发展现状的全面系统描述,为未来MTI教师教育与培训及相关政策的制定提供可参考的信息和依据,进而促进MTI教育的进一步发展。  相似文献   

从世界范围来看,强调国家认同的公民教育已发展成为当前全球多元文化社会治理的核心主题。我国学术界对中华民族共同体的研究,目前集中在两个主题,一是研究"中华民族多元一体格局"的多民族国情,二是研究"中华民族共同体意识"。铸牢中华民族共同体意识、打牢中华民族共同体思想基础,既是马克思主义民族理论中国化的重要产物,也是习近平新时代民族工作指导思想的核心内容。新时代打牢中华民族共同体意识的思想基础,需要坚持不懈地开展马克思主义祖国观、民族观、文化观、历史观宣传教育。首先,打牢中华民族共同体意识的思想基础需要深入研究马克思主义的祖国观、民族观、文化观、历史观及其相互关系,形成马克思主义的民族工作思想体系;其次,打牢中华民族共同体意识的思想基础需要从政治上深入理解习近平新时代民族工作的指导思想,坚定走有中国特色的解决民族问题的"中国道路";最后,从教育路径入手,提出打牢中华民族共同体思想基础的治理方略。  相似文献   

Faculty in post-secondary institutions must continually reassess, refine, and revise their teaching, yet it is a challenge for them to gain this professional development with heavy teaching responsibilities and high demands on their time. Creating Optimum Learning Environments (CREOLE) is a collaborative project between one community college and one university to develop an online training program for post-secondary education faculty on the basic principles of teaching and learning and the development of online courses. Four independent modules were developed and taught in a one semester format for educators throughout the U.S. The goal of this research was to identify the strenghts and challenges of this course; determine the changes in pedagogical practice of the participating faculty members; and to examine the resulting changes in participants' course materials to reflect learning and motivation theories, and appropriate online learning strategies. Methods included pre- and post-surveys of the participants, interviews, document analysis, and instructors' reflections. Results demonstrated high expectations from all participants, difficulty in forming a sustained learning community, continuing challenge in technological aspects, and requirement for intense instructor involvement to maintain morale.  相似文献   

教育史学科应受到重视,教育史工作应努力为现代教育改革提供借鉴,并应积极直接参与到教育改革之中去,而不要封闭长城民为历史陈迹后才去研究它。  相似文献   

This study investigates the learning experiences and the trajectories of EFL teachers' professional development in Chinese secondary schools under a socio-cultural framework. The findings indicate that social and individual affordances are both essential to individual teachers’ professional development, and to the sustainable growth of the teacher learning community (TLC). The former is prerequisite to the latter, whereas the latter determines the route and pace of development. This paper also demonstrates the usefulness of activity theory in analysing the affordances of TLC, and advocates that all parties involved should understand, identify and create positive affordances for teacher professional development.  相似文献   

本研究以社会心理学为研究视角,分别从社会表征理论和话语分析两个层面阐述中华民族共同体意识的社会心理机制。具体而言,在社会表征理论层面,中华民族共同体意识作为中华民族特有的社会表征,是在各族人民交往交流交融的历史条件下、以锚定和物化为两种基本的社会认知机制,具有社会共享性和行为差异性、社会根源性和行为说明性、相对稳定性和长期动态性等特征;在话语分析层面,从中华民族共同体的话语解构、话语转变和构建话语体系三个方面分析,明确"中华民族共同体"的概念,区分"中华民族"和"中华民族共同体"的使用情境差异,促进"中华民族共同体"概念的具象化,提出构建中华民族共同体意识的话语体系要兼顾政治话语、学术话语和大众话语的统一。从社会心理视角探寻中华民族共同体意识形成和发展的机制,有助于从"心"出发,进一步铸牢中华民族共同体意识,开创中华民族更加灿烂美好的未来。  相似文献   

This study examined teachers’ uptake of formal and informal learning opportunities across the career cycle. Analyses were based on data from 1939 German secondary teachers in 198 schools. Results showed that formal learning opportunities (in-service training) were used most frequently by mid-career teachers, whereas informal learning opportunities showed distinct patterns across the teaching career. Specifically, use of professional literature increased with teacher age, but teacher collaboration decreased. Teachers’ work engagement and professional responsibilities were hypothesised to predict changes over the career. However, although these variables partly predicted uptake of learning opportunities, they did not fully explain the age-related differences observed.  相似文献   

