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本文主要介绍了Excel和SPSS两种软件在考试成绩分析时的应用,本着简单够用的原则,重点介绍了软件中最实用的功能。在介绍Excel的应用时,重点介绍了数据的简单描述和直方图分析;在介绍SPSS软件时,着重介绍了4个功能:统计图表、转化为标准分、正态分布概率图、配对样本的t检验。  相似文献   

单片机智能温度控制系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了一种基于单片机的智能温度控制系统,从硬件和软件两方面介绍了单片机温度控制系统的设计思路.着重介绍了硬件原理图和程序框图。  相似文献   

简单介绍了新乡市城区概况,对城区绿地系统现状进行了评价;详细介绍了新乡市城区绿地系统整体规划方案的指导思想、原则与内容,最后介绍了该规划的实施步骤.  相似文献   

介绍了数据挖掘在空间数据库中应用的一般方法,特别介绍了关联规则数据挖掘的方法应用于空间数据库。同时,介绍了基于这种算法的一般软件体系结构。  相似文献   

介绍了网络安全隐患,其中包括常见的网络安全隐患和网站自身经常出现的安全隐患。简要介绍了网络安全的防御问题,并详细介绍了网站自身的安全防御。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了企业网络存在的安全问题,并从技术角度介绍了企业网络存在的问题、解决的方法;简要介绍了利用VLAN技术隔离各相关部门的技术.  相似文献   

本文概述了电子商务的定义和一些基本形式,介绍了当前电子商务在欧美和国内的发展情况,简要介绍了电子商务平台,重点介绍了电子商务的应用系统结构和五种应用系统.  相似文献   

黄金金  邹少辉 《考试周刊》2011,(18):162-163
本文首先介绍了Moodle的发展现状,然后简单介绍了Moodle及其主要功能模块的定义,最后以网络学习技术课程为例详细介绍了Moodle网络课程的设计。  相似文献   

首先从芯片的硬件入手介绍了达芬奇系统的硬件结构,接着介绍了基于这种结构的启动方式,并给出了用NORFlash启动的过程,最后介绍了通过U-BOOT引导ARMLINUX系统。  相似文献   

在介绍OAS的概念及其发展的基础上,讨论了开发高校OAS的意义;详细介绍了系统开发平台、系统结构设计和功能模块设计,并具体介绍了高校OAS的信息安全问题。  相似文献   

This continuous research within Nordic engineering institutions targets the contexts and possibilities for leadership among engineering education program directors. The IFP-model, developed based on analysis of interviews with program leaders in these institutions, visualizes the program director’s informal and formal power. The model is presented as a tool for starting a shared discussion on the complexities of the leadership of engineering program development. The authors liken program development to hunting in teams. Each individual expert in the program is needed, and all experts will need to work and collaborate for the same target. This calls for strategic and long-term thinking of engineering education development. Institutions should support the development of both formal structures as well as informal leadership skills among their program directors, but never fall for the temptation to see the program director as the only actor on the stage.  相似文献   

由于对项目课程的内涵存在认识偏差,导致高职项目课程改革存在很多误区,如将项目等同于教学单元,将项目课程等同于技能训练或项目教学法等。消除误区的最好方法是用系统方法进行项目课程的设计,即依据职业领域构建项目课程体系;根据工作任务设计典型工作项目;依据工作逻辑序化项目课程结构,根据知识分析选择项目课程内容,依据职业特点设计学习情境及创设教学活动。  相似文献   

张淑梅 《教学研究(河北)》2006,29(3):218-219,225
本科人才培养方案是高等学校实现人才培养目标和质量规格要求的总体计划实施方案,为使培养目标适应社会发展的需求,人才培养方案要不断的强调拓宽专业基础学科的范围和基础教学的内涵,同时体现培养目标知识、能力、素质协调发展的原则。本文从构建新的人才培养方案的基本原则、特点及实施过程等几方面进行论述,进一步强调培养方案在提高学生创新精神、实践能力,融知识、能力、素质为一体的作用。  相似文献   

本科教育应用型人才培养方案的优化与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人才培养方案是高校实现人才培养目标和质量规格要求的总体计划实施方案,为使培养目标适应社会发展的需求,人才培养方案要不断地强调拓宽专业基础学科的范围和基础教学的内涵,同时体现培养目标知识、能力、素质协调发展的原则。应当给应用型人才的培养做好准确的定位,优化人才培养方案的指导思想、基本原则、特点及实施过程,进一步强调高校人才培养方案在提高学生创新意识、实践能力及融知识、能力、素质为一体中的作用。  相似文献   

