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Mentoring beginning teachers: What we know and what we don't   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reports the findings of a review of the international research literature on mentoring beginning teachers. Research identifies a range of potential benefits and costs associated with mentoring, and suggests that the key to maximising the former and minimising the latter lies in the realization of a number of conditions for successful mentoring, such as the effective selection and preparation of mentors. We also highlight a number of limitations in the current evidence base on beginner teacher mentoring. Some implications, for the practice of teacher educators, for policy-makers and for future research, are considered.  相似文献   

From showing in a general way that there is room for course context to influence class (average) ratings of instruction, this review proceeds to a search for specific course characteristics that are associated with these ratings. Extant research has centered around five such characteristics: class size, course level, the electivity of the course, the particular subject matter of the course, and the time of day that the course is held. Although statistically significant zero-order relationships do not appear in every piece of research located for review, such relationships are more likely to be found than not for the first four of these characteristics. The associations may not be particularly strong, but rather clear-cut patterns do emerge. Of the studies reporting an association between size of class and class ratings, most find it to be inverse, although several studies show a curvilinear (U-shaped) relationship. Teacher (and course) ratings tend to be somewhat higher for upper division courses and elective courses. Compared to other instructors, those teaching humanities, fine arts, and languages tend to receive somewhat higher ratings. The possible reasons for these relationships are many and complex. A precise understanding of the contribution of course characteristics to the ratings of teachers (and the courses themselves) is hampered by two circumstances. Studies in which relevant variables are controlled are far fewer in number than are the studies in which only the zero-order relationships between course characteristics and ratings are considered. More importantly, existing multivariate studies tend to underplay or ignore the exact place of course characteristics in a causal network of variables.  相似文献   

Both nationally and internationally, teacher education is coming under scrutiny from governments and bureaucrats. There is a popular view that once again educators have got it wrong and strong action is now needed to provide the kind of teacher education that can support the objectives of governments in areas such as industry restructuring and improving international economic competitiveness. In Australia, strong pressures are being exerted on the political, industrial and labour market fronts to reform teacher education. This paper reviews efforts that have been made to date and advocates the regulation of the profession by the profession as the only means by which teaching can be given the kind of status that will be necessary to protect it from outside interference.  相似文献   

Recent changes in education in the UK seem to be contributing to an increasing prevalence of setting in comprehensive schooling. This paper charts the micropolitical history of ability grouping in the science department of a London comprehensive secondary school to show that issues of good pedagogic practice are at risk of becoming marginalized in the developing market culture if they appear to stand against market imperatives represented by the perceived requirements of 'valued' parents.  相似文献   

Biographies of New York Mayor and Congressman Fiorello H. La Guardia are rhetorical acts that affirm La Guardia as an American hero by establishing and vitalizing his image. The biographies differ to a great extent depending on whether a biographer had a professional affiliation with La Guardia. Writers not affiliated with him use documented sources, direct quotations, and personal observations, and emphasize the themes of the Puritan Ethic and Progress/Competitiveness. Those associated with La Guardia exhibit highly general, idealistic portrayals and dramatize La Guardia's image with the more mythic themes of success, equality of opportunity, morality, and pragmatic humanitarianism.  相似文献   

通过文献查阅和实验对比等方法,归纳总结出《三十二式太极剑》提示语,并对105名实验组和88名对照组进行了对照性研究。结果表明:《三十二式太极剑》提示语教学缩短了教学时间,有利于教师的教和学生的学,有效的提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

有人说,习题是学生认知的拐杖,在某种意义上讲一点也不错。因为,通过讲练结合的习题教学形式,能帮助学生消化和巩固所学的知识,提高分析和解决具体问题的能力,但“拐杖”的质量如何,首先取决于教师的敬业精神、责任心和事业心。其次教师对习题要有一定的驾驭能力。多年的高三教学实践使我深深体会到,倘若不面对学生实际,过分迷信名校名人,  相似文献   

This article begins with the premise that it is possible to trace teacher education development and reform in terms of the major questions that have driven the field and the sometimes competing ways these questions have been constructed, debated, and enacted in research, policy, and practice. The author argues that currently “the outcomes question” is driving teacher education. Generally, the outcomes question includes debates about what impacts teacher education should be expected to have on teacher learning, professional practice, and student learning as well as debates about how, by whom, and for what purposes outcomes should be documented, demonstrated, and/or measured. The article identifies three major ways that the outcomes question in teacher education is being constructed in the research literature, the policy arena, and the media: outcomes as long term impact, outcomes as teacher test scores, and outcomes as professional performance. Each of these is analyzed in some detail, drawing on related analyses from policy and teacher education practice. Finally the article suggests several concerns about how the outcomes question is being constructed in teacher education, questioning some of the viewpoints that are being legitimized or undermined and drawing particular attention to the impact of these for a just and democratic society.  相似文献   

讨论家庭装潢电气设计的接地保护 ,介绍了低压配电系统的接地保护型式和各自的特点及一些接地保护时需要注意的问题  相似文献   

试论学生问题意识的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生问题意识是学生创新精神的起点,高度重视学生问题意识的培养,为中外教育家所共识。本文针对我国学生问题意识比较薄弱的问题,从教育环境、问题情境角度,论述如何培养学生的问题意识。  相似文献   

关于电子线路实验接地问题的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从接地的基本原理入手,结合电子线路实验中遇到的实际接地问题,分析、讨论电子线路实验中仪器和线路的接地问题及其重要性,得出了一些电子线路实验接地的方法。  相似文献   

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