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随着"后工业时代"的到来,如何处理工业文明给人类留下的遗产成为摆在我们面前的课题.由于工业遗产所昭示的特殊意义以及它占据了相当大的历史空间,对工业遗产选择性地保留并加以重新利用,既可以留住它的历史意义,又能赋予它新的内涵.文章从空间生产的角度对工业遗产的价值进行探讨,以期能为工业遗产的保护和利用提供新的研究视角.  相似文献   

左力  时钰琳 《中国名城》2023,(12):41-49
城市更新背景下历史街区作为城市重要的建成物质遗产,面临保护与发展的双重需求。纽约市的历史街区经过几十年的保护更新实践,建立了完善的建成遗产保护政策机制,通过一系列开发权转移政策机制,平衡了遗产保护与更新发展的矛盾,释放了历史街区更新过程中城市空间发展的合理诉求,成为纽约历史街区可持续更新发展的重要动力支撑。以纽约高线公园及周边历史街区保护更新项目为例,详细梳理了保护更新的各个阶段相关规划和建设项目,分析促进高线公园成功更新的区域“哺育”措施,重点考察在区域范围内开展的历史街区保护更新、区划调整、建设控制及其他激励政策,从而了解保护更新背后发挥主导作用的开发权转移机制的介入方式与流程。  相似文献   

作为五级体系中的最后一级,乡镇级国土空间规划是承接上位并整合乡镇总规和土规的基础层级国土空间规划,目前国家层面尚未发布乡镇级国土空间规划编制指南(导则)文件,国内多个省市已结合实际发布了指南(导则),云南省乡镇级国土空间规划目前尚处于编制起步阶段。从国土空间规划层面入手,选取位于云南省异龙湖流域的石屏县坝心镇作为案例地,在剖析山水林田湖等自然生态要素与人口产业设施等社会经济要素特征的基础上,以问题为导向,将湖泊保护视角下国土空间存在的问题总结为生态环境受损、发展空间受限和支撑体系缺失三方面,在此基础上提出高原滨湖镇的国土空间规划应对策略。  相似文献   

随着保护规划编制的全面落实,部分历史城镇在现有保护规划的框架下融入遗产的活化利用方式,谋求空间的再发展。但受区域发展条件的影响,固定的保护规划内容无法有效解决西南历史城镇面临着的实施对象复杂、改造方案不明、管控方式单一等问题。研究借鉴现有理论成果反思范式保护的局限性,提出从划定示范空间展示、精准活化遗产功能、构建双向控制体系这3个方面构建面向实施的保护发展路径,以宁厂古镇为例探索遗产保护发展有效落实的系统方法,并构建一套多导则管理的规划成果模式以提升规划的可理解度和可操作性。  相似文献   

探析非物质文化遗产空间分布格局及规划响应路径是提升非遗保护、管理与开发水平的关键基础和重要前提。以绵阳市为样本,运用GIS工具探究其非遗空间格局特征,进而立足规划视角提出具体发展策略。结果表明,研究区域非遗类型结构完善、数量不均衡,整体格局为“四核一带”的“C”形空间分布结构,不同类型非遗的空间分布具有明显区域性特征。基于此,试图在空间规划体系重构背景下将绵阳市非遗资源保护发展框架与国土空间规划体系有机衔接,通过顶层设计与横向传导互促共进的方式完善绵阳市非遗保护发展规划体系。具体可通过构建连线成片空间结构、合理配置设施用地、显化高密度区功能价值,优化其非遗发展总体格局。  相似文献   

国土空间规划是国家治理的重要抓手,也是对国家新时代发展战略的落实.对国土空间规划的理解不能切断其历史演化的过程,要从规划历史发展的角度来理解国土空间规划的产生和未来.改革开放以来,空间规划的发展历程可划分为"多规并行""多规合一"和"国土空间规划"3个阶段,不同时期规划类型的产生适应了当时特定的发展情境,对特定的发展阶...  相似文献   

