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文旅融合背景下,作为实现乡村文化振兴的中坚力量,基层图书馆是挖掘乡村文化资源、开展乡村文化活动的重要平台,实现乡村全面振兴的一个有效“抓手”。在乡村振兴战略下基层图书馆做了大量工作,但在经费保障和文献资源建设、管理规范及乡村人群阅读意识问题等方面还存在一定的不足。该文在对国内相关研究进行综合分析的基础上,对我国基层图书馆服务乡村振兴的现状进行系统梳理,从发挥政府主导作用,建立健全资源保证体系;保护传承好乡土文化;推进基层图书馆信息化建设;做好人才体系建设;提高基层图书馆社会影响5个方面对基层图书馆服务乡村振兴工作提出改进策略。  相似文献   

林祯祥 《文化学刊》2022,(6):137-140
作为推动乡村振兴战略落地的重要推动力,乡村文化振兴问题一直以来备受社会各界关注。各地方政府纷纷尝试建设乡村文化站,为推动乡村文化振兴发展提供重要载体,借助这种方式满足乡村居民精神文化需求。但是在实际工作中,由于受到各种外界因素的影响,很多乡村综合文化站建设过程中暴露出各种各样的问题,例如文化站公共基础设施年久失修、文化站工作人员综合素质不高、优秀的乡土文化元素得不到有效利用等,这些问题的长期存在,对于乡村文化站的建设发展造成了较大的阻碍,需要深刻把握乡村文化站服务内容以及职能定位,以“以民为本”“共享共治”“实事求是”为基本原则,多维度多层次构建乡村综合文化站。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城市化进程加快和各种旅游开发的兴起,乡土景观正面临危机:乡土生态退化、乡土风貌遗失、乡土文化也出现断层.保护乡土景观的完整性和特色性,挖掘乡土景观的价值,成为保护传统景观风貌、弘扬民俗文化、维护生态环境和景观发展创新的重要任务.  相似文献   

优秀传统文化是我们的教育资源宝库。我们要积极发挥优秀传统文化的能量,有效推进人才培养工作,同时借力优秀传统文化、乡土文化,优化传统文化下乡途径、方式、举措,服务国家乡村振兴战略。探索优秀传统文化入教材进课堂,实施乡村振兴人才工程,探索创新人才培养模式,提升教育教学信息能力,“三教”改革开发活性教材,联村挖掘地域民俗文化,开展文体下乡志愿服务,大力培育职教名师专家,加强涉农实训基地建设,扎实推进校村帮扶合作。  相似文献   

乡村文化是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,是新时代推动乡村发展的精神力量之一。党的十九大以来,在乡村振兴战略背景下,乡村文化建设在实现自身进步的同时,也为乡村全面振兴注入了新动力、提供了新方案,位于顺德区勒流街道的黄连社区通过推动文化建设纵深发展,带动乡村各项事业稳步提升,走出了一条中国特色乡村全面振兴之路。该文对黄连社区文化建设进行案例分析,梳理其对本村文化资源挖掘、活化及转化的先进经验,分析乡村的文化建设与产业发展、人才队伍建设、精神文明建设和环境升级改造的关系总结乡村文化建设对实施乡村振兴战略的正向作用和路径选择,为顺德区内其他文化底蕴深厚的农村地区的发展提供有益借鉴,推动农村现代化转型。  相似文献   

李晓颖  孙聪 《中国名城》2022,(12):62-67
国内乡村景观建设如火如荼,然而早期建成的旅游型乡村面临着多方考验,景观的衰败以及微薄的营收难以维持乡村旅游的发展。以旅游型乡村外部空间为研究对象,聚焦景观规划中易被忽视的乡村外部空间,从理论研究、实地调研等方面出发,运用旅游管理、风景园林规划等学科的研究理论,总结目前乡村外部空间的主要问题与发展瓶颈,探讨文旅模式介入对旅游型乡村外部空间的价值及影响,进而提出多种景观优化举措。结果表明,在文旅融合模式下,文旅部门、文旅举措、文旅思想、文旅品牌和文旅规划五方面对旅游型乡村外部空间的更新活化具有长远的指导意义,通过文化植入乡村建成空间、旅游外显乡村自然空间的方式,助力乡村文化旅游产业发展和景观更新建设。  相似文献   

