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Due to the effects of globalisation and rapid technological development, traditional linear life course patterns of the past are gradually disappearing, and this affects education and learning systems as well as labour markets. Individuals are forced to develop lifestyles and survival strategies to manage job insecurity and make their skills and interests meet labour market needs. In modern attempts to develop and implement institutional provision for lifelong learning, guidance and counselling play an important role. The current Danish guidance system is well-organised, highly structured and professionalised. By contrast, Chinese guidance is still fragmented and “sectorisational”. This paper explores whether elements of the highly structured and professionalised Danish guidance system and practice might be applicable to the Chinese context. The author begins by outlining international and national factors which are affecting citizens’ life and career planning. She then presents and discusses the evolution of guidance and the different elements of provision in each of the two countries. Next, She compares the concepts and goals of “lifelong guidance” in Denmark and China, pointing out their similarities and differences and their respective strengths and weaknesses. The paper concludes with some suggestions for the further development of guidance in China.  相似文献   

美国高校的就业指导注重个体的"发展",在突出"人职匹配"就业概念的同时,更关注大学生的全人、终身发展.以职业生涯教育为核心的美国高校就业指导模式突出了高校就业指导的实效性、系统性及专业性的特点.经过多年的发展和完善,美国高校的就业指导形成了相对成熟、完善的运行机制.爱荷华州立大学作为一所传统的美国高校,其就业指导较为成...  相似文献   


This article describes how visual methods, particularly photography, can be used in the context of careers education and guidance. It begins by acknowledging that this context is undergoing rapid change given the policy agendas of lifelong learning and social inclusion. However, although these policy agendas continue to emphasize the importance of self-knowledge in managing career development, this represents an area of continuing difficulty in terms of curriculum design and delivery. In recognizing this dilemma the article suggests that visual methods can provide careers educators, guidance practitioners, and their clients with the means to engage ‘self’ in the processes of career learning and planning.  相似文献   

Internationally, schools acknowledge their responsibility in guiding students not only in their academic growth, but also in their lifelong career development. In relation to this development, vocational schools in the Netherlands are implementing integral career guidance in which teachers receive a new task in guiding students in developing their own learning and career paths. A questionnaire was developed to investigate students’ perceptions of career guidance by teachers during career conversations, and data involving 28 teachers were collected from 579 students. The study identified four different teacher guidance profiles. Remarkable is that teachers spoke very little about career issues, and school issues were mostly on the agenda. The results indicate that teachers struggle with the transition towards becoming a career guide of students, and aspects influencing the transition into this new role need to be considered.  相似文献   

无边界职业生涯时代高校职业指导的创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校职业指导工作要想适应无边界职业生涯时代经济社会发展的客观要求,必须通过创新来重建其职业指导体系,其基本思路是:通过职业指导观念由重指导学生选择职业和就业向发展学生就业能力的转变,实现为学生的终身职业发展服务;通过职业指导路径由单一的校内直接性职业指导,转向校内直接性职业指导、校内间接性职业指导及学校与社会结合性职业指导的复合,实现其“全员全程”职业指导体系的建构。  相似文献   

The results are presented of a policy-focused review of career guidance services in 10 Middle East and North African countries. A range of economic, political, socio-cultural and educational factors which seem likely to have constrained the development of such services, and to have influenced the forms they have taken, are discussed. A number of drivers for change are outlined, the nature of the main current services is described, and a number of common issues are explored. Six broad themes are identified for the future development of career guidance services within the region.  相似文献   

高校职业生涯辅导课程的开设、各项相关服务工作的实施,对于学生的生涯发展与终身幸福、学校人才培养质量的提高、社会人力资源的开发均有着极其深远的意义.目前我国高校职业生涯辅导课程的开发理念亟待更新、开发程序亟待规范、课程实施与课程评价方案尚需完善.  相似文献   

任玥姗 《职教通讯》2012,(10):52-55
学校向生涯过渡(STC)是一种基于学生本位的全民化、终身化的职业教育发展新理念。由此导向美国职业教育发展对以往的学校向工作过渡(STW)的超越。STC的核心要义在于变革传统的以工作为中心的思想,消解STW与高标准改革的冲突和自身复杂性的问题,寻求以学生本位的终身职业教育的校企合作、生涯指导和课程整合。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国中小学教师在职教育的基本取向经历了由注重学历补偿和适应向注重引导发展与改革、由重视学科知识掌握向重视教育能力提升、由依赖单一培训模式向倡导多元培训模式的转变,其大致走势是:从职前与在职二元分离走向系统观指导下的教师教育一体化,从数量应急走向终身教育理念引领下的教师自主专业发展,从工作关注走向人文精神观照下的对教师个性和生命的关怀,从职业提升走向基于生涯发展理论的教师生涯设计与经营。上述变化与走势的动因是:对我国社会经济政治变革的适应,对基础教育改革与发展的回应,对教师职业专业化大势的因应。  相似文献   

