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人物: B--Mr Ben, judge G--Grandma L--Little Red Riding Hood N--Narrator P---Peter, Little Red Riding Hood's brother U--Uncle Tom, hunter W--Wolf  相似文献   

鲁迅与屈原   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鲁迅对屈原的相关论述为依据,探讨他们在对待国家、生死问题的观点与追求,并试图探索他们真挚的内心深处时时缠绕着的孤独情感及其产生的原因。笔者希冀在他们孤独的反抗中探讨他们的无奈和意义,并在此基础上搭建鲁迅评价中所展现的二人关系的基本图式。  相似文献   

钱征 《池州师专学报》2012,(5):89-97,108
在屈原的作品中,直接或间接涉及屈原流放陵阳的有《哀郢》、《招魂》、《远游》等;在考古出土文物里,直接或间接涉及·屈原流放陵阳的有寿县《鄂君启节》、石台怪潭郢爰、皖南铜矿遗址、青阳先秦文物等;在历史地理文献方面,已经直接或间接地表明,安徽池州在战国时期,是东楚、南楚的“边角料”(结合部),地理位置特殊,亦属《越绝书》所说“屈原隔界放于南楚”的范围,并且是楚王同姓的人聚居地,保留了多处明代以前的屈原“三闾庙”遗址。  相似文献   

The focus of this article is the figure of the Indian gentleman, a friend of Sara's late father, and who later becomes her surrogate one, to clarify what this most Orientalised Englishman embodies. In other words, the story is read as the recovery of his English masculine identity. Examining the plot development from his perspective will make it possible to interpret the happy ending as the resolution of racial, cultural, and gender ambiguity as represented by him. It is also an opportunity to historicise the story in the India-England relationship during the age of New Imperialism. Having done this, it will be possible to re-examine the role of the heroine Sara in that context, as well.  相似文献   

A Little Monkey     
椰洪 《今日中学生》2013,(10):23-24
Deep, deep in the jungle (丛林) , there is a monkey. His name is Monty. He is four years old and is very naughty (调皮的) . Monty has a round face with big brown eyes. He has a long curly (卷曲的) tail which is very strong. He also has strong arms and hands. He is dark brown. His legs are very long. He is very cheeky (厚脸的) and is funny, too. He is always nice and cheerful (快乐的) . He is clever and likes  相似文献   

A Little Monkey     
故事是小学生学习语言的重要语料和途径。在小学英语教学中运用故事有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,有效解决小学生英语学习动机不足的难题。听故事、讲故事、读故事和演故事等一系列活动不仅可以训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,而且能培养学生的英语语感,发展学生的思维能力。 为了帮助和指导教师在教学中更好地运用故事,同时为教师提供更多的教学资源,本刊特开设了“故事园地”这一栏目,欢迎广大教师踊跃为本栏目撰稿。 为本栏目所撰写的故事应当适合小学生的英语水平,有一定的寓意和趣味性。每个故事后可以设计引导学生理解故事内容、掌握并运用故事中所蕴含的语言知识的教学活动,供读者和教师在故事前、故事中或故事后灵活应用,并简要说明设计该教学活动的意图。[编者按]  相似文献   

A Little Dog     
When I was ten years old, a little dog called Xueqiu came into my life as a birthday present. It was a pretty dog with long white hair. And the hair felt very soft. At first I hated it, because I didn't like animals at all. But wherever I went it always followed me as if it liked me. Slowly and slowly, I began to like it, too. One day, our family were going to my grandma's in our car without taking Xueqiu. But after we drove more than twenty minutes, the dog suddenly came out from under the seat. That made us laugh happily. My father said,"Xueqiu brings us not only happiness but also surprise."One evening it was time for dinner, but I couldn't find my little brother. My parents were worried about him. At that time, Xueqiu came back. It cried loudly, and then ran out very fast. I ran after it. A long time later, I saw my brother. He was badly hurt in his right leg. Looking at him, I felt very sad. Then I took him to a hospital for treatment. From then on, Xueqiu became a pet in our heart. It was a clever dog. It even warned me not to pollute the environment. Not too long ago, I threw about some rubbish in a park. It went on shouting until I picked it up and put it into a dustbin. Then it looked at me with a smile.  相似文献   

A Little Bird     
看见一只小小鸟,朝我来,蹦蹦跳;我大叫:小小鸟,停一停,你别跑。我走到窗边说道:小鸟,小鸟你可好?  相似文献   

A Little Fireman     

屈原是中国战国时期楚国的一位杰出人材 ,他的文学成就一直是中国人引以自豪的重要文化遗产。但是 ,除了文学成就以外 ,屈原在他的一生辉煌又屈辱的短暂生涯中 ,还对中国政治、外交政策等作出过成绩。屈原生活在封建时代 ,他用巨大的勇气和无我的精神 ,厉行法治 ,进行改革 ;批评君王的失政 ,揭露腐朽贵族势力 ;分析形势 ,制定正确的外交政策 ,一切为国家的前途着想 ,将自己的荣辱置之度外。两千多年前的屈原在他的伟大作品里透露出深邃的智慧和闪烁着耀眼的光芒 ,即使我们今天读来 ,也倍感亲切 ,仍然能给我们很大的启示  相似文献   

A Humorous Story     
An artist has a small daughter.Sometimes he painted women without any clothes on, and he and his wife always tried to keep the small girl out when he was doing this. "She is too young to understand , " they said.But one day, when the artist was painting a woman with no clothes on,  相似文献   

在文学发展史上,传承因袭是促进文学发展的重要动力。屈原特殊的人生经历和独具魅力的作品,赢得了有汉一代作家的纷纷追慕,形成“屈原情结”。“屈原情结”的形成和发展不仅推动了两汉文学的发展,对后世的诗歌、散文、小说、戏曲等各种文学体裁也产生了非常大的影响。  相似文献   

A Sad Story     
Three friends, Tom, David and John came to New York on holiday. They stayed in a very large hotel.  相似文献   

路易莎·梅·奥尔科特的《小妇人》的主题———音乐与人物对世俗的遵循程度有着极其有趣的联系。马奇家的女孩们越是对音乐有才能的就越传统地、尽善尽美地去完成女人们一直被当时社会所规定的责任。文章简单剖析了《小妇人》中四个女孩的形象与音乐的关系。  相似文献   

屈原“离骚”本义应该是“出离愤怒”,而不是其它。“出离愤怒”的根本原因是“哀民生之多艰”和自己拥有“明于治乱”之才而不得施展。透视屈原之死及其历史评价,我们可以发现传统生命观价值取向存在的偏失。作为特定时期的历史人物,屈原应该定位于“伟大的诗人”,不应该定位于“伟大的爱国诗人”。  相似文献   

屈原是我国文学史上第一个伟大诗人,他用自己的生命熔铸的不朽诗篇,昭示了光明的理想。为了丰富屈原的伟大形象,这里用翔实的史料,明证屈原遭谗被疏的复杂性,希望当今史学家能根据历史的轨辙,增删《屈原列传》,以求证历史的本源。  相似文献   

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