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网络言论作为一种特殊的言论形式,它有别于传统的媒介,但是从本质上来说,它还是属于言论自由保护的对象.纵现各国对于网络言论自由的政策来看,各国主要还是从抑制网络带来负面效应的角度来保障言论自由的.因此,对于网络言论合理的限制是必要的,但是相比较而言,对网络言论的保护更为重要.  相似文献   

陈娜 《科协论坛》2007,(1):155-156
博客的个人传播特征使得博客把言论自由提升到了一个新的历史水平,但是博客言论的自由也引发了与司法、伦理的冲突,博客的自由精神与公共、私人利益应该是平衡的,因此博客言论的自由应该是受道德和法律约束的有界限的自由。  相似文献   

德国汉堡法院的判决加强了网络经营者的责任和义务.从这一判决出发,结合美国和德国关于网络言论的监管立法进行深入讨论,从而为我国今后的立法提出参考.  相似文献   

言论自由是人们普遍关切的一种权利,但其却一直包含着诸多争议。在过去的二十世纪里面,围绕着言论自由理论,哲学家们展开了激烈的争论。正如斯坎伦所说:“作为一个哲学问题,言论自由是一个有关权利之本性和地位的更普遍的难题的一个实例。”在这诸多关涉言论自由的原则中,密尔的伤害原则又占着极其重要的地位。在本文中,将以密尔的伤害原则为基础,讨论关于言论自由所牵涉的几个重要问题,并表明言论自由的权利在当代社会的价值。  相似文献   

蓝麒 《科教文汇》2007,(9X):170-170
德国汉堡法院的判决加强了网络经营者的责任和义务。从这一判决出发,结合美国和德国关于网络言论的监管立法进行深入讨论,从而为我国今后的立法提出参考。  相似文献   

托马斯·杰弗逊关于言论出版自由的思想,奠定了美国的新闻自由传统,同时也为美国的新闻立法制度奠定了理论基础。他的这一思想与所处时代背景以及作为个体的素养密切相关,并且有其深刻的理论渊源和现实原因,其新闻思想也有一定的局限性。所以深入分析杰弗逊言论出版自由思想的成因,也就明晰了美国新闻自由传统的渊源及条件,有助于更好的从根基理解美国的新闻自由。  相似文献   

论新时期我国传媒中言论活动的复兴王天定传媒的言论活动,指媒介对各种社会现象、事件发表评论。究其本质,是媒介对意见的传播,是各媒介反映舆论、引导舆论的重要手段。没有高质量的言论,一个媒介在社会中应有的力量就会大大削弱。媒介的言论活动,包括媒介通过发表社...  相似文献   

技术可以包括自然技术与社会技术.法律属于社会技术.自然技术对环境的破坏可立法进行限制.立法要保护环境的生态平衡,把公正不仅赋予人与人之间,也赋予人与自然之间;法律这一社会技术对于社会关系的调节是以自然技术为基础的,它不仅存在特有的缺陷,也产生了社会技术异化现象.  相似文献   

"一言以兴邦,一言以丧邦"。网络时代的今天,网络言论足以影响民意,左右民心,网络言论理性表达事关国家安全、社会稳定和人民幸福。  相似文献   

王淼 《科学中国人》2014,(16):158-159
网络时代的来临,带来了新范围的言论自由,人们通过网络获得新鲜讯息,也通过网络表达个人评论。在自媒体时代,每个人,每台电脑、每部手机都是一个独立的传播者。在中国日新月异的发展进程中,各种矛盾通过网络的揭丑功能大白于天下,为中国社会的发展扫除了一部分障碍,揭示了阳光下隐藏的污垢,同时也因网络特殊的性质,使部分有心人抓住契机,肆意炒作,谋取不正当利益。网络言论自由是相对的自由,"网络揭丑"行为还需进行引导与规制。  相似文献   

龚立群  方洁 《情报科学》2012,(4):535-539
用户生成内容的迅速增长,为普通用户和商业网站提供了巨大的机会,但同时也带来了一系列法律问题。本文首先介绍了国内外用户生成内容面临的法律问题研究现状;其次对用户生成内容带来的知识产权侵权、隐私侵犯、仇恨言论、诽谤、网络色情等法律问题进行了分析;同时也分析了用户生成内容规范过程中所面临的法律、法规及技术的缺陷;最后从各参与方角度,提出了用户生成内容所带来的法律问题对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper charts the legal and institutional status of academic freedom in America after Garcetti v. Ceballos, a key First Amendment case decided by the US Supreme Court in 2006. It also addresses, in comparative compass, academic speech protection in the UK and the EU more broadly. Although a managerial ethos of university governance has reshaped academic freedom on both sides of the Atlantic, the shaping process has not been uniform. Differences in policy formation and institutional structure have produced significant variations in the safeguarding of faculty speech. Policy groups on the Continent have been particularly active in drafting aspirational statements on academic freedom. Both the UK and the EU also have legislation outlining the rights and responsibilities of university teaching and research. No such legislation exists in the US, where the courts have played a central role in determining the legal status of academic speech. Statutory provisions in Europe, by contrast, remain judicially untested. It is anticipated that academic freedom on both sides of the Atlantic will increasingly be defined in contract, with varying degrees of third-party appeal.  相似文献   