文章分析了目前我国高校职业指导工作的现状。提出我国高校职业指导服务工作应该以职业发展为导向,贯穿整个高校教育的全过程,广泛动员社会力量,培养专业化的师资队伍,探索多样化的职业指导方式,紧密结合专业教学过程,运用信息传递新媒介,以此来推动我国高校职业指导工作的发展。  相似文献   

The results of a survey of Public Employment Services in all the Member-States of the European Union, plus Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, are reported. The career guidance services offered within these structures are reviewed, in three categories: career guidance elements within personalised employment services; specialised career guidance provision; and other relevant provision, including career and labour market information and the delivery of services to students. Four trends are identified: towards self-service provision; towards tiering of services; towards decentralisation; and towards outsourcing. Finally, four issues are addressed: quality and impact measurement; role tensions; foregrounding the identity of career guidance; and the role of Public Employment Services in relation to lifelong access to career guidance.  相似文献   

中央民族大学就业工作现状、问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中央民族大学近年来大力发展就业工作,明确就业工作指导思想、建立就业工作领导机制、大力开展制度建设与信息平台建设、扩大与用人单位的联系,采取加速发展战略、提升就业指导质量,并开始构建全程化职业辅导体系。但与此同时,就业工作仍存在市场开拓不足、就业调查有限、就业指导师资缺乏等一些具体问题,应针对这些问题加强对策研究,建立科学的、可持续发展的就业工作长效机制,确保就业工作稳步提升和富有实效。  相似文献   

企业终身教育是我国终身教育体系的重要组成,对于提升我国人力资源质量水平、提升企业竞争力具有重要价值。企业终身教育具有企业的微观自主性,但是也需要国家宏观政策的干预与引导。在制定企业终身教育政策时,需要考虑到教育机会公平、专业学科建设、企业终身教育地位、教育资源共享、企业教育信息化、从业人员专业资格与职业发展。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,韩国在职业教育改革中推行了从学校到工作过渡的政策,其内容和经验有:激励学生有更高的目标追求;提供能反映企业需求并与国家技术资格证书相联接的教育计划;职业院校建立职业生涯咨询制度;促进校企合作等。该政策实施过程中需要政府的大力支持,也需要终身学习理念的引领。  相似文献   

高校辅导员就业指导工作在学生就业指导和管理工作中承担着非常重要的角色,随着社会新就业形势的发展,当前高校辅导员就业指导工作已经无法满足学生的就业需求,研究高校辅导员就业指导及管理工作的创新,对于做好高校大学生就业工作有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

国内高校的职业生涯教育在理念上对“职业”层面过于倚重,而忽视其“生涯”层面以及教书育人的|女质。在此困局下,需要对职业生涯教育的理念进行纠偏,以通识教育引领职业生涯教育,以通识性作为职业生涯教育工作的基本原则,以完人教育和终身教育的方式革新职业生涯教育工作现状。在路径上,职业生涯教育要从生涯意识启发和生涯能力实训两个层面展开。  相似文献   

文章分析了技工院校学生职业能力的内涵,阐述了加强技工院校学生职业能力培养的意义,从转变观念、专业建设、校企合作、职业指导、实践活动和评价体系等六个方面探析了职业能力培养的途径和方法。  相似文献   

个性化就业指导是根据学生个性差异进行因人而异的就业指导。个性化就业指导应坚持以人为本、生涯教育和人职匹配的指导理念,并积极探索指导的主要内容和途径方法,实现个性化就业指导的全程化、科学化和全面化。  相似文献   

朱姗 《成人教育》2018,(6):91-93
为促进终身学习,波兰实施了多项推动措施,主要包括实施新型国家资格体系,推动多部门通力合作,注重职业指导和咨询,提升劳动者技能和资格,关注弱势群体的技能开发,形成鲜明的特色.波兰的实践经验可为我国终身学习提供重要启示.  相似文献   

以科学发展观引领大学生就业指导工作,必须坚持以人为本的思想,确立以就业为中心的人的全面发展观;以“全面全程就业指导”促进大学生就业素质的全面提高,构建完善的就业指导服务工作体系;以服务推进大学生就业各个环节、各个方面相协调发展,培养大学生的创新能力、创业能力,保证大学生就业能力的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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