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儿童有其自己的文化,这种文化显然是有别于成人的。语言作为文化的表征符号是区别不同群体的重要的介质,儿童文化与成人文化的不同首先反映在语言的表达上,当二者发生对话时,可以看到这种差异的突显。儿童的教育应该从认识这种不同开始。  相似文献   

儿童文化与成人文化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
一、儿童文化与成人文化的比较   儿童文化是儿童自己的文化,是一种以儿童自己的思想和行为来决定其价值和标准的文化,它基本上是一种口语文化。成人文化则是建立在成年人规定的价值、理念和标准之上的,是一种文字性的、抽象的文化。口语文化是通过声音和具体形象来表达的,声音具有直接地生理地刺入身体和感觉的功能,因此口语文化的感觉方式迥异于书面文化,它把世界作为一个有机整体,并动用所有的感官来知觉,属于一种视觉、听觉和动觉思维的方式。而成人文化则属于一种书面文化。书面文化以抽象性的词语符号来代替事物,走一条…  相似文献   

论儿童文化--兼论儿童文化与成人文化的互补互哺关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
儿童文化是诗性的、游戏的、童话的(或神话的)、梦想的、艺术的,是好奇的、探索的,是从本能的无意识的逐步迈向意识的,是历史沉积的因而是复苏的,是“转变的生长的”。儿童文化现象最重要的特征是古而常青的特征:它有悠远历史但却是从头开始生长的,是复演的又是创新的,它是新与旧的和谐统一,它是历史与现实、文化与自然的和谐统一。儿重文化与成人文化可以在互补与互哺中相得益彰:一方面,儿童的成长是依赖于成人的;另一方面,儿童清纯朴素的天性又对成人的心灵和文化具有反哺的功能。成人文化和儿童文化可以而且应当在互补与互哺中共同成长相互拯救,只有如此人类才能拥有更为美好更为文明的未来。  相似文献   

叶燕婕 《考试周刊》2011,(46):189-191
高等教育与文化关系的研究对于高等教育研究的发展具有重要意义。从20世纪80年代以来,高等教育与文化关系的研究开始开展。本文根据不同时期呈现的特点,将其分为起步时期、初步发展时期和多元化发展时期,通过对各个时期的研究概况作系统的梳理和分析,总结出研究的成果和存在的不足,以对进一步研究尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

钱雨 《早期教育》2006,(7):45-45
儿童化“是儿童表现其天性的兴趣、需要、话语、活动、价值观念以及儿童群体共有的精神生活和物质生活的总和。”它联结着历史、现实和未来。在化的视阈中,儿童的化与成人的化是共生的。  相似文献   

游戏作为儿童生活和儿童文化的一个自然的组成部分,是儿童生活的一种主要状态,对儿童文化具有一定的促进作用。探讨儿童游戏与儿童文化的关系及其对教育工作的启示,对于促进儿童素质、推进儿童文化的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

儿童文化与成人文化具有异同性,它是整体感知反应的、诗性逻辑的、具有游戏精神的文化。成人文化是儿童文化的演进方向。儿童在社会化的过程中,在得到进步成长的同时又失去了纯真天性,在获得“哺育”的同时又受到了“污染”。成人文化经常对儿童文化进行引导和侵袭,尤其成人文化在教育、语言文字、媒体、制度、商业方面的侵袭,使儿童失去了真正的童年。只有让儿童自由的说、自由的行、自由的思,儿童才能更好的成长,人类才能拥有更为文明的未来。  相似文献   

刘智成  边霞 《幼儿教育》2012,(33):47-51
20世纪90年代以来,儿童文化研究成为国内学者关注的热点问题之一。通过文献梳理发现,国内学者对儿童文化的研究主要是围绕儿童文化的概念、特征、功能、生成以及儿童文化与成人文化的关系等五个方面展开的。相关的研究深化了人们对儿童文化的认识,但仍存在一些不足,主要表现为对儿童文化本质的认识有待深化;对儿童文化功能的认识有待全面;对儿童文化的研究要更关注儿童的年龄阶段特征;研究方法有待进一步丰富和完善。  相似文献   

儿童文化是儿童自己的文化,是一种以儿童自己的思想和行为来决定其价值和标准的文化。然而儿童文化安全面临着来自成人文化的威胁,包括成人文化对儿童文化的污染和压制。我们需要破解儿童文化安全的危机,为儿童文化生存创造自由的空间,提倡儿童文化与成人文化的共生共存。  相似文献   

主体间性是对主体性的超越。其主要内容就是将主客关系转变为主体与主体之问的关系。从主体间性的视角来审视成人文化与儿童文化的关系我们可以得出:成人文化与儿童文化是“和而不同”的,是互为条件的共在;成人文化与儿童文化之间必须进行对话交流,必须承认普遍共有的规范,默认共同的规则,两种文化才能达到“美美与共”的境界。  相似文献   

儿童文学是成人写给孩童的文学,从一开始就具有了悖论关系的特质,文学文本中各种元素的关系也因此建立.这种对立的关系在文本中表现为成人价值观和孩子价值观的强烈冲突和冲突过后的平衡,平衡透过各种方式互相冲突又相互关联,并因此创造了文本的架构,儿童文学的主题也因此围绕着这种对立平衡而展开.  相似文献   