党的十八大以来,乡村建设问题已经逐步上升到国家战略层面,特别是在机构改革已经完成,国土空间规划已经起步,乡村振兴全面推进的大背景下,以往仅重点针对乡村建设空间的单一规划编制路径已无法全面、科学地管控县域乡村发展。在梳理县域乡村建设规划编制的政策发展历程及研究现状基础上,以问题导向-目标导向-结果导向为研究脉络,对空间辨识、空间战略、空间格局3方面内容进行分析。发现县域村镇空间布局存在域面乡村体系规划缺位、缺乏整体系统考量、弱化生态和生产空间控制的问题,确定全域统筹、多规融合、分区分级、分类管控以及底线控制5条基本战略,以实现生产、生活、生态空间的协同发展。同时,结合山西省平陆县县域乡村建设规划实践,尝试通过村镇体系重构、空间管制分区划定、绿色产业体系建构、乡村风貌建设、整治导则编制等策略,探索县域层面乡村"三生"空间协同发展路径。  相似文献   

为了有效保障名城旅游非物质文化遗产保护与开发的双向共赢,应强化整合型保护和创意化开发,并在其间建立协同耦合机制。整合型保护,包含区域联动整合保护、城乡统筹整合保护、动态评估整合保护三个方面。创意化开发的耦合机制则需要区域旅游一体化、遗产旅游品牌化、遗产开发产业化等基本模式。黄山市歙县作为皖南徽州文化的发源地,其名城旅游发展提升的非物质文化遗产整合型保护与创意化开发,必须全面契合徽州文化生态保护实验区和皖南国际旅游文化示范区的大尺度区域建设规划。  相似文献   

借鉴场景理论,保护、展示和利用构成了工业遗产保护的核心议题和目标场景。首先,应基于工业文明的价值判定保护各类遗存,构建面向学者的保护场景;其次,应在保护基础上充分展示并系统阐述遗产价值,形成面向公众的展示场景;第三,应结合城市发展背景整体构思工业遗产的特色职能,形成面向消费者的利用场景。三者既各成体系、又相互支撑并相互协调。最后以九江动力机厂保护规划为实证案例,提出上述目标的具体规划策略。  相似文献   

当代遗产保护与发展理念正在经历从遗产本体到遗产所在地周边环境保护、从静态的保护到动态的监测管理、从遗产本体保护到其与人/社会的良性互动关系的保护发展的演变过程,为融合多源数据的分析带来了需求.数字化与大数据技术为遗产保护与发展带来新的可能性,同时也对遗产数字化保护及发展理论认知与实践引导提出了新的挑战与诉求.针对当前遗...  相似文献   

There is a permanent expansion of the number of sites or properties listed as historic monuments in France. This expansion and the lack of productivity gains in the sector of restoration lead, within a stable economy, to an ever greater proportion of the national income being earmarked for upkeep and restoration. Hence the number of monuments to be subsidized grows. The policy does not include any mechanism of regulation. Ironically, laws governing this area have the effect of precipitating cost increases. Three possible alternatives are considered: appeals for sponsorship, merchandising, delisting.  相似文献   

城市文化空间作为承载城市精神和文化传统的重要载体,是异质性最强的空间类型之一,其代表了城市的形象和特质,对于城市文化发展和空间营造都具有重要作用.通过对城市文化空间的内涵演化、动力识别、实用转向、虚拟拓展等的研究,概述近30年来我国城市文化空间研究的历程,总结城市文化空间具有物质、精神和行为的统一性、时空二重性、多级空...  相似文献   

The Other Side of the Subsidized Muse: Indirect Aid Revisited   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Indirect aid to the arts is an area of state support in which there has been considerable recent innovation and experimentation. This paper focuses on examples of tax-based indirect aid schemes drawn from a wide variety of national contexts and tax regimes. These examples are considered in the light of six propositions about the applicability and desirability of tax-based indirect aid mechanisms. Finally, these observations are set in the context of the broader discussion concerning the primary and ancillary functions of tax law. The paper concludes with a plea for a more coordinated approach to the study of tax-based incentives to facilitate further comparative research and suggests which research questions might be of most interest.  相似文献   

Art and technology: A comparative study of policy legitimation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The legitimation of technology policy is discussed from the point of view of the neoclassical and of the dynamic, Schumpeterian, approach. The results are presented, using the traditional categories of policy legitimation in welfare theory: public goods, externalities, and merit goods. Art policy legitimation is discussed within the same conceptual framework. The application of the dynamic approach to art policy leads to conclusions similar to the general conclusions about technology policy. A review of the postwar development of (Dutch) art policy supports the impression that art policy may be on its way to become a subspecies of technology policy.  相似文献   

