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The term ‘hypervideo’ has different interpretations in the scientific literature. The aim of this contribution is to define hypervideo as it is and can be (more optimally) used for teaching and learning purposes. Videos can promote learning by recreating real experiences and dynamic processes, although they do not necessarily enable students to interact with contents and to self-regulate their learning. Hypervideos technically overcome these limitations and add further benefits. However, even though some literature on the topic exists, the concept of hypervideo is not well represented in the scientific community and lends itself to different interpretations. Results show that hypervideo is defined as a dynamic artefact, it should allow navigation control and include additional material; it could also integrate individual or collaborative annotation and automated or manual feedback. So far, most studies have been conducted in artificial settings involving tertiary-level students. Finally, its use is beneficial for students’ learning.  相似文献   

Interactive computerized modules have been linked to improved retention of material in clinical medicine. This study examined the effects of a new series of interactive learning modules for preclinical medical education, specifically in the areas of quiz performance, perceived difficulty of concepts, study time, and perceived stress level. We randomly allocated 102 medical student volunteers into control and experimental groups. All participants studied selected anatomical and physiologic concepts using existing material (lecture notes, textbooks, etc.), while those in the experimental groups used the new interactive modules as well. All participants completed a quiz to test their knowledge of the assigned concepts and a survey to assess their subjective experiences in studying with the modules. We found a trend toward higher quiz scores in the experimental group relative to the control group, though it did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.31). Perceived concept difficulty was significantly reduced among those who studied with the modules (P < 0.001), and the number of hours spent studying the concepts was significantly increased (P = 0.028). Of those who used the modules, 83% rated them as “very helpful” or “extremely helpful.” No significant differences existed between participants' reported stress levels during the course of the study (P = 0.44). Our data suggest that medical students may learn more effectively and feel less intimidated by difficult concepts when interactive modules supplement traditional instruction. Anat Sci Ed 1:247–251, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

由于多媒体集文字、声音、图形、图像、动画、视频于一身,静与动相结合,多媒体教学摆脱了一些机械呆板的教学形式,依赖大量的多媒体素材把以往受时间和空间限制的内容搬进了课堂,信息容量大,表现力丰富,操作方便是多媒体教学得天独厚的优势。媒体的炒作、教育行政部门的干预,在我国掀起了一股课件热。由于我国除沿海开放地区外,计算机硬件资源分布还很不平衡,大家一窝蜂地制作课件,会造成一些负面效应,笔者认为应为课件制作降降温。  相似文献   

以《钢筋混凝土桥》教材为蓝本,使用大量的Flash动画,表现桥梁构造和施工过程,并附有大量插图,并介绍该课件的研制开发过程、技术关键和课件风格特点。  相似文献   

早在19世纪和20世纪之交,以本本主义为思想特征的知识教育学就受到了来自以人本主义 为思想特征的行为教育学的严峻挑战。杜威在他的名著《学校与社会》(人民教育出版社,1 994年版)中就提出了一个惊天动地的命题:“现在我们的教育中正在发生的一种变革是重心 的转移。这是一种变革,一场革命,一场和哥白尼把天体的中心从地球转到太阳那样的革命 ”。然而,在过去的20世纪里,这场革命不过是像钟摆一样从一个极端摆到另一个极端,即 从以本本为中心的系统传授知识模式摆到以儿童的偶发兴趣为中心的问题解决行为模式。前 者以赫尔巴特(J…  相似文献   

从1789年法国大革命开始到1815年拿破仑帝国倾覆的25年时间里,法国的社会制度发生了急剧的变化。社会制度的新旧更替,导致了高等教育制度的深刻变革,并由此影响了法国科学的发展。  相似文献   

The current study aimed at examining the efficacy of technological projects as learning tools by exploring the following questions: the extent to which projects in technology develop students as independent learners; the types of knowledge the students deal with in working on their projects; the role of problem-solving in technological projects; and how projects integrate into traditional schooling. The subjects were 53 high school (12th grade) students who prepared graduating projects in technology under the supervision of nine teachers. Data were collected by observing the students in the laboratory, administrating two questionnaires to both the students and the teachers, and analyzing 25 portfolios prepared by the students of their projects. The findings indicate that projects in technology provide a good opportunity to engage students in challenging tasks that enhance their learning skills. To maximize this potential, it is necessary to employ the project method from the early stages of learning technology. It is especially important that teachers having a strong engineering orientation also acquire pedagogical knowledge on issues such as fostering independent learning, creativity, peer learning and reflective practice in the technological classroom.  相似文献   

Educational applications (apps) offer opportunities for designing learning activities children enjoy and benefit from. We redesigned a typical mobile learning activity to make it more enjoyable and useful for children. Relying on the technology acceptance model, we investigated whether and how implementing this activity in an app can increase children's intention to use. During the 27-day study, children (N = 103, 9–14 years) used the app to memorize one-sentence learning plans each day. Children used three different app-based learning activities throughout the study. In two standard activities, children reread or reassembled the words of the plan. In the redesigned activity, children represented the meaning of the plan with emojis. Children repeatedly reported on their attitude towards each activity. Subsequently, children reported perceived enjoyment and intention to use the app. Results showed children found the emoji activity most enjoyable, and enjoyment of the emoji activity contributed uniquely towards intention to use. Additionally, children's enjoyment of the app mediated their intention to use the app in the future. Overall, the study suggests that children's enjoyment of an app is crucial in predicting their subsequent intention to use, and it provides a concrete example of how emojis can be used to boost enjoyment.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Educational applications provide children with unrestricted access to mobile learning resources.
  • Positive attitudes towards educational applications predict behavioural intention to use these applications, at least in young adults.
  • There is a need for more research examining the relevance of enjoyable learning activities in fostering children's sustained usage of an educational application.
What this paper adds
  • Positive attitude towards the use of emojis during learning activities uniquely contributed to children's behavioural intention to use the application.
  • Perceived enjoyment predicted behavioural intention to use the application.
  • Perceived enjoyment mediated the effect of attitude towards using learning activities on the behavioural intention to use the mobile educational application.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • These findings highlight the importance of enjoyment for children's' acceptance of educational applications.
  • Enjoyable learning activities are necessary to ensure sustained usage of educational applications.
  • The paper provides a concrete example of how emojis can be used to boost enjoyment of a typical mobile learning activity.

