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关于高职高专机电专业实训基地资源共享的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秋珍  吴敏 《培训与研究》2005,22(2):118-120
近几年,湖北省新建或改建的高职高专中机电专业实训基地的建设,由于资金投入不足,或组建时间过短,或仪器设备陈旧老化等因素影响,无法满足学生实训教学的要求。因此,根据本地区各高职高专实训基地建设的具体情况,以及本地区各相关机电企业布局的优势,对现有资源实行有效整舍、优化配置、资源共享、有偿开放,充分利用社会资源,做到校企对接,使学生能力与就业岗位“零对接”。  相似文献   

当今中国,大学生社会实践日益繁荣,社会实践已成为大学生不可或缺的一门课程。但近年来,大学生实践出现了诸多问题,实践活动形式化、低质化现象日趋严重。特别是煤炭地质专业学生社会实践,由于专业的特殊性,其存在的问题更为严重。作为高校教育工作者,如何完善大学生社会实践活动,特别是煤炭地质专业学生实践活动,提高大学生社会实践质量,成为我们不得不思考的问题。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的高校获批试办翻译本科专业学位,翻译教学的研究越来越深入.然而,就翻译本科专业实践课程体系建设而言,目前国内(大陆)的现状不容乐观.因此,有必要基于现有的翻译本科实践教学研究成果,通过对这些现状的调查分析,提出有针对性的解决办法,以便对翻译本科专业实践教学课程体系建设有所助益.  相似文献   

Recently, the state has used testing more extensively to influence instructional practice. But how much do assessments actually influence practice? To explore this issue, we observed middle-grade mathematics teachers in England and Wales with their highly aligned curriculum and assessment system and two US states with performance-based assessment systems promoting more thoughtful instruction. Maryland's tests had higher stakes attached to them than Maine's. Our observations suggest that testing policies can influence the content taught and promote certain kinds of teaching to the test but that basic instructional practices, like the kind of explanation teachers offer to students and the intellectual challenge of the work, are more difficult to influence. We suggest three hypotheses for the apparent stability in underlying teaching practice. First, some testing policies do not challenge those practices. Second, assessments that do challenge current practice may not be accompanied by adequate professional development to help teachers change practice. Finally, teachers' knowledge and beliefs about teaching mathematics are so deeply embedded that they are difficult to influence.  相似文献   

Schools and governments are increasingly investing in adaptive practice software. To date, the evidence whether adaptivity improves learning outcomes is limited and mixed. A large-scale randomized control trial is conducted in Dutch secondary schools to evaluate the effectiveness of an adaptive practice program relative to a static program. Learning theories predict that adaptive practicing is more effective, but this experimental evaluation provides a more nuanced picture. Relative to the static software environment, students working in the adaptive software environment receive more difficult exercises, practice longer and answer fewer questions correctly. Takeup and usage of the software program is, overall, modest, but varies considerably within and between classrooms. The outcome differences between both environments are more pronounced in classrooms with higher practice intensity. On average, no test score effects are found, but static practicing does improve test scores for higher ability students (0.08σ). Caution is thus warranted when adaptive practice software is implemented to address individual learning needs, as static formative test preparation can be more effective in improving test scores.  相似文献   

师范院校美术教育的目标是培养中小学美术教师,而不是艺术家。因此,在教学内容和要求上应体现师范性,注重学生师范职业素养的培养。同时,还要加强美术教育专业学生的教学实践和实习,有针对性地调整或增设师范职业性的教学内容以满足美术教育专业学生教学实践、实习的必需,追求教学实践实施过程中的科学系统性和连贯性,以保障教育实习质量;培养合格的中小学美术教师,完成高校美术教育专业人才培养任务,实现学生全面发展的目的。  相似文献   

当前教育实践性课程的重要性已得到高师院校的普遍关注,但在实施中仍存在着诸多问题。文章提出了全程贯穿反思性实践、增加实践时间、改革实施方式、构建科学的实践课程体系、提升课程指导力、加大投入和管理、探索教育实践制度创新等解决问题的对策,以保证教育实践性课程的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the mental practice literature as well as more current research on the effect of specific mental preparation strategies on skilled performance. A synopsis of the mental practice literature indicated that mental practice was generally effective in enhancing performance. For maximum effectiveness, mental practice should be used in conjunction with physical practice and should not be thought of as a replacement for physical practice. The degree of effectiveness of mental practice is dependent on a number of variables, such as conceptualizing ability, previous experience, task type, and length of practice session. Recently, researchers have begun to study the effect of specific mental preparation on motor performance. Some of the more popular techniques include imagery, selfefficacy statements, attentional focus, preparatory arousal, and relaxation. In addition, several recent techniques such as stress innoculation training and visuomotor behavior rehearsal use a combination of the techniques. Although preliminary empirical research is encouraging, more controlled outcome studies are necessary to determine the effectiveness of these techniques in enhancing skilled performance.  相似文献   

我校海洋科学专业本科生实践教学体系的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学是我校传统的教学优势,也是新建的海洋科学专业需要强化的教学特色。针对海洋科学专业涵盖面宽广的特点,本专业正在完善中的实践教学体系包含着四个部分:课程内实习、实验课实习、小学期实习和毕业论文实习。为培养合格的专业人才,加强实践教学是重要途径之一。  相似文献   