城市文化是由人类通过长期的聚集性活动创造出来的,包含物质层面和精神层面两方面的形态总和,深刻影响城市人群生产生活状态和城市物质空间生产方式.城市文化空间体系的构建是实现国家文化安全的重要支撑,许多城市片面地将城市文化理解为非物质层面的成果,忽略了城市文化空间这一文化物质载体的深刻作用.绿地空间是城市文化空间重要组成部分...  相似文献   

This paper examines the contribution economic analysis can make to the study of museums as productive organisations, and considers some related policy issues. The paper also suggests areas where research by economists might prove most fruitful.  相似文献   

随着消费社会的深化发展,现代消费已成为影响城市空间形态演化的重要因素。以此为出发点,以消费文化的视角来考察城市空间,揭示20世纪80年代以来澳门半岛滨水空间形态的演化特征。研究表明:消费时代,城市主要根据经济诉求组织空间的生产,借助资本的熔铸,澳门半岛滨水空间建设呈现出博彩旅游化、高层豪宅化和空间巨构化等特征,并最终实现空间形态的重塑。在此基础上进行批判性反思,如城市消费空间与传统城市意象的协调发展、城市空间的阶级化和滨水空间的公共性等问题。  相似文献   

Jasanoff  Sheila  Kim  Sang-Hyun 《Minerva》2009,47(2):119-146
STS research has devoted relatively little attention to the promotion and reception of science and technology by non-scientific actors and institutions. One consequence is that the relationship of science and technology to political power has tended to remain undertheorized. This article aims to fill that gap by introducing the concept of “sociotechnical imaginaries.” Through a comparative examination of the development and regulation of nuclear power in the US and South Korea, the article demonstrates the analytic potential of the imaginaries concept. Although nuclear power and nationhood have long been imagined together in both countries, the nature of those imaginations has remained strikingly different. In the US, the state’s central move was to present itself as a responsible regulator of a potentially runaway technology that demands effective “containment.” In South Korea, the dominant imaginary was of “atoms for development” which the state not only imported but incorporated into its scientific, technological and political practices. In turn, these disparate imaginaries have underwritten very different responses to a variety of nuclear shocks and challenges, such as Three Mile Island (TMI), Chernobyl, and the spread of the anti-nuclear movement.
Sang-Hyun KimEmail:

Sheila Jasanoff   is Pforzheimer Professor of Science and Technology Studies at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. Her research centers on the interactions of law, science, and politics in democratic societies. She is particularly concerned with the construction of public reason in various cultural contexts, and with the role of science and technology in globalization. Her most recent book is Designs on Nature: Science and Democracy in Europe and the United States. Sang-Hyun Kim   is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He received Ph.D.’s in chemistry from Oxford and in history and sociology of science from Edinburgh. His research interests include the cultural politics of science and technology in twentieth-century Korea, the politics of expertise, the governance of science and technology, and the history and politics of environmental sciences.  相似文献   

Why has cultural economics ignored copyright?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
My stance is that copyright policy should be viewed as part of cultural policy; cultural economists have had a great deal to say about subsidy and cultural policy but very little about copyright, though cultural economics is well placed to analyse copyright as an incentive to creativity in the creative industries because of its understanding of cultural policy and of artists’ labour markets. The article contrasts subsidy and copyright as policy tools and briefly discusses two current policy problems in relation to copyright—regulating copyright collection societies and the so-called ‘copyright levy’—arguing that these are the sort of issues cultural economists could (and should) be dealing with.
Ruth TowseEmail:

Our paper analyzes the conduct of German public performing arts institutions in terms of non-market decision making or public choice. Apart from consumers of performing arts managers of performing arts institutions and public donors are main agents. A manager of a performing arts institution will not assume that the number of visitors is independent of his institution's programme or the ticket prices. By the same reasoning he will regard the amount of public subsidies not as exogenous, but dependent on his own policy. If future grants depend on present and past success (however defined), this will feed back into managerial decisions, along with expectations about demand. Data for the Federal Republic of Germany serve to empirically support the theoretical argument.  相似文献   

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