Teaching is a stressful profession. The causes are many but solutions are available to help the teacher cope. The author offers thirteen practical suggestions to manage stress.  相似文献   

This paper presents a group of elements to improve teaching and learning in technological education. These elements are based on some contributions issued from contemporary educational models, namely, the thematic approach, meaningful learning, concept maps, and the spiral curriculum. Based on a thematic approach, a new way is proposed to select the contents that will be explored in the educational process. We emphasize the benefits of a thematic approach in students’ motivation. After contents are chosen, we propose the use of the directives of meaningful learning and concept maps, as a method and as a tool, respectively, to organize knowledge hierarchically, from general and inclusive concepts to specific ones. This may facilitate learning and understanding of the great bulk of knowledge to be dealt with during technological courses. A proposal has been submitted for a teaching module in computer networks and also for a complete course plan. The spiral curriculum was applied during the development of learning in the classroom, where some fundamental concepts were introduced many times over, adding more details gradually. A qualitative analysis of the application of these educational proposals, including learning evaluation aspects, is also presented.  相似文献   

论述在《彩色电视机维修技术》实训课程教学申,通过改革实训教学内容与方法,转换实训室管理模式,提高实训设备的利用,制定合理的实训成绩考核方法,达到调动学生的学习积极性,提高教学效果、操作技能,培养学生职业能力的目的。  相似文献   

本文论述了多媒体教室建设、网络多媒体教室的功能以及多媒体技术在计算机教学和其它学科教学中的应用,强调了交互式多媒体教学方式带来的传统教学模式的革新。  相似文献   

化学制药工艺学的知识内容多、跨度范围广、理解难度大,具有较强的专业性、实践性,当今教学中通常采用多媒体教学。在介绍互动教学及其必要性的基础上,针对化学制药工艺学多媒体教学互动性能差,探索并实践了其互动教学模式。化学制药工艺学课程的多媒体互动教学措施的实施是一个系统的教学过程,包括课前课件准备、课中具体实施,两部分需要有机结合,且师生双方的参与、互动贯穿整个教学过程始终。  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革背景下传统多媒体课件已经不能满足计算机辅助教学的要求,全交互智能化课件将是新型多媒体课件开发的方向。作者的工作基于Flash软件开发平台,以弹簧振子为例,利用Flash ActionScript 2.0脚本语言进行课件编程,并对设计和实现全交互智能化物理课件的过程与方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

交互性在多媒体课件设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交互代表了传统媒体和先进媒体之间的主要区别。它的定义应是学习者能够融入所提供的学习环境中而成为环境中的一份子。交互的关键是系统是否能够按学习者不同的需求调整交互并提出建议,引导学习者主动参与各种探索活动,进行多次层的思考、判断、不同系统的交互程度是不同的,从学习强化、学习速度、学习路径和精研、推敲五个方面的交互品质,可把交互分为三种:反应式交互、主动式交互和双向式交互。  相似文献   

The notion that parent involvement impacts student learning outcomes for children who are at risk for failing academically has been supported by prominent early childhood education experts. Recent attention has been given to specific ways parents can help increase student learning through their interactions with children as they complete home learning activities. It is important to note that the term parent is used interchangeably with the terms adult, guardian and family member. The term “at-risk reader” refers to readers who are at risk of failing school because of reading deficiencies. This report will examine whether parent training to increase parent–child interactions during the completion of second grade Interactive Homework Assignments (IHA) can facilitate increases in a student’s ability to draw inferences from reading selections, a skill closely aligned with proficiency in reading acquisition. The second grade level was chosen because these children were those whose teachers were concerned with preparing them to take the third grade SAT9. Third grade level was not selected because many of their professional development activities were prescribed due to their immediate concern with preparing students to take the SAT9. IHA, for the scope of this study, is homework designed to increase parent involvement and student achievement. The results indicate that specific parent training during a brief period of time, approximately four weeks, has the potential for improving academic performance for academically at-risk students.  相似文献   

教学媒体自上世纪进入教学领域以来,一直是影响教学活动的重要因素。但是我们发现,媒体的更新换代似乎进入了一个怪圈,每种教育媒体都是大张旗鼓的进来,销声匿迹的退出,而我们的教育领域没有得到很大的改善。再看我们今天的多媒体、网络技术,是否有一天也会悄悄的走出教育领域?本文通过对媒体发展的怪圈现象进行分析,试图找出其根本原因,并提出几点对策。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on problem based learning (PBL) is concerned with efficacy or with guidelines on design or implementation. Relatively few articles focus on problems with problem based learning, and none that we could find provided suggestions as to how interactive multimedia might help alleviate those problems. In this article we begin with a review of problem based learning including a rationale for its use in the curriculum. Then we identify some of the problems inherent in designing and implementing problem based learning, and end the article with a discussion of how multimedia might be used to address some of those problems.  相似文献   

阐述了网络和多媒体技术特点及其在本科专业中的应用。针对当代大学生的特点,提出如何利用丰富的网络信息资源浏览,检索Web of Science三大引文索引,收集科技资料,开展研究型学习的方法。结合教学实践进行交互式,讨论式的教学的做法与体会。  相似文献   

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