所谓乡村景观,是指构建在自然景观之上,以农田景观为主,辅以优美的生态风光、厚重的乡土气息、朴实的乡风民俗,形成人文与自然深度融合的、极具开发价值的景观体。城市化进程的发展促使农村面貌发生了巨大改变,同时,也对乡村景观带来了重大影响。基于此,如何保护乡村景观的全貌与特征是乡村景观规划中不得不思考的问题。本文从文化地理视角出发,对乡村景观规划进行了深入研究,旨在摆脱传统乡村规划模式,避免乡土文化的流失。  相似文献   

文化振兴是乡村振兴的铸魂工程。振兴乡村文化,首先要留住乡风民俗、传统技艺、家规家训等乡村记忆。该文基于对带有地域特色、文化特色的沂蒙乡村的实地寻访摄录,通过深入了解当前沂蒙地区乡村文化的发展状况,利用新媒体的传播平台、数字化的载体,记录乡村生活,呈现乡村风貌,见证乡村变迁,传递乡土文化,从而探索总结沂蒙乡村文化传承与创新的路径。  相似文献   

李蓓蓓 《文化学刊》2022,(7):166-169
乡村振兴是国家战略,而实现这一国家战略,青年人才是关键。如何将思想政治教育与戏剧专业教学以及乡土文化进行有机且创新地融合,激励有文化、懂技术、善经营、会管理的青年人下乡创业,是当前高校教育的重大课题。本文通过一次乡土原创戏剧的创排,分析青年人思想政治教育与戏剧以及乡土文化融合的可行性,探讨如何用青年人熟悉的、具有家乡特色的方式对其进行思想政治教育,从而调动青年人心甘情愿投身乡村振兴战略中。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨乡村旅游资源及其文化符号的关系,从文化旅游资源挖掘与保育的角度,研究乡村发展与乡村旅游。首先阐述了乡村文化旅游的意义,然后转向乡村文化旅游的内容,随后提出乡村文旅资源的保育方案。文旅融合是乡村发展的新趋势,旅游资源集文化、历史、艺术和建筑于一体,在怀旧与现代的碰撞与融合中,旅游不仅具有传承社会文化的功能,而且具有特殊的商业价值。  相似文献   

随着旅游业的快速发展,促使道路的功能更加丰富,除了基本交通功能外,更要与文化、旅游、景观、保护等功能有机结合,风景道的多重功能正满足社会发展对道路建设的新要求,传统道路如何向风景道转化成了一个难题。基于景观绿地的角度,分析道路绿地的景观特性以及当下道路绿地规划的问题,种植模式中引入"延续"的理念,从研究范围、空间结构、文化表征和构景单元四个角度探讨了风景道绿地营造的规划策略,形成了一种从"连续"转向"延续"的地域景观长廊。最后,以江苏金坛长荡湖西路的植物设计来说明"延续"理念的应用过程。  相似文献   

