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虚拟社区作为大学生最常接触到的一种网络形式,深刻影响着大学生社会化的进程,为其社会化带来了机遇和挑战。为此,我们采用社会统计调查的方法,对大学生参与虚拟社区对其社会化的正面和负面影响进行分析,提出了在该背景下大学生成功进行社会化的建议和措施,以期为建设和谐校园营造良好环境。  相似文献   

Five suburban community colleges in a metropolitan area collaborated on a survey to parents of high school graduates of the class of 2002 who attended the colleges in fall 2002. The study was undertaken to learn more about parents roles in their students selection of community colleges, to give insights and information about this important community college constituency, and to assist community colleges to shape more effective ways to foster positive and supportive opinions among parents of potential students. Parents want the community college to provide students with credits and grade point averages enabling transfer, overestimate their students academic skills as measured by course placement tests, engaged in a number of college-choice activities, and indicate that factors associated with lifestyle and money were major reasons for selecting the community college. Associations between parents social capital and perceptions of their students academic abilities were found for a number of dependent variables examined. The study also revealed important differences in how participating institutions record and calculate key measures such as credits earned and grade point averages.  相似文献   

言语社区的发现和鉴定标准有五要素说、四要素说、三要素说等。本文运用言语社区理论的五要素说,对大学生网络社区进行了考察,试图证明大学生网络社区是一个言语社区,并对言语社区的鉴定标准提出了自己的思考。  相似文献   


The author examined the effects of cooperative learning on the achievement in and attitudes toward mathematics of a group of 5th-grade students of color in a culture different from the United States (i.e., Bermuda). Students participated in 12 weeks of R. Slavin's (1978) Student Teams Achievement Division method of cooperative learning in mathematics during the fall semester. Students completed 2 measures: the computation and application sections of the California Achievement Test (1985) Form E (Level 14) and Penelope Peterson's Attitude Toward Mathematics Scale for Grades 4-6 Students at 4 different intervals. The measures were completed as pretests at the beginning of the semester (before students were exposed to cooperative learning) and as posttests at the end of Weeks 5, 9, and 13. Data were analyzed with a 1-factor (4 levels) repeated measures analysis of variance design to ascertain whether there were significant differences among the pre- and posttest scores. Results suggest that there were positive gains in attitudes and achievement.  相似文献   

网络作为当代社会一种新型的沟通方式,它对当代大学生的人际交往能力的影响巨大,由于它的隐蔽性、包容性、便捷性等特征,不仅为大学生的人际交往搭建了一个全新的平台,显示了它的优越性,但同时,也由于网络的虚拟性、时空跨越性等特征,也对大学生的交往能力产生了消极的影响,本文在分析网络对大学生的人际交往能力的正反影响的基础上,积极探讨在网络时代如何加强对大学生的人际交往能力的培养及对策研究。  相似文献   

Previous research conducted by Pascarella and his colleagues (1996) has shown that undergraduate students tend to change toward greater openness and tolerance to diversity from their freshman to their sophomore year. Although the study by Pascarella includes many different types of universities in the United States, the average size of the entering freshman class in their research was reported to be approximately 4,000 students. While these findings are extremely valued in a general sense, Pascarella believed that they might not be found at very large universities. To our surprise, our findings indicated that large universities may have higher levels of openness to diversity and campus connectedness than what was originally explained by Pascarella.  相似文献   

铸牢中华民族共同体意识关乎时代英才的培养,高校思想政治教育对大学生中华民族共同体意识形成和铸牢有着举足轻重的影响。文章对地方高校大学生中华民族共同体意识的培育进行研究。要注重培育途径的多样化,加大宣传教育力度,引导大学生深刻认识铸牢中华民族共同体意识的重要性,同时注重整合各方力量,形成教育合力。  相似文献   

学生社区党建是当前高职院校适应党建新常态,抓好基层党组织建设工作的重要工作内容之一。要推进学生社区党建工作机制创新,必须适时打破传统、拓展空间、转变方式和转换视角,在组织建设上强化"三个实现",党建文化上突显"三个创新",工作机制上实现"四位一体"。  相似文献   

贫困大学生作为一个新的弱势群体,其就业问题应该得到高校和社会各界的高度重视。贫困大学生是否能够成功就业不仅关系到学生自身及其家庭的命运,也关系到高校、发放助学贷款银行的可持续发展,更关系到社会的公平与稳定。由于我国目前严峻的整体就业形势,自身陈旧的传统就业观念、不健康的就业心理、较低的综合素质、高额的就业成本以及匮乏的社会资源,贫困大学生在就业问题上较非贫困大学毕业生面临着更为严峻的形势。要改变此局面,高校应采取多种措施,将帮助贫困生的就业作为毕业生就业工作的重点。  相似文献   