吴欢 《科技创业月刊》2007,20(6):141-143
商业诽谤行为不仅侵犯了经营者的利益,而且也损害了公平诚信的竞争秩序,各国的反不正当竞争法都将商业诽谤视为一种典型的不正当竞争行为。我国也对此做出了规定,但在立法上仍有一定的缺陷,为了有效制止这种对社会有较大危害的行为,有必要借鉴各国的先进经验,对该行为的构成要件、法律责任等方面进行明确。  相似文献   

What is so bad about Internet content regulation?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Legislation was recently introduced into theAustralian parliament to regulate the Internet. Thiscreated a storm of protest from within the computerindustry, where arguments against the legislationranged from those based on technical difficulties tothose based on moral considerations, particularly offreedom of speech and freedom to access information.This paper is primarily concerned with the moralaspects of Internet regulation, but within theparameters of current technology. It will argue thatsuch regulation can be justified, despite the factthat given the current technology there will bedifficulties with enforcement, and reduction inInternet performance.  相似文献   

The regulation of anonymous and pseudonymous communications promises to be one of the most important and contentious Internet-related issues of the next decade. Resolution of this controversy will have direct effects on the freedom of speech, the nature of electronic commerce, and the capabilities of law enforcement. The legal resolution of the anonymity issue also is closely bound up with other difficult and important legal issues: campaign finance laws, economic regulation, freedom of speech on the Internet generally, the protection of intellectual property, and general approaches to privacy and data protection law. The legal constraints on anonymous communication, and the constitutional constraints on those who would regulate it further, thus should be considered in tandem with the policies animating regulation and also their side effects.  相似文献   

Censorship exists wherever there is preselection of information made available to a particular group of potential users-that is, wherever there is an information intermediary between the information source and the user. Therefore, one cannot ask whether or not there should be censorship. Nor is it realistic to declare that freedom of expression should override censorship. A more useful approach is to ask what checks and balances should be in place to ensure freedom of expression and other basic information rights in the face of the necessity and reality of the information selection process. Two forms of legal intervention have been used to create our current regime. This article first examines delegation of the censoring/selecting power to particular intermediaries in the information cycle. Historically, power to select appropriate information for dissemination was delegated to the 'censors,' and examples of this approach continue in our law in such areas as access and copyright legislation and in unlegislated areas of the law such as confidential information. Second, the paper examines situations where the law regulates the censoring activity itself. In situations such as libel and obscenity, for example, our law preempts the intermediary by dictating the decision itself. The law, however, does not necessarily mirror actual decisions being made by information intermediaries. Empirical evidence suggests that selection/censorship decisions, which the current law might have been expected to affect, may be being made by other intermediaries and on other criteria than theoretical examination of the law would lead one to expect. These 'extralegal' forms of censorship can be very effective, but are we content to leave those decisions without legal control? The article concludes that more strategic empirical analysis of our current legal attempts to create effective checks and balances on the censoring decisions made by intermediaries will assist us in further law reform attempts.  相似文献   

百度竞价风波是搜索引擎偏见的典型体现。以竞价排名为特征的搜索引擎偏见与生俱来,具有一定的合理性,同时也具有严重的消极后果:伤害了新闻自由和个人自治,破坏了民主制度的基础和市场规则,违反了相关法律。如何减少和消除搜索引擎偏见,维护新闻自由,维持媒介市场秩序,促进个人和组织自治,推进民主进程,推动人类全面发展,值得深思。  相似文献   

Social media has become the most popular platform for free speech. This freedom of speech has given opportunities to the oppressed to raise their voice against injustices, but on the other hand, this has led to a disturbing trend of spreading hateful content of various kinds. Pakistan has been dealing with the issue of sectarian and ethnic violence for the last three decades and now due to freedom of speech, there is a growing trend of disturbing content about religion, sect, and ethnicity on social media. This necessitates the need for an automated system for the detection of controversial content on social media in Urdu which is the national language of Pakistan. The biggest hurdle that has thwarted the Urdu language processing is the scarcity of language resources, annotated datasets, and pretrained language models. In this study, we have addressed the problem of detecting Interfaith, Sectarian, and Ethnic hatred on social media in Urdu language using machine learning and deep learning techniques. In particular, we have: (1) developed and presented guidelines for annotating Urdu text with appropriate labels for two levels of classification, (2) developed a large dataset of 21,759 tweets using the developed guidelines and made it publicly available, and (3) conducted experiments to compare the performance of eight supervised machine learning and deep learning techniques, for the automated identification of hateful content. In the first step, experiments are performed for the hateful content detection as a binary classification task, and in the second step, the classification of Interfaith, Sectarian and Ethnic hatred detection is performed as a multiclass classification task. Overall, Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) proved to be the most effective technique for hateful content identification in Urdu tweets.  相似文献   

邵春发 《科教文汇》2012,(20):82-83
网络的普及催生了一种新的语言模式,即网络语言。网络语言即时地反映了人们的社会心理和文化心理,然而在网络中言论的极大自由导致了网络用语鱼龙混杂,雅俗共存,本文试图从文化与社会的关系角度出发,谈谈网络语言的"是与非"。  相似文献   

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