Roads built by civil or military engineers from the 18th century onwards form an essential part of our heritage, but currently considered on a very infrequent basis. They represent one of the main turning points in the development of the transport system and serve to gain a better understanding of the historic construction of many landscapes and their current arrangement and operation. Their consideration as heritage has to be made on a territorial scale. This approach regards landscape as a cultural artifact, which is undergoing constant design, construction and transformation, where the road is considered as an axis that shapes the landscape and that contains individual elements such as associated structures or buildings. One of the most important characteristics of historic roads undoubtedly lies in the fact that they are a heritage that is still in use. Many of the roads built for carriages or the first automobiles have, in fact, served to trace the current network of roads and motorways. For this reason, many historic routes have undergone considerable modification and a large percentage of their heritage has disappeared. Likewise, their original or more intact sections, that is to say those that were replaced during their gradual adaptation to the automobile in the 20th century, are not always easy to identify. The distinction and undoubted documental value of historic roads, together with the neglect and vulnerability of these assets, makes it essential to define specific strategies with some degree of urgency in order to appraise this heritage. In this respect, the purpose of this article is to establish a methodology with which to identify sections of historic roads that were replaced by new alignments. The decision to focus the work on these sections is based on the fact that the infrastructure of these and particularly the older sections, have undergone a smaller degree of change and subsequently retain their original routing and geometry and a far higher number and variety of heritage elements more intact. This has made it possible to ascertain the diversity of elements composing the heritage of historic roads and enables the classification of the same. The identification methodology has been applied to a significant proportion of the Spanish main road network on selecting some 15 sections of historic roads of very different characteristics. Files have been prepared for each of these sections on the basis of cartographic analysis and detailed field work, these files including data related to location, characteristics and inventory of historic elements forming the road's heritage and will subsequently include references to road layout (both longitudinal and cross-sectional), structures (essentially drainage works), auxiliary elements (signalling) and associated buildings (inns, roadworkers’ houses…). Finally, and on the basis of the experience gained during the research, an initial proposal is laid out for the heritage assessment of these assets, considering aspects such as historic, technological and documental singularity which will depend on the degree of transformation and definition of the section in question.  相似文献   

Since 2005, Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) is the standard by which United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) evaluates world cultural heritage site suitability. The sites worthy of UNESCO preservation as well as the parameters used to demonstrate OUV are diverse. Our study focused on the uniquely distinguished rural landscape sites and the OUV parameter of integrity. Integrity however, is an elusive concept for which UNESCO provides no definitional protocol, and for which the scientific community objects to a static or pure historical interpretation. Given this, our work aims to analyse the concept of integrity and how it can be used to preserve the heritage of rural landscapes. After reviewing the UNESCO approach, we focused on the international scientific debate on the meaning and application of integrity. We designed and conducted a comparative study of UNESCO rural landscapes selected from the 2011 World Heritage List. Documents describing the historical, rural, and agro-ecological features of each of the fourteen rural sites were analysed. From this, several historical and ecological parameters were chosen as “values to have” and several socio-economic and management parameters were chosen as “values to maintain” to assess the integrity of each landscape. Our results found integrity to be a value of both cultural and natural landscapes and that it is key to site identity. We demonstrated that UNESCO assigns a high value to the following parameters: historical features, traditional crops and local products, land-use and agricultural practice permanence, and the presence of architecture related to agricultural activity. Finally, we found the relationship between culture and nature to characterize best the integrity of a rural landscape, rather than nature or culture alone.  相似文献   

景观地图与社区地图作为生态博物馆的实践工具,能够帮助人们阅读本地景观、展示地方价值、识别发展问题,同时增强社区凝聚力,促进乡村遗产价值传播。地图工具伴随生态博物馆实践在欧洲得到了广泛应用。对意大利实践中的地图工具进行理论研究与案例解读,总结经验要点,并结合国内实践相关问题,提出促进国内生态博物馆建设以及乡村遗产保护和乡村振兴的启示:地图工具能够有效增强居民对本地景观价值的意识;生态博物馆的实践不能忽略乡村社会经济发展议题;生态博物馆实践中应有更多文化景观视角研究的介入。  相似文献   

文化旅游型特色小镇饱含丰富的乡土景观资源与深厚的历史文化内涵,对特色小镇乡土景观的保护有助于与之关联的自然生态保育、文化遗产保护以及社会、经济发展等多维价值的实现。在对乡土景观价值构成内容进行分析的基础上,选取文化旅游型特色小镇--沙溪古镇为研究对象,着重对沙溪古镇乡土景观价值及其对古镇旅游发展和特色小镇建设的重要意义展开分析,并对其保护策略进行了探讨。认为古镇乡土景观包含了自然生态、民居聚落等物质实体以及日常生活图景、民俗活动氛围等人文环境,并具有传统人居智慧体现、文化传承、社群关系塑造、生态保护以及产业发展等多元价值,同时认为对乡土景观的保护应从整体观的视角出发,实现其多元价值的呈现。  相似文献   