介绍了大学生社区服务的主要内容,指出其主要形式有假期社区服务活动、社区管理部门挂职、建立大学生服务站、建立大学生培养基地。认为大学生是专业理论知识的实践者、校园与社区文化传播者、社区文明的继承者和建设者、德育的实践者和传递者。  相似文献   

高校处于社区之中,社区包含着高校;高校师生是社区的成员,社区是高校不能回避、不能摆脱的环境因素。复杂的高校校园文化,深受地域性的社区文化的辐射和影响,同时也积极地反作用于社区文化。高校校园文化与城市社区文化之间存在着紧密的互动关系。  相似文献   

高职院校的大学生作为一线高级技术人才和管理者的后备军,肩负着人民的重托、历史的责任。加强对他们责任意识的培养,意义十分重大。但由于家庭、学校、社会等多方面的原因,他们的责任意识较为薄弱,要改变这一现象,高职院校必须采取切实有效的措施,使大学生以强烈的责任意识承担好自己的历史使命。  相似文献   

插话行为是大学生交流中常见的言语行为,其功能各不相同。研究主要从表示异议、改变话题、推进谈话、表示赞同等四个方面,研究男女大学生在同性会话与异性会话中使用插话功能的性别差异。研究结果表明:在同性会话中,男生与女生在使用插话的动因上存在明显的差异;而在异性会话中,双方表现出更大的相似性。  相似文献   

Research indicates that there has been a decline in college reading over the past decades, yet few studies have been conducted at community colleges. The aim of this exploratory study was to gain a broad view of what reading across the curriculum looks like at one urban community college from the perspectives of students and faculty. A survey was administered to students to gather information on their reading practices, beliefs, and attitudes. A second survey was distributed to full-time faculty to gather information on assignments, practices, and beliefs regarding reading. Findings indicate that many students do not complete assigned readings. Further, women students spend more time on reading and attend class more often having completed assigned reading than men. There are discrepancies between students’ and faculty’s assessments of students’ reading abilities, whether reading is essential to course success and between the kinds of readings commonly assigned and those students enjoy reading. The study identified areas for further research on reading in community college including the relationship between gender, reading compliance, and community college outcomes; the effectiveness of reading compliance strategies; the relationship between PowerPoint use and student reading; and students’ use of active reading strategies. The findings also point out the need for pedagogical innovation in the teaching of reading in community college, namely through the implementation of reading across the curriculum programs.  相似文献   

试论以人为本的高校学生管理   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以人为本的学生管理是以往高校学生管理所欠缺的重要内容,有其内在深刻的原因.随着社会发展和科学技术的进步,以人为本的学生管理将成为一种必然趋势,它是深化教育改革和培养人才的需要.只有从调整和变革教育管理观念、管理体制、校园文化、队伍建设和管理工作方式方法等方面入手,才能实现以人为本的高校学生管理.  相似文献   

和谐校园视野下的高校学生管理工作探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学生管理工作在建设和谐校园中具有重要作用。而以往的高校学生管理工作与建设和谐校园的时代要求有诸多不适应性,要求高校学生管理工作必须着力创新,从工作理念、管理制度、管理体制、工作格局、文化氛围、队伍建设等方面入手,以期高校学生管理工作在建设和谐校园中大有作为。  相似文献   

虚拟社区信息的丰富性、形式的互动性、身份的隐匿性、价值的多元性,一方面对高职生提高认识自我、满足自我需求,养成健全的人格和社会性,促进自我的全面和谐发展起到了重要的作用;另一方面,虚拟社区在促进高职生的心理健康发展的同时,它与现实的差异和相互影响也对高职生的心理健康发展产生了不容忽视的负面影响.  相似文献   

针对高校学生成绩评价的必要性,对高校学生学习成绩进行因子分析,得出影响学生知识和能力方面的主要因素,建立学生成绩因子分析模型。并通过实例研究对该模型进行检验,结果表明,学生成绩因子分析模型更为科学、合理、公平,旨在揭示不同课程对于学生不同学习能力培养的联系,进而为以后进一步深入研究提供依据。  相似文献   

毕业生就业是高职院校的生命线,提升学生自我的就业意识是关键。要充分发挥高职校园就业文化的驱动力作用,以文化的浸染带动学生就业意识的提升,从而在根本上促进学生就业。  相似文献   

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