This study tested whether the strength of the mediational pathway involving interparental conflict, adolescent emotional insecurity, and their psychological problems depended on the quality of their sibling relationships. Using a multimethod approach, 236 adolescents (Mage = 12.6 years) and their parents participated in three annual measurement occasions. Tests of moderated mediation revealed that indirect paths among interparental conflict, insecurity, and psychological problems were significant for teens with low, but not high, quality bonds with siblings. High-quality (i.e., strong) sibling relationships conferred protection by neutralizing interparental conflict as a precursor of increases in adolescent insecurity. Results did not vary as a function of the valence of sibling relationship properties, adolescent sex, or gender and age compositions of the dyad.  相似文献   

儿童同伴冲突解决策略与其心理理论发展的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过问卷调查与故事情景测查,对114名47.85~71.09个月的儿童在同伴冲突场景中使用的解决策略及其心理理论水平进行了研究.通过分析和对比,本研究发现使用协商、猜拳等策略的儿童心理理论水平较高,而使用控制和求助第三者策略的儿童心理理论水平较低.儿童对谦让策略的使用与其心理理论水平不相一致;无论是从同伴冲突解决策略家长问卷还是从对儿童的实际冲突解决策略测查来看,在解决冲突时,家长和儿童都倾向于选择"谦让""协商"策略;在儿童同伴冲突解决策略研究中,使用家长问卷调查的方法和通过故事场景对儿童进行实际测查的方法会得到不同的结果.  相似文献   

This article investigates the possible role of children's literature in the education of adult learners of English. This three-year study on adult learners of English from the People's Republic of China shows that children's literature can be effective in teaching linguistic skills such as pronunciation practice and improving language acquisition. Using and reading children's literature is an initial step to developing literary competence, critical thinking, increasing knowledge, and multicultural understanding as well as exposing learners from developing countries to effective innovative educational methodology. Despite the limitations of children's literature—identification with child protagonists—it paves the way to developing literacy in adult literature.  相似文献   

It was proposed that previously observed grade-related changes in children's social comparison behavior could be explained by the changing goals and meanings children assign to this behavior. Specifically, it was suggested that, as children progress through the school system, they become increasingly aware of the negative and positive aspects of social comparison and adjust their behavior in response to this awareness, as well as to increasingly salient self-evaluation goals. To examine these propositions, 106 elementary school children were observed in their classrooms and interviewed once a year for 3 years. Consistent with previous research, overt forms of social comparison were most frequent among younger children, whereas subtle forms of social comparison were most frequent among older children. Furthermore, with increasing grade children were likely to view overt forms of social comparison negatively and subtle forms as useful in meeting self-evaluation goals. Additional analyses revealed little association between perceptions of social comparison and actual social comparison behavior, except that perceiving subtle social comparison as useful for self-evaluative goals predicted engagement in such behavior 2 years later.  相似文献   

教学文化冲突是难以规避的常态现象,其核心是师生文化的冲突。师生文化冲突的背景复杂,可概括为主流文化与多元文化的对立,这种对立主要表现在师生的价值取向与行为准则两方面。文化冲突的存在并不必然导致消极的后果,因势利导完全可以实现教师与学生的文化融合,而要实现这一目标,关键在于教师文化的优化。  相似文献   

Child temperament was examined as a moderator of the link between family conflict and child behavior problems. Temperament assessed in early childhood was used to predict the relation between family conflict and externalizing behavior problems measured during the early elementary school years. For children with difficult temperament, a strong association between subsequent family conflict and behavioral adjustment was predicted; for children with easy or intermediate temperaments, low to moderate associations were predicted. These hypotheses were tested across 3 temperament groups (easy, intermediate, and difficult). Data were collected from 108 children and families participating in the Fullerton Longitudinal Study at ages 3 through 10 years. Consistent with the hypotheses, the data provided support for the moderating role of temperament in predicting the association between family conflict and child externalizing behavior problems. These findings suggest that temperamental difficultness operates as a vulnerability factor with respect to the development of children's behavior problems in families with high conflict.  相似文献   

Mixed Message Resolution and Children's Responses to Interadult Conflict   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In everyday life marital conflict resolutions may contain consistent or mixed messages (e.g., an angry apology). How do children weight content and emotion information in responding? 5–7- and 9–12-year-olds viewed videotaped interadult conflicts in which the content and emotion of endings were either consistent or discrepant. Both the younger and older children responded to content and emotion cues in their perceptions of adults' anger and conflict resolution, with positive emotion and nonconflictual endings each improving appraisals. These findings have implications for children's emotional security in reaction to marital conflict. Younger children focused on ( a ) the content of endings when estimating their own emotional distress and ( b ) adults' emotionality when suggesting interventions. Older children reacted emotionally to both content and emotion cues. They proposed task-oriented help for partially resolved conflicts and suggested mediation when conflicts were unresolved.  相似文献   

This study examined social influences on 3‐year‐old children's decisions to help an experimenter gain another person's attention (N = 32). Children were slower to help the experimenter when the target had previously expressed disinterest in attending to her. Shy children were less likely to support the experimenter's attempts to communicate with the target; however, this association was not influenced by children's knowledge of the target's disinterest, and there was no relation between shyness and children's support for a separate physical goal. Therefore, young children's decisions to act helpfully incorporate consideration for others beyond a focal person with an unmet need, and they are further constrained by children's own comfort with the actions required to help.  相似文献   

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