李佳 《中国名城》2020,(3):69-73
分析介绍生态敏感性评价技术在山岳型风景名胜区分区规划当中遇到的问题。从风景美学角度与风景区利用角度,将基于纯自然要素的生态敏感性分析结果与景源价值、土地利用、居民社会、道路交通分布等非自然要素相叠加,重新构建评价模型体系。并通过其在河南林虑山风景区规划的实际应用,对保育分区进行二次校核,同时将生态敏感性评估结果与地块建设控制进行对接,为游览设施规划、基础工程规划、居民社会调控规划等开发建设的实际决策提供更多依据。  相似文献   

近年来中国农村住宅的装配化比例快速增加,新型建筑材料和建设模式对传统乡村景观形成了较大影响.以东北地区为例,对乡村建筑风貌的历史发展进行梳理,基于对现状情况的深入调研,总结影响当今乡村建筑风貌的关键性问题,并结合建筑数字化技术,从规划与管理的角度提出乡村建筑风貌解决策略.认为东北地区近年乡村住宅建设技术正在发生系统性变...  相似文献   

The paper presents a set of synthetic architectural parameters dealing with the morphological aspects of rural buildings. The definition of these parameters represents a fundamental step of the FarmBuiLD research model (farm building landscape design), proposed by the authors as a tool for the analysis of the architectural characteristics of both historical and contemporary rural buildings, as well as the meta-design of new construction and transformation of contemporary rural buildings. The FarmBuiLD's module of physiognomical characterization of rural buildings allows to define the analytical-design parameters through the following phases: a critical analysis of the international scientific literature, a preliminary identification of the essential physiognomical characteristics of rural buildings, and an in-depth study of validation and calibration focusing on specific study cases. This work presents the preliminary definition of the parameters and a discussion about their experimental application through illustrative examples. Given their numeric value and strictly instrumental, thematic and complementary nature, the proposed parameters do not have any geometric, formal or stylistic characterization, and thus can be considered as capable of leaving an appropriate level of freedom within the design of solutions aimed at meeting both contemporary and future functional and aesthetic needs.  相似文献   

响应山地空间特征的公园城市建设策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态环境容量下降、绿色产品供给不足、风貌特色趋弱等问题,是我国现阶段满足城市居民美好生活需求的新困境。公园城市作为重要的人居环境建设理念与模型,是营造美好城市生活的创新途径。基于公园城市理论溯源与多元途径探索,对标建设目标与实践路径,针对山地空间特征制约下的地域城乡风景彰显不足、城市生态安全格局较低、山地社区活力品质趋弱等问题,提出城乡一体背景下的区域风景建构、山地水绿交融下的局地生态优化、立体组团式的市民休闲空间布局等建设策略,以期对不同地域探索公园城市建设提供理论与实践借鉴。  相似文献   

潘玥 《中国名城》2020,(4):34-44
在乡村振兴的目标下,建成遗产该如何保护和存续在许多国家均是难题。通过追溯英国处置乡村中的风土建筑这一建成遗产的重要组构部分的整体特点,对其价值认知、保护历程及规划体系的形成,进一步结合科兹沃尔德乡村保护案例的规划政策分析,从三个方面分析了英国风土建筑保护的策源力。即包括贵族乡绅在内的精英阶层对乡村自然景观营造和保护旨趣一直有其社会传统性;赞美自然和乡村生活的浪漫主义者进一步通过包含风土建筑在内的英国风景建构为英格兰的民族身份认知物;英国作为工业革命的产生地,较早开始对工业文明的进程带来的后果进行反思,保护乡村的建成遗产及其整体环境作为善性立法和公共利益优先的原则的体现,并较早地通过制度建立被纳入正当化、合法性的保护框架中。最后指出英国社会普遍达成的有关风土建筑及其文化地景整体性保护的共识与规划制度的配合是英国乡村大范围的建成遗产能够被成功保护的关键所在。  相似文献   

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