针对专业课学时少,内容多的矛盾,以及本科生毕业设计综合质量不稳定的情况,结合指导专业生产实习的累积的经验,提出把专业课的部分内容向生产实习移植,并在生产实习之前就把毕业设计题目落实到具体学生的观点。介绍了为实现专业课部分内容移植进行的一些探索和体会,阐述了让学生在专业生产实习中获取更多与毕业设计内容直接相关的感性知识的必要性。  相似文献   

教育学研究理论与实践脱节的根源在于:教育学研究的“政治化”倾向、传统的“重理论轻实践”、传统思维方式的“务虚”倾向、教育学研究的主体失衡、教育学研究的伪圣化与简单化、学术评价的误导等。教育学研究要聚焦教育实践,需要关注实践、参与实践、批判实践、改进实践,方能使教育学研究走向健康、正常的道路。  相似文献   

在科学技术迅猛发展的今天,人类与自然的矛盾越来越突出,空气污染、水污染、土地污染等一系列的环境问题日趋严重。因此,在改造客观世界的过程中,人类作为实践的主体,应该反思这些问题和矛盾,应该辩证地看待主体性实践,应该对实践的价值进行反思。目的就是要审视和反省当今人类实践的盲目性、漠视自然的以人类为中心的行为,限制和减少人类实践的负效应,有效控制实践过程,科学反思与评价实践价值。只有如此,人类才能与自然界和谐相处,才能实现人的自由发展,才能突出实践的真正意义。  相似文献   

高职高专《桥梁工程》课程的特点是理论化程度高,内容抽象难懂,与实践结合困难。若要将理论和实践结合起来,教师可以通过应用现代计算机辅助教学手段,学生则通过在实际工程实践中顶岗实习,施工现场的参观学习,以及参加锻炼实际技能的桥模比赛等教学活动,以达到理论和实践结合之目的。  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which age, education, and practice experience among social work graduate students (N = 184) predicted cognitive complexity, an essential aspect of critical thinking. In the regression analysis, education accounted for more of the variance associated with cognitive complexity than age and practice experience. When age and direct practice experience were controlled for, education accounted for 6% of the variance in cognitive complexity. Results suggest that education experience may play a more important role in social work student cognitive complexity than age or practice experience. Implications for social work education and assessing student cognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨大学生社会实践活动对其人际关系心理的影响,采用半结构性访谈对西南大学的68名大学生进行访谈,经过对访谈文本内容整理和分析得出结论:1.大学生社会实践活动的类型多样,以从事教职、公司挂职为主;2.社会实践活动改变了大学生对人际关系单纯、理想化的认识;3.社会实践活动使大学生掌握了更多的人际交往技巧;4.大学生社会实践活动改变了其对待人际关系的心态;5.社会实践活动使大学生在处理人际关系时更加包容、自信、合作;6.社会实践活动让部分大学生更注重人际关系的功利性和工具性。  相似文献   

The role of school psychologists with training in neuropsychology is examined within the context of multitiered models of service delivery and educational reform policies. An expanded role is suggested that builds on expertise in the assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders and extends to broader tiers through consultation practice. Changes in federal legislation to allow more flexible approaches toward assessment are viewed as a catalyst toward the integration of neuropsychological practice in school‐based practice. As a set of priorities, recommendations are made for reforming assessment practice in schools, linking neuropsychological test results to academic treatment outcomes, and developing consultation practice with parents and teachers for early identification purposes and to integrate school‐based services with community mental health services. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

地质资源与地质工程学科创新人才培养的实践教学体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来社会企业需要地质学生具备宽广的学科基础和多种潜质,具有开展三维和四维综合、解译和预测的创新能力,地质资源与地质工程学科要培养合格的创新型工程人才,要进一步加强实践教育。本文从创新型工程人才的能力结构角度出发,建立了创新人才实践教学体系,包括课程基础实验、开放实验、野外实习等3大模块。  相似文献   

随着经济社会对实用型人才需求的不断增加,实践教学开始受到高校和社会的热切关注。实践教学是培养学生综合能力、良好职业道德,全面提高学生素质的重要途径。酒店管理专业是一个实用性极强的专业,实践教学是酒店管理专业自身特点的需要,是培养高级实用型人才和酒店业快速发展的需要。酒店管理专业实践教学缺乏完备的实践教学体系、实践教学模式和考评体系等问题,应当以能力培养为中心,改革课程体系,构建实践教学模式,完善实践教学考评体系,加强实践师资队伍建设等方面进行改革。  相似文献   

在中小学教育实践中,信息技术与课程整合的实施有十多年之久。在教学一线,教师们积极地采用各种信息技术手段来完善自己的课堂教学,但是总有不足之处。通过对当前信息技术与课程整合现状的调查,总结了中小学教育实践中信息技术与课程整合存在的问题,并提出了信息技术与课程整合的策略,以期能为信息技术与课程整合教学实践的顺利实施提供更多的帮助。  相似文献   

教师发展教学个性不仅给教学注入新鲜的活力,促进学生个性的发展,也能实现教师的自我价值.在新课程改革的推动下,各种新的教学理论、教学模式和教学方法不断涌现,但在教学实践过程中,教师的教学逐渐模式化、固定化,缺乏自主创造性,教师的教学个性在改革的浪潮中逐渐被淹没.新课程改革呼吁教师教学个性的成长,这不仅需要教师充分发挥主观能动性,也需要学校和社会各界积极关注并提供相应的条件,科学引导教师教学个性的有效生成.  相似文献   

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