This article describes the case of a professional community of high school Pre-algebra teachers who began and later abandoned a collective effort at reform. The community's retreat from reform appears to have been influenced by their beliefs about students and their closely related beliefs about appropriate content and pedagogy for those students. Both sets of beliefs were characterized by conflict and internal inconsistency. Yet, the community avoided addressing the conflicting nature of their beliefs. Both the nature of the community's beliefs and their avoidance of the inherent inconsistencies appear to have shaped the response to reform in this case.  相似文献   

随着“新课程改革”的深化,教师专业角色定位需有新的认识:教师是知识文化的建构者,教师是教材文本的研究者,教师是学生学习的引导者,教师是课程资源的开发者,教师是学生人格的影响者,教师是学校文化的建设者。基于语文教师专业化发展的特殊性,语文教师专业成长可从读书、游学、研究、为文、实践等五个方面作出努力。  相似文献   

Cultural influences on anatomy teaching and learning have been investigated by application of a questionnaire to medical students in British and Chinese Medical Schools. Results from the responses from students of the two countries were analyzed. Both groups found it easier to understand anatomy in a clinical context, and in both countries, student learning was driven by assessment. Curriculum design differences may have contributed to the British view wherein students were less likely to feel time pressure and enjoyed studying anatomy more than their Chinese counterparts. Different teaching approaches resulted in British students being more likely to recite definitions to learn, and the Chinese students found learning from cross‐sectional images easy. Cultural differences may account for the observation that British students were more inclined to ask questions in class, and the preference of Chinese students to study in small groups. The findings give evidence to show how ‘cultures of learning’ influence students' approaches and indicate the importance of cultural influences as factors amongst international and home learner groups. Anat Sci Ed 2:49–60, 2009. © 2009 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

“You choose to care”: Teachers,emotions and professional identity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the findings of a qualitative interpretive study on secondary school teachers’ professional identities and emotional experiences. Teachers’ work is emotionally engaging and personally demanding, yet the caring nature of the teaching role is largely neglected in educational policy and teacher standards. This paper examines the reasons behind the marginalisation of discourses of emotionality and discusses the lived experiences of three teachers. The caring behaviour that teachers exhibit in their work is seen to have professional, performative and philosophical dimensions as individual teachers subjectively negotiate the demands that are placed upon them in different situated contexts.  相似文献   

中国建筑在可见的形象感受中体现人在自然界的空间位置;中国语言在不可见的意识抽象中体现人在社会关系网络中的言说秩序.作为异质同构的文化创造,二者经由不同的渠道发生、发展,但始终存在着文化契合点.  相似文献   

This study examined how teacher agency shaped professional learning in cross-cultural teaching contexts. Interviews with 14 Chinese language teachers showed that teacher agency varied in different dimensions of professional learning. Social suggestions, power relations, teachers' professional and social positioning and the imposed identity and social roles in the school contexts interacted to shape teacher agency. The findings suggest both creating school cultures and structures that value and share diverse discursive and pedagogical practices and managing teachers' professional identity and self-positioning to enhance teachers' agency to engage in mutual learning and remaking of their work practices.  相似文献   

郑州航院教务管理系统仅能获得单个教师课程时间信息,而要得到某个二级学院所有教师的总览性上课时间信息则需要手工合成,其过程繁琐、效率低、易出错。利用 Python 语言编程高效、生态开放的特点,针对郑州航院教务系统生成的某二级学院所有教师课程信息数据,提出基于 xlrd 与 win32com.client包的自动生成二级学院所有教师总览性上课时间信息的方法。以郑州航院智能工程学院教师课程信息为例,由该方法得到的总览性上课时间信息被用于实际教务管理中经过一学期的测试,未发现任何错误,验证了该方法的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

中华民族共同体精神是引领各族人民守望相助、命运与共、战胜疫情的强大精神力量,是构建各民族共有精神家园的宝贵财富.为实现中华民族伟大复兴,需要把握中华民族共同体精神在抗击疫情中彰显出的为民精神、伟大团结精神、伟大奋斗精神以及伟大奉献精神的精神内核,需要通过媒体宣传、教育引导和榜样示范等方式发挥其重要作用,继续助力中华民族...  相似文献   

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