As our first presentation in a series of academic program profiles, we are pleased to present the Organization, Information, and Learning Science (OILS) program at the University of New Mexico (UMN). The OILS program began in the 1980s as a vocational education program and has evolved into a program that focuses on human performance technology (HPT), instructional design (ID), and learning sciences. The OILS program is organizationally a part of the College of University Libraries and Learning Science. The library faculty brings positive synergy to OILS in terms of data management and information technology, research, education, and applied practices. The program offers an undergraduate degree as well as masters and doctoral degrees. It is very rare to provide an undergraduate degree in the HPT and ID fields, and the OILS program is proud of these pioneering efforts. OILS has a pragmatic tradition. The faculty members of OILS and its graduate students have conducted scholastic and practical research projects in HPT, ID, and learning sciences. Coursework emphasis is on cultivating students’ capabilities for excellent performance in the workplace. The program has a strong network within the local community with local employers as well as with local chapters of professional societies. The present demographics in the State of New Mexico in terms of the majority‐minority status are similar to the overall demographics that the United States as a whole will face within the next 30 years. OILS is an innovative program. – Sung “Pil” Kang, PhD and Yeol Huh, PhD, column editors  相似文献   

由于受到网络机顶盒性能、内存等资源的限制,使得面向网络机顶盒开发在家即可享受的IPTV服务程序与其他普通程序开发有所不同.本文以一款“快乐娃娃”IPTV益智程序开发为例,从软件开发需求分析、开发环境搭建和程序代码实现等方面,阐述了使用小图片和少代码行数的小功能程序开发的实现方法.“快乐娃娃”程序的开发可为相关程序开发人员提供技术参考.  相似文献   

人们通常将第二语言(以下简称二语)教学仅仅看作一种教学行为,因而多数有关二语教学的文献,要么仅论述教学方法,要么仅论及教材的设计与使用.其“潜台词”是,如果学生无心学习,错不在学生,而在教学方法或教材及教师.但是,要顺利实施一项二语课程方案,仅有教学行为是远远不够的,而是像任何成功的教育课程方案一样,其中包含多层次的规划、编制与实施等,不仅要确定目标,还要制订教学大纲、合理运用教材;既要确定教学策略、选择教师并进行培训,还要选定测验与评估的程序.一旦课程方案进入运行阶段,就必须启动相应的监控和评价程序.因此,为了设计出有效的二语课程方案,必须对课程方案编制的本质与过程有一个全面的认识.  相似文献   

通过对极受大众欢迎的电视节目《非常男女》获得成功原因的分析,从三个层面展开对主持人节目的“互动”传播模式的论述:首先,采用“互动”传播模式必须使栏目贴近大众生活,这是栏目的立足之本;其次,采用“互动”传播模式必须使栏目无条件地为大众提供服务,并强化其教育性,这是栏目的成功之源;再次,采用“互动”传播模式要求节目主持人要有亲和力和驾驭现场的能力,这是栏目的灵魂。  相似文献   

An online support distance-learning program in Mathematics was developed to aid first year engineering students for their transition from the secondary to the tertiary education in order to reinforce deficiencies they may have in mathematical knowledge. The aim of the present study is to examine, firstly, to what extent the attendance of such a program helped students to familiarize themselves with distance learning programs. In addition, the students’ satisfaction with the material of the program was examined as well as their attitudes towards a conventional support learning program in Mathematics. The structure and part of the material developed is presented in detail. The basic methodological tool was an appropriately structured questionnaire. The results indicate that students responded positively to the program, which was a basic way of acquainting themselves with distance learning, and were satisfied with the material. The students’ attitudes towards a conventional program was found to be related to their prior experience in distance learning programs. Statistical analysis of the research data yielded 4 basic factors related to the students’ beliefs regarding the support online learning program in Mathematics. These factors were student’s development and progress, satisfaction with the parts of the online support program, their attitudes towards a conventional program while being in the online support program and their familiarization with online distance education. These factors as well as the targeted identification of the students’ needs should be taken under consideration while designing and implementing support online distance learning programs in Mathematics.  相似文献   

文章从分析当前我国师范生招生的录取分数线,院校的评价及录取标准入手,认为当前我国师范专业的招生质量不高,影响到教师教育的质量。文章提出,提高教师社会经济地位;重建师范生的免费制度和教育服务制度———如采取与教育服务挂钩的费用支付制度;建立师范生的招生标准,严格招生程序是提高师范专业招生质量的关键性因素。  相似文献   

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